Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1961, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday., November 16, ^>1 Holiday Hills WOMAN'S CLUB HEARS TALK ON CIVIL DEFENSE Inez Young The Woman's club held it? monthly meeting at the home of Virginia Lundelius on Birch street, because of ;i previous meeting l*>ing held at the church. The speaker for the evening was Gerald Kalk, of the Civil Defense program in McHenry. He clearly staled that al the present time we (Holiday Hills) are not included in the McHenrv Civil Defense propram. We may. at some future date be included, but, in the meantime, if we are to have any program or protection, we must get busy and start somesort of a program of our own. He also stated that McHenry would be happy to help Us in any way possible. A note of interest to all of Us -- McHenry hospital has the equipment and trained personnel to make daily tests of pol- . lution from fall out resulting from current nuclear tests. It is a comfort to know that this information is available to us, and in the event of any dangerous amounts recorded, we would be notified by local authorities through several channels-- one of them being this newspaper. Those who attended the meeting had the opportunity to ask questions and received a booklet put out by the office of Civil Defense mobilization entitled, Family Fallout Shelter. The program was followed Tby the regular business meeting and a bake sale. The next meeting will be held on Dec. 13 and will feature the annual Christmas party and grab bag. It was agreed to dispense with the businessmeeting in favor of the Christmas party. we have plenty of holiday atmosphere. Remember the date,/Saturday, Dec. 2, at the Wauconda American Legion hall. Start the holiday season off with a night of fun and frolic at the Snowball Caper. Snowball Caper Another reminder for the Christmas party sponsored by the H.H.P.O.A. The committee is currently busy working on the decorations to make sure PROFE^iOllfll DIRECTORY EARL ft. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life Im. Representing ggUtMB COMPANIES When Yon Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone EYergreen 5-0043 or 6-0953 429 W. Rim St., McHenry, IIL DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 12S6 N, Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0188 Res. Phone: Ev 5-6191 Thors.: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tnen. & Frl. Eveaiapi 6:90 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Ezamined-GlasseB Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-62 Heritage Hike The FWhownies of Holiday Hills went on a heritage hike on Saturday, Oct. 28, The girls left the Haufo home at 8:30 a.m. and travelled to Elgin where they started In t/ord's Park and toured all of the historic sites in and around Elgin. The girls who went on the tour were: Patty Baird, Linda Carlson. Valai ie Forth m a n. Dede Harris, Betsy Haufc. Amy Howell. Rita Mettelka, Christine Norton, Pamela Potratz, and Linda Velnian. The following Wednesday at their regular meeting, the girls elected officers for the months of November and December as follows: President, Connie Abb i n k ; v i c e - p r e s i d e n t , P a t t y Baird; treasurer. Virginia ma; secretary, Linda: Carlson; l^rnerican flag bearer and guanl, i3»ede Harris and Amy Howell; Brownie flag bearer and guard, Valerie Forthman and DeeDee Weyland. At this same meeting several of the girls in the troop were given the 1 year pins. These girls were, Connie Abbink, Patty Baird, Sandy Csuti. Linda Exline. Bonnie McWilliams. Rita Mettelka, Pamela Potratz. Linda Uelman and DeeDee Weyland. Jbhnsburg Early Deadline Set For Friday Betty Hettermann Happy Birthday A belated happy birthday to Jeannie Catanzaro, youngest daughter of Connie and Chuck, who celebrated her second birthday on Oct. 31 with a family party. Her big sister, Linda, was forced to eelebrate from her bed where she was confined, trying to fight "some sort of bug." Sympathy Our sincere sympathy to Beraice Malstrom and her family on the death of her dad, Walter Szydlowski. He suffered a stroke on Wednesday, Nov. 1, and was rushed to McHenry hospital where he suffered a second stroke on Thursday and died on Friday, Nov. 3. The body was taken to St. Hyacinth church in Chicago for High Mass and laid to rest in St. Adelbert's cemetery on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, this paper will be published early. Deadline for this column is Friday, Nov. 17, by noon. If you have any news for next week's copy, be sure to phone me before noon this Friday. On Nov. 27, the regular Monday deadline will be resumed once again. Your news items keep this column interesting. Please remember to call me at 385-1296 if you have any type of news whatsoever. Passes On We of this community join in extending our sincere sympathies to John P. Schaefer upon the recent passing of his daughter, Mrs. Eva Pitzen of McHenry. Our sympathies also to Mrs. Anita Freund, a sister to Mrs. Pitzen. Funeral services were conducted from St. Mary's thurch with 'burial in St. Johnfc cemetory. fiftieth wedding anniversarylater this month. Our very special wishes for continued health and happiness are extended- to -these two wry nice people from all of their friends. Christmas theme and will be held on Nov. 30 at T p.m. in the community club hall. Tickets can be obtained at the doors or from the club members. Home from Hospital We are all real happy to learn Mrs. Martha (Ben) Freund is now home after spending several days in the McHenry hospital undergoing various tests. From now on we hope all of her troubles are over and she will be able to enjoy a very special day coming up shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund will observe their Neighborly Notes Dick and Lorraine Bemis did some travelling last weekend when they went to Paris, 111., to visit Dick's sister, Mrs. Newland Howard, for a day and then went on to Terra Haute. Ind., to visit Dick's daughter. Mrs. Charles Poonds. Gerry and Hal Breede attended the silver anniversary of Gerry's sister and brotherin- law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Peazey, in Barrfngton on Saturday, Nov. 4. The young family travelled to South Bend, Ind., last weekend to see the Notre Dame - Navy game with some friends and neighbors -- and stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sauarese. Girl Scout News Troop 378 made individual folders for future use. An open d i s c u s s i o n o f f o r t h c o m i n g events was also on the agenda. Games were enjoyed after which Joy Ann Hettermarm ! served her cookie treat. Carol Ann Dehn, scribe of troop 295, reports that in place of the regular Girl Scout meeting last Wednesday, the leaders and mothers met together. The leader discussed plans for the future. She also expressed a wii&i for more help from tho mothers. Mrs. Barlh \S?ent through the Girl Scout laws and explained their meanings. Eight mothers were present and each one dressed a doll in a costume of a foreign country. This proved to be most interesting. Coffee and cake were served bv Mhs. Barth and Mrs. Dehn. Lady Foresters to Meet On Nov. 21, at 8 p.m. the regular monthly meeting of the lady Foresters will take place in the community club hall. Estelle Klapperich will he chairman of the refreshments and her committee will be as follows: Anna Guyser, Betty Hettermann, Esther Schneider, Katie Huff, Patti Hiller, Betty Sompel and Rose Tonyan. Holiday Goodies Reminder A little reminder that candy and fruit cakes can still be obtained from St. John's Home and School association by contacting Betty Schmitt. These items can be here in time for the holidays if they are ordered soon, so contact Betty right away. Benefit Reminder Also I would like to remind you once again about the benefit for the McHenry hospital sponsored by the Pi s t a k e e Highlands Woman's club. It will be creative cooking in the FOR THAT OLD FASHIOHED FLAVOR COME TO <y MM • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS 1ICSOBY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN SIOSORI SMOKED BACON • 22. VARIETIES' OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Bonte 120 • lint East of Route'12 - Volo, IIL Phone EVitrgreen 5-6260 SCHROEBER IRON WORKS G£nE3t*ral Steel amA Ornamental VUtt Our Showrooms IfNpUn Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. SI Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4198 xh MBe South of Rt. 12 «n johnsburg . Wilmot Road 11-61 ML EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 8616 W. Main, McHenry, IIL Offioe Hours: Dally except Thursday 1-5 Man., Wed. & FrL Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 12-61 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1803 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Toes., Tlrara. & FrL 7 To 9 pan. Saturdays: 8 to 6 Phone EV. 5-226S 2-62 STAINLESS ALUMDGWM XMAS TREES! AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Finest Quality -- Lowest Prices Before you buy let us tell you about materials used in other trees. Don't be mislead by gimmicks and claims! Over 300 trees to select from! All First Quality -- Best Manufacturers! When you Buy -- Buy the Best! DELUXE TUBES! Table Size, 2 ft $ 3.98 4 Ft., 58 Br 7.99 6 Ft., 94 Br. 14.99 7 Ft., 100 Br 18.99 8 Ft, 124 Br 22.99 First Quality STANDARD! 2 Ft. Table Tree $ 2.98 4 Ft, 40 Branch 4.99 6 Ft. 55 Branch 7.99 7 Ft, 73 Branch 11.99 8 Ft, 94 Branch 16.99 LIGHTS! Reg.' $9.98 Revolving Color Lite $ 6.99 Reg. $11.98 Deluxe Color Lite 8.99 Reg. $5.98 Bulb Driven Lite 4.88 FOUNTAIN TREES! 4 Ft., 58 Br $ 8.99 6 Ft, 94 Br 15.99 7 Ft, 100 Br 19.99 8 Ft, 124 Br 26.99 6 Ft. Deluxe Colored 16.88 SPECIAL VALUE! 6 ft. Tree! only *4== COMBINATION OFFER! 7 Ft. Standard Tree Revolving Stand Revolving Lite *25.00 STANDS! Reg. $9.98 Standard Revolving Stand $ 7.99 Reg. $12.98 Deluxe Revolving .Stand .... 9.99 Reg. $15.98 Deluxe Musical Stand .... 12.99 BEN FRANKLIN LOCALLY OWNED-- NATIONALLY KNOWN 11§© Green St. IfkHenry, III. Diaper Line News The long-legged bird common iy known as "Mr. Stork" has made quite a few visits to various families these past weeks. Joe and Gerry Hiller wel-, corned a little boy who arrived on Oct. 30 at St. Therese's hospital. He was welcomed home hy Joe, John, Bob, Carol Jean, Bctly Lou and Mary Jo. The newest member in the Hiller family will be named David James. Word from Milwaukee lets us know that Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deroch announce the arrival of their third son on Nov. 4. Eagerly awaiting a chfence to get acquainted with their newest grandchild are the paternal grandparents, Hazel and Walter Deroch and the maternal grandparents, the Nelson L. Davises. The Edward Wagner family has added a new member to their family as of Nov. 4. A son was welcomed by Ihe Wagners on this date at the Woodstork hospital. It is their first child. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff became the proud grandparents for the fifth time last week. Their daughter and sonin- law, Betsy and Roger Moehling of McHenry, welcomed their second child who was born at the Woodstock hospital. Congratulations are in order for all concerned! Holy Name Party You may be lucky next Sunday evening, Nov. 19, if you are on hand at the community club. The Holy Name Society is sponsoring a party beginning at 8 o'clock. All members of St. John's parish and their friends are cordially invited to attend. Attention Parents! Early this morning I received a phone call from a concerned mother. Her reason for concern was the young children who walk to and from school. This particular mother had quite a time trying to drive down the road as a group of youngsters were scattered all over the street, practically defying her to hit them. Please parents, instruct your children to Walk on the side of the road aTid aVoid getting in the way of cars. Around the Town Mrs. Helen H e 11 e r m a n n, Mrs. Mary Hettermann and Mrs. Ben Blake visited at the apartment of Tom and Joan Keenan in Chicago last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill May and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn attended a wedding reception in Woodstock last Saturday evening. In the wee hours of last Saturday morning the rescue squad was called to the home of a local resident who suffered a possible heart attack. He was taken to the McHenry hospital for further treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith recently entertained her sister, Mrs. Ann Doran, as a weekend guest. Last Sunday the Einar Fossums of Rockford were their guests. Over Thanksgiving the Smiths will spend several days in Rockford visiting various relatives. Sandy Hettermann participated at a dance convention in Chicago last Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to the Joe Smiths upon their tenth anniversary coming up on Nov. 24. They will celebrate while in Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith motored to Chicago this past Weekend. Lucille attended the Ice Follies in the company of Mrs. Agnes Wilson, Miss Catherine Driscoll, Mrs. Winifred Lakemoor Ladies League Has Bake Sale David Heckmann - EV 5-9532 Regular c h e c k - u p s and . maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling Aiit® Service "24-HOOT TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, M. The Lily Lake Ladies League are holding* a bake sale Saturday, Nov. 18, at the Lakemoor firehouse. The ?ale will open for business at 1 p.m. and will close when all sold out. The ladies would appreciate it if those donating baked goods for sale would have them at the firehouse by 11 a.m., to allow ample time for pricing. Come out one and all, those luscious' baked goods are just waiting for you. Proud GrandparontH Mr. and Mrs. John H^sie are proud grand p ar e nts of two weeks. Thefr daughter, Lillian, presented her husband with a baby girl, Sherry Lynn Rose, born Oct. 27. Population Increasing Louise Epperson presented her husband. Chuck, with a baby boy Tuesday morning. Nov. 7. This family consists of three boys and one girl, a swinging quartet. Important Notices After application to the village clerk for any building per- O'Gradys. On Sunday they visspent that evening with the O'Grady's. On "Sunday they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hill along with other friends. mit work should not start until the area is inspected by the proper village inspector. Dog licenses must be purchased before Jan. 1. These will not be issued unless a valid rabies shot slip accompanies the application. There is an increase in the vehicle license fee for f£2. They will go on sale Dec. 1. The deadline will be Feb. 15. Party There will be a party at Wallv's Oasis, Saturday night, Nov. 18 for the benefit of the Lake front and beaches. Why not come out and enjoy an evening of fun and help this worthy cause? a Youthful Good Turn Under the able direction of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summerville a fine group of locfl youths are engaged in clearing the thicket in back of the Summervilles. This will greatly Increase visibility at a hazardous intersection and help beautify our village. We wish to commend thtfiefforts of Dolores Brodd, joey and. Vicki Schmitt, Sharon and W a l t e r S u m m e r v i l l e , R e n e n , Peachy, and Frank Pogany. Sonny Brady, and Ri,chie Heckmann. It's grand to see such civic interest in our youngsters! The first Christmas Seals used to fight tuberculosis were iss u e d i n D e n m a r k i n 1 9 0 4 . ' / » TB is caused by a germ, the tubercle bacillus. It is contdgious. SOFT WATER INTRODUCTORY OFFER $ 2 Per Month At last, a soft water rental plan that gives you unlimited soft water . ". . no more messy tank exchanges . . . one flat rental rate . . . We also sell and service softeners. of .gonquin 206 S. MAIN ST. ALGONQUIN jn mms ins 1© expense-paid victtlons for two! Plane or t: fifes inclw ! 7 days atad 6 nn; aft si resort hotel! In Public Service Company's "Fun-ui4^3-8un El®etri© Dryer Sweeps takes" ztaWB for (to asking. And while you're at yesar duster's, bo sure to look at Us •election of eew Flameleee Electric Dryer®, because Bottling drift clothes flater, efrrrm'Car&esher than a fume-free electric dryer. And they coat $30 to 960 nay other kind! FLAMEUSS OfCTtlC D0Y1K0 OFFICIAL DOJtLGGl 1* Use the entry blank below or one obtained from your appliance dealer. Write your name and address, and check the reason you think more people buy electric dryers. Have the blank signed by an appliance dealer. 2. Put entry blank in special box in dealer's store. All entries must be in dealer boxes before close of business Dec. 9, 1,961. 9. Drawing will be conducted by the Reuben H. Donnelley Corp. about Dec 20, 1961. Winners will be notified. Ten winners will receive round-trip tickets for two to las Vegas, Nev., and hotel accommodations for 7 days and 6 nights. Winners may take equivalent cash value of prize if desired. 4. Open to all residents, 18 years old or over, in areas served by Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Company, except employees (and their families) of those companies and their advertising ogency, cooperating dealers and distributan. Sweepstakes subject to ad Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. "Fun-ln-the-Sun Electric Dryer Sweepstakes1 NAME. ADDRESS. CITY_ ILLINOIS 0 Public Service Company I think the most important reason why mere people buy Flameless Electric Dryers is: (check one) • Electric Dryers are flameless • Flameless Electric Dryers are fume»?roo E Flameless Electric Dryers have no pilot to light or go out • Flamoloss Electric Dryers cost $30 to $50 less to buy • Nothing dries clothes faster than a Homeless Electric Dryer DEALER SALESMAN ___ I Common wealth Edtaoo Cotipny , I DajojB signed entry ia mm tax • ftm Mu fesJutuj Ibis Etocftfc Vryar S*Mpsf«kM I .ADDRESS. <

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