Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1961, p. 17

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Aursday, November 9, 1961 THE McHENHT PLAINDEALER Page Seventeen Johnsburg OBTAIN HOLIDAY GOODIES FROM SCHOOL GROUP Betty Hettermaim jSt. John's Home and School tSSociatipn is making ft easy for you to obtain your holiday fruit cake and candy for the holidays. Order blanks have been sent home with the school Children this past week. Please Kturn them as soon as possible so the orders may be sent into the respective companies. Anyone wishing to order either fruit cake or candy and/or 5ih and does not have an order' blank, can order through Betty Schmitt at 385-4714. The candy is a one pound tin of assorted creams and the fruit cakes are packed in a decorated^ tin and are available in 2, 3 or 5 pound sizes. Money will be collected upon delivery of &ther treat. Place your order now and be ready for the holies. 3 Girl Scout News - Carol Ann Dehn reports to pie that troop 295 held their last meeting on Nov. 1, at Which time dues were collected and a salute to the flag was given. For their current project the girls made sit-upons. Kathy Barth gave the girls the instructions as how to make tfeyn. Melinda Long served eoBkies to the troop. Mesdames Joan Walczynski and Catherine Dehn were guests at the meeting. - Also, under discussion at this particular meeting was the troop working for their roller skating badge. Their lessons began at the McHenry roller rink last Saturday and will Continue until a twelve week c40rse is completed. They will be joined with troop 408 and another Girl Scout troop from Algonquin for the lessons. All mothers of the girls are welcomed to attend these sessions from noon until one each Saturday. - After the meeting a few games were played by the troop. They closed by singing lite Coral Bells." Troop 378 held no regular |Whi ' Trc PROFE^ianai DIRECTORS' EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE •lire, Auto, Farm & Life L. Representing ; rFITAR!R COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-004S or 5-0953 420 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0186 ' Res. Phone: Ev 5-6191 Thurs.: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined-GIasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted '41 Repaid Service 2-62 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel Md Ornamental Halt Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment ^ Miles South on Rt. 81 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 2-62 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vt Mile South of Rt. 12 oil Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 11-61 ftB. EDGAR E. PEASLEE * Palmer Graduate 1 CHIROPRACTOR 4k W. Main, McHenry, I1L Office Hours: " Daily except Thursday 1-5 Iton., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 12-61 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist K^s Examined - Glasses Fitted ' 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. St Fri. 7 To 9 pan. Saturdays: 3 to 6 pan. Phone EV. 5-2262 2-62 meeting last Tuesday but instead the girls congregated at the Cahill home in Dutch Creek Woodlands Wednesday evening for a Halloween party. The troop including their leaders and committee women came dressed for the occasion. From what I hear strange things went on that night. Luncheon Gathering Mrs. Marge Barth was hostess recently to a group of friends at a luncheon. The gettogether was a farewell to Carol Mangold who with her husband. Bill, and their baby have moved to Joliet. Following ltmch the ladies enjoyed an afternoon of cards and chatter. Joining in on the activities were: Joy Nimsgren, Connie T h o m a s . E l e a n o r e M a n g o l d , Carol Mangold and hostess, Marge. Public Invited to Benefit The P i s t a k e e Highlands Woman's club will sponsor a benefit for the McHenry hospital on Nov. 30 at 7 o'clock in the evening Jn the community club hall. There will be a demonstration of creative cooking in the Christmas theme. Cake and coffee will be served following the demonstration. A small donation will be collected for the tickets which are available from any of the club members or at the door. Sodality to Meet The Blessed Virgin Sodality will hold its monthly meeting in the school hall at 8 o'clock on Nov. 14. All members are cordially invited to attend. Wed Last Saturday The bonds of matrimony were tied between Maryrita Daly and her young husband, Mr. Larry Feezel. The beautiful ceremony was performed at St. John's at 10 o'clock last Saturday morning. The newlyweds received guests at the community club at an afternoon reception. The second wedding of interest last Saturday took place at noon in St. Mary's. The ceremony united Barbara Rauen and Robert Hettermann in Holy Matrimony. Dinner followed by a reception held at the McHenry Country club found the young couple greeting many of their friends and relatives. Our sincere wishes for a very happy future are extended to these two newly married couples. _____ Around the Town Marge Barth and Connie T h o m a s a t t e n d e d a b a d g e workshop in connection with the Girl Scouts last Wednesday in McHenry. Hettermann's softball team is sponsoring a feather party next Saturday evening in their sponsor's place. They would like to invite one and all to come on over and join in on the "feather fun". Clarence and Lucille Srtntn were in Dixon last Friday to visit her father, John Plantz. From there they went to Mattoon where they spent the weekend in the C. M. Ohm home. A double birthday celebration took place in the Bill Barth home over last weekend. It was a celebration of little Scott's third birthday antf his Uncle Earl's birthday. Lakemoor OCTOGENARIAN RETURNS HOME FROM HOSPITAL navld Heeftxnaan EV. 5-0589 Emil Weber returned to his home in the village Friday. He lives at 241 S. Highland Drive. Emil had undergone surgery at Columbus hospital in Chicago. His daughter, Mrs: Ed Spahr of Chicago, and son, Don, from Ingleside, brought him home. Jerry Gannon, his daughter-in-law, was also on hand which certainly cheered Emil. Glad to see you back and may we wish you a very happy eighty-eighth birthday upcoming on Nov. 12. Hope your health continue* to improve! Happy Birthday May. we extend birthday greetings to Regina Heckmann who will be 14 on Nov. 12, Already she has received many remembrances. God bless you, Sweetheart! Fall Activities Our village is the scene of much outdoor activity, storm windows going up, leaves being raked, shrubs and trees being protected from the rigors of the coming winter. And Jack Frost has lent his magic to the beauty of the c o u n t r y s i d e . T h e s u n r i s e a n d sunset of the fall season cause a great deal of pleasure to those who commute to the city each day. Though each succeeding day brings us closer tc the extreme weather of winter our closeness to Nature is indeed one of the advantages of living in the country. Social activity will soon increase in our area so please send your notes or give us a call at fcV. 5-0532 and let your friends and neighbors share in your experiences. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Nov. 9, 1911 The Northwestern hotel and buffet on the West Side is now under new management. Through the change in management Peter H. Weber has stepped aside to give way to Stephen Heimer of Chicago who took charge last Saturday. According to predictions of old timers we will see very lit* tie snow this winter. There was sixteen inches of rain-fall from Aug. 10 to Nov. 1 and accord® ing to these men a rainy fall is always followed by a winter of light snow. The cold body of Nicklous Winkels was found lying at the foot of the stairway leading to the second story of his home, last night.. A broken neck evidenced he had undoubtly fallen from the top of the stairway. The body was discovered by Jacob Worts, Albert Miller and Peter Meyers. The former had rented the Winkels place and just arrived with the first load of furniture. The Ladies Aid Society held a donation party for Rev. W. A. Cross at the M. E. church last evening. Peter H. Weber and George Gilbert have rented the N. A. Huemann building, located just east of the E. F. Matthews meat market on the West Side, and will open therein a first class grocery store. Mr. Weber has moved his family from the Northwestern hotel to rooms over the West Side harness shop. Milton Ott, who left McHenry a few years ago, to take up a claim in Judith Gap, Montana, has returned and is again employed at Barbian Bros, cigar factory. A cow owned by John Claxton, one of our most successful farmers, gave birth to triplets Saturday. Unfortunately the calves died soon after birth. The occurrence is a very It is a permanent policy at Marengo Federal to honor all withdrawal requests from savings accounts immediately in any amount without question. This policy is backed by large holdings of government bonds, cash reserves, and credit resources of the Federal Home Loan Bank system. Like other financial institutions, our charter provides for the right to defer payment of withdrawals. Marengo Federal has never required deferment of this kind. Current Dividend Rate 4% Martigo F Siwif AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. 'Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Total Assets Over $13,500*000.00 " " * ' V •- J*"*-* „ co*p^?ef mm MS mm log. W&of Perfect for lope sfelAfL holiday *°w'• | roasts. WW Hold 20 lb. ^ 33 fowl--25 lb. roast. Blue -- JmI ftoni enamel finish. E¥ 5-0098 rare one and had the calves lived the owner of the cow would have been able to have opened a miniature museum of his own. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Nov. 8, 1921 Outside of a bruise on his rifrht eye there is no other visible means to tell of the unusual accident which befell Edw a r d P f a n n e n s t i l l M o n d a y night of this week when he went to the Solon Mills vicinity to assist Everett Hunter, Jr., whose car had broken down. Shortly after starting for home, towing the Hunter car. the Pfannenstill car struck a rut, swerved to one side and down fifteen feet into Nipper- Sink creek, turned a complete Somersault and landed right side up in four feet of water. The breaking of the tow rope saved the Hunter car from a Similiar fate. The mud was something terrible in the vicinity of the Boone creek bridge during the rainy spell over the weekend. Hip boots would not have been out of order during those days. Announcement has been received by McHenry friends of the marriage of Mrs. Clara Starritt and Anton Joseph Schneider which took place at Lake Forest Sept. 17. Both enjoy widespread popularity and have a host of friends here, who wish them a long life of happiness and prosperity. Paul Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Stephenson of Ringwood, has accepted a position as tutor to ten boys, the parents of whom reside at Hershey, Cuba, and left for the distant land from New Orleans Saturday." Mrs. Mary Ferguson of McCullom Lake whose son is superintendent of a large sugar refinery at the place, made famous by Hershey of chocolate bar fame; was instrumental in getting him the job. Mrs. Anna Adams, to whom goes the distinction of having been, one of the community's first settlers, passed away at the home of her son, William Adams at Pistakee Bay Thursday at the age of 86 years and Miss Anna Schreiner died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Schreiner, this (Thursday) morning. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Oct. 29, 1936 Melvin Munson, 31 years old, residing at Richmond; a lineman employed by the Illinois Northern Utilities Com p a n y, died in Mercy hospital. Chicago, Thursday, following injuries sustained when he came in contact with a high tension wire while working near Lena. He is survived by his wife, the former Ethel Fitzgerald of this vicinity, who teaches school at Fox Lake while his two sons, James and Joseph, attend St. Mary's school here. For two hours Monday afternoon, the city of McHenry, stood at attention, as it were, its every place of business closed and silent in respect to the memory of a former mayor and alderman of McHenry, Frank H. Wattles, whose funeral services took place that afternoon. Henry Vogel, Sr., of Richmond, father of Henry Vogel of McHenry was critically inj u r e d S u n d a y n i g h t w h e n struck by a car while helping a man, who had been struck by a car earlier, and was lying beside the highway. McHenry friends have received announcement of the marriage of Miss Viola Adamowski, daughter of Max Adamowski, of Chicago and McHenry, to Mr. William Miller, son of Mrs. Anna Miller, of McHenry, which took place at St. John Berchman's church, Chicago, on Oct. 24. The Mothers' club held its annual party honoring teachers of the grade and high school at Legion hall Thursday evening. Each teacher was presented with a rose with the compliments of W. M. Crouch of the McHenry Floral company. On Sunday night this vicinity received a sample of the winter weather to come when the first display of snow arrived, accompanied by rain and sleet, and residents awoke Monday morning to their first winter scene. After the typical Indian summer weather, which prevailed the past week the cold spell came as a shock to local residents. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d - maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Aut® S^pwice "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St EV 6-0811 McHenry, HL John Larson Pledged To College Fraternity John Larson, 19; of McHenry, was recently pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at Evansville college. Fiftyseven men were pledged to the four national fraternities on campus during men's fall rush program. A freshman, Larson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Larson, 1533 Johnsburg road, McHenry. Use The Classifieds COUNTY GLEE CLUB TO SING ON CHANNEL 11 The thirty-five man club of Crystal Lake will sing a choral concert Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 9:30 p.m. on Channel 11, television station WTTW. Ger* aid Miller of McHenry is a member of the group. The Glee club membership is unique in that it consists ot chemists, chemical engineers, automotive engineers, physicists, ^technicians and service personnel who first got together nine years ago and formed the organization for relaxation and musical enjoyment. The repertoire of the Glee club consists of over fifty songs, most of which are sung a capella. Spirituals, hymns, show tunes, folk songs, popular hits and light operetta pieces are among the songs presented at concerts. Added1 variety at concerts is provided by a quartet and piano solos by Walter J. Sandner, director. Previous engagements have had the Glee club singing at the Chicagoland Music festival, the dpening of the Pan American Games in Chicago, concerts on radio station ^VMCW of Harvard, 111., and as original background music for company films. TV seems to help keep kids at home, after the curfew failed. ^ ±± jfulN N- M-»--I » From* where I sst«~^ Joe Marsh Makes A "Lot" of Sens# The other day I was driving by Slim Thomas' used! ear lot, when I noticed he'd put up a biff neon sign. Trouble was, one of the letters was upside down. So I drove In. "Hey, Slim," I said, "that's a nice new sign--but one of the letters is wrong-side up!" "Beck, I know fltft," laughs Slim. "Matter of fact, I had S3 made that way deliberate. Figured folks were bound to come in to tell me about it--and it works! J must get four or five new prospects a day." Then he grins down at ma. "By the way, Joe," he says, "I could give yon a pretty good Copyright, 2961s, United Statu Brewers Jssottatiem, buL deai co that car oC voters...» from where I sit, "look be* fore yos leap" is especially true whenever you start to give advfee. Unlike 8fim, some folks mmsf not welcome your sugges* tton--especially about personal tastes! Whether your neighbor takes coffee with his meals, «• prefers a glass of beer--that's really his own "business." Giving folks credit for {mowing their minds is a good way at keeping friendships "right* side upu" Iflfflif - ~ ^ v - mum 1 ' ? / might iaint MORE WAGON ROOM . . . MORE WAGON ZOOM! Open the door, look at the door and you'll see that Buick's new Invicta Estate Wagon has more easy-living room now than ever. Reason? Advanced Thrust that places the bigger, livelier Wildcat V-8 far forward over the front wheels . . . makes the front Boot nearly Hat. Advanced Thrust also gives you arrow-straight going even in crosswinds. Faster wheel response. More reason to make it a Buick wagon? Buick's sizzling Utrbine Drive, carpeted floors, power tailgate window are all standard. Tty a real wagon at your Buick dealer's now. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER NOW ... Your Quality Buick Dealer in McHenry is: R. I. OVERTd MOTOR SALES no® Front st 1 Ug mltdbnl BJQ valutl S-- yowr tukk Deahr for Doubl* ^ Check U*ed Can! '•

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