Thursday, September 28, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sunnsyide Estates CHICAGO BISHOP CONSECRATES NEW MT. HOPE CHURCH Polly Stevens - 385-1256 Mt. Hope Methodist church Mjill hold World Wide Commu- Services at 11 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 1. At 3 p.m. the same day is the consecration of the new church building. Bishop Charles W. Brashares of the Chicago area will deliver the sermon. Everyone is invited to attend either or both seryices. Guns and More Guns ^ack Kelso, son, Bob, and brothers-in-law, Harry Sorensoa and Robert Wyatt, travelled to Milwaukee Sunday, Sept. 17, to attend a eun collectors show. Many rare and antique firearms were on view for their enjoyment. I hear that Jack was drooling over the collection. A Wedding; ^ita and Jim O'Brien journeyed to Chicago Saturday, Sept. 16, to attend a wedding. Jim acted as best man for his friend Gilbert Rogers, whose marr&ge to Mary Alice Mc- Cormick took place in the Churth of Nativity at 10:30 a.m. Immediately following the wedding service a reception was held which Rita and Jim jJko attended. •Rita's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herry Steinbrecher, of Chicago were Sunday visitors on the)' return from a vacation in Sot Springs, Ark. Birthday Parties When Gail McDonald has a birthday she has a party and a party and a party. Gail was 6 years old Saturday, Sept. 16, Mother Lois had an afterrpon party and invited some cf the neighborhood small fry. 'Jhe kids played games, ate ice <|ream, cake and drank lots of *op. Helping Gail celebrate and Jring her gifts were .Linda Current, Cathy Davis, Cathy Farley, Mary Jane Lakowske, Donnie Rose and Mary and Stan Walczynski. J'hat evening a grown-up plrty for Gail was attended by her godparents, Lorraine and T o n y D e u t s c h , a n d t h e i r daughter, Carole; .Tune and Chet Banker and Mr. and Mrs. Schwieger. Another birthday cake and more gifts. The next day, Sunday. Lois' sisters and their husbands, Lenore and Pinky Oas. and son, Buck, and Ethel and Phil T^rgsrud of Chicago came for Mil another party. More cake and more gifts. Incidently, Lenore is Lois' twin sister. Repeaters Frand and Jerry Olsen are happy to have her parents, Mr. aid Mrs. George Hoody. Sr.. here for their second visit this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hoody enjoy their grandchildren and ^tr clean country air. They mide a short visit in Hopkins, Mr»n., before coming here. Vacationer Ve hear that Roy Schroeder is on vacation and Vi has hin busy doing many odd jobs anund their home that she has been saving for him. Some vacation, eh, Roy? Association News Homineos for the hoard of directors of the new non-profit corporation have been selected anc are as follows: Ted Bierchen, Jim Farley, Earl Fry. Dick Janicki. Jack Kelso. Allen Kinbro, Dale Maulc, Harold Palmer, Melvin Simmons and Jim Stevens. Hats off to the»e men for their unselfish ctasire to improve our community. Nominations from the florr will be accepted at the Oct 5 meeting so if you have a neighbor whom you think will tlo a good job let's hear from you. We received a letter in the mail and found it to be the proposed by-laws of our non-profit corporation. It reads just about as easy as this column, so dig m> and find out what's up if you haven't done so already. Remember, you can cast your vote on Thursday, Oct. 5, at 8:15 p.m. sharp at the Johnsburg public school. You all come! We also saw the lumber truck roll in to distribute some lumber. This must mean that the mailboxes will soon be moved. Get together with your neighbors and get those racks up sq you can move your mail box Oct. 7 and 8 and be ready for closer to home delivery on Oct. 9. Let's get two or three coats of white paint on these racks so they match the others and remain in good condition. Call Jerry Olsen at EV. 5-5740 or talk to Harold Palmer if you have any questions. For those of us entering our community at Dennis boulevard we now know we are in the right place with the addition of our entrance sign through the efforts of Ted Bierchen. Cecil Kanter, Bud Kennebeck. A. S. Kimbro, Jerry Olsen and Jim Stevens. tically sleeping on the ceiling. Some fun, eh? Karen, Carol's and Bud's young daughter, went home with the Gamperls for a week's visit. Still Coming and Oop! Sorry Mr. and Mrs. W i 11 i a m Schwieger are still receiving c o n g r a t u l a t o r y m e s s a g e s o n their golden wedding anniversary and a huge bouquet of flowers wired from California. In listing the names of their grandchildren who were present at the open house held I cithern I inadvertently omitted the name of grandson, Dennis Banker, for which I am truly sorry, Dennie. Forgive me. please? Kennebecks and Gamperls Again Carol and Bud Kennebeck attended the wedding Saturday, Sept. 16, of her cousin. Ruth Ann Domagalski, to Pi'ul Metzler which took place in St. Francis De Sales Cat hoi ir church in Lake Zurich. Also attending the wedding was Carol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Gamperl, brothers, Richi and Bcb, and sister-in-law, Marilyn. The seven were present at the 7 o'clock reception for the bridal couple .while Bud's mom, Mrs. Ben J. Kennebeck and Aunt Alvina Schumaker baby sat. Then the whole kit and caboodle spent the night with Carol and Bud. I heard that people were prac- Girl Scout News The preliminary meeting of Girl Scout Troop 295 was held Wednesday, Sept. 20, at the home ot leader Marge Barth in Johnsburg and the first official meeting will be held Sept. 27. The girls discussed the badges they had earned during the summer and were formed into 4 patrols which will work together at the meetings. Cake and milk were served to the g i r l s a f t e r t h e m e e t i n g ajourned. Meetings this year will be held each Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Mrs. Barth's home. Judv Strorigl was appoined as reporter to the Sunnyside Estates correspondent. Thanks, JtoJy, we need your help. Brownie News Troop 150 held their meeting last Wldnesday instead of Tuesday for last week only. Three new girls, Mary Jo Kennebeck, Kathy Pflug and Rhonda Schultz were welcomed into the troop. Happy birthday was sung to Connie Jablonski whose birthday was Monday, Sept. 18. The girls are working on a yarn project which will eventually turn into pot and hot plate holders, beanies, etc. Debbie Obstfeider was cookie hostess for this meeting. Let's Go Visitin' This week we stop to visit the Fry family at 4315 N. Mayfair avenue. Going inside we find Bernice, Earl, 12 year old Sandy and 8 year old Tommy. . Bernice left her home in Thorp, Wis., some years ago to find work in Chicago. A young man named Earl Fry came to Chicago from Philadelphia for the same reason. Come Oct. 2 Bernice and Earl will celebrate 13 years of marriage. They moved to Sunnyside Estates in November of 1954, one of the "pioneer" families of our subdivision. Earl is a foreman in a tool and dieinakcr plant and enjoys golfing, roller skating and is interested in Boy Scout work. Bernice enjoys homemaking and is always ready to give a hand to any of her neighbors who need help. Nice neighbor, she. Both To See Yois Efoed A Water %Gftem 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency 4. We guarantee water in 24 hoars on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wtrds and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8 Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK Mcfary County Well & Puip WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake IVi. miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-0718 KICED Page Twenty-One j DEM PIC Cone in and get our deal before you buy. We have the 4-wheel drive full size pick-up that's priced lowest and does the biggest tjok! Carries a one ton payload through mud, sand or marsh. Stays on the job years longer! And, like all 'Jeep' vehicles, has been use tested and abuse tested. Test-drive the 'Jeep' Pick-Up Truck today! McHENRY GARAGE ' JQD-PQOveD PICK-UP TRUCK 926 N. Front Street -- McHenry. 111. MAVERICK FOLLOW THE StlN (Sunday (Sunday Evenings Evenings 5:30 6:30 P.M.) P.M.) Sandy and Tommy attend Jo h n s b u r g p u b l i c s c h o o l a n d both enjoy roller skating. Sandy also is an avid reader and Tommy played on a Little League team this past summer. Champs Bob Kelso and Mike Major, Jr.. remain the horseshore champs after taking on all comers. If you think you are pretty good call either of the fellows and challenge them to a game. Reminder I hope you are planning to be on hand Saturday, Oct 7, when the Pistakee Highlands Women's club holds their annual rummagev^nd bake sale. The hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the barn. Volley Ball Men's volley ball teams are in the process of being formed and the first tryouts will be Monday. Oct. 9, at the Johnsburg public school. The games will be played every Monday except the third Monday in the month and the hours are from 7:30 to 9 p.m. If you arc interested be at the school Monday. Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. Sick List We were sorry to learn that Jean Brink is in the Edgewater hospital in Chicago. Wre hope that she will soon be home. We were also very sorry to hear that Sophie and Frank Babarsky's d a u g h t er-in-law, Sylvia, was seriously injured in an automobile accident Sunday. Sept. 17. and is in St. Anthony hospital in Chicago. Sylvia is the wife of Frank, Jr.. and their daughter, 17 month old Cheryl, is with Sophie and t rank while her mother is hospitalized. We hear that Magmus Olson will soon have his arm out of the cast. Bet he has a scratchin' good time. Ringwood Social Club At Sebastian Home Ruby Shepard Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertained the Women's Afternoon Social club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Miss Lona Brever and low to Mrs. Pearl Berg. Birthdays Birthday wishes to Roberts Hammershoy and Linda Janicki on Sept. 29. June Voight, 4 year old Ernie Olsen and Joe Jost celebrate on Oct. 1. Little Helen Farley will be 4 years old on Oct. 4. Many happy returns of the day.'/to you all. Anniversaries , Congratulations to Pat and Matt Bott on their eleventh anniversary on Sept. 30. On Oct. 1 Lee and Gene Stamsia celebrate 6 years of marriage while Jean and Ray Hammershoy rack up 23 years. Bernice and L'arl Frv cele- Farewell Dinner Mr. and Mi's. Earl Kunz gave a going away dinner for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lisk, at their home Monday then drove them to the bus station and saw them off to their new home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Those to attend were Joseph Lisk of Lindenhurst. Norbert Lisk and three children of Lake Villa, Mrs. Annabel Blasius and two children of Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs.Lisk have thirty grandchildren and one great-grandchild. "Personals Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall and sons of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe at Crystal Lake Monday afternoon. Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Lester Carr and Miss Lona Brever attended a Moose meeting at McHenry Tuesday evening. Mrs. Earl Kunz had lunch with Mrs. Ann Haerle at Fox Lake, Wednesday. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake was a caller in the Louis Hawley hpme Thursday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Thursday and Friday with her daughter and family at Barrington. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Sunday and Monday in the I home of her daughter and fami ily, the Alan Aingers, at Hebron. j Mrs. Miles Jirousek and sons, j Miles, Jr., and Paul and daughter, Georgianna, ot Melrose I Park spent the weekend with j Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. I , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxto- | by spent Sunday in the Pierce j home near Richmond. ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley ! spent Thursday afternoon in ! the Floyd Howe home at Crys- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby spent Saturday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oxtoby, at Spring Grove. Read rihe Want Ads brate 13 years and LaVerne and Joe Jost celebrate 24 years on Oct. <2. Congratulations to you all. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) BYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS CQURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO J FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 P.M. Take the easy way Downtown-BETWEEN RUSH EOVRS, TOO We drive it We park it- You just relax! \ NOW 188 STREAMLINERS A DAY! OFF-PEAK SERVICE EVERY HOUR... PLUS ALL THE RUSH-HOUR TRAINS FREQUENT CTA BUS SERVICE FROM CHICAGO STATION TO STATE ST. AND MICHIGAN AVE. STORES CTA offers special 150 shuttle bus service between our Chicago terminal and the downtown area. Other regular CTA bus service also available. The next time you start to drive downtown between rush hours, think this over... After the morning rush, North Western streamliners leave principal suburban stations for Chicago every hour at the same time, every weekday. Coming home you also have an amazing number of trains to choose from -- and they run 'til well past midnight. Both ways you enjoy calm, comfort and low cost you 71 never match when driving your car. On a North Western double decker there's no traffic tension, no exhaust fumes, no screech and honk, no jammed toll roads, expressways or city streets -- and no elusive parking place to hunt up or pay for. You just settle back and relax. Read. Talk. Daydream. It's delightfully air conditioned in summer, 'electrically heated in winter. No bounce or sway. Bright, clean interiors. And... we do the driving and the parking for you. Going downtown? Unless you own a chauffeur-driven air-conditioned limousine, you're far better off on the new North Western. Pick up a schedule at your station. flOMTII yyESTBBM C O M M U T E R