Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1961, p. 18

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/ Page Elglifeen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. October 26. i, 19&1 Pistakee Highlands WITCHES, GHOSTS ARE AWAITED FOR TRICK OR TREAT Hazel Money HT. 7-S320 Start getting in your supply of treats and goodies because before you know it all the witches, ghosts, skeletons, devils and every other imaginable character will be knocking at your door for the familiar trick or treat. It only happens once a year and the kids get such a bang out of it, aitd so do the adults. Woman's Club You may call Mary Seldon or Joan Zilligen regarding cards before Nov. 8. The annual candy sale fund raising is under way, under the direction of Joan Zilligen. The officers are working very hard for their hospital benefit demonstration in November. Under the guidance of Mrs. Bertha Stange of the McHenry hospital, the officers are most grateful for all her help and suggestions. We would like to make this an exceptional affair on Nov. 30. More details on this later. On Oct. 18, the officers held an executive meeting at the home of Vice-President Joan Zilligen. President Catherine Sielisch treated the gals to a chili luncheon. Johnsburg P.T.A. The Johnsburg P.T.A., under the leadership of President Lee Marshall, held their monthly meeting last Tuesday evening at the school. Besides the regular business meeting, there was a panel discussion consisting of five teachers. Titled. "Our Teachers' Points of View", they each gave a talk on various parts of cur children's education. On the panel was moderator, Mr. VanBosh, and panelists, Miss Clinsmith, Miss Schmitt, Mrs. Tomlinson, Mrs. Weber and Miss Miller. Refreshments were served afterwards and once again I would like to mention that the lovely centerpiece was made by Pat Coons. Rummage Sale The Pistakee Terrace Woman's auxiliary will hold its rummage and bake sale on Saturday, Nov. 4 from 9 to 5. It will be held in the Childers basement at 1502 West May street. It is the yellow house off the blacktop. If you have anything you would like to donate, please call EV. 5-0230. Associatiin News The executive committee of the association met at thej home of Tom Warczak last Tuesday. The next meeting will be on Nov. 1. Sea Scouts On Oct. 21, the Sea Scouts presented the editors of the McHenry Plaindealer and the Fox Lake Press with a plaque and letter of appreciation for their support in the past year. Cub Scouts In the future, the Cub Scouts will hold pack meetings at the Mount Hope church. The next meeting is Nov. 8. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Congratulations and many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs. Ristow, who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Oct. 25. A party was given by Mr. Ristow's employer in Fox Lake for a few friends and neighbors and on Oct. 29 a big party will be held in Johnsburg for the whole family. Once again congratulations. Belated birthday wishes to Mark Pfingsten, who was 7 on How »*4 "Senior Driver* AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Oct. 14. He had a party with friends. Happy birthday wishes to Marcia Weaver, who celebrates on Oct. 30. Bud Messel is home on leave for two weeks from Great Lakes. Don and Wanda Dobecki had weekend guests. Don's brother, Jerry, and his mother came from South Bend, Ind., for a visit. I am happy to repoi^F that Ann Szyplebaum is home resting after her recent surgery. Her mother has been spending several weeks here. Joe and Lorraine Ullo visited their daughter, Linda, at school in Rockford. Happy birthday to Theresa Hull on Oct. 30. Miss Herman was out at her home last week in the Highlands. She brought along a few of her relatives to spend some time here. It seems that I am really loaded down with birthdays and anniversaries, so, here I go. Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Rockel on Oct. 29. On Nov. 2. a very happy birthday to Hazel Jensen. Many happy returns of the day to Audrey Misavice, who celebrates her birthday on Nov. 6. Happy anniversary to Skip and Harriette Wilson on Nov. 6. To John and Mary Sek^on I send my best wishes for a happy anniversary on Nov. 4. To my next door neighbors, George and Marilyn VanZevern, I extend my best wishes for their anniversary on Nov. 5. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Groth, who celebrate their anniversary on Nov. 4. Celebrating thirty-one years of wonderful married life on Oct. 28 is Martin and Hazel Rogde. They will go out with friends for the occasion. And then to my youngest son. Brad, I extend a sigh of relief and the wish that he will soon get out of the climbing stage. He will be 2 on Oct. 28. Welcome Son Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pauletti welcomed a son on Oct. 5 at St. Theresa hospital in W?ukegan. The little fella weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs. and was named Robert Joseph. I have just received word that Dorothy Orlowski was involved in the explosion last Wednesday in Chicago. She was taken to her sister's home suffering from shock. She is an employee at a nearby factory. OPTOMETRIST OF YEAR Dr. Charles Hagener, Beardstown optometrist, who twentyseven years ago forsook an engineering career to enter optometry, was named "Optometrist of the Year" by the Illinois Optometric association at the fifty-fourth annual convention held in Aurora Oct. 18 and 19. Village of Sunnysids PLANNING BOARD STUDIES PROBLEMS FACING VILLAGE Thereae Schneider - EV. 5-1208 The village planning board met Wednesday night at Gordon Sergant's home to discuss problems facing the village. Last Warning Please keep your dogs tied up. This is yoUr last warning. If they are found loose they will be picked up and impounded. Cub Scouts The Cub Scouts will hold their bake sale Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Justen furniture store. Please stop in and buy some delicious bakery goods. The next Cub ScOut meeting will be a costume Halloween party at the JohnsbUrg school Oct. 30 at 8 p.m. The Cub • Scouts are also looking for a den mother. If anyone is interested in becoming a den mother, please call Mrs. Jack Roggenbuck for further information. Brownies ' The Brownies had their first cook-out Tuesday after their regular meeting. The Brownies wrapped hamburgers in tin foil along with carrots and potatoes and cooked them over an open fire. The Brownies also learned how to use their knives properly. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schultz played wild canasta at Mrs. Tucker's home Saturday night. They all had a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Skinner and son, Gerald, Jr., were over at Mrs. Tucker's Sunday for a pre-birthday dinner for Gerald, who will be 9. Belated Anniversary Wishes A belatfd anniversary greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jablonski. PISTAKEE TERRACE NEWS Rummage Sale Don't forget the rummage sale to be held Nov. 4 in Barb Childer's basement at 1502 W. May avenue. A bake sale and other events are planned along with the rummage sale. There will also be some hand-made items for sale so please come to this sale. Talent Show Marcia Patula went to Stanton Point subdivision to see a talent show which consisted of a three-act play. Among the participants were her nephews, John and Mike Barnas. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Mecko. Sr., and son, George, Jr., who is home on leave, went to see Carole Ann at St. Frances convent, where she is a postulant. It was a nice visit for the whole family. Sunday the Len Toeppers went to see a brand new baby girl born to Don and Jackie Davis of Twin Lakes, Wis. The proud parents are very good friends of the Toeppers, as Jackie was Joyce's maid of honor. New Grandson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hess are the proud grandparents of a baby boy. The parents, Eob and Connie Hansen, named the boy Jeffery Scott and they also have a daughter, Peggy Lynn, 20 months, at home. Celebration Planned Last Saturday Ron and Marcia Wiggerman planned to go to a dance to celebrate Marcia's birthday but she was too ill to go out that night. This Saturday they are planning to go to a Mardi Gras at Lake Geneva. Birthday Celebrations Sunday, Oct. 15, Mike and Nancy Gavin celebrated their birthdays together with a party. Those who were present were June and Judy and Ricky Patula, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Perkowski and Mr. and Mrs. Gavin, many aunts and uncles, and Val and Marcia Patula. Birthday Wishes A happy birthday to William Kern on Oct. 28. THREE-QUARTER STATE VEHICLES ARE REGISTERED Motor vehicle registration at the three-quarter mark of 1961 is 92,341 greater than at the same time last year and 15,711 above the total for the entire year of 1960, the office of Secretary of State Charles F^ Carpentier has announced. For the first nine months of this year, registration reached 3,993,247. Increases were recorded in all categories except motorcycles, which dropped 563 for a total of 24,778. The number of passenger cars were 3,253,233 in 1960 and 3,332,316 in 1961. SHOP AT HOME Our Halloween Treats make far festive parties! What's Halloween without a party? Make yours a success with our Halloween Treats. Witches and cats festoon cakes, cookies, cupcakes and pumpkin pies. And orange and chocolate frosted do- Biste all help make it an occasion! P.S.: TJto little goblins asking for "Tricks ffir Tteata" would love yoa dearly for a cookie, cupcake or domit! Stop ta mon 4* SB jrair Halloween needs. ttaltawttn Spcciobc WALLOW EC* I PARTY CAKES HALLOWEEN DOKUft MWMUI Ht f McHENRY BAKERY Gary Anderson, of McHenry says; "Playing a musical instrument. helps a person succeed in life." 6 WEEK TALENT TRIAL COURSE The above includes placement of musical instrument in the home without charge. Sheet music and music book, six full half hour private lessons, six half hour band practice lessons, six half hour harmony and theory lessons -- your child may continue beyond six weeks, if he indicates musical ability. We are musical specialists in guitar and piano also. MIDWEST ACADEMY of MUSIC 3911 W. Main St. Phone EV 5-1420 Call: Mon. thru Fri., 1 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. McHenry, IU. Saturdays 9 a.m 1238 V. Green St. EV 5-0190 A New PoCey Tailored Especially for Drivers "66 and Over** • REASONABLE RATES • RNEST PROTECTION • FAST CLAIMS SERVICE • ANNUAL & SIX MOMMS POLICIES • HIGH LIMITS AVAILABLE C«« * far CompM* »)M -- Est. 1924 -- Elmer F. Pflug & Sons INSURANCE Phone: 385-1520 Chicago - MA 6-6484 Get "The Big Difference" for all of your insurance needs. -- Our Personal and Professional Care. VT, OCT. 28th Come in an® i@<gister for FS1E Drawing to be hdd SAT. -- OCT. 284h, 11 p.m. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY CLIP THIS COUPON 3Op FRESH PIZZA (JOOD ITALIAN FOOD • This Coupon good for Free 6 Pk. J DELIVERIES TO \ of Pop with Purchase of $3.00 or more ! START NOV. 3 -- Oct. 28th -- This Date Only EVE. ONLY DUSTY'S PIZZERIA and G Rt. 120 and Meadow Lane (Lakeland Park) McHenry, 111. EV 5-4853 DON & PAT DUSTHIMER -- Ownefrs HOLD ANNUAL HALLOWEEN DANCE SATURDAY OCT. 28 Betty Hettermann Here we go with that crazy time of year again! As I've said in the past, this is the only time you can go "all out" and still be considered sane. Halloween is the time for dressing up for grownups as well as the youngsters. The Johnsburg community club will hold their annual masquerade dance next Saturday. Judging of costumes will take place at 10 o'clock and prizes will be awarded. Why not get a group together and dress up for the o c c a s i o n . The f u n n i e r you dress, the more fun you can have. A very fine orchestra \yill be present to render all types of musical selections. Juveniles to Have Fun While we are still on the stibject of Halloween fun, a note to all members of the juvenile girl Foresters of their forthcoming fun date. Their meeting and , costume party will be held next Monday, Oct. 30, at 7 o'clock in the community club hall. Those not appearing in costume will have to pay a fine. All school age Forester members are invited to attend as there is a lot of fun planned for this date. Girl Scont News The weather was so beautiful last Tuesday that troop 378 took advantage of it by holding most of their meeting out doors. Mary Kay Fredrick was cookie hostess for this meeting. Carol Ann Dehn, scribe of troop 295 reports at their last meeting held on Oct. 18, Carol Mangold showed the troop how to make miser bags. Judith Strogle served as cookie hostess at this time. The meeting was brought to a close after the playing of various games. Rescue Squad Calls Once again we have reason to be thankful that we have our rescue squad on call at all time. Over last weekend they were called out four times to lend their emergency assistance. Their first call came Friday evening from McCullom Lake where a resident suffered a fatal heart attack. Later the same evening another call kept them right here in town when an infant started choking. The baby was taken to the McHenry hospital but the parents brought her home shortly after. A two car collision in front of the local bowling alley Saturday evening brought our squad out once again. A young boy^ was taken to the hospital for further medical attention. Sunday afternoon, Huemann's corners was the scene of another two car collision. One of the car's occupants were taken in the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital. Auxiliary Meets On Oct. 26, the regular members and a few guests of- the Pink Ladies Sewing Guild to the McHenry hospital met at the home of Mae Siadek in McHenry. At this time a white elephant sale took place with proceeds going for materials to be used by the auxiliary. Celia Blake was recently selected as the new chairman ' for this group. Boy Scput Fund Drive The kick-off time for this particular area in the current Boy Scout fund drive took place in the community club last Sunday morning. The committee and their wo/kes discussed the drive over coffee and rolls. A good share of the ai'ea has been covered since then with just a small amount r e m a i n i n g f o r s o l i c i t a t i o n . Please give generously when they come to call. Wed in Richmond St. Joseph's church in Richmond was the scene of a beau- F A T OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug called ODRINEX. You must lose ugly fat in 7 days or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX Is a tiny tablet and easily iwalloxvod. When you take ODRINEX, you still cn|oy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't havo {ho urge for antra portions because ODRINEX depresses your appetite and do creases your desire for food. Your weight must come down, because as your own doctor will tell you, vvhon you eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ODRINEX costs $3.00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE! If not satisfied for any reason |ust return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. ODRINEX is sold with this guarantee bys BOLGER'S Drag Store 103 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 tiful ceremony which united Judy Stilling and John Huff in marriage. Later that day a din- V" ner and reception honored the young couple in the community club hall. Many of the newlyweds friends and relatives were on hand to extend their best wishes for a happy future to the new Mr. and Mrs. Huff. Around the Town "Happy Birthday" to Joey Dehn who was eight on Oct. 25. Ohio visitors here for the fiftieth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freund of McHenry over last weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bugner and Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. George Logsdon, all of Alvada; Mr. and Mrs. Florian La Fontaine of New Regal, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burgner, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bugner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bugner and Eddie, all of Fostoria. A word of warning to all the drivers on caution to be exercised on this forthcoming Halloween night. There will be a lot of "trick or treaters" out and some of them may be a little lax on safety so be sure to be extra cautious on this night. Barbara Rauen was gues^>f honor at a luncheon shorer held in the Williams home last Thursday. She was the recipient of many lovely gifts which she will thoroughly enjoy in her years ahead as a housewife. CUB SCOUTS Pack 361, Cub Scouts, weather permitting, will hold the October pack meeting on the V.F.W. grounds Thursday, <®t. 26. This will be an outdoor Halloween party, with all dens participating in skits, followed by a wiener roast. Ever notice that the best jobs are always listed in the "Situations Wanted" column?? T@ isi ui II Ton A Water System or W 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. q 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVE& 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County WelIl Pump , WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-6252 or Residence EV 5-0713 JV •••• O ^ •'W'-'X <• < • - . y A < •• * ••' \ "• .. * cars phy a ciite little trick: They look nice and big Iron* outside wkk •;] Hltr tliitik lines arid tfie mmMe mti ihm i-<4 i wm built to happy-medmm ske car, And It*s guaranteed not to s " slbuink when yon get in or when you fill it with people and cruise .all day long. <s This Buick Special is designed for six adult people--with hats, with hips> with shoulders and with a great desire for quiet comfort and smooth going* For ":*i i%2 there are eight Buick Special models including' the wonderful new con- ^ - verdble> every one a through and through. You can have^our choice of 1 power plants, all with the kind of gas miserliness that wins economy awaixk A I;; Buick Special shrinks just three things: Miles, operating cost and parking space J --never your comfort, your power or your quality, Your nearest Buick Dealer j has America's No; 1 happy-medium size car- • * s llillilllillllP1? is fsiiflliiiiililli lilliliii; iiiiiii iiiiiil© : : . lillllilHI ill iiiliiiiii SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER NOW . . Your Quality Buick Dealer in McHenry is: R. |, OVERTON MOTGH SALE! i 11 Kg--fadtoal 3--yoor Buicfc Daslof iter DoubU Check Ua»d Gan8 = 1109 N. Front St J

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