Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1961, p. 14

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Page Fourteen THE McHENllY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 26, )9d1 McCullom Laki \ HEART ATTACK CLAIMS LIFE OF META SCHROEDER five ivesqae A pot of potatoes burning on the kitchen stove was the onlywarning for Charles Sehroeder that something was wrong on Friday evening and tlpon investigation, he found the prostrate form of his wife, Meta, on the floor. When he was unable to rouse her, he rushed to the home of close friends and neighbors. Theresa and Willard Schultz, and asked them to call a doctor. Willard returned to the Sehroeder home to give assistance and then called for the Johnsburg Rescue Squad. Within minutes, this wonderful group of men were on the scene but revival attempts were to ho avaij and Mrs. S e h r o e d e r w a s p r o n o u n r o r l dead by a local physician. De; •tails appear elsewhere in the PlaindeaJer. In the space of a few minutes, with no history of serious illness, the life of a devoted wife and mother, and a wonderful neighbor and friend was taken. The loss of this grand person will be felt .deeply and long. At a time like this, how does one try to sum up the thoughtful gestures, the willing hands for a menial task, and the countless loving acts for family, friends and many per sons which she had never even seen? During the course of her membership in the Legion auxiliary, she served as chairman for a committee to give assistance to wounded war veterans. One task which gave her many hours ol pleasure was sewing garments for her many grandchildren. Meta, who was looking forward to her sixty-sevenlh birthday tomorrow, had just celebrated 45 years of marriage with husband, Charles, on Sept. 19. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. Sehroeder. to sons, Ernest and George, to daughters. Frances of Iowa who arrived for the services and Dorothy who flew home from Belgium, to niece, Henrietta Vycital. and all the rest of her family and her many friends who mourn for .her. Services were conducted from the George Just en funeral home with interment in Diamond Lake on Tuesday. come to Mr. Smith of Johnsburg who has opened Don's Barber Shop in the building which formerly housed Lottie and Gene's Grocery store. He conies well qualified to offer this service, having been similarly engaged in shops in Cicero and Chicago. f Don Smith Opens Barber Shop May we extend a hearty wel- "Triok or Treat" for Small Fry The Cullom-Knoll association will host a party for the kiddies of the village on Halloween night, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the beach. "Treats" instead of tricks is the general idea. Naturally, the young boys and girls will be expected 1o show up in costume, and any one who feels "young at heart" is invited to do likewise. The club will welcome any donations of coin or candy which can be deposited at the homes of Parent j. Hammerstein, or Lcvesque. The hours are such, that the small fry can "trick or treat" from door to door in the early afternoon and evening, and still attend the "shin-dig" to be held in their honor. We love our kids, and w(ant them to feel the same for us! Top Teen Tale In this age. when horror stories involving the junior population occupy so much space, it is with pride that we dedicate this portion of the column to McCullom Lake's finest!-- our TEEN A G E R S. These kids, who are most anxious to have larger meeting quarters which will benefit everyone. spent their playtime hours on Saturday to further the cause. In spite of the cold temperatures which prevailed, a large group collected at the beach to WASH CARS, and in a short time they serviced quite a few vehicles. Those who deserve "bows an' bouquets" are Barbara Lorch, Teddy Olsen, Ken Nelson, Rick Baumbeck, the Tomasellos, Nintf, Dominic, Tiny, and Peanuts, Delores Piotrowski, Joanne Reid. Nancy Burg, Michael and Franky Lorch. Penny Miller. Marilyn (Jeannie » Scarbrough and Tom De- Witt. The money realized from this venture-- original with the kids, and not a suggestion from higher up!, will be turned over to the Cullom-Knoll building fund. How's that for civic pride ? This week the young boys and girls are going "door-todoor" to collect canned goods in order to fill baskets. These will be offered to the public and proceeds will also be given for the above cause. Gals Will Romp Tonight All the lovely gals who normally show up for Ladies of the Lake meetings will be t r a n s f o r m e d i n t o w i t c h e s , ghosts, or worse! tonight when they hold their annual Hallowe'en festivities. The finest in refreshments, both liquid and solid, will be offered, plus prizes 'n' games. The party will be held in the beachhouse. com m e n c i n g at 8 p.m. and the only entry fee is wearing a costume. Those not properly attired will be p e n a l i z e d , s o b e p r e p a r e d . Should be fun and worth the slightly extra effort. Here's your chance to be "ugly as sin" or Lady Godiva, if you prefer! See you there? All the women of the community are invited, of course. You may like us so well, you'll want to be a permanent part of the group! Shades of Coming Winter A beautiful flock of Canadian snow geese populated the field north of the blacktop most of Saturday. From the noise which emanated from that region, it sounded as though they were choosing a leader for the long journey south. The inclement weather must have proved a boon to them and afforded a much needed rest. from same goes toward some kind of community improvement. If you have been storing up food in your fall-out shelter, now is a good time to rotate your canned goods. Give what has been sitting on the shelves for some time to the women's group (also to fill baskets for you know what!) and replenish your stock with fresh merchandise. Simple, isn't it? We promise you a bigger and better party than ever before and we're hoping the walls will be bulging. Consider this a giltedged invite. Treat for Kiddies on Saturday One event your wee ones won't let you miss is the P.T.A. Hallowe'en Frolics at the junior high school this Sat- Super Duper Din 'N* Dance Tickets for the Republican dinner and dance may be obtained locally from precinct urday. Oct. 28-- beginning at ^committeeman Jake Levesque, <? p.m. A myriad of surprises is in store for you and the family. There is still time to clean out the toy boxes and bring I he unwanted or out grown arlieles to Tommy Fox. Verna Schlofner or Dora Smith. The merchandise will be user! in the toy fair and also the small fry Christmas shopping center. Circle Nov. 11 in Red! This is the night of the "Turkey Trot" at McDonald's under the auspices of the Ladies of the Lake. Every year, the women hold this affair and "coin of the realm" realized RELAX IN COMFORT -1 with OTC supports TRUSSES - ABDOMINAL BELTS ELASTIC HOSIERY BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. Ph. EV 5-4500 Draperies. . . beautifully fi by id Decorator Fold Pleated and Ready to Hang At No Extra Charge. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY FROM 7 A.M. The finest drapery cleaning requires skill, judgment, training and painstaking care. We at Holiday can guarantee your complete satisfaction. Our experts use only the most modern, scientific methods and give their own personal attention to your draperies. is • More Teen Talk At the last gathering of the Teen' Club, new officers were elected and Miss Barbara Lorch can now be addressed as "prez". Her second in commap'ci is Doug Miller with Virginia Taylor serving as scribe while Penny Miller reigns supreme over "cash on hand". The kids met at the Stewart. Norbert Lorch residence On Oct. 17 and will convene again on Nov. 7. Meetings are held j the first and third Tuesdays of the month and all young people are cordially invited to participate. Let's face it-- they need more car washers! Just kidding, they have loads of fun while engaged in civic improvement. Dances and parties they have, galore. try Club on Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 7 p.m. with an address by Countess Maria Pulaski who will speak on "My life as a spy". The affair is sponsored by the McHenry Township Republican central committee. Felicitations Department Belated greetings to Bobby Michels who had one candle on his cake yesterday, Oct. 25. . . Happy birthday to Timmy Hocin who is 1 today, Oct. 26 and also to Jean Reid this date. We finally get back that hoUr of sleep we lost last Spring, Turn the clocks BACK an hour before retiring on Saturday night. Stay happy *n' healthy, and with luck we'll have rhore of the same next week. Science Museum On Winter Time Schedule John Granath or Art Stuhlfeier. It will be held at Coun- Coincident with Chicago's switch from daylight saving to standard time next weekend, the ,Museum of Science and Industry, 57th street and South Lake Shore Drive, will resume its regular winter schedule of hours. It will be open from 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m., Mondays through Saturdays inclusive, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. This schedule will prevail until the return to daylight saving time next spring. Admission to the Museum is free at all times, as is the use of its extensive parking facilities. The only day in the year when the Museum is closed is Christmas Day, FARMERS VOTE ON CONSOLIDATION IN LIVESTOCK COOPS A proposal to consolidate six Illinois livestock cooperatives will be decided soon by 35,000 Illinois livestock producers. Proxies were mailed this week to shareholders and members of the six cooperatives, asking for approval to consolidate into one large Illinois livestock cooperative to be knownf as Illinois Producers Livestock association. The consolidation proposal involves Illinois Livestock Marketing association, Springfield Producers Livestock association, Chicago Producers Commission association, Peoria Producers Commission association, Henderson Livestock Marketing association and Vermilion County Livestock Marketing association. Directors of these cooperatives have already approved the plan for consolidation. To finalize the consolidation, approval is necessary from twothirds of the membership of each cooperative. , Whether or not the member/ ship approves the consolidation will be determined at a special meeting of each cooperative in early December. If a cooperative fails to obtain the necessary two-thirds approval from its membership, that cooperative must be dropped from the plan, and tte directors of the remaining cooperatives receiving approval will have the option of deciding whether to go ahead with the consolidation. The , new cooperative would | be an affiliated company of] the Illinois Agricultural association and a member of the National Livestock Producers association. Illinois Livestock Marketing association is already an affiliate of the IAA, with offices in the new IAA building in Bloomington. The companies involved in the consolidation proposal now handle one-fourth of the livestock marketed in the northern two-thirds of Illinois, with total sales of 1,850,000 head of livestock annually. Combined net worth of the companies is about $1.1 million. Three large lakes lie below sea level-- The Caspian Sea, 86 feet below, The Sea of Galillee, 682 feet below, and The Dead Sea, 1,290 feet below. NATION-WIDE NROTC EXAMS TO BE HELD DEC. 9 High school seniors and graduates have only until Nov. 17 to apply for the Navy's Reserve Officer Training cops. Applicants will take the nation^ wide competitive examination on Dec. 9 as the first step toward an appointment as midshipman. ; The NROTC college training program is also open to enlist- ' ed men on active duty with • the Navy and Marines. A separate quota is established fori applicants within these services. Hawaii has a volcanic crater 20 miles in circumference, and Alaska has one 21 miles aroUnd. UR RADIATOR NEEDS REPAIRING . WE'LL FIX IT! At radiator work, we're tops! Anything from a little crack to a big gash, we'll repair with precision. as low $4.00 McHENiY AUTO BODY 1 Phone: 385-0444 4704 W. Rt. 120 (Lakeland Park) McHenry, III. CARS and TRUCKS -- PROMPT SERVICE Every one of your washables will come back to you cleaner - whiter -- brighter than you ever thought possible. Here s what you get: All Hat work beautifully ironed; bath towels, washable rugs; socks, knitwear dried and fluffed . . . ready for use; other apparel fluff dried. All washables guaranteed against fading, shrinkage and loss. Your satisfaction guaranteed. 22 lbs- only $3 49 Shirts included -- only 14c each WOOL BLANKETS -- OUR SPECIALTY 50c each -- when included with bundles HOLIDAY Laundry & Cleaners QUALITY DRY CLEANING -- FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY L. V. Adams, Jr. phone 385-0189 ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH U/thi. south on Green St.) Sundays: 7:30 ajn. Mass 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. Mass First Thursday: 8:00 pjn. Women's Auxiliasn; Second Thursdays 8:00 pm Men's Ghib Friday: 7 a.m. Mass 2:00 p.m. Confessions^ and By Appointment ZION EVANGELICAL,, LUTHERAH (OfflUJIMJIl " (Missouri Synod!) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor Sunday -- Services: 7:45 and 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class Ladies Aid -- 1st Tues. of the month Friendship Guild -- 2nd Tues. of the month Men's Club -- Last Tues. of the month Walther League -- Last Sunday of the month You are cordially invited to attend our services. FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lincoln Rd. West of Outdoor Theatre John O. Mclntyre, Minister Worship: 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:30 i»m, Deacons: 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m. Session: 2nd Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Women's Society and Study Circle: 3rd Thursday at 8:00 p.m. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHTOD1 Richmond, Illinois Rev. Ft. Frank J. Miller Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 8:80 and 10:00 am Daily Massa -- 8:00 a.m. Holy Days -- 7 and 9 a.m. Friday -- 7:00 p.m. Pioneer Girls Landmark School '^Christ is the Answer" ST. MARSPS 0ATHOLIO OIIUSSCJH Rev. Eugene liaumhofer Rev. Harold Nilges Rev. Albert Rennell Assistant' Pastors Sunday Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 9:3u, lu:45 and 12:00. Weekday Masses: 6:45 and 8:00 Holy days: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 ajssu and 7:30 pjia. First Fridays and First Saturdays: Mnsnns at 6:80 sad 8:00 am Confessions: Saturday Thursdays before First days, and days before Hollydays: 3-4 in afternoon and 7-8 in evening Baptisms: each Sunday 1:30 pjn. by appointment ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Edw. C. Coaldey Stetsff Rev. Eugene 3>. Parker Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7, 8, 9, 1U, 11 and 12 Daily Masses -- 7 and 8 a.m. Holy Days -- 6, 7, 8, 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. First Fridays -- Communion distributed at 6:30 and during 7 and 8 a.m. rnassas Saturday -- 4-5, 7-8 pjn. Confessions Thursday (Before First Fri.) -- 4-5, 7-8 p.m. Confessions COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois George W. Martin, p«stor EV. 5-1352 Sunday Worship Services-- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School -- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Every Sunday -- M.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Every Other Sunday -- I.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Thursdays -- Senior choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Fridays -- Junior choir rehearsal at 3 p.m. Second Wednesday of the Month-- Official Board at 8 pjn. Third Wednesday of the Mo^th-- Homebuilders at 8 p.m. Fourth Wednesday of the Month- Men's Club Dinner Meeting at 7 p.m. Third Thursday of the Month-- Woman's Society of Christian Service luncheon meeting at 12 noon A friendly invitation is extended to you and your family to come for worship, fellowship and service with us. WONPES LAKB RHtT.lT, (OHUS5GH Box 2, Phone W.L. 7961 Rev. Richard N. Wright Pastor Sunday -- 9:30 ajn. Sunday School 11:00 ajn. Morning Worship 5:30 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:00 p.m. Bible Fellowship Hour Wednesday -- 7:30 pjn. Mid Weak Prayer H£ur Friday -- 7:00 p.m. Children's Bible Clubs Boys, ages 8-13, Pals' Qub Girls, ages 8-13, Pioneers' Club CHRIST THE KINO ukkvmjm Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, Illinois Rev. James Vanderpool Pastor Masses- Sunday (Oct. thru May) 7:30, 9 & 11 a.m. (June thru Sept.) 7:30, 9 10:30 & 12 Daily Masses-- 8 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Holy Day»-- 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. First Friday-- 8 a.m. Confessions- Saturday 7 to 8 p.m. Holy Days & First Friday one-half hour before Mass NATIVITY EVANGELICAL LUTEMIEAN CHURCH Wonder Lake, Illinois Burton W. Sehroeder Pastor Sunday -- 8-11:00 a.m. Worship 9:15-11:00 a.m. Sunday School Saturday -- 10:00 ajn. Junior Choir Thursday -- 7:30 pm. Senior Choir A nursery is provided during the Sunday morning worship services. All are welcome to the church "where you are a stranger only once." FOX LAKH BAPTIST CHURCH 23 West Grand Avenue Fox Lake, Illinois Rev. Roger Bergeson, pastor Sunday -- 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Service Wednesday-- 7:30 Midweek Service Men's, Women's and Youth groups meet regularly. RINOWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Jas. McChesney Minister Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Church School 3.30 p.m. Jr. Hi. M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. Thursday -- 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal Second Wednesday --- 8:00 p.m. W.S.C.S. Last Tuesday -- 8:00 p.m. Methodist Men FIRST CHURCH OF CHRISST, S2M3BT5FIST 37 McHeas^ Avenue ' Crystal Lake, SiL Sunday -- 11 a.m. Church Services 11 a.m. Sunday School in the Central Grade School, Multipurpose room, entrance on Franklin Avsu Wednesday -- 8 pjn. Evening Sesvaeso, including testimonies ®2 Christian Science healsg. The reading xmm, lasafesd ait 25 N. Williams ill open daily from 11 o.aa. to 5:00 p.m. (except Sundays and holidays). Frifiaya from 11 to 9 pjn. ALL ARE WELCOME ST. PETER'S (DA1MOLIO CHUR0JH Spring Grove, SSL Rev. E. J. Lehman. Pastas Sunday Masses -- 6x30, 8, 9, 10 and 11:1ft a.m. Weekday Masses -- 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. First Fridays -- 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Saturday -- 3:15,7:15 p.m. Confession METHODISE1 CHURCH Spring Grove, Illinois Philip Bergstrom, pastor 9:30 Church School Russel Gardiner, supt 10:55 Organ Meditation Edith Blaine 11:00 Morning WmtivJp FOX LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mission Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Fox Lake American Legion Post Pastor D. W. Karnuth Nursery During the Service OOMMUNIW CDHUBOH Richmond, Illinois 9:45 ajn. Sunday School 11:00 ajn. Worship Service I GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN (CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Harrcld L. Carlson, pastot (Jnurch School-- 9:45 a.m. The Service-- 11:00 a.m. May thn. September 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC owmaoEi Johnsburg, Illinois Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch Pastor Sunday Masses i > 7, g:£0, 10 and 11:30 am Holy Days -- 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Thursday (Before First Fri.) -- m 3:00 pjn. and 7:30 pjn. Confessions ALLIANCE! BIHI1 cmuiffiDBl McHenry, 111. William N. Harper Sunday -- "i 9:45 ajn. Sunday SchoC 11:00 ajn. Worship Service 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship ^ 7:00 pjn. Gospel Hour Thursday-- 8:00 pjn. Prayer Meeting MOUNT HOPE METHODISE OEHUIM3H Pistakee HigMamfcj meets Sa tins Community Center Stewart B. Smith, Pastor Res. & Office HYatt 7-3601 710 Pheasant Trail & Pistakee Highlands McHenry, 111. Sunday School-- 9:30 a.m. for Grade and H.S. pupils Sunday School Superintendent, Mrs. Gladys Jones HYatt 7-3370 Morning Worship 11:00 • «, Nursery at 213 S. Louella Kindergarten at 226 S. Thelen * Youth Fellowship 6 p.m. O. C. Banker, Counsellor FIRST BAPTIST CHAPEL 3929 West Main McHenry. Illinois Virgle I,. Chappell, pastor Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 Training Union 7:00 p.m., Evening Worship 8:00 Weekday Services: Prayer Meeting; Wed. 8:00 p.m. PONSOREB McHenry Sand ft •1 Co. 920 X. Front St. McHenry, EQlnota Sehroeder Iron Works Hwy. 81 -- South McHenry, THE FOILMWM© BUSINESS HUMS Ik PUBLIC SERVICE £L JiaoSsa is §m Maiilek© ft Wtoa, Inc. Fueq5?q1 211w' Kj£L^!' McEeairS70 luteals McHenry, Illinois Tony an Construction Co. 1809 N. Borden St. McHenry, McHenry Bank Serving Since IBM McHenry, m»^|| HcHenry Recreation Fox St. McHenry, 111: McH©n?f Lumber Co, 40SO W. Main St. Althoff's Gas Service 908 N. Front St. MaSteiry -- WW &4S99 H. E. Buch ft Sons UsaMBg Cs ^ 3012 W. Rout© 120 The Corp. 1811 N. RHverside Drive Skysweeper, Inc. JeSrasii^rg MeHeas^o Utaoii McHenry Savings ft Loan Ass'n. 8811 W. Elm St. •s

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