Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1961, p. 14

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P«g# Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINEE-HOT Tuesday, November 2l« 1||1 Eastwood Manor JOINT SERVICES HELD AT FAITH ON THANKSGIVING Edle Iverson - 385*6338 Nov. 23 -- 9 a.m. -- Joint service of Thanksgiving with t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church at Faith church. There will be special music by the joint choirs. Rev. G. W. Martin will speak on "Master Your Desires". The offering will go to the Christian Rural Overseas Pfogram. Saturday 10 a.m. -- Second in a series of Confirmation classes for the young people of Faith church. Sunday -- 26 - - National Mission Sunday. The sermon will be delivered on this theme. Tuesday -- 28 -- 8 p.m. -- Choir rehearsal. The pastor vyill be going to the church conference vocation In Turkey Run State Park, Ind. Sunday, Nov. 19, Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Kimberly Ann Rad, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rad of 1404' N. Fairview Lane. Birthday Celebrations Coming- otit from "McHenry to enjoy birthday cake and ice cream for 2-year-old Shelia Barry was Mrs. 'Jdsie StadV and Grandmother, Hazel Barry. Yvonne Davis really enjoyed her birthday as they all went to Bellwood to the home of her brother, Richard Lefeeau. where she celebrated the occasion sharing a big feast and whipped-cream cake with niece, Dehise, who became eight years old. They had a marvelous time with other relatives joining in on the festivities. I pulled a boo-beo when I wislied Susan Bet ke a happy third birthday and I'm sure it went over with a great big phhttt as she became a young miss of 13 on Nov. 15. Anyway, she did enjoy that day as they gave her a big surprise party. Her grandmother, -Mrs;-Eklund, came out "to loin the fun as did her three uncles, Arnold, Mick, and Howard Eklund. with their wives and children. Grandfather Betke and Pam and Fred Woodbury were also PROFE^IOnSL DIRECTORS' " EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE fife, Auto, Farm & Life Ifc. Representing yjf.iAHTu; COMPANIES • When Yon Need Insurance ol Any Klnii Phone EVergreea 5-0043 or S-OBSS 429 W. Elm St., HgcXEjMiry, I1L there. Dorys Eklund brought the cake. Isn't it more fun to be thirteen instead of three! Little Billy Hue ma nn' s granddaddy, Anthony DeCicco, came out from Oak Park for his third birthday and an early- Thanksgiving dinner. Debbie Garrelts had a swell supper birthday party with eleven feasting on hamburgers, malted milks, birthday cake, and the works. Attending the gala affair were Lynn and Susan Newlon, Nancy and Debrn Olson, Linda Wiegman, Ginny E n g s t r o m , C a t h y D u r k i n a n d Denise Lottchea. Debbie made her first trip to the beauty shop. Marissa Mclntyrfc had a very nice seventh birthday party Saturday afternoon will? games, prizes, cake and ice cream. Attending were Sus;m Anderson, Janet and Janice Engstrom, M e 1 o d y Iverson. Patty McHale. Marissa Mc- Intyre, Debbie Pickett am' Georgina Thienes. Pat Useman was very much surprised when about twelve friends and relatives got together and gave her a big birthday party bringing all kinds of good food and a cake. Her gift was an evening in Chicago with husband, Howie, dining and enjoying Hawaiian, music. Susan Borcovan shared her third birthday with other three-year-olds in the neighborhood. These small fry ha\o more fun sharing their cake and ice cream and she was truly the Belle of the Ball! The Jerry Ryans went to Arli n g t o n H e i g h t s t o v i s i t w i t h the senior Ryans and help grandmother Martha Schmidt celebrate her seventy-eighth birthday. Other Parties Marge and Harold Slove were very busy Sunday with many dinner guests invited in to celebrate three great occasions. It was the birthday of her mother, Mrs. Helen Thurm of Chicago, their own wedding anniversary, and a dinner for daughter., Sharon's wedding. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hettinger; Mr. and Mrs. Sokolowski and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schroeder, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Slove and two children . DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. - Oram Street Office Pfiione: EV 5-0186 •Res. Phoiter Bv * 5-6191 Thurs.: Dalfy 9:30 - 5:00 JTues. & Fri. Evening^ " 6:30 to 9 p.m. / Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service ' 2-62 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS StsroefHral Steel •si ®numeatnl Vbtt Oar Showrooms flNplaee Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 -Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 2-62 $ORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests •Sanitation Layouts ; Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road " -U*» Demonstrations ,.Florspc^ Tucker entertained twenty ladies at her demonstration Friday evening serving. them cake and coffee. Annette Brogan gave a demonstration party in her home Tuesday evening. They all enjoyed her cake and coffee. Judy Huemann -gave a demonstration party. She served homemade cookies and homemade cupcakes. Eleven ladies attended and had a very nice time. To Whom It May Concern The Eastwood Manor Women's club has left behind the sum total of $36.56 in its treasury. All members are requested to attend a special meeting in the bam Thursday, Dec. 7, at 8:30 o'clock to vote on the disposition of said funds. Wishing Speedy Recoveries To Eight year old David Borcovan is home recovering from pneumonia. Nine year old Alfred Ritter is in Children's Memorial hospital at the time of this writing. We all hope he will be home by the time this paper is out. J o a n J a c o b s o n u n d e r w e n t surgery in Harvard hospital Thursday morning. Let us hope she will be out and able to enjoy her Thanksgiving dinner. Cathy Barry,,is rapidly recovering from a cracked rib received while playing. Priscilla Mclntyre is walking very cautiously so no one steps on her smashed big toe. Hope she is soon able to play hard without that worry. Around the Manor Weekend guest of the Elwyn Eternick family was Mrs. Frank Erernick from Milwaukee. Lydia Fenner became a great aunt Nov. 2. Christine Margaret weighed in at 9 lbs., 6V.i ozs. and was 21 inches long. Her proud parents are Bill and Louise Hansen. Bill Philippi's mother, Mrs. Florest, spent the weekend with the family. Charmaine Pohlman went into Chicago to visit her mother who is gradually getting her strength back again. Grandma felt cheered just to see tiny Cindy and they all enjoyed dad's fine cooking. James and Edith Long drove to Whiting. Ind., to attend the annual banquet given by ihe truck company James is employed by. Two other couples went with them. The safe-driving awards are given out at this time and they all had a wonderful time. Sympathy Note Deepest sympathy is extended to Marjorie Brodin on the sudden death, of her infant nephew. He was the son of Barbara Borchardt in Lakemoor. Bridge Club Bridge club met Tuesday night with Hannah Harner as hostess serving an ever-popular and favorite sandwich ioni. Peggy Anderson won first prize. Mary Hadley won second, and Marilyn Truckenbrod took off with the boobie pme for the evening. Brownies P e g g y G a r r e l t s is the Brownie leader with Jeanne McHale assisting. They meet" Wednesdays from 4 until 5 at the Faith Presbyterian church. Nov. 8 the new officers were Denise Lott c h e a, president. Debbie Garrelts, treasurer, and Nancy Olson, scribe. They made Than k s g i v i n g center pieces from pine cones, cup cake liners, and pipe cleaners. They will soon be working on Christmas gifts for their parents. Dec. 20 is the date set for their Mother and Brownie tea, birthday party and Christmas party. Helping Hands Needed Mrs. Griffeth of 2202 W. Mill Lane is trying to gather up small jewelry boxes and old jewelry without sharp pins for her church circle. These will be given as Christmas gifts for the patients in the state hospital in Elgin. If you have anything for her give her a call 385-2744 and she will arrange to pick your donation up. Birthday Greetings Very first birthday greetings go to Michael Smithson and Julie Biederer on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23. Happy birthday to Steven Rohrer who will be enjoying the next day most likely with turkey leftovers and no school! Saturday is the birthday of Cheryl Fenner who will be 5, Delores Pickett who will be a big girl of 10, Garry Arendt will reach the age of 6 and also celebrating on the twenty-fifth will be' Peggy Weirich. Nov. 26 is shared by Connie Dethlefson and Judy Ward. Nov. 27 will be enjoyed by three children. . .5-year-old David Harner, 13-year-old Robert Welms, and 8-year-old Gary Stoll. Happy birthday to Pat Borcovan on Nov. 28 and also to 10-year-cld Jacquelyn Cary. We end November with one last birthday celebrant on the thirtieth. . . Kristine Priester will be eight. Wedding Anniversaries Wishing a very happy anniversary to Homer and Peggy Anderson on Nov. 24. May you b e c e l e b r a t i n g m a n y , m a n y more. Also to Tim and Lois McCormack on Nov. 30. feest wishes. A Reminder Just a little notice that I now have a telephone and will IF YOUR RADIATOR NEEDS REPAIRING ifl'LL FIX IT! At radiator work, we're tops! Anything from a little crack to a big gash, we'll repair with pprreeectiasiko n. as llooww ®s $400 ilcHENlY AUTO BODY Phone: 385-0444 4704 W. Rt. 120 (Lakeland Park) McHenry, 111. CARS and TRUCKS -- PROMPT SERVICE •B.-BB6AB-1S. PEASLEE ; Graduate „ ^jCSiMMIiPRACTOR 4616 yii" Main, McHenry, ID. Office Hours: Dally except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & FrL Evenings 7-fl Phone EVergreen 6-0486 12-61 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Evening! . • Tues., Thurs. & FrU • . 7 To 9 p.m. Saturdays: 8 to 6 pjs. Phone EV. 6-2262 2-62 FRESH FROZEN FANNl MAY or WHITMAN'S Attractively Packaged and Ready to Give BOLGER'S Wonder Lake NEW AMBULANCE FOR RESCUE SQUAD PUT IN OPERATION Jane Ducey A new ambulance for the rescue squad was put into operation Friday. Delivered the day before, the new piece of equipment is a special station wagon, built for first aid ambulance work, carrying oxygen and special first aid equipment. The volunteer firemen voted to pay for the new ambulance out of funds raised at their annual picnics. The old ambulance, of 1948 vintage, was no longer reliable for rescue work due tc mechanical breakdown. It's for sale. The fire house and community building nearing completion in Highland Shores will be on display at dedication ceremonies to take place shortly. The equipment has been purchased and is ready to be moved over from the east side of the lake as soon as the building is completed. The fire district has purchased $34,500 worth of equipment this year. In general they have done in one year for the Highland Shores - Greenwood area what it took 10 years tc build up on the east side of the lake. Fall Out Shelter Nears Completion The civil defense center operated by the county is open each and every Monday evening from 7 to 9 for individuals or groups who would like to see first hand what a shelter for be real pleased to hear it ringing to let me know how all of you spent or shared your Thanksgiving Day and the weekend. Here's wishing each and every one of you a very happy Thanksgiving with a speial thanks for all your news items which keep our column going. Let us be grateful for our health, friends and neighbors and our lovely homes out here in the Manor. protection against fall-out looks like. This one has been built by four men in the basement of the court house annex in Woodstock. The men working on the project are Walter Dean, chairman of the civil defense committee of the Board of Supervisors; AI Queerhammer, .county civil defense chairman; Ernest Bohn of Woodstock and Frank Homola of Algonquin. In the next few weeks the equipment will be installed in the shelter and radio communications with neighboring counties demonstrated on the Monday night open house. A trip now and more look-sees later are probably a good idea. It takes a while for the mind to absorb all the ramifications of life in the nuclear age and how you can best adapt your living to the requirements. Harrison Basketball Schedule Seven "at home" games have been scheduled for Harrispn school in the lakes athletic conference this season. The basketball schedule of afternoon games follows: Home games 12-7 Johnsburg; 12-13 Lotus; 1-11 Freemont; 1-1$ Channtl Lake; 2-1 Avon; and 2-22 Gavin. Games away-- 11-30 Avon; 12-4 Gavin; 1-25 Big Hollow; 2-8 Johnsburg; 2-15 Lotus; and 3-1 Freemont. Harrison "A" team is comp r i s e d o f F r e u n d , S m i t h . Brand, Schimke, Kusch, Rees, Matulewicz, Hansen, Smoley, Letizia and Majercik. "B" team consists of Sard, Freund, Sullivan, R u z i e k a, Cristy, Steffan, Raske, Rasmussen and Matulewicz. At Channel Lake Nov. 16 the varsity team was defeated 33-25 with Matulewicz high man. The "B" team won their game by 1 point; 20-19. Leave for Tennessee The Auston Hood family is going back home to the southland. They are leaving Dec. 1 for Pulaski, Tenn. The residence change came about when Mr. Hood accepted a position in a brand new plant in Pulaski. They have been 11 years in Illinois and about 7 years in Wonder Lake, but their tin folk are all. ip Arkansas. Tennessee community will miss these hard working citizens who gave many hours to school, church and subdivision volunteer work. "Chamber Hosts Banker The Chamber of Commerce will meet for dinner at the Kopper Kettle Thursday, Nov. 30. "What branch banking wi do for Wonder Lake" will oe the subject of a talk by Robert Lund, representative of hranch banking for Illinois. The public is invited to the program which will start about 8:30 p.m. Any merchant interested in joining the C of C can contact Frank Higgins. -nessee and Mississippi. The a.m. Now, you can hear Danny Daniel at the ConsnBe of the ^ Nativity Lutheran Church News •' f A special Thanksgiving service will be conducted by Rev. W. L. Thummel at 9:30 a.m. T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y . S u n d a y services will be at 8 and 11 a.m. The Luther League will meet Sunday, Nov. 26, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. "Women of the Church" Will have their quarterly meeting Wednesday morning at 9^|(0 Danny's new long play album •i BY POPULAR REQUEST" brings you the stylings of the man who made McHenry county organ-minded in the happy old days of the late '40's . . . Forty-one solid minutes of music includes such favorites as "Stardust", "September Song", "Fascination" and seven other hits. Send your check today forj $3.98 to Lefter Music Co., 16 Sixth St. N., St. Petersburg, Florida. The album will be mailed you post-paid. Add Danny's beautiful organ stylings to your long play library TODAY. 1259 N. Green St. EW §-4500 cany NEVER...with a Gas Incinerator! Anything that burnt disappears conveniently in a modern Gas Incinerator. Pood cartons, egg shells, coffee grounds, bones, old shoes--nearly every type of refuse except bottles and cans! Instead of lugging messy garbage bundles outdoors in all kinds of weather, you just lift the lid of your Gas Incinerator, drop in the trash and turn on the automatic burning cycle. Even with moist garbage like a bag of banana peels, the clean, hot gas flame consumes smoke and odors. The small amount of powdery ash remaining makes good fertilizer for lawn and garden. Gas it officiant Your Gas Incinerator shuts itself off. No noise, no moving parts to wear out. No garbage sorting; almost all garbage is burnable. It's easy to install and costs so little to operate. Normal Installation Frool Buy a Gas Incinerator now and get normal installation free. This special offer saves you up to $30. Choose from famous brands: Calcinator, Caloric, Majestic, Martin. Only S5 down, 24 months to pay. For all facts on Gas Incinerators, contact your Northern Illinois Gas Company office. Your choice of famous brands including Calcinator illustrated. i NORTHERN 6ILLINOIS GAS it .M 'Af j '

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