Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1961, p. 18

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P«g* EighiMn Lakeland Park FETE NEWCOMERS AT WELCOME PARTY THURSDAY EVENING Gloria Flannljfan - KV. 5-4710 Chris Fospoz - KV. 5-4942 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 28. 1$1 The welcome party will be held tonight at 8:30. at the community house. All newcomers and ladies who have never attended one of these affaire are cordially invited 1o come and meet some of your neighbors. Little Leagtip News On Sept. L'9 at the community house there will l>e a Little Leasrue meeting at 7.30 p.m: for nominations and election ol officers for this coming fiscal year, The Little Lea rue will hold their second annual dance Oct. 7, at the VFW hall. Tickets are available through all managers and' coaehes and their families. Let's all try and attend this affair to help our boys get their equipment. So get yourself lined up uitli a baby-sitter and come out fm an evening of fun; All the boys who played ball in the Lakeland Park baseball league are invited to attend the Father and Son banquet, which will be held on Oct. 15 at 1:30 o'clock at the Moose hall in McHenry. So keep this date open and have an enjoyable time. Cub Scouts The first meeting of Cub Scouts this year will l>e held Monday. Oct. 2. at 7:30 at the community house. This will be registration night. Any boys from eight years olds to eleven years old are urged to attend, also they should be accompanied by their parents. See you there, bovs and parents? Women's Club Next Thursday the Women's club will meet. Any woman who belongs to the LPPOA is eligible for membership in the Lakeland Park ..Women's club. Guests may attend a social meeting once. Fee for a guest at a social is equivalent to the monthly dues. Remember the facts: Oct. 5 at 8:30 at the community Rouse. Hope to see many a new faces and old ones there. j Show is re-enacting their show Christening ] He was eleven years old and , Sunday, Oct. 27, at the Wood-' Kathleen Marie Burmann. ! hac1 several of his friends in- : stock Moose Lodge No. 1329. ; tjny daughter of Joan and Dick ' eluding his brother over for j The show will be sponsored by Burmann. was christened last . some cake and ice cream. In : the Moose Lodge and is set for j Sunday. Sept. 24. at St. Pat- , the evening the boys were j ^ p.m. t ! rjc]i s church bv Father Coak- i t'"patccl to a movie. Also pres- | Proceeds will go to the Chil- j iey Her godparents are Mr. ! ent were Grandma Mrs. P. j dren's Home in Woodstock. If j a„d Mrs. J. Eichelman of Chi- ' Laursen. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mo- I you missed the show the last ! cago Joan served a delicious j lie and daughters, Elise and time, really try to get out and i dinner of ham and all the trim- Andrea. • see it this tide, the acts are mjngs to Grandparents Mi. Carol Alfmunn gave a survery Well played and there is an(] jvjrs; Burmann of Fox prise birthday party for her i just a lot of lun in store for Lake. Grandparent Mrs. Marie , "has-been" Ed on Saturday, ; .vou- Lierevaag of Chicago, Mrs. A. ' Sept. 23. A good time was had Paar of Fox Lal(<e, Mr. and : by all who attended. They were Mrs. J. Fougerousse and their j Ed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. five children, Mr. and Mrs. ; Altmann, his sister and broth- Eichelman and their two chil- | er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. the Hafers for a barbecue. It was the first time for the three couple to enjoy a barbecue on the Hafers' new barbecue pit. They had a grand time and ehjoyed delicious hamburgers and all the trimmings and as usual, the gals trimmed the boys in pinochle. Good going. Gal.4-! 7.30 at the VFW hall in Mt H e n r y . A n y o n e w i s h i n g t o a t tend is welcome to do so. brothers. Billv and Michael. Civil Defense Meetinp There is a general meeting of the Civil Defense Unit beim* held Thursday, Sept. 28, at ; dren all from Chicago and Rogers, Mrs. Bernice Nelson and Jerry Heller and Judy Loewe and boy friend all of whom are from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Walter from Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. G. Loewe, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kief, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lense all from Lakeland Park. Grownup type g-ames* were, played at Ihe party. (HO-HO) Raymond Bottari celebrated his twelfth birjifiday with two Welcome Home ' ' We wish to extend a speedv Well-W ishes A neighbor will be knocking -'ecoNery to Rose Halas who at your door soon asking if you has returned home from the would like to be a well-wisher hospital on Monday. Sept. 18. in our Snow Ball dance book. Coffee Klnehe Daisy Krupinske of 1617 N. Beach road had a few gals in for an afternoon cake and coffee session while the husbands are away slaving at the office. Those present were plaine Jett, Vicky Bottari, Marge Franklin. Lee Glorch, who was j busy baking cookies, came over ' later for her share of cake and i coffee. added attraction will be a toy fair. If anyone has usable toys not in use and would like to donate them please contact Mrs. Dolores Leanard 385-1886. It is sponsored by the Women's club. Bazaar Information Get well quick, Rose! Happy Anniversary Wish To: Dolores and Jen-v- Rog- The Lakeland Park Worn-.™5 on their tenth anniversary ()f hj; ,)0y fr^nds-,ast week ens club will.hold its annual bazaar Saturday, Nov.. 4, at the community house. Barbara Muerer is chairman of this project. Vol^fiteeis and articles are needed for each booth. Anyone interested in donating any particular item or helping in a certain booth may call any of the following, ladies: Chris Fose/e EV. fi-4942: for bakery and food items. Christmas! on Ocl. 4. May you both have 1 Rny treated Kevin Lavin and many more years of wedded Dennis Keatcavitz to a movie ' in McHenry. Afterwards they ~ 'enjoyed ice cream and cake at Happy Birthday Wishes To- Elaine Jet) on Sept. 2S: to Joyce Pankiewiez on Sept. 30 ami to Carol Janicke also on Sept.'30; to Diane Lcfier who celebrates her seven ih the Bottari home. Carol Janicke celebrated her ninth birthday Sunday, Sept. 24, although her birthday isn't t'di Sept. 30. Helping her celeb r a t e w e r e G r a n d m a a n d birthday on Oct. 4; and to grandpa Timm, grandma and . . T t,„ ... .,,T -s i Harry Cvgan who chalks up j Ljramlpu Janicke, Great-grand- "'"'l,'iJ(,ss!e Matthews EV. n--another year on Oct. 4: and m!) Qladhill. aunt Gertrude 604.: Handmade items. Gloria yet ano(hor to Lee Revak on j Gladhill. Aunt Pat Kordell and annigan . . - < u p Oct. 4. To six year old Randy < cousin Julie Kordell and brothelephani booth. LiNan Glosson Koczar on Oct. 2. May you all er and sistPr Crissy and Stevie, EV. 0-^(11; Surprise package , have h;,,,,,,. day. , nnrl hor narpnts Rimnv ami Bridge Club Tuesday evening was the first meeting of the bridge club. It was held at Bernice Boyce's home. The players attending were Ann Leigh, Lucille Dietz. Louise McEnery, Joyce Braun, Ivy Lezak, Ann H e r z o g . G a y l e L a u r s e n a n d Ruth McMahon. High caloried desserts w.ere served and a grand time was had. Demonstration Marge Franklin was hostess to a demonstration Wednesday, Sept. 20. Attending were Vicky Bottari, Jean Parisi, Elaine Jett, Millie Pintozzi, Betty Walker, Kay Reining and myself. A delicious snack of pies and cake ^as served. Visitors IiV and Dorothy Becker played host to Irv's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irv Becker, Sr.. i of Chicago. They spent a few days at the Becker home. Visiting The Herzogs entertained last Sunday the A1 Marbergs of Oak Park and son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herzogl of Oak Park. The occasion was a birthday celebration for two of the guests. A delicious dinner was enjoyed. Dolores and Jerry Rogers and family spent Sunday. Sept. : 24, in Chicago attending a going-away party for Dolores's (brother, Michael Figueroa. • Mike has joined the Marines ! and left last Tuesday for a j base in California. | Ron and Barb Muerer spent Saturday evening bowling in | Niles with a couples bowling league. They said they had a grand time. Last week Wednesday Barb Muerer attended the Home Builders pot-luck supper at the Methodist church in McHenry. Don and Toots Gerstad took a ride to see her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Birkinbine, who have just moved into a new home in Wasco, 111. They spent an' enjoyable afternoon there. . Ed and Lee Glorch had their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Glorch, and children, Gordon, Gail, and Kurt, over for dinner on Sunday and spent a pleasant afternoon together if you can call a rainy day pleasant. The Glorches are from Fair Oaks. RIGHT MAX FOR RIC.HT JOB Employers know that it's important to fit the right man with the right job. There are many jobs which the disabled worker can perform at peak efficiency. Thus, smart employers have discovered that the right man in the right job is not handicapped -- but is as competent and capable as his able-bodied colleague. JOB PLACEMENT Panelists and speakers at an Alton conference agreed last week that proper placement is the answer to successful employment of the handicapped. Properly placed, the so-called handicapped worker is no longer handicapped, according to Vincent P. Hippolitus, Wellington, D. C., principal speaker at a dinner in the Stratford hotel. Hippolitus, director of field operations for the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, expressed the hope that more and more employers soon will learn to detect abilities as readily as they see the disabilities of prospective employees. IP PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION The 17th annual National | Employ the Physically Handii capped Week is Oct. 1 to 7, ] according to official proclama- ! tirm by President Kenned>. j Employers are urged to ob- I serve NEPH Week by giving the handicapped an equal ^£>b opportunity. It's good business. booth, Lvda Radisch EV. 5- 2754. For further information call Barbara Muerer EV. 5- 4356. Minstrel Show The cast of the Minstrel i and her parents. Bunny and ! Bill. A hu<-re meal was served Belated Birthday Wishes land topped off with a wonder- To: Ted Kaminski w h o ! ful birlhday cake. chalked up another year on „ . , _ . i the twenlv-fifth of this month, i Ha He Ho's School Parents | * . | This notice is in regard in! • ~ ~ ! Salurrlay evening the Hasome children from Lakeland j, ,r 1 av °,nSs , He- Ho s were at it again. Mr. Park who have been seen cross- A Pni,,y w'ls hafl ,or Jimmy , and Mrs. Her/og and Mr. and ing the highway on Meadow- I L?urs('n on Sunday, Sept. 24. ! Mrs. Haunt.ras were invited to | lane to catch the bus in Lakei land Shores -Unit 3 bus shelter. ; There is no need for this as there is adequate bus service j in Lakeland Park. You parents I should warn your child of the danger of crossing this highway as there is no mark of warning. If there is not adequate bus service for your child get in touch with the school and find out about this before someone gets seriously injured and other more drastic arrangements will have to be made. THEY'RE HERE 1 EVERGREEN 5-4345 - IMP ^ i P.T.A. Carnival % The P.T.A. carnival is planned for Saturday, Oct. 2S, at the Edgebrook school. The Use Our Free Planning Service! Considering a room addition--- a major repair job--or remodeling? Let us help you on proper materials, and other important points you'll need to know! Plus an estimate on the job. This exact information can guide you to a/ safe and worry free decision. RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be CLOSED On Mondays until DAIRY. Inc. further notice* m Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 7 big sheets, a 5 x7 shag rug or big family wash " now . . . only s Get full'time economy that only starts with Ford's low price Come in and meet the trucks that make saving money a full-time business . .. new Ford Trucks for '62. In a selection of over 600 new models, there's a truck that can save money on your job, whatever your job I They keep saving mile after mile, load after load, year after year I Our new '62 Fords save on price. They save on gas and oil. They save on tires and on maintenance--wherever there's a way to save. Come in today and let U6 show you how. Check out the facts, work out a deal and drive out in a truck that saves money ... full time! Soya Duty V4 or Cummins Diesel power gives Ford's new highway tractors superb performance. (GCWs up to 76,800 lb.) New Big Six for Ford Meiunu offers 27 heavy duty engine features, long-term reliability, economy I EcoaaHna--aD-round economy ludtf-can save fioo each 16,000-mile year on gas, oil and tires over conventional pickups. Carries %-ton loads! Exclusive one-piece cab-body design gives Ford Styleside Pickups extra strength, extra capacity! EeomllM Vai is priced far below popular convention^ panels, yet has larger loadspace (204 cu. ft.)!. Model No. DG623 at Northern Illinois Gas Company Showrooms. Only $1.41 weekly with ud to 36 months to pay. ASK ABOUT OUR eb-DAY PROOF-OF-ECONOMY TRIAL OFFER! SEE FORD TRUCKS COST l-E©S Save now... Save from now on! TOR SAL 3936 W. Main St. Ph. EV. 5-2000 McHenry, 111. Super-Safe... Super-Fast.. .Whisper Quiet Exclusive Criss-Cross tumbling keeps clothes from tangling . . . unfurls each piece, exposes all of the load all of the time to the exclusive full-drum airflow. Faster, even drying at lower, worryfree, all-fabric heat. Automatic de-wrinkling 'cycle saves hours of ironing! Operates for 1/5 the cost of other type dryers! Check your favorite Phllco-Bendix appliance dealer for his special Phllco GAS Clothes Dryer values, tool NORTHERN A ILLINOIS fiGAS Service around the clock

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