. i!1 J,'.fa\ '£ Thursday September 14, 19§1 .-"v.•>«*#*.e>fvv.> \ \' f*-'* llnfL'i>lli>>W(« I- .: iiimmim vxZu.;: •• OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS III Addition' To A)r. Cue; arid Mr. Weber CARROLt k: _Chairman of the Bopr<| ; v - •'s Judge Carroll serves .on the bench, in both the ,Circuit arid Appellate^ "-Courts. He. has been chairman of. the.bo&ird jt>f directors of the. McHenry State. •since 1937. He was elected to the '|p:'yeWs previous. . >' r . KW. -A.. NYP, M.D. ^ , j- , flirector Nye has^ been a jifyy^ician and surgeon in McHenry ,;sli vi^th. the Exception of four Spirit, as a navahqfficer in World reside^ on P»takee Bay an^' liaS-.b ^idjrector; of th« bank since .1939:/'/Vf w . s" » THOMAS F. BOLG^ «J'-iSj.Cashier %" • ...„ ... F.; Bolg^r' has begn -with; ! t\tk State Bank since tel^ptiott of three years arrlhy ;diity -ilttti. Ilig World War II. Tom was 'cjashier in 1957 and elected -to^th^ boa^fl " III'i960. ~He lives at '3513 ;5Sp^;S|^i \ Street in. McHenry. •- J %•:•*?* t W> '- *• *^y --if* H mm, I RICHARD J. ZIEAIAN - , ^j^^rard j: Zielnan is a Rr|idua(;e ^'ji^ W^i^in Sch^l .of Banking, In adwfj^ beortIcing duties, Dick Officer. He'Feside&^« |he -yijfla^e of Hawthorne W^rids • jfev^erv&s as Village Treasurer."' - . HIGHLIGHTS IW LONG / HISTORY ARE BECALLED; •-The &tfefl?y 'State Bank first opened fifr',husiriess as tfie West Mc-i Henry Stj^ B^nk on Monday> September 10, 1$)6, with capital stock of 5S5.0OO.OO| ^ije first Board at Directors cons^lfed! of Simon Stoffel, F. H. 'JI&ttM h: Hanley! E^n L.' Wagner ainii '.Parker, S. Webster with Wagner feeing elected president and Webster jjjnd Stoffel being named vice-/ presidents. Carl Stenger was the bank's first Cashier and the first employee was Julia Sto^Eel Reihansperjffer when the, batik opened for business in the Bre^ feld building on the south side of Main Street. The "Westy 'McHenry State Bank prospered oiT its way to its present position as' McHenry County's largest flhancial ^institution and soon needed larger quarters. This was accomplished With ther purchase of property west of P. B, -Freund's Saloon and the construction of a modern new building in 1915. The following year the capital Stock was increased to $50,000.00, and E. L. Wagner was elected the first chairman : of the Board of Directors with Dr.' C. H; Fegers moving into the president's seat. Hie loeal bank was active in the sale of liberty bonds during the First World War and joined the Maximum War Savings Club. The year 1920 saw deposits nearing the half million dollar mark. New directors up to this time included Dr. Fegers. F., A. Bohlander, W. E. Bradley and Richard B. Walsh with Cart W. Stenger being named to the board in 1923. Verona Niesen Kent ana Ellen Walsh were assistant cashiers at this time, Robert L. Weber and Floyd Foss were named assistant cashiers in 1926 when Verona Niesen Kent was appointed cashier. .Carl W. Stenger replaced the deceased Dr. Fegers as president in 1924 a|ld Parker S. Webster was elevated to the position in 1926. It was during the same year that Gerald J. Carey returned from a stretch of military service and a position as bank examiner. he had served the bank as assistant cashier in 1918. He was named cashier the following year. Jn 1927 the banking hours were changed to allow the employees a half day off each week during the summer months. the "roaring 20's" moved by and injg:^ did Frank Wattle ^eiduhi •&r his tfeath in 19^; McHehry's leadh|| citizens the baiik board the bank's history • ., . , . In 1949 the McHpnr^ Bank 'te^ these capital stock was-,fncr^^[ to $100,- long them beinifV William .000.00. The foliovyin^ i^>«;Robert L. V'repdfl BRepllllefrr, Jame^%v U/nl\n>> u,nD : j^idhqlr E- Sherman 1933 saw WiMl^W>^P»>:', V W 'following year Jr&eph W;(fe/^|^l and Dr. N. J. McHenry State fi&k t«i>k pver the depoBits am} thfr .asset®' of thp ^ebiites Stit# Bank and Ilk Jiirtgwctedi^ tpe Bafijk in 1933., f^loyd Foss w^lniar^d Assistant cash^r to join Haroitf l&cdn Who was a^Arited to the posftion three years ^ •; previtAis. /The&'lvyb men are now .presidents of nedfihbQEina banksy Mr. Foss at Itk?lv morid ah(|" Mr. Baqon at Crystal Lakf.) Membership in the FederaJ De[)osit Insurance Corporation wast Obtained in. 1935 and in the Federal- Reserve System hi 1938. Chairman of the Board, William M. Carroll, was named to his present position f^in 1937 which gives him the distinction of serving longer in his current position than any ol the present bank officers. Charles Reihansperger was named vice president the same year, a position held thru the years by such men as Simon Stoffel, Parker Webster. Dr. Fegers, Gerald . Carey, F. A. Bohlander, Richard B. Walsh, and William M. Carroll. In 1938, Dr. Wm. A. Nye replaced his father Dr. N. J. Nye on the Board when the later was taken by death. In 1940 deposits reached a million dollars and the war years sent the total sparing to two an<} one half million dollars by 1943. On April 23, 1942, the last of the original Board of Directors, President Simon Stoffel, was taken by death. Mr. Stoffel, one of the founders of the bank, ha£ served as officer &nd director for thirty-six years. The following year, Gerald J.- Carey was elevated to his current position as president. Robert L. Weber was named Cashier and Lillian Larson, assistant pashier. These Were the war years of. World War Two an^ the, bank was busy with defense bonds ant} ration stamps. Like every other business, the boys were off to war and the girls had to. perform many of. their duties In 1946 the bank name was changed to , . , the McHenry State Bank and deposits the bank continued to grow. Simon I reached $5,00d,000.00. James Larkin Stoffel was named president in 1930 was named assistant cashier dtiring this to replace Parker S. Webster who I year with Thomas F, Bolger and Verne was taken by death. Both had been j E. Harrison attaining the position two on the original Board of Directors i years lat<Jr, and served continuously from the be-1 Margaretha Krsuse Spurling retired s§. after having taken cate^Qp: the main- (airman. in 1032, « post he, tenance from almost -tHe^jblginning oif L h)s • tlld. honlr'o hlciAtur. Weber was named.v^d^^| The! McHenry .St^te 'ESa^ went on five day . weefei:in.:fe^Mhie bank's feposits stood ,at. inthe;: dttilfiop dollars :$nd the present ban|cWB^4^rters Were becoming too growdeti^%piandle the Volume of business.'/>A<'8j9^ror a new bank had been obtairtGtl 6^ithe comer of Green and El^ . Street ih the geographical and poptilatioi^ 'c^iter of the area served. . Bank Building and; Eqi^^ment Cor- . poration of America, beij^^ne of the world's leading firms" iijj'^it- field of .designing banks',1 as architects for the n£\v gliding., Competitive bids were tetken ^rt^l the general contract was awarded^to Tonyan Construction Company witlt-Jloeal labor being employed almost in eMrety. Const ruction started in Jvfly of '|955. The McHenry - State . j^hk opened for business in the countyV rnost modern banking facility on Thursday, July 19. 1956. A huge grand opening and the 50th anniversary celebration were held the following week. Total deposits were around eleven million; dollars at the time of the move to the new building and have increased specatcularly to the present total of ix&r eighteen million dollars. The increased business resulted in many promotions in the bank's official family. Robert L. Weber was appointed Executive Vice President and was replaced as Cashier by Thomas F. Bolger. James E. Larkin was named Assistant Vice President and Ellen Walsh, Auditor. New assistant cashiers were Lucille K|>ox, Donald Wattles, and Richard Zieman. Bolger and Zieman were elected to the Board of Directors in I960 and 1961, respectively. A Trust Department was established in 1960 with . Robert L. Weber named Trust Officer to be assisted by Richard J. Zieman. The long proud history of the McHenry State Bank will no/ doubt continue for many years- A firm foundation has certainly been set by those who have devoted their liyes to one of the finest financial institutions in the country. Of note, is the fact that only six men have served as president during the fifty-five years, puring this time there have been five cashiers, with three of them holding: the position for a combined^ total of fifty years. Yes. McHenry can i be proud of its bank -- as proud. $s the bank is of its, patrons, who have made the McHenry State Bank, McHenry County's largest financial institution. JAMBS E. LARKIN Assistant Vfee. President •James "E. ' Larkin joined . the staff of the. JftcHenry Static Bank in. 1940 and has.:served c'ohtin- 1 ously except fqr Service during the war in both the army and haVy. Jim heads the bank's installment, , loaij department.; He '. resides ihH^Fienry on 1st Avenue. DONALD WATTLES Assistant Cashiek-. •... Donald Wattle§, in addition -to his regular duties, also serv^ as head teller. Don has been ,'with the bank since ^1955;^ He-resides with his father, Howard, in Fair Oaks, south of McHenry. ELLEN WALSH r '= Auditor FHen Wafsh returned . to the McH.enry State Bank in 1955 aft- .^r several years in the investment field ' Her assistanpe as auditor ftOd her knowledge of investments, have -been invaluable to both the" btok and its patrons. MAiflf; COMMONlTiES HEpaESEWTBD BY STAFF Th^ ®4cl?ehry. State Bank is staffed your, friends and neighbors. Almost every section of • the community is either-now,-or has been in the past, frepresehted on the staff of the bank. Vfe j^re proud to ^ pt-esent our staff, representative off Greater McHenry. financial matters are as important, to Us as, they are to you. WE ASK TO SERVE YOU CONFIDENTIALLY, COURTEOUSLY AND EFFICIENTLY. Lenora Frlsby, who resides at Charles Street in McHenry with her father, Robert, is the receptionist at the bank, a posiliorr she has held* fbri five years. In-Addition1 to ^eerfetarihl work, Lenorii handles most of the indorsing telephcaie- .caUs and eii^0nicr inquiries. Naircy Weber 'Fs' -ffi" her second year with |tire bank. She resides' with her mo.the£, Mrs. Henry J.\.^el)er, and bro^l^^.|^.;,-Jfrf)iksbufg. ;-»ai»cy is a stenographer and ^ also attests at the vaultr'« • *'; ,• I M|iry Welsenburger is th^ vault custodian and has been with the bank mofe than two years. Rtyry. '"is the daughter pf Mr,' 'and, l^rs. Martin Weisenbiirger-. of Wonder LliHe. In addition , td' keeyint5 .records pf- 1,800 safety deposit boxes,. Marj( is also a skiiledstenographer. • : Hllle^,: daughter 6f Mr. and Mrjs. llenj^ HiU^r,„ resides in. JohnsbuHg. Pat is another of the ibank's capable stenograjfhersc, .in addition to helpingt wjth the vault and in the book- .keeping department. - •! Llhian C.'alrn» heads the bookkeeping deijarttnent. w/here she supervises the work. of approximately twelve girls, tiifljan. who resides -with Her parents, Mi^-'and Mrs/ John Unti and daughter, Linda, has ~ been with the (bank eight ye^rs. The . girls in this jdepartment work behind the scenes and although they do not come in direct contact with the customers as much a$ do those "up front"; their work is equally important. The quality of tlje work in this department, the checkbooks, and the customers statements is the banks best advertising. Nancy Justen Blake resides with her husband, Donald, on Route 31 North of McHepry. Nancy has been one of the bank's outstanding bookkeeping machinc operators for five years. Lona Nowak Patzke, another top bookkeeper, lives with he^* husband James, and daughter in McCullom Laka Lona has been in this work for three years. She formerly worked at the bank before her marriage. Lona is also a very capable teller, iand serves as relief teller at the Drive-iin window. ; Ruth Leska lives with, her husband Edward in Kent Acres. She has operated the proof machine" for a year, but had previous bank experience before coming to work at McHenry J^tate. Joyce Schwanke, ' the, former Joyce Schmitt is a bookkeeper who followed her sisters, Jean Vogel and , Phyllis White, as bank employees. Joyce lives on Riverside Drive with her husband Axel. Judy Stilling is also a bookkeeper who lives with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling at Richmond. Judy has worked in the bank almost three years. , Donna King Schaefer has been a proof machine operator during her two years of service. She lives with her husband, Ted, on Richmond Road North .of McHenry. , Andrea Brenoan lives at 1332A Riverside Drive in McHenry. She has been with the .bank about two- yeftcs. Andy is another one of the girls- tttKT"niake the McHenry State Bookkeeping- -Department the best in the c6aritry. Janice Huff lives'.in «foHnsbui*g.with her parents, the \Albert Ruffs.-in her year at the banl^ Janice "has assisted with the .keeping, of the generai lx>ol<s, in addition to her regu(lar bookkteping d u t i e s . v ; \ • ' ' " . . . f > . Sue IVUller, daughter tit Mr^aob-^Mrs. Earl Miller of Wonder Lake; has Worked as a bookkeeper, since her employment smarted a few months ago. - The 1961 high school, graduates who are now employed by the McHeijry State Bank are. Jftan Bauer, who. resides at 813- Center Street with her mother, Olivia Bauer; Sharon Berkley, daughter of, the 1'Het^nan! Berkleys of Edgebrook Heigh ts; Frances Mayfleld who is the daughter itf Mi*s.Ernest Schroeder, lives at 3089 Main' Street. All three girls are graduateis, k,of ^McHenry High School. Sharon aAd Frances operate bookkeeping machines, while Joan is learning the: -operation of the proof machine. Wauconda High is represented by bookkeper Janice Wagner of Volo. She is the daughter of the Leroy J. Wagners. Bonnie Lechner is a graduate of Grant High School. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lechner live at Fox Lake. Bonnie is the bank's newest employee. AJan Meyer, formerly of Spring Grove, is one of (he newer employees. A1 is a note teller and resides with his wife and two children at 1613 N. Riverside Drive. Albert Vales is a popular commercial teller. A1 is an accomplished musician, and took up banking three yeart ago. He resides with his mother on -River Road south of McHenry. Ronald Smith, the son of Mrr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, resides in .'Johnsburg. Ron has worked at the' bank three years during school vacations, and has completed two years of college1 (with straight A's). His job is also that of note teller. Vioia Jurgens has been a teller in the savings . department for seven years. She formerly worked for the bank several years; ago. She lives at 3410 Washington Street with her husband ai. : .; Lay erne Reed is starting her second year as a teller. She lives with her hushand, Earl, ;and daughters in West Shore Beach • at McCullom Lake. Grace Hieimlh'irdt, also a teller, has completed a year at MqHenry State after previous banking experience. She and' her husbahd Forfest live in Pistakee s Highlands, Eftvera .Ruhman, the popular drivein window tellejr is w^ll in her second -yed^at] the! bank.: ""Dolly" and her husband Ray live in rtheir new .home at 515£ Country ^>lub Drive. Ddfotfly Stoffel, daughter of the Martin ! Stoffels ,3612 W. John Street spei(it three ye^rs in the bookkeeping department. "^Dottje" has. recently been woirUing as a savings teller. SUmmer- vacation employees were Arm Peschke and William Anderson. Ann; the dai)^itef of Mr. and Mrs. B. • J.. .Peschke .'^resides on . Route 120 East Of McHenj^. She has returned to her' sfeoond year at. Rosary College. Mr. an^-;Mrs. Lawrence Anderson's son Bill lives at StcCullom. Lake and is in tiis'v. senior y^ar at McHenry High. Bc«th. Ann and "Bill filled in for vacationing' empl6^«}es and do an excellent jot^.^r either bookkeeping or the teller's cage;-' *. ^cayse I the flow of bank work is Regular it is. sonietimes necessary to : have additional help during peak peijods: The McHenry State Bank is most, fortunate in being able to obtain the,., .services of several former employees who, because of their families, are' not able to'Work full time. Among the-; girls who can and have stepped in to do an excellent job in any department in the bank are: Dolores Dowel 1 Fish,, and Roberta Wirfs Francisco, both of Wauconda' Jean Schmitt Vogel from Richmond, Doris Berkley Wagner from Spring Grove, Shirley Berthoeux Nye, Phyllis Schmitt White, Ruth Phannenstill Granger and Lillian Nordin Larson from McHepry, loan Freund, Pistakee Bay, Kathleen Freund Moehlin^, Huhterville Park and Donna Adams Anderson and Diane Freund Neiss of Johnsburg. This is the staff of your bank. They invite you to. stop in during the 55th anniversary Celebration or any time they' can seiMfe1 you. If you are not already a customer of the McHenry State Bank, you too are invited to come in vand; 'meet your neighbors. TrfRY AttJ-r PLEDGED TO SERVE YOU CONFIDENTIALLY, COURTEOUSLY AND EFFICIENTLY. Comparative Deposit table 1906 : $ 31,988 1910 171.140 1915 :..:r !301.976*' 1920' 448.446 1930 644.707 1940 1.119.693 1943 4.863.253 1950 6,541.772 1952 : 8.448.705 1954 .: 9.864.364 1956 ...... 11.649.291 1957 12.515.260 1958 : 13.916.753 1959 15.045.026 1960 16.143.313 t'1681 (June) 18,882.935 Our Services Include: Checking Accounts Low Cost Accounts Savings Accounts Safe Deposit Boxes Banking By Mail Personal Loans Real Estate Loans Modernization Loans Agricultural Loans Automobile Loans CoQitnercial Loans Chris&mas Club Trailers Checks Bank Drafts Bank Money Orders Financial Counsel Guarantee Signatures Credit Reports Escrow Agents Trust Seimces We are also agents for the purchase or »f'f of Stocks and Bynds. MIIBHBV CIIBIIHT BANK