-'Sfciurwjay, October 12, 1961 fHB McHENBY PLAflfDEAl-BR Pifiiakee Highlands CONSECRATION OF MT. HOPE CHURCH IS WELL ATTENDED Hazel Money nr. 7-3820 f>ons e c r a t i o r) service on Oct. 1 at the new Mount Hope Methodist church was honored with the presence cf ministers from all parts of the area. Pastor and Mrs. Hagerty from Ingleside, Pastor and Mrs. Stine from Glenview, Pastor White from Elmhurst Methodist church, Rev. James King from Washington Boulevard church, Rev. Hayes Kjgtcher from Diamond Lake Methodist church, Rev. John Lecki from Morton Grove, retired. Rev. George Martin from the McHcnry Methodist church. A. Stanley Reck from Woodstock, Bishop Brashares, Rev. • Mclntyre. Mr. R. Mellor and > others. There were also sixteen members from the Oak Park V Methodist church who are friends of Pastor Smith. It was a^vonderful service and the choir sang," 'The Stranger of Galilee' and 'Bless This House.' Coffee' and cookies were served after ;hc service in the church basement. It's October 23 That's the all important date of the Luncheon and Serve at the Johnsburg school. Tickets are still being sold. Get yours n<w; before they're all cone. There will be a baby sitting service for any mother who has to bring her youngsters along. For furl her information call Gail Long or Wanda Dobecki. Congratulations And besl wishes for life long happiness to Barb Schlick and James Muszalski who were retried on Sept. 16 at Si. Clement church in Chicago. Honored at Shower A pink and blue shower was held on Oct. 10 at the home of Virginia Thoren in honor of Florence Smith, wife of our pastor. Hostesses along with Virginia were Barbara Sisk. Glenda Weick and Hazel Mo^- lev, Delicious cakes and jello mlSMs were served to Gladys Jones. Marilyn (Goo) VanZev.- ern, Sally Von Bruenchenhein. Polly Stevens, Shirley Dyson, Janjpe Janquart, Hazel Rogde, Dee Gregg. Cris Sorenson, Toots Spankuch, Mrs. Rosengart. Meryl Fletcher. Vi Johnson, Dolly Novotny, June Banker, Dot Erbin, Wanda Dobecki, Dolores Oakley. I a Verne Sarver^ Val Gitlin. Jocelyn Staudemmer, Billy Jones and Lorraine Hurckes. Florence got many lovely things for the new baby to-be. Conway and son, Robby, and yours truly with Gary and Brad. Mrs. Hadock served from her beautiful silver which was an anniversary present from their son and daugtfterin- law. Happy birthday to \yanda Dobecki on'Oct. 13. It's a Friday this year. I am so pleased to report that Anna Cohrs is home from the hospital with a clean bill of health. Betty Warpzak was hostess to her card club last Friday in her home. Marilyn (Bob) Van- Zevern, Audrey Misavice, Joan Zilligan, Marie Schlick. Carla Bales, Marcia Weaver and Betty Sandelin were there for some very interesting games of pinochle. I am happy to report that Paul Johnson has returned home from St. Theresa hospital where he was confined for over a week. On Oct. 7. the Ron Jacksons and Don Morins went out and celebrated Ron's birthday. The Roy Hayner family had company last weekend. Irene Novotny, Gert Snell. Nell Bergerner and Catherine Sielisch attended the Woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital fall luncheon and annual meeting at the V.F.W. in McHenry on Oct. 10. On Oct. 8, Bob and Lorraine Hurckes attended a surprise birthday party for Lor's grandmother. Mi*s. Rix, who was 75 years old. Last Sunday a birthday and anniversary celebration was held at the Don Morin home. C e l e b r a t i n g b i r t h d a y s w e r e Audrey and Don's mother, while Don and Audrey celebrated their sixth wencjjng anniversary. The Frdmanns were visited over the weekend by Art's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal, from Norridge. Pub Scout Attention Mrs. MeCormack of Pistakee Mills is den mother in that area and she is interested in getting boys for her den. If you would like more information you may call Mrs. McCormack at HYatt 7-3142. join the Woman's club. Membership will close at the October meeting. If you have friends who wish to join please contact Diana Murgatroyd at HYatt 7-3438 or Kay Sielisch at HYatt 7-3414. Both gals will be happy to take care of it. President Catherine Sielisch is most grateful to the chairman of the rummage, white elephant and bake sale. The girls all worked real hard and did a wonderful job. They are Lynn Rosinski, Jocelyn Stau d e nmaier, Barbara Sisk, Doris Harjson. Joan Megly and Blanche Haefliger. AJso many thanks to all the eirls who heljSed at the sale and to all who donated for the affair. Any club can enjoy success if its membership work together and everyone carries their fair share of the load. The executive comrriittee of the club held an unscheduled meeting at the home of Diane Murgatroyd on Oct. 5. More Congratulations Happy birthday to Joseph Zenner who was 7 on Oct. Belated birthday wishes to Shirley Spankuch on Oct. 7, ;md happy birthday to Betty Sandelin on Oct. 17. Happy anniversary to Ray and LaVern Madock on Oct. 19, happy birthday to Lisa Staudenmaier who was three on Oct. 11. Anniversary wishes to Dick and Mary Madock on Oct. 17. This is number eight for them. On Oct. 8 Timmv, Lewandowski was 10 years old. Many happy returns of ihe day to Bob and Marilyn VanZevcrn who will celebrate their anniversary on Oct. 18. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Happy birthday to Jay Jackson who is one vear old on Oct. 12. Among the Highlanders who a tended the Luncheon is Served, Sept. 30, at Johnsburg were Catherine Sielisch, Gertrude Snell and Marge Waldin. That lucky Kay was lucky again. The Charles Murgatroyd family spent last weekend in Maywood with Diane's family. Joan Zilligen, vice-president of the Woman's club and Catherine Sielisch, president, attested the McHenry County Federation of Woman's club fall meeting on Oct; 11 at the Methodist church in Hebron. Fritz and Sally Bruenchenhein and family are all settled down at home after spending two lovely weeks in Spooner. Wis. Mrs. Hadock had a coffee gathering last Thursday morning-< jn her home. It was a beautil1 ® day and all the gals did a little exercising and walked over. Attending were Barbara Sisk, McGee Sluga, Janice Janquart and son, Jerry, Lois Mason and daughter, Shirley, J^ee House Warming Harry and Hazel Becker »of Oeffling Road were honored with a surprise house warming recently. Many friends and their families came to be with their friends, the Beckers. Woman's Club Year books may be purchased from Catherine Sielisch. The year books were very well received and was well worth the efforts put into it. This is the jast month you can Sea Scouts Between now and Oct. 21, 1he Sea Scouts will be helping the Lions Club collect funds for the blind. In Ihe evening of the 21st the boys will be honored with a dinner and dance at the Lions Club in Fox Lake. It will be a busy day. In the morning, at 10 a.m. on the 21st a group of Sea Scouts will give a demonstration while still another group will be giving a very interesting program on survival and bomb shelters. This is an all day affair, so try to get 1o tin barn and see what these boy* have to offer. That's It For another week, Hope you have a pleasant week and I'l! see you again. Bye now. McHenry Shore* WELCOME MANY NEWCOMERS TO McHENRY SHORES ferry Coates I We wish to welcome the foll o w i n g f a m i l i e s w h o h a v e ' moved to McJJenry Shores recently: | William and Anna Tpnjjert | who moved into their new ' home at 3216 Beach .Drive on j Oct. 1. The Tennerts "are from ! Chicago. Theresa and Joseph Hastings who have moved into their new home on Biscayne. The Hastings moved here about Oct. 1 from DesPlaines. They have two sons, Michael, eight years • of age. and Raymond, three ! and a half years old. We wish them every happiness in their new home. | -Patricia and Kenneth King- : ston and their son, Mark, from j Cary. They have bought a ; home at 3109 Miller. Mark is only seven weeks old. having , been born on August 14. ! The welcoming committee has been doing a splendid job i in visiting our newcomers and welcoming them to McHenry ! Shores. Thanks to Beverly Verstege and Leona Wagner. Visitors to McHenry Shores Mr. and Mrs. William Cor- , coran of 804 Broadway had as their guests for five days, Mrs. John E. Moore, sister of Mrs. Corcoran. She is from Vero Beach, Fla. Other guests were Mrs. John T. Annis, niece of Mrs. Corcoran and her husband from Birmingham, Mich. Travelers Mildred ^nivelv. Daisy Smith and Mrs. Dorothy Miller left on Sept. 20 on a trip to New York City to see some of the •Broadway shows. They also visited the United Nations Building and saw President Kennedy and his wife. They arrived back home on Sept. 28. havijig enjoyed a wonderful 1 rip. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rode and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgstaller of Riverside drive spent a week touring northern Michigan and Wisconsin. They slopped at Copper Harbor for deep sea fishing in Lake Superior and then went on to Sault Ste. Marie. They returned home by way of Green -FREEZE : I I £2- • first [lovimgj ypyp radiqt®r deaned and! repaired! Anti-freez» in • leaky or clogged radiator it money wasted. Our modern Factory Method clean* ing and repairing --- checked by our In- I land FLO-TEST Machine -- con* little -- protects your -K" anti-freeze I ADAMS BROir REPAIR SERVICE Ph. EV 5-0738 3004 W lit. 120, Mchenry To <S@© Ills 11 Yobi Heed A Waler System or Wall! 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersiblos and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely Insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we .!. • both jvelJ drilling and drive well points. 11. EASy MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVEK 70 PUMPS IN STOCK ity WtSfl $ IPpip WELLS DRILLED OB DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCulIom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 6-5252 or Residence EV 5-0719 . mot man to ioih BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD BEFORE OCTOBER 16 GET APPLICATION AT HOSPITAL R/iail Before October 16th Call! Opiate |6th fe the last day to Jofo Blue) and Blue Shield direct as a member of the Non-Gram®' or Over-65 Plans. Remember . . . tSsat right now folks m aU ages . . . who are in good health . . . can join . . . bias &fajg special offer ends October 16th. Enrollments now being in HIA's and over 16,000 firms also will end on October 16th. So don't miss out on this opportunity to join Blue Gross Blue Shield either direct pr through a group. But don't put it off until it's too late. Do it now before October 16th, and then if an illness or accident strikes suddenly ... you'll have Blue Cross and Blue Shield to help you pay hospital doctor's bills. # BLUE mms Plan of Hospital Service Corporatkp BLUE SHIELD Plan of Illinois Medical Service Headquarters: 425 N. Michigan, Chicago 23 Branch Offices in Illinois Til OK IT TO Y9IRS0U TO J0IN...WW TOO Bay, Wis. They report that the fall colors were very beautiful and that they saw many deer and fawns. Pag? Ninety Lakemoor Birthday Celebration Mr. and Mi's. Alex K. Dimcan's two sons and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Duncan from Flossmor. and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duncan from Kenilworth, were at McHenry Shores to help celebrate their clod's birthday on Sunday. Sept. 30. It was a belated celebration as Mr. Duncan's birthday was on Sept. 27. David Winters celebrated his eighth birthday with a party on Sunday, Oct. 1. His guests were his brother, Sandy. Michael Stark, Freddie and Joey Ubrig, Donnie Olbinski. Ronn.v Olszewski, Paul Tiegemann ajid Storm Andrews. A good time was had bv all. i ASK VILLAGERS TO SHARE VIEWS | ON MEETING DAY Ravid Heckmann BF. 6-053? Oct. 12 is village meeting day. It does seem a shame that more of our villagers don't come. This is the time to air our views, hear what has h>een done, and what will be done in | the future. This is the true meaning of village meetings, j the residents get together to ! talk out problems, hopes, and ! dreams for the good of our i village. , by Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley in care of W. L. Gordon Feature. 9th floor. Resor building. 37 W. Seventh Street, Cincinnati, 2, Ohio, sending along a stampril self-addressed envelope.) Happy Birthday to William Weber and Robert Peterson on Oct. 14. To Gordon Hat tan, and Raymond Hastings on Oct. 17. Audrey Whitney on Oct. 18 and to Annette Cicchini on Oct. 19. I , Weekend Holiday J Mr. and Mrs. Sarley attend- , ed a housewarming in Chicago at the home of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb, remaining to spend the weekend with them. Anniversaries Congratulations to Joseph and Theresa Hastings who have just lately moved 1o the "Shores". Their anniversary was on the eleventh of October. Congratulations to Edward and Geraldine Olbinski on the sixteenth, and to Raymond and^ Barbara Pogor on the eighteenth. Have many, many more. Toy Carnival Louise Winters is collecting used toys that can be re-sold, for the McHenry Community P.T.A. Toy Fair at the junior high school on Oct. 2X. Also small white elephants that c h i l d r e n c a n p u i c b a s e a s Christmas gifts for their parents. They will be gift wrapped. Toys and white elephants- may be left at Louise's home at 310H Kinley or she will pick them up if called at EV. 5- 2897. Red Letter Day Samuel Winters tried out his new plane on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Sam built the plane himself in his garage. He flew to Harvard where he will keep it in a hanger there. "Good luck Sam". Heating Safety The sudden lull in our weather gives us another chance to check our heating plants, and • put th?m in safe working condition for the long winter ahead. 1 Fires strip costly indeed, leaving many families homeless, and in many instances takinu the lives of loved ones. These .tragedies can be lessoned by using caution. Girl Scout Fijnd Drive Four very tired gals of our • village are grateful for the re- ! sponse to the Girl Scout ap- ; jieal for operating funds. They sire Doris Kibbe. Rita Erickson. Alice Becker and Elaine Cray. ! The funds collected surpassed any previous effort. dance on Nov. 4. The committee has l)een working hsird fur tjiis event and a good lime is assured to all attending. Q. ffoyv can I treat some ' light burn marks on my furni- I ture? i A. These will sometimes disappear by use of your rcgu- 1 lar furniture polish. If not, use l^meNrottenstone or finely- I powdcre^ pumice mixed to a ; thin paste with raw or boiled j linseed oil. Rub in the direction j of the grain. Wipe with anothj er eloth moistened with plain j linseed oil. Repeat as often as necessary. If the burn is too | deep, you'll more than likely J need professional care. J Q. Ho\V can I keep my ! leather gloves fcweet-smelling j and odor-free? j A. Shake some rice or tal- I cum powder into the gloves before putting them away. This ] will prevent tliat disagreeable i leathery smell sometimes ac- ' quired when worn constantly. ' Q. How can I stiffen the i bristles of a brush? I A. By dipping them into a ; strong solution of alum, saturating thoroughly. j Q. What is a good way to clean a hot soldering iron I w hile working with it? A. Fasten the shell of an elect rie-l amp socket to your workshop wall or lu nch, and fill this with steel wool. Then all you have to do is force the lint iron into the wool and rotate it to clean it. Attach the I • Machine socket by driving a wood gcre#' through the hole in the bottom. Q. How can I remove lip- : stick stains from sheets? A. First try some hot, sadj sy water. If this doesn't do the j trick, bleach with hydrogep 1 peroxide, or rub some lard into ! the stain until soft, then scrapie off the gresj.se and wash in suds. Q. How can I create a glossy effect on freshly-washi'd woodwork? A. Add two tablespoons of furniture polish to each quart of rinsing water used. After rinsing with the solution, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Q. How can I remedy a salt shaker that pours too fast and generously? * A. First, Wash Jhe shaker to remove all sailt, then dry thoroughly. Then, all you have to do is plug up the desired number of holes in the cap with some fingernail polish. Q. How can I complete the driving of brass-headed upholstery tacks without crushing them? A. I'se a short dowel in ope end of which a shallow hole has been drilled. Hold this drilled end on the tack and tap the other end with your hammer. Q. How can I remove grass stains from washable garments" A. By adding a few drops of amy acetate (banana oil) to a thick soap solution, and rubbing thoroughly into the stains, then rinsing at least three times in clear water. Q. How can I relieve the painful sting of mosquito bites? A. Bathe the parts with spirits ot camphor or witch hazel. The secret of beine tiresome is to tell everything you know. Masquerade Dance All members of the "Shores Club" are urged to attend this HERNIA hurling your game? Gel an OTC Truss y A BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. fireen St. Ph. EV 5-4500 All Types and Sizes (No Job Too Large or Too Small) For Prompt, Fast and Efficient Service call EV 5-4645 Al's Welding & Repair Service 4021 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. ADVANCED Moves power forward for arrow-straight going WHEN T H t CN6/NI MOVBO FORWARD --WMOOSNI Underneath that gleaming hood nestles Buick's mighty 401 cu. in. Wildcat V-8 and go-happy Turbine Drive -- now both standard on full size Buicks! Moved forward, they give the '62 Buick faster wheel response, amazing sizzle and stability (this beauty slices the air like an arrow--won't wander even in a wind). And, as the power went forward, the frame went wider for dead level cornering...the floor inside went nearly flat for luxurious new leg room. And, talk about luscious interiors, lasting quality! See for yourself at your Buick Dealer's! Your Quality Buipk Dealer in McHenry is: |# QYERTQH MOTOR SJIILES , Big if lection! Big valutJ 5-- your Buick Dealt* for Double ^ Check Used Caral --1 1109 N. Front