V Page Two THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, November 9, 196^# CYNTHIA THOMAS Cynthia Thomas To Marry In Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Julius A. Thomas of 421 N. Military avenue, Dearborn, Mich., announce the engagement of their daughter, Cynthia, to John G. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ellis of 4911 Buck avenue, Taylor, Mich. Miss Thomas is a graduate of Dearborn high school. Mr. Ellis attended Taylor Center high school and Henry Ford Community college. No definite wedding plans: have been made. Miss Thomas is the daughter of the former Virginia Engeln and the granddaughter of Mrs. Lydia M. Engeln, both former residents of McHenry. Surprise Party Honors Hanfords A surprise dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Braidman last week in honor of the fortieth wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford. Other children present were Robert Hanford of McHenry and William Hanford of Downers Grove, as well as the following: Mrs. Emily Curtis of Lansing, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Freund of Long Lake; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Frevjnd of McHen- *»fy; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huff of North Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Meyer of Spring Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Gara J an sen of Big Rapids, Mich., and also the couple's ten grandchildren. Unable to be present was one daughter of the Hanfords, Edna McNish, who was in California. However, she called her congratulations during the party. The actual wedding date of the couple was Oct. 26. The Hanfords moved to their north Green street address in McHenry ten years ago after farming in the Spring Grove area. Good news came to the couple with the announcement that they had a new granddaughter that day, with the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanford. Christen Daughter Of Robert Newkirks Heather Ann was the name chosen for the new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newkirk, who was christened at St. Mary's Catholic church Sunday by Rev. Fr. Baumhofer, with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, actr .ing as sponsors. Others present at a gathering at the Newkirk home later included Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newkirk of Woodstock, the Donald Doherty family and, Miss Virginia Williams of Henry. Mrs. George Jackson and family of Woodstock were afternoon callers. Heather Ann, who was bg>m Oct. 25 at McHenry hospital, was welcomed home by a brother, Christian, and four sisters, Judith, Theresa, Patricia and Virginia. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors for their prayers, flowers, gifts and cheerful get well wishes during my recent illness. A special thank you to the entire staff of the McHenry hospital. God bless you all. Marie Kalsch *11-9-61 Bonnie Bucaro Engaged To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Bucaro of Lakeland Park announce the engagement of their daughter, Bonnie, to Pete Parisi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parisi of Lakeland Park. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Michael Felmeten Observes Birthday Young Michael Scott Felmeten celebrated his first birthday on Oct. 29 with a party held at his home in Hebron. Attending were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mondl, Danny Turner, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Matuszak, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deppmeier and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Froehling, all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. James Turner and children of Chicago. Unable to attend were Eddie Matuszak, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. David Scarbrough, Mr. and Mrs. William Hauri, Judie Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Felmeten and daughter and Grandpa Felmeten. Mrs. Margaret Gavin Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Margaret Gavin celebrated her seventy-second birthday anniversary at the home of her daughter and sonin- law, Mr. and Mrs. William Hendee, at Lakeland Park Sunday. Joining in the celebration were her son, Charles Gavin, and wife, Nancy, and two g r a n d d a u g h t e r s , P a t r i c i a a n d Colleen Gavin, two greatgrandchildren, Billy and Pamela Hendee, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ryden and two daughters, Pamela and Beth, of McHenry. NANCY VOORHIES Announce Engagement Of Nancy Lee Voorhies Mr. and Mrs. Carl Voorhies announce the engagement of his daughter, Nancy Lee, to Mi". William Stone Dale. Jr., son ol" Mr. and -Mrs. William Stone Dale of Lexington, Ky. The wedding will take place on. Nov. 2? in Park Ridge, the bride's former residence. Peter Blake Honored Sunday Pete^ Blake was honored at a gathering of relatives at the Ben Jung home Sunday in observance of his eighty-sixth birthday. Those present for dinner and a social afternoon, other than the Jung family, were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keenan, Chicago; the Arnold May family, Spring Grove; the John Wolowic family of Druce Lake; the Leo Blake and Ben Blake families, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Howard, McHenry and Miss Peggy Horner, Wonder Lake. Barbara Rauen Lovely Bride Miss Barbara Catherine Rauen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rauen of 2721 Regner road, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Robert F. Hettermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hettermann of Chapel Hill road, McHenry, in a beautiful ceremony which was solemnized last Saturday, Nov. 4, nt noon at St. Mary's Catholic church. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the nuptial rite, for which the children's choir sang. The altars were decorated for the occasion with bouquets of fall flowers. The pretty, young bride approached the altar in a gown of white silk satin, fashioned with square neckline and long sleeves, with hand jeweled flowers of pearl and crystal bends encircling the neckline Homer Bassett Married Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Maggs of Chicago announce the marriage of their daughter, Melinda, to Homer Bassett of McHenry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. The double ring ceremony took place Saturday, Nov. 4, at 5:30 p.m. at Ravenswood Presbyterian church, Chi- j cago. Mr. and Mrs. Larry j Thomas of McHenry were the i only attendants. Open house will be held for j the newlyweds on Nov. 18 at j the home of the bride's par- i ents on Damen avenue, Chi- j cago. and embroidered on the skirt. The fullness of the skirt svvenl from large pleats near the waistline into a full chapel train. Her full French illusion veil was held by a tiny fabric and lace crown embroidered with crystal. She carried a crescent shaped bouquet of Amazon lilies and stephanoti6. Mrs. Joel Adams acted as matron of honor, while Mrs. Charles Olson, Ruth. Regner and Mrs. Marvin Bauer were bridesmaids. They wore dresses of burnt orange faille with ALine skirts. The dresses featured cover-up jackets with bateau necklines a n d sleeves fastened at the back with three tiny bows. They wore smalt hats of faille with matching veils and carried cresccnt shaped bouquets of bronze spider mums and fall por.i poms. Joseph Kettermann served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Charles Olson and Robert Meyer of ®Mo- Henry and Thomas Keehan, cousin of the groom, of Chicago. Joel Adams and Gerald Hettermann acted as ushers. Mrs. Rauen selected a twopiece, plum-colored dress with matching accessories and a cymbidium orchid corsage. Mrs. Hetterma{in wore a twopiece beige brocade dress, green accessories and a similar corsage. A dinner followed at the McHenry Country club at 1:30 o'clock for twenty-six guests. Later, 160 friends and relatives attended a reception in honor of the young couple. Following a trip to Florida, they will reside at 3211 Golf View road, McHenry. Bridal Couple Medlar Photo THE RONALD HOWARDS Miss Mary Clarice Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Blake of McHenry, became the bride of Ronald Howard in a beautiful wedding solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church on Oct. 21. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the . lovely gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes received on the occasion of our golden wedding anniversary. | You have helped to make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freund *11-9-61 JOANN KOERPER •IS MARRIED IN LUTHERAN CHURCH Miss JoAnn Koerper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Koerper of 2303 Country Lane. Eastwood M a-p o r, exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Lynn L. Ibsh, of 916 S. Totem Trail, son of Mrs. MayBelle Stubbings of McHenry and Leonard Ibsh of Zion, in a wedding which took place at Zion Evangelical Lutheran church on Sunday, Nov^ 5. Rev. C. A. Lobitz officiated at the ceremony which was performed at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Miss Koerper was radiant in a white slipper satin dress fashioned with brocade bodice and scalloped neckline. It featured finger tissue sleeves and long train. Her white headpiece was of satin with seed pearls. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace and earring set. Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Diana Thorsen of Crystal Lake and bridesmaids were Miss Shirley Jager and Miss Bonnie Bucaro of McHenry. Miss Betsy Stephson of McHenry was flower girl. Mrs. Thorsen was attired in cornflower blue, while the others had romance blue dresses. Betsy wore a floor length dress in romance blue. All of the gowns featured fitted bodices, three quarter length sleeves and full, shirred skirts, with which they wore half hats with veiling. Donald Veenhuis of McHenry served as best man and groomsmen were Gary Baseley of "McHenry and Ken Davis of Zion. Ushers were Robert Lar-* sen of Mundelein and Roland Koerper of McHenry. The little ring bearer was Joseph Larsen of Mundelein. Mr». Koerper chose an emerald satin sheajh dress and matching accessories, w h i y« Mrs. Stubbings was attired m d e l p h i n i u m b l u e c h i f f o n o v e r taffeta arid the same color accessories. A reception followed at the Legion home for about 200 guests. The newlyweds will make, their home in Oakhurst subdivision. Both the bride and groom are graduates of the McHenry high school, he in 1959 and she in 1961. She is employed at International Register in Spring, Grove and the groom at Mahoney Plumbing & Heating*. OVER 100 ENJOY AUTUMN TEA AT McHENRY HOSPITAL A very enjoyable autumn te^ was held at the McHenry hospital for auxiliary members last Saturday, Nov. 4, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. The tea table was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Italian pottery, fall flowers and candelabra. About 100 members and guests of the auxiliary were present. Hostesses were wives of ttJt doctors, Jeanette Massouda, Cathy Alvary, Roslyn Griesbach, Eleanor Pawlikowski, Gertrude Glad stone, Marie Wilt and Eileen Churosh. " i* ^ s 'M ^ fib•* 5'. A '• x YOUR CHRISTMAS C1UB CHECK IN THE MAIL JOIN fhel962 NOW The above photo shows Nancy Weber, Janice Wagner, Alan Meyer and El vera Ruhmann mailing the McHenry State Bank's Christmas Club Checks totaling in excess of $150,000.00. Robert Hess, Postal Clerk, accepts the savings of more than 1,000 club members for delivery in plenty of time for early Christmas shopping. RECI E 1 50c per week . $ 1.00 per week . $ 2ofi@ per v»®@k . $ 3 J© per w®<sk . $ 1 J© per «7®@k . $1©J® per week. $20.60 per week • • • • • • • • • • • • S S s s s s s i s . $2 McHENRY STATE BANK OIN (H HO* i 1 Established Si$e© 1906 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION PH@i Resources over $18,000,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ; EV 5-1040 l