ftursday. October 12r 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Eastwood Manor Women's Club Meets Tonight %on>t Edle Iverson forget . . .it's tonight at 8:30 at the barn. This is an open invitation for all women in the Manor wanting a night out away from the kiddies where they can enjoy meeting with friends and neighbors and have a cup of coffee. Let's see how many of us can get out tonight and plan some swell get-togethers for the winter £>nths a'ctSming. Birthday Parties Larry MersCh celebrated his seventh birthday by inviting seven little Manor boys in for « ,a~party. Cake and ice cream -were enjoyed by all.. '* Rita Thienes' birthday was ^ celebrated with a family dinner featuring a big birthday cake "wdth four candles to blow out. '^Coming out for 6-year-old l)ennis Woolwine's birth d a y were his grandparents. Mr. and 3Mrs. Frank Woolwine, Sr., -from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Innocenti from Addison, and great-grandparents, Mr. land Mrs. Tony Cimino, from -Wisconsin. * Pat Coughlin was really exhausted after giving son, Bob, Sbirthday party on Saturday, d son. Kevin, a party on M o n d a y a n d e n t e r t a i n i n g guests on Sunday who came out to celebrate the boys' birthdays. They were the g r a n d m o t h e r s , M r s . M a r y Coughlin, Mrs. Garaty, and Uncle Ed Garaty all of Chicago. Melody Iverson celebrated her seventh birthday inviting «ven little girls to her circusrthday party. Everyone enjoyed games, cake, and all the party trimmings. Little Girl Sad Please take an inventory of the velocipedes in your yard and see if we can come up with little 4-year-old Beth Hayes' missing blue and white tricycle. The poor child is lost and blue llfrthout it. If located call 385- 6226. Hi Neighbor This week let's go to 2202 W. Mill Lane and call on Melvin and Louise Griffeth. They have three little children; James, Ginger and Susan. They originally came from Michigan and very recently moved into Eastwood -Manor from Lily- 0ioor. Melvin is an electrician and likes bowling and all sports. Louise enjoys baking and decorating cakes and sew ing. We are very happy to have them for neighbors. Meet Your New Officers The E.M.P.O.A. secretary is Dot tie Mespe r. She and Glen have been married nine years ^nd have two young sons; Douglas and David. They have resided at 1110 Hillside Lane these past 4 years. Dottie is originally from New Jersey. She is a veteran of the Air Force. She is also secretarytreasurer of the Eastwood Manor Women's Club and the Faith Presbyterian church. She is also an active member in the P.T.A. and a member of the church choir. Her hobby is cake decorating. The Diaper Line $es, it's a boy for the Olsons and are mom, dad and sisters three ever tickled! He entered our world Sept. 26 weighing in at 7 lbs., 8% ozs. He shall be called James Charles. Ex-Manorite Mim Hansen added a girl to her family. She was 8 lbs., 2 ozs. and named Kerry Jae Hansen. Coming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Koerper announce the forthcoming" marriage of t h e i r daughter, JoAnn, to Lynn Ibsh of McHenry. The wedding date is Nov. 5 at the Zion Lutheran church. Scouts Watch for the Cub Scout's bake sale to be held Nov. 4. The place is not yet decided upon. Betty Radner. chairman of the Girl Scout drive, wishes to thank the girls who helped in the collecting. It was greatly appreciated. All Shook Irp The Radner family, all except Betly, and guests were involved in an auto accident. The whole party were jostled and bruised. Only Sandy is still under doctor's care. Presbyterian Church News Sunday, Oct. 15, Sermon will be entitled "Judgement and Forgiveness". Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 8 p.m. - Choir rehearsal. Thursday, Oct. 19, at 8 p.m. - Monthly meeting and Bible study of the Women's Society. Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Koerper and daughter, JoAnn, and fiance, Lynn Ibsh, attended the golden anniversary of Mi. and Mrs. Rory Yockey in Perry, 111. Page Seventeen host and hostess to thirteen guests; Frank Woolwine is the new president of the McCullom Men's club. Sunday the Jack Rogers family went into the city to visit Earl and Ethel Zindars and also grandmother Olson. Saturday Jack and Elaine Rogers went to Elmwood Park to attend the wedding and reers) Brennen. Also attending were Elaine's great-aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fruehling. Elbreta Koerper and Kay Stephenson enjoyed a day *pf shopping and a lovely lunch in Wilmette with -Kay's mother, Mrs. DeVinny. Attending the fall meeting of Freeport Presbyterial at Rockford Oct. 10, were Frieda Durkin, Dottie Messer, Amolee Mclntyre, Pat Spindler, Haroldeene Peck, Shirly Hughes, Edith Collet te and Virginia Welter. Birthdays Happy birthday to Lynn Saynor today. To Helen Hoppe and eleven-year-old John Anderson" on Oct. 14. To John Barry arid seven-year-old Pamela King on Oct. 15. Threeyear- old Aimee Saynor celebrates on the sixteenth and Susan Anderson on the seventeenth. Many wishes to Marie Dalton on the eighteenth and to Joyce Enestrom who shares Oct. 19 with nine-year-old Nancy Olson. Bridge Club , Mary Hadley won first prize, Pat Kellogg won - travelling prize, and Elpha Philippi won booby prize. Hostess Pot^y Anderson served chicken sandwiches and coffee. Around the Manor The Borcovans celebrated their 10 years of wedded bliss by going out for dinner which is always a treat for the housewife, the kiddies, and the dishwasher. When the neighbors alt get together it's a party. This time Ray and Marilyn Salo were the Surprise Bridal Shower Oct. 5. Kay Stephenson was hostess for a miscellaneous bridal shower honoring JoAnn Koerper. A beautifully decorated cake and salad were served and many lovely gifts received. Attending were the mother of the bride-to-be, Elbreta Koerper, Donna Rohrer. Lois Zender and Grace Gruhn, all of Eastwood Manor; the mother of the groom-to-be, Mable Stebbings, Mrs. Landgraf, Hank Ahrens, Jackie Ahrens, Rose Bachmann and Ina Meddings, all from McHenry; Babe and Nancy Rogers from DesPlaines and Norma Hansch from Chicago. In 1840, Dr. George Bodington of England started a TB sanatorium but was denounced as a lunatic. He turned his sanatorium into an asylum for the insane. Read The Want Ads Village of Sunnyslde VILLAGERS ENJOY EXCELLENT FOOD AT GUNTHER HOME Therese Schneider - EV. 5-1298 The social held Sept. 30 at the Gunther home was well attended and everyone had a wonderful time. Everyone also enjoyed chief cook Bill Gunther's lasagne and chicken for everyone came back for seconds. It is hoped that there will be just as good a turnout at the next social held Oct. 21 at Dean Cios. Fund Drive The captains of the annual Girl Scout drive are grateful for your cooperation in donating to the fund. Dogs „ Please keep your dogs tied up, for if they are caught running loose they will be impounded and you will have to pay a fine as well as the pound fee. Shower Mrs. Irene May and Mrs. Esther Schneider and her two daughters, Therese and Celina, attended a shower given for Marge Justen at Miss Justen's home. Guests attending were fifty friends and relatives and after playing cards a delicious luncheon was served to the guests. Vacationing Mr. and Mrs. Patterson spent nine days visiting friends in Seattle, Wash, and travelling to and from Seattle by train to see the country. Girl Scouts On Oct. 4 Marge Barth had the third Girl Scout meeting. Those attending the meeting brought dresses and skirts to hem. Visiting On Sunday the Metzger family look a trip to Holy Hill and then went visiting friends in Milwaukee. Birthday Celebration Mark Fredrick, Mike Will i a m s , J e f f L e a m a n , M i k e Fritz and Bill Colmer helped John Metzger celebrate his eighth birthday and later on in the evening Johnnie and JoAnn Harrer came with their FREUN DAIRY. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 95 or EV. 5-0232 NOW! A NEW WORLD OF WORTH! xttv#:"?:- HEVROUT JOBMASTE TRUCKS gquetaff! Here's new IHUgSn Ves^aa© pow©? for every weight class--light, medio an mm and heavy... the most powerful ercgcrcss in Chevrolet history... sure saving power and dependability for every Job! There are plenty of powerful reasons for Chevy superiority. High torque reasons. Reasons that range all the way from a mighty new High Torque 409 V8* for heavies, right down to the thrifty Sixes . Induding the High Torque 261 Six* thafs available for the first time in light-duties. Loads of other reasons, too. Like the new work styling with downward-sloping boods fhat let drivers see up to 10% feet more of the road directly ahead. Like Chevrolet's proved Independent Front Suspension for even smoother riding, easier working trucks. Like the heavier duty hypojd rear axles for middleweights and the rugged new I-beam front axles* (9,000- or 11,000-1b. capacity) available for extra-tough jobs on Series 80 heavyweights. Like the longer lived mufflers. Like work-proved Corvair 95's (2 pickups and a panel) that haul up to 1,900 lbs. of payload with low-cost dependability and sure rear-engine traction. Like to know more? See your Chevrolet dealer. JC&fisaal d «xt»«oat 130 hp; 271 Ibs-ft torqua HEW CHEVR0UT-GM DIESEL Di^SSlSTT Here's new earning power for middle' weights... rock-bottom maintenance costs, compact size, low weight, top torque aod top power. 252 VHP 390 Ibs-ft torqua 05?? SIGH TORQUE V8 With 16Yt cent more torque than mailable from Chevrolet Yt per te/OM See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer CLARK CHI¥R01ET SAL 3609 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. EVergreen 5-0277 parents for a small party. Happy birthday to Bobby Kennebeck, oh Oct. 6. PISTAREE TERRACE NEWS Association Meeting At the Oct. 2 meeting a motion was made to disregard the plans for blacktopping May avenue. This was due to the fact that not enough people were contacted to go ahead with the plans. If you want your road improved plan to attend your next meeting. Luncheon We are grateful to everyone who attended our luncheon and to all those on the committee who helped make the luncheon a success. Air Force Reserves Tom Merhaut is currently performing his annual two weeks short tour of duty in Rockford for the Air Force Reserves. He is attached to the 9502nd Air Force Reserves Recovery Squadron located at the greater Rockford air port. Sick List Norb Cisewski was sick with the flu last week and we hope he is feeling much better. Visitors Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Leo Banasek and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patula of Chicago were guests at the Patula home for dinner. They also spent the night and left for Chicago Friday. Grace Gavin's mother, Mrs. Bruno Perkowski, spent a few days with her last week. .When Harry and Grace drove her home they decided to spend a few days with her. V.F.W. NEWS Luncheon and Dinner Howard and Agnes Secord, Harry and Grace Gavin, and Val and Marcia Patula made it a full day Saturday. The ladies went to the luncheon in the afternoon and then in the evening all went out to dinner. Birthday Celebrations Loretta Kern gave a surprise birthday luncheon for Marilyn Wiggerman on Oct. 6. Marie Kern, Bernice Froehlig. Eola Hillman, Birdie Deppmeier, Arlene Connerty and Mary Mecko were there to help her celebrate. Chuck and Barbara Childers and sons, Billy and Paul, went to Grandmother Childers 72nd birthday party in Chicago. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Childers gnd their sons, Mark and Kim, and ,Harry and" Hallie Childers and enjoyfed a delicious turkey dinner. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to George Mecko, Jr., on the fourteenth of October, to Jeff Connerty a n d M i k e G a v i n on t h e f i f teenth. and to Nancy Gavin on the seventeenth. The catacombs under Rome run for over 500 miles and contain about six million tombs. PRE WSNTIR WHEEL ©NMENT., Don't wobble on the road. Stop in and let us align your wheels, balance your tires, and get your car ready for a winter of safe driving. You can depend on us for expert workmanship at reasonable rates. Prompt service always! McHENRY AUTO BODY 4704 W. Route 120 Lakeland Park Veterans « do not forget Saturday night, Oct. 14. This is not an editorial, but a special invitation to all members of V.F.W. Post 4600 and guests, and members from all northern V.F.W. districts to join with us in celebrating our sixteenth year as a chartered V.F.W. post. Incorporated with this event will be the "burning of the mortgage", and a night to honor the officers of the "Fabulous 5th district", of which Post 4600 is an important cog. Those attending will be treated to a dinner comparable to anything they have enjoyed in their lifetime. Chow will be served from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On the entertainment agenda following the dinner will be two professional acts and several endeavors by post and auxiliary members. This evening, we expect to have in attendance the elected V.F.W. officers from the department, districts, and the fifty-seven 5th district posts. Last, but not the least important, will be the presentation of the annual citizenship award to some deserving person of our community. To those members who are interested in what Post 4600 does for our children of deceased veterans at the national home, Eaton Rapids, Mich., we are sending $200 worth of jams and jellies to the kids, plus $300 to the Illinois cottages. Roy Bradley MILK PRODUCTION Milk production in Illinois during August totalled 354 mil- ! lion pounds, according to the j Illinois Cooperative Crop Re- | porting Service. This was a | seasonal decline of 5 per cent | from the July estimate of 372 j million pounds. Output was 1 | per cent less than in August 11960 and 19 per cent below the 1950-59 August average. Milk production throughout the U. S. during August is estimated at 10, 263,000 pounds -- about, three per cent more than in Auguest 1960, but one per cent I less than the 1950-59 average for the month. Brom where I sit Joe Marsh Opportunity Comes Knocking Right in the middle of harvest, Smiley Roberts' hired man hurt his shoulder. So it was a stroke of real luck when a stranger knocked on Smiley^ door asking for work. "You can start right now!" says Smiley. "O.K.," says the stranger, "but what about wages?" With that Smiley pauses and says, "Well, I guess I can pay you whatever you figger you're worth.** The stranger thinks it over for a minute, shakes his head, and starts to walk away. "Sorry, mister," he says. "Ifs just not worth it to work for that kind of money!" From where I sit, a man who undervalues himself is bound to lose out in a lot of ways. But even worse is the man who undervalues other people. Chances are he's the kind of man who thinks only his own ideas are worth something--the kind of man who respects no opinion but his own. If he prefers tea, he's likely to object to your choice of coffee--or my choice of a glass of beer. Intolerance like this is no way to "reap" the rewards of good friendship. Copyright, 1961, United States Brewers Association, Inc. DONTGEt CAUGHT... e&- NO MONEY DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY PROTECT... yourcar with a tipd-F?ame Garage Let us help you by getting your Foundation in Now! ONE-CAR WITH STORAGE TWO-CARS WITH STORAGE "RIGID FRAME" CONSTRUCTION IT'S NEW -- AND SO DIFFERENT - AND-WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY YOU CAN BUILD IT YOURSELF ON A WEEKEND-- OR, WE HAVE RELIABLE LOCAL BUILDERS READY TO BUILD YOUR GARAGE Compare the Features! Compare the Quality! COMPARE THE PRICE! AND REMEMBER IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED, BY MONDAY thru SATURDAY -- 7:30 to 5:00 FRIDAYS -- 7:30 to 9:00 pan. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EW@r<gF@en S=1424