Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1961, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursdayi October 19, 1#51 Anderson-May Nuptial Vows ! SHARON BECK ! LOVELY BRIDE OF ! LESLIE BERGSTROM Wed Sept. 23 PERSONALS Oct. 28 Date Of Hallow ecu Dance The dale of the Johnsburg Community club Halloween dance is yetting closer, and by now committee members feel all goblins should have made up their mind on the matter of appearance at the event. i Judging of costumes will 1 nin" lake place at 10 o'clock shjirp, j At 8 p.m. there will an aucand needless to say, the com- tion, at which an upright piano mittee has arranged for good and many other things will lie entertainment in the way of ' sold. an orchestra for dancing, and --- : excellent refreshments. Honor Bride At A wedding of local interest look place in Resurrection c hurch, Chicago, on Saturday, Oct. 14, when Miss Isabelle Mary Anderson ot 4745 W. Van Buren street, Chicago, daugh- Fua Fair At tcr of Mary Anderson, became ! lovely wedding ceremony Big Hollow School the bride of Mr. Ronald , which was solemnized last S;;>- This Saturday, Oct. 21 js 1 May ol 5814 VV. Divi- 1 urday, Oct. 14, ut St. Mar>'s t h e d a y f o r t h e B i g H o l l o w : s i o n s t r e e l . C h i c a g o , s o n o f j C a t h o l i c c h u r c h , M c H e n r y . school Fun Fail- from 5 to 10 ' Mr- an(1 Mrs- GeorSe A- MftV i Rev- Fr- Eugene Baumhofer Miss Sharon Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Beck of Island Lake, became the birde of Mr. Leslie Berstrom, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Stanley Petkovsek of Waukegan, in a p.m. Dinner will be served from 5 on. Different games, prizes and rides will be held in each class throughout the evei of Rt. 1, Ringwood. Msgr. Doyle officiated at the 11:30 o'clock nuptial rite. Bouquets of yellow mums decorated the altar. 5 The bride, given in marriage j The date of the dance ( Miscellaneous Shower Saturday, Oct. 28. at 8:30 p.m. | Miss Louise Schmitt, a for- edge. She wore a pillbox hat Luncheon, Film At WSCS Meeting The regular meeting of the Mai ion Bass, Joan May and W.S.C.S. will be held in the i Sharon and Janeen Schmitt. re- ! mer McHenry resident, was " guest of honor at a miscellan- : cous shower given by Mrs. Fr. officiated at the 11 o'clock nuptial rite. The pretty, blonde bride approached the altar wearing a floor length dress of chantilly lace and taffeta, trimmed in by her uncle, Alvin Willes, was I seed pearls. It was styled with charming in an ivory gown of [ scalloped neckline, long, tap- French silk net, accented with iered sleeves and bouffant skirt pearl beaded alencon lace mo- J which fell into a long train, tifs over a peau de soi skirt, ! Her pearl headpiece held in giving a redlingote effect. The j place a short veil, and she carbouffant train had a scalloped j ried spider mums in a cascade bouquet. Beverly Thelen of Johnsburg acted as her maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Linda Beck, her sister-in-law, and Miss Joy Fairchild of McHcnof lace and peau de soie, from which fell a veil. Attending her were Judith Sobczyk of Park Ridge as maid of honor, Adele Gibson and church dining room on Thurs- Jcently at St. Patrick s Hall, : Julie Anderson of Chicago and j rv, a friend. They were attire noir Jin • 1 CV „« ^ r. n i T"^ 11 1-- 11 c : . . . .. r: _ i . .. * day, Oct. 19. at noon, follow- Elkhorn. Wis. Sixty-five rela- joyee Altmaier of Roselle as alike in charppagne-colored s; ing a prayer group in the sane- fives and friends were in at- i bridesmaids. Lynn Drazinski of tuary at 11:45. A luncheon will tendance. (Chicago was the flower girl, be served and the program will I Cards and airplane bunco ! p^e attendants wore primrose, fecture a timely film on corn-1 furnished the entertainment i iridescent taffeta gowns with m u n i s m , c o n c l u d e d b y a d i s - [ f o r t h e a f t e r n o o n . R e f r e s h - ! b e l l - s h a p e d b o u f f a n t s k i r t s cussion led by Betty Francke. I ments were served, after which ! trimmed with brown velvet rib- The first meeting of the fall she opened her many beautiful was held Sept. 21 at the home of Ann Varese, with a pot-luck l u n c h e o n . S i x t y - o n e w o m e n were present and ate at gailyflower decorated tables on the front porch. Music was provided by Irma Kosin, who presented selected light operetta songs, accompanied by Helen Foster. The days program was brought to a fitting close by an inspirational message from the new president of the W.S.C.S., Mrs. Florence Engdahl. and useful gifts. Miss Schmitt became the bride of Robert Bleser on Oct. 14. Surprise Party Honors Pair On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon Bruce of 3412 W. Waukegan _ road, McHenry, were guests of honor at a surprise party given at their home last Sunday afternoon on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. Hostess at the party was Mrs. Bruce's sister, Mrs. Marian Pierson, of Cicero. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion in silver and white. Centerpiece on the table was an attractive silver spray of palms brought from Florida. One of the couple's gifts was a miniature tree filled with silver dollars. Among the guests was their daughter, Carolyn Francps Brugg^ a senior at McHenry high school. Others who attended were Mrs. Bruce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cervenka, Mr. and Mrs. George Pierson and children, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cech, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glessner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard DesSarto and children and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Holecek of Cicero; Mr. and Mrs. Art Edstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowles of McHenry; Mrs. Evelyn Kemmis and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Russlo of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaplan of Cary and Mr. and Mrs. George K re pel of Crystal Lake. Mary Rita Daly Guest At Shower Miss Mary Rita Daly, whose recent engagement to Lawrence Feezel of Woodstock was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Daly of Johnsburg, was guest of honor at two recent showers. Miss Patti Frisby of Sunnyside was assisted as hostess at one party by Mrs. Robert Rizzo and Mrs. Nancy Tindell of McHenry and Miss Theresa Daly of Johnsburg, who will be attendants at the wedding. Decorations were in blue and white, with a tiered wedding cake as centerpiece on the serving table. Refreshments were served to twenty-three guests. At another shower, Mrs. Bernard Murray of Northbrook, assisted by Mrs. George Rieske of Chicago, entertained Miss Daly and forty friends and relatives at a buffet luncheon. | Miss Daly will be married to Mr. Feezel on Nov. 4 at St. ! John the Baptist church, Johnsburg. Band Queen tin sheath dresses with overskirts, fashioned with elbowlength sleeves and bateau neck lines. On their heads they wore matching, flat satin bows to which blusher veils were atbon at the waistlines and hems, j (ached. Their flowers were All carried yellow mums sur- j harvest bouquets of bronze and rounded by bronze miniature yellow mums. mums and bird of paradise. Ken May of Ringwood served as best man and groomsmen Arthur Beck, brother of the bride, served as best man and groomsmen were Charles Gawere David Smith of Spring hart and Jack Kelley of Liber- Grove, Robert Gibson and tyville. MICHELLE HANSEN Pretty, blonde Michelle Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Muss Hansen of Wonder Lake, was named band queen at the homecoming football game last Friday evening. The crown was placed on her head by Bert Kissling, drum major for the band. Michelle, a senior, has played the baritone horn in the school's instrumental organization for the past four years. RICHARD LUNDBORG NAMED PRESIDENT WONDER LAKE YCW Entertains For Edgar Nardls Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nardi of Shalimar, who are leaving this community to make their home in Connecticut on Oct. 28, were honored guests last Saturday, Oct. 14, at a dinner party held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Varese. The guests contributed to [the lovely dinner, after which , a gift box filled with "joke" presentations preceded the 'opening of one lovely gift by , Mr. and Mrs. Nardi. | Present were Messrs. and Mesdames Herbert Engdahl, Harold Vaupell, LeRoy Olson, Clyde Bailey, Clarence Keim and John Laff, the latter of Palatine but formerly of McHenry. Unable to attend were Mrs. Albin Olsen and Dr. and Mrs. Fike, George Anderson of Chicago. Edward Rog of Chicago was ring bearer. Everett May and Charles Willes acted as ushers. The bride's mother selected a green suit for the church ceremony, with which she wore a while orchid corsage. Mrs. May wore a green suit and similar corsage. v A wedding breakfast was served at the Legion hall in Cicero for seventy-five guests, and later 300 relatives and friends gathered there for an evening reception. After a short trip into Wisconsin, the couple will reside at 5814 W. Division street. The bride and groom are both graduates of Northern Illinois university. She is a fifth grade teacher in Cicero at Lincoln school and he teaches physical education in East Prairie school, Skokie. McHENRY MEMBERS HOST MEETING OF TEACHERS' GROUP The Wonder Lake Young Christian Workers held election bf officers at this week's meeting. They include Richard Lundborg. president; Mary Weisenberger, vice-president; Paul Steffan, treasurer; Mary Alice O'Connor, secretary; Rea Smith, publicity and social chairman. The group finished | the series of discussions they j have been having on work, with emphasis on unions. Plans are in progress for the Y.C.W. night of recollection to be held Thursday, Oct. 19, at Christ the King church in Wonder Lake. Rev. Fr. Thomas Caughlin will conduct it for the group. All are invited to attend, beginning at 8 p.m. Following the meeting, the group accepted the invitation of the Woodstock Y. C. W., represented by James Mahal, to attend their St. Theresa's Day celebration Sunday, Oct. 22, in Woodstock. All single workers who are out of school are invited to attend the Y.C.W. meeting. They are reminded that the Wonder Lake group meets at Christ the King rectory in Wonder j c°un*?r suPe rintendent Lake on Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. Anyone interested is asked to attend the night of recollection this week and any future meetings. CHURCH CARD PARTY The Church of the Holy Family of Fox Lake Hills is sponsoring a card party Saturday, Oct. 21, at 8 o'clock at Last week Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma held its first meeting of the season. Thirty members of the county turned out to enjoy the pumpkin pie and coffee which the hostesses of McHenry provided. In the regular order of business which followed the social hour, Miss Agnes Thomsen, president, reported on important highlights from the conventions of the organization, and tribute was paid to Miss Emma Schn e i d e w i n d, who passed away recently. She had been a member for several years. The lighter side of the evening was carried out by Miss Frances Brand, who planned a b r i e f p r o g r a m a r o u n d t h e theme of armchair travel. Miss Faith Harrington touched briefly on the highlights of her summer trip to Alaska as Miss Brand showed the slides of the trip. To finish, Miss Brand showed pictures of her trip to Ireland last summer. The final event of the meeting was an auction of articles brought by members from ttieir summer travels. Miss BrancT was an excellent auctioneer, and was able to persuade the group to contribute a very substantial sum which will go toward the annual scholarship which the chapter maintains in honor of Mrs. Coe, former of schools Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Eleanor Foley, principal of Edgebrook school, where the meeting was held; Miss Bolger, Miss Nellie Doherty and Miss Genevieve Knox. Mrs. Beck selected a taffelr. d r e s s i n c a r m e l s h a d e , w i i h which she wore aqua accessories and a corsage of bronze mums surrounding an orchid. Mrs. Petkovsek wore a gold dress, matching accessories ami a similar corsage. Dinner and a reception followed the ceremony at the Crystal Lake Legion home for 175 guests. The couple left later for a trip north, after which they will reside in McHenry. The former Miss Beck is a 1961 graduate of the McHenry high school. Her husband received his education in Waukegan and is now engaged in the roofing business in Fox Lake. TRAINING SCHOOL The Home Economics Extension council invites all interested people to attend a local leader training school on Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. at the Farm Bureau meeting room. The lesson, "You and Your Future," will be given by Margueritte Lynch, a specialist from the University of Illinois. THE MARVIN ROONEYS DeWane Studio Photo Miss Margaret Freund of McHenry and Marvin Rooney of Crystal Lake were married in St. Mary's Catholic church in this city on Sopt. 23. They arc residing 'in Aurora. K OF C SPONSORS BENEFIT DANCE ON SATURDAY, NOV. 4 PLEDGES SORORITY Nanci Buckner has been pledged to Alpha Gamma Delthe parish house. Guests are j ta sorority at the University welcome. of Wisconsin. THANK YOU! We wish to thank the public for their response to the Annual Snap-Shot Contest. Special thanks to the following participating businesses: NYE DRUGS MILL8TREAM DRUGS BOLGER'S DRUGS KOTALIK CAMERA CLUB McHenry Camera Club CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to relatives, neighbors and friends for their cards, flowers and kindness during the time Tony J. Miller was in the hospital; also to Fr. Baumhofer, Fr. Rennell, Ff. Caughlin, Fr. F.gan, Fr. Murphy and Sisters of Mercy for their prayers. Your thoughtfulness and kind expressions of Sympathy shown during the death of our husband and father will always be remembered. Mrs. Tony J. Miller Richard J. Miller and Family Sarah Groell and Judie Merlin W. Engels Family *10-19-61 McHenry Council, Knights of Columbus, is planning a dinner and dance at the Woodstock Council clubhouse on Saturday evening, Nov. 4. The Council members, while in need of funds to accomplish a number of long needed improvements in their own clubhouse, decided to postpone Ihcse and have voted to contribute the entire proceeds of the first social event of the season to a need they feel is more pressing than their own. All of the money will be donated to a technical training school for boys in a poverty ridden district in South India. GOP SOCIAL The Young Republican organization will hold a social on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 22, from 3 until 7 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Country club, Chapel Hill road, McHenry. There will be free refreshments served. The general public is invited to attend. PLEDGES HONOR SORORITY Zelinda Anne Bennett, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. R a l p h B e n n e t t , h a s b e e n pledged to Alpha Sigma Nu, honor sorority for physical education at the University of Illinois for outstanding service, leadership and scholarship. To attain this honor, a student must have an average of 4 points or better. APPLE PIC KING PARTY On Sunday, Oct. 15, the Joseph J. Miller family had an apple picking party at their home on Waukegan road. By the time the Purvey family from Crystal Lake, the Morgans from Elkhorn, Wis., the Gerald Millers and Bob Beckers from McHenry were tired of picking, they had about fifteen bushels of apples from only one tree. REPRESENTS CLASS Barbara Ellen Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Miller, 3702 W. Grand, McHenry, has been elected student representative of the freshman class at St. Francis hospital school of nursing, Evanston. Miss Miller was one of sixtytwo girls who entered this fall to begin a three-year course of study. EV. 5-0195 S BAIRY, S»e. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0232 Miss Diane Rietesel spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rietesel. Diane, who graduated from stewardess school ir. Kansas City, Mo., in July, is now stationed in Chicago, where She is a stewardess. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder of Edgebrook, accomp a n i e d by Mr. and Mrs. Burt Walinder of Chicago, spent a few days lasl week in the Edward Walindexhome in Holland, Mich.; where they helped their brother and his wife celebrate their fortyninth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kloptz and children Kokomo, Ind.; spent a few d^ys recently in the home of her sister, Mrs. Stanley Aim, and family. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Croak and daughter, Cathy, of Chicago called on her grandmother. Mrs. Nellie BacGn, Saturday. Mrs. Mary Elverman of Kenosha, Wis.; and daughters, Mrs. Larry Selear of Kenosha, Mrs. Roman Perry of Brighton and Mrs. Gerald Siebert of Salem, Wis.; weje dinner guests in the home of their sister and aunt, Mrs. Louis Althoff, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes and family of Chicago were Saturday guests of his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Mrs. Frank Litke of Chicago was entertained in the home of Mrs. J. C. Holly over the weekend. John Bolger has returned to his work in Syracuse, N. Y.; after a visit in the home of his mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Mrs. Richard Sedar and children of Waukegan were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powers and friends of "Evanston visited in the home of Mrs. Powers' sister, Mrs. Herb Simon, and husband, Saturday. Miss Nancy Buckner was home from her studies at the University of Wisconsin to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr.j and Mrs. Carl Buckner. Mrs. Ethel Holly visited Antioch friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson and family and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson spent a recent day in the George Thompson home in Reesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Antonson returned Sunday from a few days' visit in Sturgis, Mich. Miss Ruth Ann Schoenhoeltz of St. Charles school of nursing, Aurora, was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenhoeltz. Miss Marion McOmber was a guest of Chicago friends a few days the past week. Mrs. Ada Hoelscher has returned to her home in Elgin after a visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Maud Overton. Miss Clara Miller spent a few days last week in the home Halloween Treats make for festive parties! What's Halloween without a party? Make yours a success with our Halloween Treats. Witches and cats festoon cakes, oookies, cupcakes and pumpkin pies. And orange and chocolate frosted donuts all help make it an occasion! P.8.: The little goblins asking for "Tricks or Treats" would love you dearly for a cookie, copcake or donntl Stop in lo fiU Halloween needs. Halloween Specials! -mzir pvmPKtti pit,' McHENRY BAKERY 1238 N. Green St. EV 5-0190 HALLOWEEN I PARTY CAKESI HALLOWEEN D0NUT* Want Do (jet Mead . . . and k e e p i t B e a u t i f u l ? You can -- e v e n t h r o u g h a l l the fall gales, and still look as lovely as the moment you left . . . Riverside J^airbtyiinfy S)tudio Don't Forget -- You can get Birthday & Christmas Gift Certificates, Too. "It Costs No More To Get The Best!" 1320 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111. Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. ! of her aunt, Mrs. Gertrude I Heimer in Chicago. Mrs. Eva Anderson and Mrs. I r e n e A d a m s v i s i t e d M i s s Delia Beckwith at Valley Hi Nursing home Wednesday. Mr. ^nd Mrs. Howard Phalin of Winnetka visited ^IcHenrv relatives Sunday. ( Mrs. Annabel Aicher, Miss ! Clara Miller, Miss Marion McOmber and Mrs. Carl Bradley, accompanied by Mrs. Harold Abbott of Woodstock, enjoyed luncheon in Dundee Monday and later spent a few social hours in the Aicher home in observance of Mrs. Aicher's birthday. Lt. Col. Merle Davis, wife and daughters, Nell and Sherrl, are spending the week at the home of. her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, enroute from Norfolk, Va., to Norwalk, Calif. - Mrs. Davis and daughters will make their home in Norwalk while he is on a thirteen- month tour of duty in Japan, where he will report the last of November. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson0 r e t u r n e d T u e s d a y m o r n i n g from a trip to California, where they visited many places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson returned Monday evening from a few days' trip to Cleveland, Ohio, where they visited relatives. They were accompanied by Granger Smith of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and family and Mrs. Eleanor Young visited Ronald Warner at Salvatorian seminary, St. Nazianz, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Schwieger of McCullom Lake left from San Francisco on Oct. 18 for Hawaii. October 19 Public Card Party -- K. of C. Hall. P. T. A. Meeting -- 8-15 p.m. -- Junior High School. W October 24 United Nations Luncheon -- Noon to 2 p.m. -- Methodist Church Hall. O.E.S. Stated Meeting -- Worthy Matrons and Patrons Night - 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall. October 25 Lecture Luncheon Club -- N o o n -- M c H e n r y C o u n t r y Club. Jh Halloween Frolics (P. T\ A. C a r n i v a l ; -- J u n i o r H i g h School. Riverview Camp, R. N. A., Dessert Luncheon and Card' Party -- l^p.m. -- K. of C. Hall. PRESENT DRAMA The Cornell college drama department has announced the cast for their homecoming weekend presentation of "Androcles and the Lion" to be given Oct. 20 and 21. The part of the editor will be played by Jay Walkington of Ringwood. WED IN ELKHORN Miss Louise Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmitt of Elkhorn, Wis., formerly of Johijsburg, was married to Robert Bleser of FJlkhorn at St. Patrick's Catholic church Elkhorn, last Saturday, Oct. 14. RECEIVES HONORS Miss Joy Fairchild, a freshman student at the James Ward Thorne school of nursing at Passavant hospital, Chicago, has been -elected vicepresident of her class and also is accompanist for the nurses' chorus. October 26 Lady Forester's Pot-Luck Supper ---6 p.m. -- St. Mary's School Hall. ^ d October 28 Annual Halloween Party -- Memorial Hall, Johnsburg -- Sponsored by Community Club. October 30 Juvenile Forester's Halloween Party -- 7 to 9 p.m. St. Mary's Schorl Hall. October 31 Card Party and Luncheon -- St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove -- Noon -- Sponsored by C^\istian Mothers. November 4 Roaring Twenties Dance -- Club Lilymoor - 8 p.m. - Sponsored by Lilymoor Association. Rummage and Bake Sale -- Childers Residence, May Avenue -- Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary of Pistakee Terrace. November 7 R.N.A. Camp, No. 3251, *gular Meeting -- 8 p.m. Community Methodist church. Public Luncheon and Public Card Party -- - Noon Pistakee. Yacht Club - Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary of Yacht Club. * November 9 AnrWal Chicken Dinner -- Zion Lutheran Church, Rt. 120 West Aid November 15 Organizational Meeting for New Evening Lecture Club -- 7:30 p.m. -- McHenry Country Club. November 18 Fund Raising Dinner for McHenry Hospital. November 19 Feather Party -- 5 p.m. -- Legion Home -- Benefit of J'scounts Drum and Bugle Corps. Vest • Sponsored by iid -- Serving from 5 to 8 p.m. El WITH THIS ©OLD STAR BEAUTY ~W' ROPER GOLD STAR Model A32F2S Flame-Set Tem- Trol top burner, three Circle-Simmer top burners. 25-Inch low-temperature Flame-Master oven. Smokeless broiler. Electric clock, 4-hour timer. Automatic ignition. t Dedicated to the American Homemaker--Roper's magnificent new line of 1961 gas ranges . . . Brilliant new features to make your cooking the ultimate in ease and pleasure. Complete, compact, and colorful! Roper gas ranges cook with natural, manufactured or Liquefied Petro^ leum gases. Ask about other Roper ranges in 36 and 40 inch sizes--plus the most complete line of built-in, drop-in, slidein, and set-in models. Roper Ranges Start As Low As $159.95 See Them At . . . am & 1241 N. Green NCE, Inc. EV 5-5500

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