Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1961, p. 16

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Fag* Sixtoon THE MdHEMHY PLAINDEALER Thursday, Noveinber 9, IdA Stmnsylde Estates Hold Bake Sale Saturday Nov. 11 Polly Stevens - 385-1256 The details of the bake sale I promised you last week are these: the date is Saturday, Nov. 11, time is 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the place is Carol Kennebeck's home at 4209 N. Dennis boulevard. I understand there will be cakes, pies, cookies, coffee cake, bread, r o l l s , homemade c a n d i e s and canned goods for sale. Be there early for a choice selection of the goodies. Any donations of any of these items will be gratefully accepted. If you are unable to deliver your baked goods to Carol, call Bernadine Grist at EV. 5-6548 or Lorraine Major at EV. 5-2409 and they will pick them up and deliver them for you. The ladies on the committee for this sale are Sernice Fry, Fran Fuqua, Bernadine Grist, Carol Kenhebeck, Lorraine Major and Mary Rose. Meeting The S.E.H.O.A., Inc. meeting was called to order Thursday, Nov. 2, at 8:15 p.m. by President Jerry Olsen. After the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, the new charter of the nonprofit corporation was displayed. It has been recorded and registered in McHenry county and has affixed the State Seal of Illinois. We can be proud that our association has progressed so far and all Work hard for our community. Dttes will not be collected by block captains henceforth but may be paid to the treasurer and each resident will receive a statement sometime after Jan..l, 1962 as to their financial status. Three permanent committees have been formed and chairmen chosen: A. S. Kimbro heads the road committee, Ted Bierchen the membership committee and Harold Palmer the entertainment committee. The duties of these committees are numerous and varied and if these men call on us for help let's give them our full support. The roads will be graded soon and those of you who took time to fill in the holes with gravel, well, a big basicte- of posies to you. The usual coffee and Cake wete served after ajournmeht and the cakes were donated by Delores Hanahan, Alice Janicki and Barbara Jesski. After my being so puny and forgetting to remind you of last week's meeting my ever Jovin' spouse, Jim, went to work and painted some signs. Hereafter, around the first of the month keep an eye on the entrance signs and hanging below will be a sign proclaiming the night of the meeting-- always the first Thursday of the month. After the first of the year we will only meet every second month. More of that later. Orchids Sugar and Spice Friday, Oct. 27, at 6:15 a tiny squirming pink bundle of femininity came to^ live with Gladys and Laird Kayler. Loreli Angela was born at Great L a k e s N a v a l h o s p i t a l and weighed 5 pounds at hirth. Anxiously waiting at home to become acquainted with their new sister were Dorothy Ann, Rosemary, Luana and Laird, J r . C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s , G l a d y s and Laird. Orchids and a grateful low bow to Sandy Fry and Laureii Jost for trick or treating for UN1CEF (United Children's Fund) on Monday, Oct. 30. These two girls covered practically the whole subdivision by themselves and did a wonderful job. Bouquets to the pedple who greeted Sandy and Laureii with' a smile and a donation and brickbats to the people who slammed their doors in these girls' faces. It was pretty discouraging for something like that to happen when the girls were giving their time to work for this worthy cause. Perhaps if more people knew the real meaning and workings of UNICEF their attitude would be different. Anyway, deepest gratitude to Sandy and Laureii. Coming Event The Pistakee Highlands Women's Club will sponsor a demonstration Thursday, Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Johnsburg community hall. Two representatives of Northern Illinois Gas Company will give a demonstration on creative cookery in the Christmas theme. The dishes prepared during the demonstration will be given away at the meeting. The admission fee is very small and tickets, may be purchased from any member or at the door. Cake and coffee will be served after the demonstration. A Meeting The Blessed Virgin sodality of St. John's church will meet Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. in the school hall. All old and new members are asked to attend. Fun for All The Halloween party held Sunday, Oct. 29, was a huge success and the small fry had a ball. So did the grown-ups. Luana Kayler and Steve Kuntz won the prizes/for pinning the nose of the punkin' where noses are supposed to be. The most original costume prize went to Cathy Palmer as a cannibal complete with a bone in her hair. The prettiest costume prize went to tiny Cindy Bott dressed as Little Bo Peep. The funniest prize went to the four Flintston&s who were the Siepman children. The cleverest costumed were Terri and Lauri Radtke as Raggedy Ann and Andy. Their make-up was pure artistry thanks to their mother, Ann. Best all around prize went to Donnie Voight dressed as a baby with a baby cap. shirt, diaper and the ever present bottle and this costume had to be seen to be appreciated. The judges, who were Henrietta Rau, Joan Walczyrsski and Dottie Siepman's mother, had a very difficult time in making their selections for the costumes were better than ever this year. The youngsters gorged themselves on hot dogs, doughnuts, apples and hot chocolate and there was coffee for the adults. Those on the committee were Delores Hanahan, Helen Kobus, Fran Olsen, Marge Palmer and Walter Roy and their helpers were Mary DeFrancisco, Bernadine and Bill Grist, Bob Kelso, Steve and Mike Major, Irene Roy and Jackie Smolinski. She needs a morning ride home from kindergarten for her grandson, Donnie. Can any of you kindergarten mothers help her? If so, call me and I will gladly convey the message. Let's Go Vlsitlrt' Let's go calling on that nice couple, Lillian and Frank Gore, at 4315 N. Dennis boulevard. They came to live in Sunnyside Estates in Nov., 1955 from Austin. III. Mr. Gore is a retired printer and had his own business for many years in Austin, 111. His hobbies are cabinet-making, working with wood and plays lovely music on his concertina. Mrs. Gore enjoys gardening, cro c h e t i n g, sewing and is a wonderful cook They have two sens, the eldest, Chester, and his wife, Lucille, live in Addison and own a printing firm. Their three children are 22 year old Carol, who is a career girl, .19 year old Bobby, is helping his dad this year then off to college and 12 year old Jimmie, is iiu school. The Gores' other son, Ervin, and his wife, Dorothy, live in Franklin Park and have two sons, Tom, 6 years and Jerry. 4 years. Ervin is also a printer by trade and as you can see they are a printing family. Oops! Sorry Department Ooops! I goofed! Last week I changed the Haningers' son, Dr. Glen, from a gynecologist and obstetrician into a pediatrician. There is quite a difference and I hope I am forgiven. New Nephew Florence Kanter became the aunt of a nephew Oct. 31 when her brother and his wife, Bill and Irene Lucheck, of Roselle became the parents of a son. Young Patrick William weighed 8 lbs., 8 ozs., at birth and will be spoiled by his three sisters. Anniversary Dinner Helen and Keith Wegner were treated to a dinner fit for a king and queen for their tenth wedding anniversary. His brother, Roger, learned German cookery while overseas so he was the chef while another brother, Harvey, was helper. Helen reports that the two ducks stuffed with wild rice and all the other gbodies were put of this world. Helen's and Keith's youngsters, Carol, Kathy and Steve, shared the dinner. .. was spent celebrating the birthday of 2 year old Donnie and the christening of Lynn Marie, children of Don and Madeline Gamperl. Parties Carol and Bud Kennebeck and their children spent a recent weekend in Chicago with her brother and his wife, Bob and Marilyn Gamperl. 3They helped Bob celebrate his birthday on Oct. 28. The next day Girl Scouts . Troop 295 held their weekly meeting Wednesday. Nov. 1, a1 the home of Marge Barth. Most of the evening was spent in making sit upons for their coming hike. The sit upons are made of newspaper which is folded and woven into a sort of cushion for the foot weary hikers as they wend their way. The girls played two games and Melinda Long was cookie hostess for this meeting. Brownie News The eagerly awaited Halloween party of Troop 150 was held Monday, Oct, 30, in the basement of Sylvia Obstfelder. Each girl pant ©mined her costume and performed a stunt for the amusement of the others. A taffy mixture was provided and each girl made her own taffy apple. Hot dogs were roasted in the fireplace and. Peter Wj. $uiten & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen i°§§63 consumed ' with pop. Cathy Pflug was cookie hostess but brought cup cakes in honor of the occasion. Jackie Smolinski assisted Leader Alice Bieschke and»co-leaders Sylvia Obstfelder and Marian Pflug. ^ Sick List Marge Farley .has been feeling porely lately what with chills, fever and a cold. Helen Wegner has had the flu and unable to be about. We hope all the blowers and srieezers are feeling better. " Birthdays Happy birthday today, Thursday, to Marge DeFrancisco and 9 year old Mary Jane Lakowske. Greetings to Alice Scheibe and Tom Hanahan on Nov. 10. Best wishes to that lovely lady, Marcella Miller, on gfefj, 11. Birthday wishes to Joe Ctfrrent, Frank Mann and Gary Schroeder on Nov. 12. Many happy returns of the day 'to you all. Anniversaries _ Congratulations to Rose em! Tom Felicetti today on- 21 years of marriage. Best wishes to Lois and Herb Anderson who celebrate ""Ml years of wedded bliss on Nofc 12. Nov. 15 is happy 13 years for Jo and Ed Marczyk. Congratulations all. Six European „nations ccun* bined cover less territory thm the King Ranch of Texas. TJbeJt a r e L u x e m b o u r g , A n d o r r a * L i e c h t e n s t e i n , San M a r i n o , Monaco and the Vatican City# IF I I ...J YOUR RADIATOR NEEDS REPAIRING WE LL FIX IT! * At radiator work, we're tops! Anything from a little crack to a big gash, we'll repair with precision. as lew as $4.90 McHENRY AUT© iODY Phone: 385-0444 ' 4704 W. Rt. 120 (Lakeland Park) McHenry, 111. CARS and TRUCKS -- PROMPT SERVICE Help! Helps One of our new neighbors, Mrs. Dettlow, has a problem. 0f FREUND'S DA11Y, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DEUVtRT - Locally Owned and Operated Phone IU95~or EV. 5-0232 Give Me slay Laundry Please... And ® ©miy H@lid3i Will Do!! i f for fre# pick-up and de* livery on oil your family Electric washable*. Blankets . . . Our Specialty. Every one of your washables will come back to you cleaner -- whiter -- brighter than you ever thought possible. Here's what you get: all flatwork beautifully ironed; bath towels, washable rugs, socks, knitwear dried and fluffed .. . ready for use; other apparel fluff dried. All washables guaranteed against fading, shrinkage and loss. Your satisfaction guaranteed. 22 lbs- o»iy *349 Shirts included -- only 14c each WOOL BLANKETS -- OUR SPECIALITY 50c each -- when included with bundles DRAPERIES--Pleat fold, no extra charge . FREE PICK-UP FROM 7 A.M. QUALITY DRY L. V. Adams, Jr. CLEANING -- FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY Phone 385-0189 ST. PAXIL'S UMS0O*AL moi (1 on Green St.) SdndayS: 7:30 am Mas 8:45 am Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. Mass First 8KH) pa Womenfli Auxiliary Second Thursdays 8:00 pm Menfti Gluto Friday: ' ^ 7 a.m. Mass 2:00 pm Confessions and By Appointment EVANGELICAL ILOTHEBAM CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor Sunday -- Services: 7:45 and 10:30 am 9:00 am Sunday School and Bible Class Ladies Aid -- 1st Tues. of the month Friendship Guild -- 2nd Tues. of the month Men's Club -- Last Tues. of the month Walther League -- Last Sunday of the month You are cordially invited to attend our services. FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lincoln Rd. West of Outdoor Theatre John O. Mclntyre, Minister Worship: 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:30 am Deacons: 2nd Monday at 7:30 pm Session: 2nd Wednesday at 8:00 pm Women's Society and Study Circle: 3rd Thursday at 8:00 p.m. BT. JOSEPH'S CATHOU0 CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Rev. Fr. Frank J. Miller Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 am Daily Massea --• 8:co am Holy Days -- 7 ami 9 am Friday -- 7:00 p.m. Pioneer Girls landmark School "Christ Ss the Answer" ST. MART'S dMTHOLK) CHTOCJa Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Rev. Harold Nilges Rev. Albert Rennell Assistant Pastors Sunday Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:45 and 12:00. Weekday Masses? 6:45 and 8:00 » Holy days: 6:00, 7:<0®, 8:00, 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 pm. First Fridays and First Saturdays: Masses ait 6:30 mad 8:00 a.m. Confessions: Saturdays, Thursdays before First Fridays, and days before Holydays: 3-4 in afternoon and 7-8 in evening Baptisms: each Sunday 1:30 pm by appointment ST. PATRIOTS CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Edw. C. Ccakley Pastor Rev. Eugene D. Parker Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Daily Masses -- 7 and 8 am Holy Days -- 6, 7, 8, 9 am and 8 pm First Fridays -- Communion distributed at 6:30 and during 7 and 8 a.m. masses Saturday -- 4-5, 7-8 pm Confessions Thursday (Before Ftet Fri.) -- 4-5, 7-8 p.m. Confessions COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois George W. Martin, pastor EV. 5-1352 Sunday Worship Services-- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School -- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Every Sunday -- M.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Every Other Sunday -- I.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Thursdays -- • Senior choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Fridays -- Junior choir rehearsal at 3 p.m. Second Wednesday of the Month-- Official Board at 8 p.m, Third Wednesday of the Homebuilders at 8 p.m. Fourth Wednesday of the Month-- Men's Club Dinner Meeting at 7 p.m. Third Thursday of the Month-- Woman's Society of ChE*Le= tian Service luncheon meeting at 12 noon A friendly invitation is extended to you and your family to come for worship, fellowship and service with us. WONDER LAIfll WBIH CHURCH Box 2, Phone WJ* 7961 Rev. Xttdhaxd N, Wright Pastor Sunday -- . 9:30 am Sunday School 11:0 0 am Morning Worship 5:30 pm Youth Meeting 7:00 pm. Bible Fellowship Hour Wednesday -- 7:30 p.m. Mid Week Prayer Hour Friday -- 7:00 pm Children's Bible Clubs Boys, ages 8*13, Pals' Club Girls, ages 8-13, Pioneers' Club CHRIST TBE3 IHENG CHUBCB Rt 2, Wonder lake, Illinois Rev. James VenderpooJ Pastor Masses- Sunday (Oct. thru May) 7:30, 9 & 11 a.m. (June thru Sept.) 7:30, 9 * 10:30 & 12 Daily Masses-- 8 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Holy Days-- 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. First Friday-- 8 a.m. Confessions-- Saturday 7 to 8 p.m. Holy Days & First Friday one-half hour before Mass NAamrBB¥~BVANGELIOAl LOTM1SRAN CHURCH Wonder Lake, Illinois Burton W. Schroeder Pastor Sunday -- 8-il :00 a.m. Worship 9:15-11:00 a.m. Sunday School Saturday -- 10:00 a.m. Junior Choir Thursday -- 7:30 pm Ssator Cteafe A nursery Is provide Sowing the Sunday morning worship services. All are welcoma the church "whoso csw a stranger only once," FOX LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 23 West Grand Avenue Fox Lake, Illinois Rev. Roger Bergeson, pastor Sunday -- 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Service Wednesday-- 7:30 Midweek Service Men's, Women's and Youth groups meet regularly. RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Jas. McChesney Minister Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Church School 3.30 p.m. Jr. Hi. M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. Thursday -- 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal Second Wednesday -- 8:00 p.m. W.S.C.S. Last Tuesday -- 8:00 p.m. Methodist Men FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 37 McHenry Avenue Crystal Lake, BL Sunday -- 11 am Church Services 11 am Sunday School in ttie Central Grade School, Multipurpose room, entrance on Franklin Ave. Wednesday -- 8 p.m. Evening Services, including testimonies of Christian Science healing. The reading room, located at 25 N. Williams street, il open daily from 11 am to 5:00 pm (except Sundays and holidays). Fridays from 11 to 9 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME ST. PETER'S CA'MHKOLIO CHURCH Spring Grove, ID. Rev. E. J. Lehman, Pastor Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8, 9, 10 and 11:*! am Weekday Masses -- 7:00 and 8:00 am First Fridays -- 6:30 & 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Saturday -- 3:15,7:15 pm Confession METHODIST CMUJlMJH Spring Grove, Illinois Philip Bergstrom, pastor 9:30 Church School Russel Gardiner, supt. 10:55 Organ Meditation Edith Blaine 11:00 Morning Worship FOX LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mission Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Fox Lake American Legion Post Pastor D. W. Karnuth Nursery During the Service OOMMtMIW CHURCH RidimsssS, Illinois 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service BVANOMLaCAt LUTHERAN CHURCH Richmond, Illinois -J" Harold L. Carlson, pasto«3" Church School-- 9:45 a.m. ""*• The Service-- 11:00 a.m. May thrt September 8:30 am 11:00 a.m. • ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC, _ CHURCH Johnsburg, Illinois Rev. Joseph M. Blitscta Pastor Sunday Masses * > 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 am < Holy Days -- 7:00 am and 7:30 pm . % TOrarsday (Before First Fri.) -- 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm Confessions ALLIANCE BBEttJi CHURCH McHenry, 111. William N. Harper Sunday -- 9:45 am Sunday Schor ( 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 pm Gospel Hour Thursday-- 8:00 pm Prayer Meeting MOUNT HOPE METHODIST CHURCH 1015 Broadway ^ Pistakee Highlands * Stewart B. Smith, Pastor Res. & Office HYatt 7-3601 710 Pheasant TraiL Pistakee Highlands McHenry, Illinois 9:45 Church School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Youth Fellowship Sunday School Supt. Mrs. Gladys Jones, HYatt 7-3370 f FIRST BAPTIST CHAPEL 3929 West Main McHenry, Illinois Virgle L. Chappell, pastor ' Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 Training Union 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 ^ Weekday Services: Prayer Meeting; Wed. 8:00 p.m. SPONiOMED BY TUB F©EXOWffi§© W McHenry Sand & Grsrd Co. George R. Juten 8c Son 920 N. Front St. McHenry. Illinois Schroeder Iron Works SfcTy. 81 -- Sooth . EtsSenory, Dlinota M U l a t o B m k SsTSTfing Oinee ie®$ HsMemy, mtnoii HcHen?y Recreation Fox St. McHenry, 111: Funeral H®m McHenry, Mteat: McHenry T"«V Co. 4030 W. Main St. MISS FIEMi m A PUBLIC Mariicke ft Nixon* Inc. SS14 W. Elm St. IE1VICE Tonyan Construction Co. 1309 N. Borden St. Alihoffs Gas Service 008 N. Front St. -- EV H. E. Buck & Sons wosnwsg m mssSfat 8012 W. Bouts 120 •«!EC337 -- MK7 CKMI The S£es£ 1S11 N. ISiverside Drive Skyew@@per, Inc. -T^'-^Hrsn McHenry Savings ft 8811 W. Elm St. --gjy rr^n

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