Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1961, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, November 2, lsfel Pistakee Woman's Club T«i S»-«' Food Demonstration Highlight the Nov. 30 meeting of ihe Pistakee Highlands Woman's club will be a food preparation demonstration. entiiled 'Tis the Season". by Northern "Illinois Gas ci)ii)|j;t.nyV home service advisor*. .lean Cooney and Judy Ingwersen. The meeting will be held at 7:H0 p.m. Thursday evening al the community hall, Johnsburg. The public is invited and tickets will be available at the door. Mrs, Cooney and Miss Ingwersen will prepare colorful, foods for the holiday season, including appetizers, vegetables, main dishes and desserts. Emphasis will be on easy-toprepare, economical foods available in December. J\oods prepared and recipe books will be given away at .the meeting. Men Invited To Club's Meeting When John J. Shay, director of civil defense for the Mc- Henry area, talks before the monthly meeting of St. Patrick's Mothers' club Tuesday. Nov. 7, at 8 p.m., fathers and husbands are also invited to attend. A film and question and answer session will follow. Association Members Enjoy Halloween Party Members of the Country Club Estates Community association held a costume Halloween parly at the home of the Roman J. Bauers on Saturday night, Oct. 28. Prize for the most original costume for a man and woman was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hiller, who came as a hunchback, g a r g o y 1 e-faced creature and its keeper. Mrs. Dan Lemon, characterized as "Topsy" and Paul Freund as an "also ran" 1914 bathing beauty contestant, were voted as having the funniest man and woman costumes. Another highlight of the evening was the showing of the movies taken by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schultz at the association luau last August. The Ted Schmits, Sam Schmunks, Don Bauers, Fred Bonds, Jim Wallaces and Eugene Pytkos served on the various committees to make this event an enjoyable evening for all. Other families represented were the Bud Wildes, Henry Leistens, Lewis Blomgrens, Steve Lopers, Howie Hackmeisters, Ben Bauers, John B o s e s , L e o n a r d G e h r k e s a n d new residents, Larry Lunds. Name Committee For Club Meeting The next regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, Nov. 6, at 8 o'clock. Due to the important business to be discussed, the presence of all members is requested. Following the meeting, refreshments will be served by a committee composed of Louis Hartmann, Jerry Hettermann, Leo Hiller, George Hiller, Ben Hiller, Robert Hettermann and Richard Hiller. Another social success was scored by the club at the annual Halloween dance last Saturday. A large crowd, the majority attired in costumes appropriate for the occasion, was present to cele b r a t e. The judges had a difficult time in selecting the winders among the various groups, couples and individuals. jQd.y Huinagei To Wed George Peterson ,, • Mrs. O. S. Hufnagel of Clayton. 111., announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Judy, to George Peterson, son of Mrs. Iris Peterson and the late Theodore Peterson of Arlington Heights, formerly of Burton's Bridge. A November wedding is planned. Mr. Peterson is a 1958 graduate of McHenry high school and is now attending Millikin university in Decatur. He is also employed in a bank in that city. Miss Hufnagel is the daughter of the late Dr. O. S. Hufnagel. ! MRS. SCHAETTGEN ASSUMES GARDEN CLUB PRESIDENCY Mrs. Fred Svoboda was host- | ess for the October meeting of the McHenry Garden club. Mrs. Arnold Schaettgen graciously agreed to fill out the unexpired term of presidency due to ihe resignation of the former president. Mrs. Theodore Arvidson, vice-president, felt that family obligations would prevent her fulfilling the duties as she would wish. I Mrs. Schaettgen conducted the meeting in her usual busi- ! nesslike and well organized manner and disposed of innumerable agenda'in record time. ' She crystallized the plans for a tea and demonstration of i Christmas decoration ideas at !the Methodist, church on Nov. ! r>0. The members are free to invite guests and this promises to be a most rewarding and enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. George Johnson ar- | ranged a clever game of bulb ; identification that provided fun and instruction. The meeting ended with the showing ol slides of fall foliage and other beautiful scenes from around the world provided by Mrs. Milton Smith. NEWLYWEDS TO RESIDE IN RURAL ELKHORN Announce Marriage Of Virginia Gray Dr. and Mrs. John T. Gray announce the recent marriage of their daughter, Virginia Anne, to Thomas Patrick O'- Leary. Mrs. Allen Lisle Speaks To Parents On Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. there will be a meeting of St. Mary's Home and School association. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Allen Lisle, fourth grade teacher, from St. James Pro Cathedral in Rockford. Her topic Will be "The Role of the Lay Teacher in the Paroc h i a 1 School". Barbara Krickl To Wed In June Mr. and Mrs. George P. Krickl of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter. Barbara Ann, to Roy W. Beranek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beranek of rural McHenry. Miss Krickl is a 1960 graduate of McHenry high school and is presently employed as a secretary at Science Research Associates in McHenry. Mr. Beranek attended the University of Fairbanks in College, Alaska, while in the U.S. aii force. While serving with the 71st Air and Sea Rescue he was the first man to test jump from a F102 jet airplane. Plans are being made for the wedding tp take place June 16, 1962. Prescriptions Signed Sealed IN MEMORIAM Paul Peter Karls, Sr., who passed away Nov. 6, 1959. Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy servant who has gone before us with the sign of faith and sleep in the sleep of peace. Buddie and Blondie Karls *11-2-61 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the many people who helped us in our time of need, the American Legion and Auxiliary, the people of McCullom Lake and the Ladies of the Lake, Pastor ...Virgle L. Chappell and all our friends and neighbors. We can never thank you enough. The Family of Meta Schroeder 11-2-61 Fossum Studio Photo MRS. ROBERT BLESER Mir.s Louise Arleen Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve S. Schmitt of Elkhorn, Wis., formerly of Johnsburg, became the bride of Mr. Robert Paul Bleser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bleser of Rt. 3, Elkhorn, Wis., in a ceremony performed at St. Patrick's Catholic church in that city Oct. 14. Rev. Everett H. Hiller, godfather of the bride, officiated at the nuptial rite. The bride is a 1961 graduate of Elkhorn high school and has been employed as a waitress. The groom graduated from the same school in 1954 and is engaged in farming. The couple will make their home on Rt. 3, Elkhorn. CARD OF THANKS A sincere special thank you note to all the nice folks who so kindly remembered me with prayers, cards and gifts. ' Mr. Henry J. Stilling 11-2-61 CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who gave us comfort during our recent bereavement. The Family of Ella Fricke 11-2-61 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the McHenry Country club, its members and the many friends who honored me at the party Saturday night. I am grateful also for the many congratulatorymessages from my associates and the Chamber of Commerce. It was a night that will always live in my memory. Albert Purvey *11-2-01 ^ niiHMim Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newkirk, McHenry, announce the birth of a daughter at McHenry hospital Oct. 25. A daughter was born Oct. 25 at McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. William Westeriund, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc- Clanahan, Crystal Lake, became parenjts, of a son Oct. 26 at McHenry hospital. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson, McHenry, on Oct. 27 at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanford, McHenry, are parents of a daughter born at McHenry hospital on Oct. 28. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich, McHenry, announce the birth of a daughter Oct. 28 at McHenry hospital. A son was born Oct. 29 al McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Olsson, McHenry. A daughter was born to Mi\ and Mrs. Lawrence Lindmark Oct. 29 at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gore of Wonder Lake announce the birth of a son Oct. 30 at McHenry hospital. A Wonder Lake couple. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Raske, are parents of a daughter born Oct. 27 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Andrews. McHenry, are parents of a daughter born Oct. 28 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Gus Wilde, Sr., is a patient at Hines hospital where he underwent surgery last week. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Elmer Harris, McHenry, and Mrs. Gazenia Beard, Ringwood, were patients at Harvard hospital during the past week. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Master Kenneth Bishop, Master Albert Savalick, Master Sidney Norton, Charmair\e Mc- Reynold and William Gieselman, Wonder Lake; Miss Ann Thennes, Patricia Zoellick and William Longfield, McHenry; and Chancy Harrison, Ringwood. Mcltenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Frank Dulleck and Joanne Sutton, Spring Grove; William C. Dannehy, Lola Wood and Suzanne Knox, Crystal Lake; Jack Staulcup, Wauconda; Ignatz Hedio, Marengo; Kyron Fyanes, Barrington; Sue Thelen, Elkhorn, Wis.; Richard Gerstenberger, Round Lake; Stanley Glowacke, Lake Zurich; Margot Larson and Phyllis Chirani, Lake Villa; Hermer Folkman, Chicago; Peter Hofferstetter, Ingleside; John Loque, Fox Lake; Helen, Rebecca, David and James O'Dell, Island Lake; Robert C. Anderson, Jr., Debra Fuller, Deborah Barwig, Theodore WTinkel, Stephen Routt, Edna Hamlin, Mary Kenton, F r a n k N e j a , E d w a r d J o h n Bock, Francine Weyland, Evelyn C. Schultz, Earline Mettelka, Aleta Lindemulder, Nanett Lee Fort and Agnes Bienapfl, McHenry; and George Davis, Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this way of saying a sincere "thank you" to our many neighbors and friends for floral offerings, cards and other expressions of sympathy extended in our bereavement. They were appreciated so much. Mr. and Mrs. Olto Pyritz 11-2-61 Delivered NYE DRi "WALGREEN AGENCY" 1825 N. Riverside EV 6-4486 <2X>n t ejCet *Mour Jdair Qet Dlie Beit of tjou . . . Get the best from your hair by making an appointment soon at . . . /v\veriide J^alritufina Studio -- GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE -- 1320 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111. Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. PERSONALS 1 Among the local folks who I attended the wake or funeral J ot George Steilen in Chicago i last week, were Mrs. F. J. Aicher. Mrs. Carl Bradley, George and Leo Heimer, Mrs. ! Hilary Rodenkirch and son. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenj hoeltz spent the weekend in the home of his sister, Mrs. Doyle Miller, and family in Peoria. Mr. Schoenhoeltz's mother, Mrs. Edna Leonhart, returned home with them for a | visit. Edward Dwyer of Chicago spent the weekend with hi* j sister, Mrs. Walter Walsh. On Sunday Mrs. Walsh and her guest attended First Communion services at St. Lawrence's church, Elgin, their twin grand nieces, Maureen and Martha j Kinnel, being members of the j class; Later they were g6ests ' at a breakfast ai the home of ! the twins' parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Donald Kinnel, in Elgin, j Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phan- ; nenstill vacationed at Lake Gobobic, Mich., a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patzke, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke and the latter's mother, Mrs. Bessie Sund, of Crystal Lake, attended the wake of an old friend, Mrs. Otto Geiger, of Duck Lake Woods, in Chicago Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hallowell, Sr., of Maywood, were Sunday callers in the George K. Johnson home. Lt. and Mrs. L. J. Mahony and little son, Mark, of Wjetsmith A.F.B., Mich., Skipper and Patti Bacon of Crystal Lake, visited their grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett and son ol' Chicago called on McHenry relatives Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie were Sunday guests in the George H. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill and Mrs. Kate Stadtfield attended the funeral of Frank Phannenstill at St. Sylvester's church in Chicago Tuesday of last week. Miss Kathy Palmer was home from her studies at Mt. St. Mary's Academy, St. Charles, to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer. Mrs. John Bolger, accompanied by her sister, Miss Kathryn Kortendick, of Woodstock, Misses Genevieve Knox and N e l l i e D o h e r t y , M c H e n r y , spent the weekend in St. Louis, where she visited her sister-inlaw, Sister Mary Henry, the former Anna Bolger. Mrs. Arlene Johns of Elgin and Mrs. Mary Lou Haverkamp of Dundee visited McHenry r«latives Sunday. Mrs. Etta Reed of Napa, Calif., and sister, Mrs. Emma Sutton, of Richmond, were visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, Mary and Kenny, visited their uncle, Frank Martin, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Fish, in Grayslake, Sunday. where he is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill, Janice and David of Aurora were dinner guests in the Alex Adams home Sunday. Others present for a family get-together were Mrs. Anna Diedrich, daughter, Van, the Thomas Adams and Leonard Thennes families. " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska left Wednesday for their winter home at Chuluoto, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son, Edward, and Mrs. Laura Minteer, of Eimhurst, were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Nye. Others present to help Mrs. Sutton celebrate her birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton and Mrs. Kathryn Weber. Mrs. Ray Conway spent the weekend in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dan O'Stiea, in j Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Armstrong and her mother, Mrs. Blum, closed their summer home at Emerald Park, last week, and returned to River Forest for the winter. Friends of Mrs. Darwin Granger, a former McHenry resident but later of Hay ward, Wis., where her husband passed away last summer, will be interested to know she has taken an apartment in Wauconda where she1* plans to make her home. Miss Clara Stoffel accompanied by Miss Louise Evanson, of Chicago returned home Saturday from a two weeks motor trip to Williamsburg, Pa., and other points of interest in that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Evanston visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaylord and daughter have moved from the upper apartment in the M r s . I r e n e G u f f e y h o m e o n Washington street to McCullom Lake. The place they have vacated is being occupied bj' Mr. and Mrs. George Barber and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson attended the funeral of a relative in Janesville, Wis., Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, son, Gordon, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Robert Thompson home. Presents "Gypsy' mm Ann Varese shown before her mirror as she prepares for public performance. R. G. RISTOWS MARRIED FIFTY YEARS ON SUNDAY It was a happy day Sunday, Oct. 29, for a Pistakee Highlands couple, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Ristow, of 5613 N. Woodland drive, when they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The party, attended by about 200, was held at the Johnsburg Community club. A special "gift" was a visit by the Ristows' only daughter, Mrs. Marshall Jacobs of Miami Beach, Fla., who came to the Highlands especially for the celebration. A mock wedding was per • formed, with Hugo Ristow, brother of the "groom", as best man and Mrs. Jacobs as maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall chose the Sunday celebration as an appropriate time to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lolita DuPree. to George Darmody. Both are residents of Pistakee Highlands. They plan to be married next year. FLOWER WEDDING LINE INVITATIONS AND ANNOTNCKVIKNTS 0\^:1^ o (:>V • I ; O vr 1/ In the interest of stimulating theatrical endeavor in this area, Ann Varese, musical comedy performer and actress, will present her interpretation of the Broadway musical hit, "Gypsy," at the McHenry Country club on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets admit the purchaser to both dinner and a show. Mrs. Varese will have as her accompanist Verna Schlofner of McHenry, well known for her ability in this field. An added dash of theatre will be the background setting designed and executed by Lauri Wilhelm, McHenry artist. The show Ann Varese will present is based on the book by Gypsy Rose Lee of her j dynamic mother, Rose, who I pushed and led her young daughters, June and Louise I (now Gypsy) into show busij ness. determined that they ! would be stars. The role of : Madame Rose was played by j Ethel Merman on Broadway j and just recently in a successful short stay in Chicago. At this evening performance, plans will be discussed concerning the formation of an evening couples' club which will feature dinner and a stimulating program, either theatrical or in the lecture field. The Lecture Luncheon club, well known in the area for its outstanding presentations and organized by Mrs. Varese, is the model for this evening group to be formed. Tickets may be purchased in person or by mail by contacting Mrs. John Varese or Mrs. LeRoy Marshall, both of McHenry, or at the Country club before Nov. 13. Everyi one is welcome to attend, but the number is limited to 150. At j)resent, Mrs. Varese is travelling in southern Illinois. Indiana and Kentucky, giving her popular program, "Tfce ledy." ISee the complete catalogue at McHENRY P1LAINDEA1L-E1B §8lg Wesfc Elms St "1 Let us CLEAN YOUR RUGS! Want your rugs sparkling clean for Thanksgiving? Phone us and we'll pick them up at your home and return them to you in a few days all bright and fresh for the homecoming day. RAINBOW CLEANERS' 1304 N. Front Si., McHenry Around Corner North of National Tea PHOME EV 5-0927 FOB PICKUP SERVICE Drama of Musical Com McHENRY MAN CO-CHAIRMAN OF SCHOOL DADS DAY Ralph Bennett of McHenry is among the dads listed by the University of Illinois to be honored guests and participants in the Nov. 11 Dads Day festivities at the school. The University of Illinois Dads' association annual meeting will be held that morning, with President David D. Henry speaking. The preceding day Friday the association county chairmen will have their fail meeting. Mr. Bennett is co-chairman lor McHenry county. ( AKD OF THANKS ^ T wish to offer my sincere thanks for all the cards, flowers and to all my wonderful neighbors of Lakeland Park who without my asking gave all the help I needed during my stay at the hospital. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Rosemary Hoiasr PRE-VETERANS' PARTY There will be a pre-Veterans' Day luncheon, card party and bake sale starting at 12:30 o'clock on Tuesday, Nov. 7, at the V;F.W. clubhouse. MARRIAfiE LICENSES James Solesbee, Chicago, and Linda Col berg, McHenry. DONt SCATTER People whose aim is to make the most of their money have discovered the wisdom of using a fullservice bank ... and using it for all it's worth. A full-service bank (like ours) is allowed by law to offer services that you only find piecemeal at other financial institutions. This includes everything from checking accounts and savings accounts to all kinds of loans (not just a few). And you'll find our financial advice, should you wish it, is as thorough as can be. If you haven't discovered the time-and-money saving advantages of a full-service bank, why not drop in and see us... today? STATE BANK >** Established Since 1906 McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution' Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040

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