Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1961, p. 16

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Ptge Sixteen THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 5, 18J1 Eastwood Manor FOUR GENERATIONS GATHER TOGETHER AT McHALE HOME Edle Iverson Four "onrj-at ions wore sjalhrml InpHhor undei diip roof itii^ wrok whoti Joanne Mr- Hair's mother. Mrs. Holen Nelson. ami yrandmol her. Mrs. T.miis-r Allan. arrived for a visit with Milt. .Jeanne, and the children. Ileruperators Hureld Si(.\e ha.-- i.een home with a toot jn n c:\sf for three weeks. Bet it was nice to he able to wear two shoes again! . Hoping In! a speedy.recovery to Join Simpson who undeiwent >ui;.rer\ on his knee. The senior Simpsons from Chicago came out to uive Rita a helping hand with the children so she could take advantage of the hospital visit.iii!T hours. Hi Neighbor Oeor.Te am) Nancy Marcottc movet) into uhat we knew as Nan«'> T.e^-.ti'd's home. This rhakes it vrr\ easy for all the ' neirhhor« not having to «<?? used 1o another name! Fouryear- rld Dairy Jayne is tlieii one rind onlv child. Nancy lo\es to fini.-'h antiiiuPs and is tlvc ! proud owner of a cobbler bench ! from Ihe New Salem area and Lincoln period. Another of her ' prize possessions is her grand- j mother's doll-dresser. Geoive j is a pharmacist and enjoys golfine. Both of them are in- ! terested in horses, horse-racing j and auto races. They attended the Indianapolis Spee d w a y races. Nancy hails from Palatine and George- from T,akc Zurich. We wish 1o exlend our welcome to Them. Rridfp Club Perry Anderson was the hostess for this week's bridge club. Pr 1 Kellogg won first prize. Marilyn Salo won travelling. and Flpha Philippi took the booby prize. Afterward? the gals feasted on hot roast beef, rolls and coffee. Visitors Lois' dearest friend from high school days and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hotz and Ricky, who now live in New York City, visited with the Ryans for two days. They arrived on Jerry and Lois' anniversary and since their anniversary is a week later there was a double celebration which began with a champagne dinner and lots of talking. This was their first visit in three years when the Ryans were in New York. Dee and Jim Penick and family were delighted to have her brother. Charles Brubaker. here with them for a visit. He is stationed at the Air Force base in ^Lincoln, Neb. They hadn't seen each other in seven years. Accompanying him was his wife, Kay, whom Dee had never met. They came with all the news from down home. Parties Bert and Bob St oil were surprised on their eighteenth wedding anniversary by Vern and Stewart Bauer from Pistakee, Margaret and Bill Halstead Irom Lakemoor and Margaret and Joseph Halstead of Eastwood Manor all laden with food and a beautifully-decorated cake ready for a big celebration. Jeanne McHale Was the recipient of a surprise birthday party given her at Andree Butler's home. Ten gals were there to help put away the lovely cake baked by Marilyn Salo. Bookmobile For all you bookworms out here who have yet to take advantage of our bookmobile. It arrives at the barn e\ery other Tuesday and stays from 2:.">() until 4:30. Tuesday, Oct. 17. is Ihe day to get yourselves some books to while away Ihe time the youngsters are in school and the long winter evenings yet to come. Meet Your New Officers Lenny Hansen is now our vice-chairman of the K.M.P.O. A. He is one of the "old-timers" out here having lived nt 2104 W. Mill Lane for 5 years with his wife. Winnie and two sons. Dennie is now in Texas, i a member of the Air Corps and Ricky is attending the seventh] grade in school. Lenny is a vet - ! eran of the U.S. Navy and r< Chicagoan. He has been em- : a Chicago bank fori 22 years where he is now fhe ! payroll supervisor. * Lost and Found ! At Len Hansen's house arc two bowls, a spoon, and a knife leftover from the K.M.P.O. A. pirnic jusi waiting lo be claimed. Young K d w a r d Anderson 1 p l a n t e d p u m p k i n s e e d s months aro and nursed his one nice-sized pumpkin along all 1 his time with a view towards a iack-o-lantern. Now that the time is almost here his prize pumpkin has disappeared. Do you suppose Cinderella plucked i t ? Scouts Lynn Stuart is the Cub Scoutmaster. Meetings are held in the Johnsburg public school in the evening. Kay Stephenson and Marilyn Salo are Den Mothers. A Halloween party is being planned. Any boys from 8-10 years of age interested or any mothers interested in Cub Scouts can call Lynn Stuart at EV. 5-2756. the Luncheon Lecture Club. Stewart Brent was the speaker. Pat and Lew Kellogg and the/^aqk Fultz family went lo the sports car rally and picnic- { Faith Presbyterian Church J News Tuesday, Oct. 3 « 8 p.m. -- ' C h o i r p r a c t i c e . W e d n e s d a y , i Oct. 4 -- 10 a.m. -- Women's i Society Executive Committee meeting at the manse. Thurs- ; day. Oct. 5 -- 8 p.m. -- First in a series of teacher-training sessions with the pastor for the | e n t i r e C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n ] ! staff. Read Chapter I from the , text "The Bible In Christian J ! Faith and Life ". Sunday, Ocl. j S -- Continuing the series of i 1 sermons based on the Apostle's , Creed. Sermon topic will be "I ! Am A Presbyterian Catholic".! • • Birthdays | Happy birthday today, Oct. 5. to Mae Miller. John Coughlin, and -HattW^ Schwabauer. Oct. 6 will be Ronnie French's first birthday. Sharon White will celebrate on the seventh. Elvvyn Fternick/shares Oct. 9 with Davey Pafryas. Thirteenyear- old Lyijm Krebs shares | her natal day. Oct. 10 with j nine-vcar-old | Denise Lottchea. Mark Thienes becomes, six on Oct. 1.1 and Carl Perrino. Jr., : will be twelve. j Anniversaries j Belated wedding anniversary wishes go out t<" Mr. and Mrs. Donald Audino on Sept. 26. Best wishes go also to Mr. and Mrs. William Brogan who will be celebrating on Oct. 6 and to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barnes | on Oct. 9. SunnByide Estates VOTE ON BY-LAWS, CHOOSE DIRECTORS AT BUSY MEETING Polly Stevens - 385-1256 Tonight at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg public school is that very, very important meeting of Ihe SEHOA. Tonight we vote on the adoption of the bylaws of our new non-profit corporation. Tonight we also elert our board of directors. If you don't come and vote for the nominees chosen by the nominating committee or nominate from the floor a candidate of your own choice, don't gripeabout the way the business of the corporation is conducted. The men chosen as directors are entirely up to you and your vote. If you are proud of your home and the community in which you liye let your vote show it. I Brownie News l Troop 150 held their weekly | meeting Tuesday, Sept. 26, at | the Obstfelder home. Three | new members, Karen Hetter- ' mann, Linda Hoosier, Gloria ; Kunel and Heidi Mayer, were I introduced to the troop. The ; girls played a name game plus others and went on a penny hike. They especially erfjoyed ; the hike. P.T.A. A luncheon sponsored by Ihe P.T.A. will be held Monday, Oct. 23, in Ihe Johnsburg school cafeteria. Tickets may be obtained at Ihe Tuesday, Oct. 17, P.T.A. meeting, from the ways and means committee or at the door. The fee is small and the food is always good. Around the Slanor The Kucks attended a^- big banquet Saturday night, Sept. 23, given by their club. The ladies all wore corsages and enjoyed delicious dinners followed by dancing to an orchestra. James and Edith Long wentto Carpentersville to help Arthur Wright celebrate his birthday along with about twenty other guests who brought the food for the merry-making. Lynn Kr^bs is proving herself to be quite a student becoming president of the G.A.A. and also editor of her school paper. The Andersons and the Hadleys drove up to Madison. Wis., to watch the football game between the University of Utah and the University of Wisconsin. Marilyn Fultz, Hannah Harner, Rita Simpson, Pat Kellogg and Peggy Anderson attended Women's Club Women's Club will meel Thursday evening at the barn. Oct. 12. There will be coffee and refreshments after the meeting.'Let's all grab a neighbor or a newcomer to the Manor and be there. With a gang of sols perhaps we can plan some big things for. this coming winter. Those cold long days go much faster , with places to go to look forward to. Nowdays, when a gal lets her hair down, you can't tell the difference. Sodality A meeting of the St. John's Blessed Virgin sodality will be held Tuesday. Oct. 10. Church services will begin at 7:30 p.m. followed by the regular meeting in the school hall. Any lady in Sunnyside Estates or surrounding area who wishes to join the society may do so by contacting Alvina Miller at EV. 5-1262 or LuAnn Smith at EV. 5-6578. Please consider this as a personal invitation to each of you. The sodality is sponsoring a public party. Sunday. Oct. 15, at 8 p.m. in the community club. Anyone wishing to donate anything for this party may contact any of the officers. The public is invited. Ciirl Scout News Troop 295 had a very interesting meeting Wednesday. Sept. 27. Each girl was asked to bring - a vegetable which were decorated as faces with crepe paper. The vegetables included green peppers, potatoes, onions and carrots. Each of the four patrols put on a puppet show to entertain the other girls. Games were also played and Cathy Blythe was cookie hostess, for the meeting. Something New Something new has been added to the Roy Schroedet home. Vi really had Roy busy during bis vacation. The long | awaited front porch has been j completed and gives the passerby a feeling of welcome. Homecoming Jean and Ray Hammershoy were so happy -to have their son, Robert, of San Diego, Calif., home for a week's visil. They hadn't seen Robert for 2 years and Jean could hardly wait for his arrival. He drove alone from San Diego and encountered a blizzard in Laramie, Wyo. The weather was more favorable when he arrived in. Sunnyside Estates. On Leave Wally Berg was home on a i week's leave from his army j ; base in Virginia. He returned | ! Sept. 28 and was scheduled to I ; go overseas Oct. 1. Godspeed j and best wishes, Wally. Let's Go Visitin' Let's call on Fran and Jim Fuqua and their children at 2014 Oakleaf drive. They came to Sunnyside Estates in Nov. 1959. Jim is a mould maker in a rubber plant in Chicago and his hobbies are fishing, hunting and working with wood. Fran is busy as only a mother of three small fry can be. Jim. Ji., 6 years old is a first grader in Johnsburg public school and there is 4 year old Debbie and 2 year old Ronnie. In Fran's spare time she enjoys reading, sewing and baking. A very nice family to have as neighbors. Again We have been a'skea to run this article again, so here goes: It has been suggested that if each resident will fill the holes in the road in front of his home it will help to maintain our roads. Also pulling the gravel from the sides of the roads to the center will help. It would only take a few minutes of .your time and do a lot of good. School Shelter Bob and Jack Kelso gave their time and efforts to paint the school shelter to make it look nice as it stands beside the road. Some of Ihe children have be.L-.un writing and marking on the walls. Would you allow your child to do this in your home? Please ask them to stop this bad habit for the shelter was put there for theii protect ion. Last Reminder This is my last chance to remind you of the Pistakee Highlands Women's club rummage and bake sale. The day is Saturday, Oct. 7, the time is 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the place is the big red barn in the Highlands. Laura Jeanne Smolinski and Magnus Olson on Oct. 7. Oct. 9 will be candle day for Mary Ann Berg, Stan Wfllczynski and two 2 year olds, Kathy Tyler and Ted Voigfrt, Jr. Best wishes to Bernadine Grist on Oct. 10. Many happy i returns of the day to you a4£ Sick List We are sorry to report that Rose Tillich was rushed to Victory Memorial hospital Friday, Sept. 22. At this writing she is still hospitalized. We hope you will soon be home, Rose, and your usual busy self. Fran Olsen's dad, George Hoody. Sr., had an accident with a power tool and cut two fingers severly. However, it didn't stop him from finishing his project. I think Fran ^ind Mrs. Hoody were rn worse shape. Anniversary Congratulations to Fran and Jim Fufua on 8 years of marriage on Oct. 10. Sympathy We extend our deepest sympathy to the Bieschke family on the ,death of Ray's brother, John A. Bieschke, of Tucson, Ariz, who passed away Friday, Sept 29, in Tucson. Johnny succumbed to injuries received in an automobile accident earlier this month. . Birthdays Happy birthday today, Thursday, to Carol Kuntz and Ann Padtke. Kelly Noah is the birthday boy on Oct. 6. Greetings to 8 year old FILE $500,000 SITIT A personal injury suit in the amount of $500,000 was filed in circuit court last week by Lorraine Murphy, mother of JMnis Murphy, 13, asking that amount from A1 Horn, Jr., arid Fred Mntthesius and the Mc- Henry County Well & Pump Co. The suit resulted from ail accident alleged to have taken place in the fall of 1960 in which the youth was said to have been badly injured. Matthesius was doing some work with. his machinery on property, owned by Horn when Wte accident occurred. Contentment comes not from having many things, bul in having the right things. Reminder This Saturday and Sunday. Ort. 7 and 8. are the moving days of our mail boxes. Be sure your rack is built and your box is in its new location ready for Monday, Oct. 9, mail delivery. Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park In West McHenry" 1313 No. North Drive McHenry, 111. • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0124 or E¥ 5- 8 SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. BUILDING MATERIALS FREP ESTIMATES ON . .. Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Railings -- Gutter^ Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive EV 5-1878 - McHenry EASY PAYMENT PLAN GOT IT! tint Vox* or yam Med. Bostic bstery too. All foams* OTC is^pltaMM. ^ BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 PDRIORFEEC^TlOORnR VL EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm St Life It* Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone EVergreen 6-0043 or 5-0958 429 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0186 Res. Phone: Ev 5-6191 Thurs.: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined-Glasess Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-61 inE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OFFERS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES TO MEN & WOMEN A course in Real Estate can help you ^ain a place in this profitable and fascinating profession. This training prepares you to operate your own business or to secure a position with an established firm. Qualify for State Examinations by studying: Real Estate Principles, Practices, Law, Finance and Appraisal. (Real Estate Courses approved by the Department of Registration and Education) Night Classes Now Being Organized Telephone WO 4-9459 or call our office for information Office open daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. including Saturday. Also Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Yes! I am interested in your Real Estate Course. Will you send me Bulletin A. Name Phone Street C'ty State Real Estate Course Offered by Rockford School of Business • 319 W. Jefferson St. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel aad Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 8-61 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vt Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 11-61 •R. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 4616 W. Main, McHenry, 111. Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 12-61 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. ft Fri. 7 To 0 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p«, Phone EV. 5-2262 8-61 10 ®xp ense-paM vacations for two! • Plarne or tenia fares included! famous resort hotel! In Public Service Company's n»m« Sweep FREE ENTRY BLANK AT YOUR ELECTRIC DRYER DEALERS Yours for die asking. And while you're aft your dealer's, be sure to look at his selection of new Flameless Electric Dryen, because nothing dries clothes fasten cleaner or fresher than a fume-free electric dryer. And they cost $30 to $60 lees to buy than any other kind! FLAMELESS ELECTRIC OftYINQ 9ft€tein. So Saffi. So Modern. OFFICIAL RULES: !• Use the entiy McriiUfavaranoblM from your applies!ee dealer. Write GSSIBS© ©ES) address* and check the reason you think mora peepSe ©leasts dryers* Hmi tiie blank signed by an appliance deeaies, 2. Put entry blank 'a special! box in dedterii store, AD mtries must be in dealer boxes before dose of business 9, 1961. 3. Drawing will be conducted by the HL Donnelley Corpw about Dee, 20, 1961, Winners will fee otoSffied. Ten winners will receive round-trip tickets for two to l©s Vegas, 0^©%, and IhofeS accommodations for 7 days and 6 ci%Gfe Woasess Cake equ^siilent cash value of prize If desired. 4. Open to all residents, 18 yeart old or over. In areas served by Commonwealth Idgson or IPiyibSk Sswke ©ssspray, except' employees (and their, families! of those complies sad feir advertssmg ogeacy, cooperating dealers and distributors. Sweepstakes subject to all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. wP©0B=a©=Si]Q-5tm . Electric Sweepstakes* NAME. ADDRESS. I CITY. SUJKOSS psspEa buy fkimeDsss Public Service Company © Onmnffinweflffli I think the most important reason why Electric Dryers is: (check ©jae) • Electric Dryers are tameless • Flameless Electric Dryers OB*© • FlameBess Electric Dpyeos no piS©& ft® ligSlf • Flameless Electric Dryere cost $30 te> $5© (ess to buy • Notlting dries clothes fader than a Flameless Electric Dryer DFAtFg SAIFSMAM Kr- I I I I I I I !" S2SSL Ctapoiit sfentl trtry * »« • *• Ur m mm I I

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