Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1961, p. 12

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Page Twelve THE McKENRY PLAINDEALKR Legals MASTER IK CtlANCfcRY'S SALE or ftEAL EStATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY or McHENftY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY LIBERTY SAVINGS AND) LOAN ASSOCIATION OF) CHICAGO, a corporation) organized and existing uh-) der the laws of the State) of Illinois, ) Plant iff) vs. ) ORVILLE F. YEAGER ) and MARJORIE J. YEA-) GER, his wife, McHenry) State Bank, a Banking Cor-) poration, GERALD PES-) CHKE and IRMGARD ) •SpESCHKfc. his wife, ) Defendants) GEN. NO. 38593 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 6th day of October, 1961, 1, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 22nd day of November, 1961, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Standard Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot twelve in Block seven of Highland Shore, Wonder Lake, Unit number six, a subdivision of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section thirteen. Township fortyfive North, Range seven, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and of the East twenty-five acres of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section fourteen, Township fortyfive North, Range seven, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and part of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Thirteen, Township forty- five North, Range seven, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded June 11, 1953, as Document No. 266428, in Book eleven of Plats, page eight, in McHenry, County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 24th day of October, 1961. ROBERT J. LEALI Master in Chancery Attorney for Plaintiff Bernard J. Juron 25 North County Street Waukegan, Illinois (Pub. Nov. 2-9-16, 1961) ENCE SUNDE, alone, who will pay and discharge all debts and liabilities, and receive all monies payable to the said latfe firm. The true names and addresses of the persons who have carried on the business are: CLARENCE SUNDE, 714 West Finch Trail, McHenry, Illinois JAMES NEWSOM, 5209 W. Fountain Lane, McCullom Lake, McHenry, Illinois. (Pub. Nov. 2-9-16, 1961) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of IONE M; ZINCK Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that December 4th, 1961, is the claim date in the estate of IONE M. ZINCK, Deceased, pending in the county Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HARRY P. STINESPRING, Jr. Executor Harry P. Stinespring, Jr. Attorney 3329 N. Bayview Lane McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Nov. 2-9-16, 1961) NOTICE OF LOST INSURANCE POLICIES Notice is hereby given that the following numbered blank policies of The National Union Fire Irts. Co. of Pittsburg furnished Homer Fitzgerald Agency at McHenry, Illinois have been lost, misplaced, destroyed or stolen and are hereby declared null and void and of no effect, and should not be accepted in executed form by any person. SX 89176 SX 8917T Any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of these policies in either blank or executed form, please communicate at once with: H. A. TRENHOLM Manager National Union Fire Ins. Co., 41i Gas Electric Bldg. Rockford, 111. (Pub. Nov. 9-16-21, 196iy NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of MICHEAL SODA Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons thai January 2, 1962. is the claim date in the estate of MICHAEL SODA. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said pstate on or before said date without issuance of summons. RICHARD SODA Executor Stueben & Coleman Attorneys 3317 W. Elm McHenrv, 111. Phone EV 5-0268 (Pub. Nov. 9-16-21, 1961) Wonder Lake JdSEPH SULLIVAN ELECTED PRESIDENt OF KIWANIS CLUB Jane Ducey Post 491 Last Saturday morning memorial services were held in front of the Legion home in honor of our fallen heroes in the great wars. Three volleys were fired and taps were sounded in their memory. A sizeable crowd was present to participate in the services. Our Veterans' Dav party was a huse success. We regret to report the sudden illness of Art Patzke's wife, during the festivities. She was removed tc McHenry hospital, where at this writing she is reported to be doing as well as can be expected. On Sunday, Nov. 19, at 5 p.m. the Parents' association will hold their annual party for the benefit of the Viscounts Drum and Bugle corp. A wonderful time is promised for those who will attend. There will be free coffee and sandwiches. Be sure to keep Sunday open for a wonderful time. Our service officer, Pat Cairns, reports that Gus Wilde and Melvin Whiting are now in Hines hospital; Ed Murphy is in the V.A. hospital in Chicago, and Elmer Jensen has just been transferred to the Lake county sanitarium. John Dreymiller and Ed Pfannenstill have both been in Hines but are now out and at home. Cass Nacker and Julius Gruen- „feldt are now up and about after both having been quite ill. We are sorry to report that a freak accident has our Helge Davidsen laid up at home with The Wonder Lake Kiwanis club unanimously^elected the slate of officers presented by the nominating committee to serve for the next fiscal year They are as follows: president, Joe Sullivan; first vice, Keh feovee: second vice, Bob Myers; secretary, Horace Wagner; and treasurer, Guy White. Directors elected at thfc meeting were Fi%nk Konecny, G e o r g e P e d e r s o n , L e o n a r d Freund, Al Deitz, Jamfes Robison, Art Lau and Floyd Leigh. Installation of officers will take place in January at Mathews hall. Ladies night at the Glen Flora club in Waukegan has been scheduled for Dec. 6. There will be entertainment and a cocktail hour. VV'onderview Fund Raising Dance The Wonderview Improvement association will have its first dance Saturday, Nov. 18. at the VFW hall in McHenry. Supper will be served at 7 p.m. and dancing will start at 9. If this proves a successful way to raise money for road improvement, they plan to makefit an annual affair. urday afternoon. Connie Abel's PARENTS ASSUME demonstration wds on "shrinkr ing material" and Roberta Ahrens made drop biscuits. At the next meeting of the club a new secretary and treasurer will be elected. STUDENTS' SCHOOL. PROGRAM TONIGHT Nativity Lutheran Church News Sunday, Nov. 19 through Sunday, Nov. 26 is thfe annual Thanksgiving clothing appeal for Lutheran World Attioii. Warm clean useable clothing is needed for overseas relief. Choir rehearsals: senior-- Thursday 7:30 p.m. junior-- Saturday at 10 a.m. cherub choir Saturday at 11 a.m. Worship services are at 8 and 11 a.m. Church school at? 9:15 and 11 a.m. Holy Communion-- First Sunday of eaoh month. County Retarded Oroup Meets John Phelps of the Countryside school for Retarded Chilj dren at Barrington spoke to I the McHenry county association meeting at Olson school in Woodstock last Monday night. He' showed colored slides of the school's operation and answered questions from the audience. The local parent group meets monthly on the first Monday. C-hHst the King ChtlrMi Netvs Evening of recollection for all married couples will be held at Christ the King church Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Two practical meditations by Father Vanderpool on "Sanctifying the husband and wife relationship in Holy Matrimony" will be. followed by Benediction. A social period will be held in the school basement. All are welcome to attend. both mixed marriages and Catholic. Inquiry classes are held Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. in the school room for all non Catholics and Catholics who wish to know more about the Catholic religion. CFM meetings every second and fourth Wednesday nights. A visit to a local sfchddl board meeting is an ledUCatibh in d&noti'acy at wdfk and ah exercise iri human relajidns. More taxpayers should avail themselves of the public board meetings This is the opinion of somfe Wonder Ldke parents who show active interest in affairs of Harrison school in subject areas that are hot ditectjy related to education or school poliey. For instance, at the last meeting of the Harrison school board, members devoted several hours considering an agettda that ranged from such educational topics as spfcCch correction, itnphwed reading techniques and a newly instituted group instruction program in the upper grades, <to the physical and fiscal prdbldpx Of cle&hing water lines of irSt*"'deposit- Installation bids on the Mter ranged from $1,500 to $500 exclusive of servicing, depending on the type of system installed, and the board ordered further examination. Learn School Costs In between, the board heard explanations to various school costs, approved payment of bills and salary payrolls, arid received a report on an Americanism program and an accounting as to why a clutch in one of the school's buses burned out. Regarding bus opera t i o n s, the board aired a complaint related to routing. In this inFor information call the secstance, Merl H. Thomas, sution chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. ! perjntendent, and Dr. Raymond H. Watkins, school board presi- Junior Wonder Workers Two junior Wonder Workers gave demonstrations when the club met at the home of their leader. Jackie Hanson, on Sata broken leg. It seems that his car started to roll out of his driveway and in trying to stop it was thrown to the ground, and the car ran over his leg. To those who are laid up ifce wish a speedy recovery, and to those who are now up and about we are happy to see around once again. TOm Birmingham Our joint account is mighty fine, it has only one serious flaw, Wifey outsmarts me every time, and beats me to the draw. Tired of living?? The cemeteries are full of people who'd be glad to trade places with you. Head Th® Waaft Ads Andrew McCann, at W.L. 4233. YCW meetings are held at 8 p.m. every Thursday night in the rectory basement. High school of religion-- Sunday night at 7 for all boys and girls not attending Catholic school. Parents should see that the young people attend. Christenings James Vanderpal, son of Lloyd and Geraldine Seeman Vanderpal, was baptized Oct. 15 by the Rev. James Vanderpool. Godparents are John and Pauline Bayer. Pamela Sue Gianola, daughter of James and Janet Kemlock Gianola, was baptized by Father Vanderpool Oct. 2p. The godparents are George and Jean Hartmann. Madonna Marie Hummel, daughter of Clarence and Genevieve Nelson Hummel, was baptized by Father Vanderpool Nov. 5. Robert and Geraldine Kurch are the godparents. < Joseph Wessel Fliege, son of Arthur and Hendricka Looman Fliege, was baptized by Father Thomas Coughlin on Oct. 31. The godparents are Edward and Rita Waldy. TAG DAY COLLECTION A total of $159.72 was raised by taggers in the last "Doughnut Day" for the Salvation Army in Wonder Lake. Mrs. James W. Bell was chairman for that community. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately existing between CLARENCE SUNDE and JAMES NEWSOM, operating under the firm name of S & N MAINTENANCE SERVICE, in the County of McHenry, and the State of Illinois, was dissolved on the 21st day of October, 1961, by mutual consent, and that the business in the future will be, carried en by the said CLARMILLST1EAM DRUGS "WALGREEN AGENCY" 3720 W. Elm Street Jewel Shopping Plaza Invites You and Your Family to an Expense-Free Month LIVE FREE ON US FOR A FULL MONTH WE WILL PAY ALL THE FOLLOWING BILLS FOR A LUCKY FAMILY IN DECEMBER Rent (Mortgage) up to $100 per month P It 1 '1 Food up. to $100 per month IP St 8 S Heating Fuel up to $25 per month PUSS Electricity up to $10 per month P It S 1 Telephone up to $10 per month FREE Movies up to $10 per month FREE Barber and Beauty Shoppe up to $10 per mollth ¥ it E E Baby Sitter up to $10 per month P K. E £ Laundry and Dry Cleaning up to $10 per month P H E£ H And . . . up to $ 4 0 . 0 0 in Drugs, M e d i c i n e s , Toys for the Kids, or other merchandise of your choice from out B h ^ store FREE at our Store dent, toured the school district to measure the shortest and longest distances to bus stops. Other subjects covered by the board involved discussions that can tend to become emotional, such as pupil discipline, civil defense preparation far children, and the quality of education as well as techniques of teaching. School starting date, whether after instead of before Labor Day, the current practice, also is on the board agenda. Workshop Reports No sniall amount of time was devbted to individual reports by board members who recently attended various workshops or special meetings related tt> education or board functions, followed by similar reports from Thomas c o'n c e r n i n g teachers who also attended workshops and educa t i o n a 1 meetings. One board member emphasized that some programs recommended for Illinois schools during one meeting already Were in effect at Marrison. Group education in the upper grades and a new bookkeeping aftd accounting procedure are notable fexaitiples. Fiv& members of the board and Thofrias attended a reading evaluatioh pfrotrdm at Loyola University ih a cohtihuing effort to better the school's reading programs in \#Hat is termed a "seif-help irtiptavfemeht program from toithih". Other meetings to bfe dttehded by schools staffs and board tndmbers include the convention of Illinois Association of School Boards ih Chifcago, Nov. 19 to 21, and a district admin* istratibns' meeting at Cary Grove Community high schodlt Nov. 16. K OF c WILL HEAR TALK ON CIVIL DEFENSE Civil Defense Director John Shay will present a talk on "Civil Defense Preparedness" to the Knights of Columbus and their friends Sunday evening, Nov. 19, at 8 p.m. at the K. of C. hall, 1304 N. Park street. The program, approximately one hour lohg, will be followed by refreshments. The public is invited to attend, and therfe is no admission charge. American people spend a lot of money to build and maintain roads, so people can flock to the cities, where they can't, find a parking place. Thursday* November 16* ^61 SCHEDULE FARM MACHINERY CLINIC LATER THIS MONTH Wbodstdck Vocational agriculture teachfer George Forgfey and McHenry county Farm Advise!* Ralph Burnett announce that a farm machinery clinic will be offered at Woodstock high school on the evenings of Nbv. 27 and 28. It will be conducted by Wendell Boweres, agricultural engineer from the University o£ Illinois. This will be a lecture course. Farrrters will bfe' provided with reference materials and will receive help, in solving prdblems, such as cost for owning and operating a machine, Selecting proper size of equipment, what machines to buy, and how to select the right tractor. Because of the type of Meeting, it will be necessafy to limit the, class to twenty farmers. If you are interred, contact Mr. Forrgey or Mr. Burnett. Liberia (Africa) was founded by the U. S. Government, as a home for freed slaves. The Capital is named Mdhrovia, Aftei" President Monroe. ANNOUNCEMENT JEN IS BACK And operating Jen's Beauty Salon also assisted by Rosemary Przetaeznik who has 18 years of experience -- 5 years in McHenry area. Phone for Appointment EVergrfeen 5-0322 Open Tuesday thru Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday Evenings. Closed Monday ALL WORK DONG EXCLUSIVELY Free Parking Member of N.H.C.A. Old fashioned Sausage Shop* Thurs., FrI., Sat0 Only! VfUMfOB iM*. Boll, broil of fry this mildly spiced pork sausage for breakfast or serve it en casserole with sauerkraut ... the flavor is unforgettable! ECKRICH noked Sausage 79- (Luc (fch,id AVAILABLE NOW AT. Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St JC*(L It A CO.. tie! (Pastry Shop Special Thurs., Fri., ICED OR SUGARED Bismarkf O JCr <*•» 39d 'fad (jTxwdSbus t. If A CO AVAILABLE NOW AT.. jewel In McHenry 371B W, Elm St Nothing td buy . . . nothing to tfHte. Pick ,U$ a free entry blank at our store, fill in your name and address, and drop it in the box at our store. You do not have to be present to win. Chkffloufi NOW! V We Carry a Complete Line of Personalized Christmas Greeting Cards in all price ranges FEATURING CARDS FROM THESE FAMOUS COMPANIES 6» PERSONALIZED # Ace # Century # Masterpiece Studios * Regency McHenry Plaindealer it 3612 W. Elm St. EV 5-0170

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