Thursday, November 30, 1961 THE McHENHY PIJONDEALEB Sunnyside Estates FORMER SCRIBE'S PARENTS OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Polly Stevens - 385-1256 A day that was long bwdit* will remain one that will be long remembered by the Anderson family. On Nov. 11 Lois' Mom and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Quill, celebrated fifty years of marriage. The day bet?an with Mass in Resurrection church in Chicago with Gertrude Oelrich and George Quill, Jr., daughter and son of the couple, acting as witnesses for the renewal of marvows ceremony, officiated by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. William Gorman. Following the ceremonies in church a breakfast for the children and grandchildren was held. The afternoon reception followed with many friends and relatives of Mr. and Mis, Quill joining in the gala celebration. All who attended will ]<£g remember this day among many days in their lives which was such a happy one. 1 hose besides the Andersons of Sunnyside Estates who attended were Katherine and Legs Bute and Adeline and Hank Zeiger. the parents, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fruin, in Hines, 111. God Speed Cheerio and God speed to Jj#Jm Kelso who has enlisted in 'tfljj? U. S. Navy. He completed his^„tests and examinations the afternoon of Thursday, Nov. ife and at 7 p.m. was aboard a plane for the Naval Base at San Diego. John has long yearned to be part of the Navy and now his dream is realized. Best wishes, John. Kaiser of Chicago, for a turkey dinner. Lorraine and Steve Major Visitors and children had as guests Newlyweds, Joyce and John their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Shinsky, visited recently with Pechan, their daughter and their matron of honor and son> Susan and Louis, Jr., of usher, Alice and Ray Biesch- j Berwyn for dinner. ke, to show their wedding pic-| Bunny and John Mischke tures. Enjoying the pictures: and children spent the day in with them were Alice's sister! Chicago with John's parents and brother-in-law, Dot and jand Marge and Harold Palm- George Ungaro, Aunt Millie ier an(i children visited their and Uncle Ed Ehrenberg, andi^^s. their daughter and son, San-1 JenT Zeiger was home from dy and Bobbie, who are little Whitewater college to spend Tammy's godparents. holiday with his parents, Adeline and Hank, and young Brownie News brother, Davy. The weekly meeting of , Vi and + Lee Schroeder's holi- Troop 150 was conducted by ?&y gufsts wei7 thei T r dauShI Leaders Alice Bieschke, Sylvia V:r a"d son-,n-,aw, Jean and Obstfelder and Marion Pflug J,m ^ilharz and grandchildassisted by Ruth Hosier. The j [e"~ Lmdl f"d Larry;, ?f Kan" Brownies practiced their iem. | kak^e and Vl s aunt- M,s« ^y, me stick song, sahg other j ° T .gm' , „ . w, _ songs and played some games. , ^,s "V** McDonald Cookie hostess for this shared the,r turkey ing was Karen Hettermann. w,,h *anc>" a"d, "on, C58k ""J Laura Smolinski was still on:™"' S,KT' °J Waukegan and the sick list and unable to at- June „a"d. Clwt Banker and tend and accept her year pin. Demonstration son, Dennie, Rose and Tom Felicetti and Rosemary and Louie enjoyed their turkey with Rose's mo- Christmas Trees Oi'he boy Foresters of St. John's church in Johnsburg are selling Christmas trees to add to their athletic fund. They have set up their business at » garage at the corner of Fairview avenue and Johnsburg road. Buy your tree there and help the lads fill their till. ; From Texas Mildred and Tony Senkerik were happy to welcome Mildred's niece and her husband, Betty and Jerry Williams, and their sons, Charles and James, of Ft. Worth, Texas. The Williams spent Saturday, Nov. 25, with the Senkeriks while visiting other relatives in the area. Alice Bieschke was hostess! ther, Mrs. Mary Miranda, and of a demonstration recently i voung friend( Howie Morti_ for the mothers of her Brownie I mer Troop. The mothers enjoyedj Donna and Ray Jensen and the evening, the refreshments ; Ray> Jr> ate turkev with her and the discussion which fol- ; parents. Ruth and* Don Barlowed the demonstration. . ger sister Anita and grand. T « ™ . ! mother, Mimi Lowe, in Min- Visltta I erai Springs. Anita came from • i * S J a . m ~ ' Ch icago where she is in nurses iJy at 1615 W. Oakleaf drive. } training at Wesley Memorial Barbara, Flo, and their child- hospital for the holiday and ren, Vicki, Greg and Marty i also to help Mrs. Barger celecame to live in Sunnyside Es- : brate her birthday on Nov. 24. 1958 from Prai-| Lois Anderson and her four ne View, 111. Flo is an exca* ! young'uns were guests of Kavating engineer and his hob- \ therine and Legs Bute as was bies are fishing and sleeping j son, Kenny. and his bride. Barbara likes to knit, crochet, | Lydia. Katherine's two sisters sew, garden and just about j Gf Chicago were also there, everything. Fifteen year old j Mildred and Tony Senkerik Vicki is It sophomore at Mc- and chiidren were happy to Henry high school and likes , serve turkey to Mildred's parto read, bowl and ice skate, i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eh- Ten year old Greg attends | ]er^ Gf RJngwood and her bro- Johnsburg public sehool and i ther and sister-in-law, Duane likes model cars and engines. and Elsa and son( Jeff> of Young Marty who will be 6 Burlington. years old Nov. 30 is a first J The Jesski family, Barbara, grader at Johnsburg. He likes Plo> Vicki, Greg and Marty, to draw, color and write. Nice went to Grandma Victor!* neighbors, the Jesskis. n Dawid's home in Amboy, ID., for their turkey. Also present were Barbara's sisters, brothers and their famUies. There were numerous comin's and goin's of people whose names I didn't get but I think everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and most of us ate too much. Sick List The whole Bieschke family has been sick. Alice has been cutting a wisdom tooth which is unpleasant at best. Ray has had aches and pains from a virus and little Tammy has had the flu. Gail McDonald and Donnie Rose are recuperating from chicken pox. Birthdays Happy birthday today, Thursday, to two six year olds, Marty Jesski and Phillip Voight. Carol Lasnek picked Dec. 1 as her natal day. , Greetings to Andrew Turek on Dec. 3. Linda Current will be 7 years old on Dec. 4. Best wishes to David Senkerik on Dec. 6, and happy birthday all. Anniversaries Congratulations to Lorraine and Steve Major who celebrate 21 years of wedded bliss on Nov. 30. Best wishes to Mildred and Tony Senkerik who celebrate 19 years of marriage on Dec. 4. Happy anniversary, all. PENAL POPULATION Inmate population of the state's five penal institutions increased by 841 during September over the same month in 1960, Joseph E. Ragen, director of the Illinois Department of Public Safety, reported last week. A report issued by the department shows 11,199 prisoners in September, compared with 10,358 in September, 1960. There were 2,177 parolees in September, a decrease of 42 from the 2,159 reported September, 1960. Lilymoor AUXILIARY MEETS EARLIER TO COVER BUSINESS ON HAND Shirley Schuerr There has been a change in the time and place for the December meeting of the Woman'.; auxiliary. It will take place at the Community twhite schoolhijuse) house at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Deo. 4. This time change is to take care of the business on hand before the guest speaker arrives. All this reporter can tell you it will he a very interesting evening. You may also bring t gue^t. Hostesses for this moeting are Isabelle; Kermel. Marion Leske arid Connie Johnson. Christmas Party The Christmas party for th»* children, ages 2 to 14. Of Lilv> rnool- will be held Sunday. Deo. 14. at 2 p.m. Tt will be held at the white schoolhouse. This party is for the resident children of Lilymoor. regardless if their parents nre members of the auxiliary or association. The children troni the age? of 2 to 14 must have a ticket to attend the party. Tsabelle Knrrncl. chairman of the party, will give out the tickets at the auxiliary meeting Monday. Dec. 4, and at the association meeting Tuesday. Dec. 12. Parents, if you have not received your tickets at either of those meetings you may contact Isahello at 385-4698 and tell her. She will give you your tirkel or tickets for your child or children. Athletic Clnb The teenage boys cf Lilymoor have formed an athletic club. The officer; are Tom Counley, president; Bob Brodde, vice-president; Joey Bellino, secretary; and Bob Fuhler, temporary treasurer. Bob Fuhler is also the adult leader of the club. The club meets on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. at the while schoolhouse. Any 'teenage boy who is in high school mav join. The inifation fee is two dollars, and the dues are twenty-five cents a week. The money the Jxns I collect is going toward buying euipment, such as weights; ping pong table and any other articles the boys can work with or have fun with. If anyone would like to donate anything toward helping the boys you may contact Bob Fuhler at 385-5271. Any donation will be grateful. Here is our chance to help our boys out. They now have a place to go and be off of the streets. You give any teenager the chance and back them up. they will not become juvenile delinquents. Belated Birthday Greetings y;o to Diana Belford who was nine years old on Wednesday. Oct. 25. Sorry it's so lale Diana. Birthday Greetings go 1o wee one Dannv Freund who will be a great big one year old Friday, Dec. 1. Greetings also go to Connie Johnson. She wip celebrate her big day Sunday. Dec. 3. And still more greetings go to Val Fradinardo. She will celebrate her big day Monday. Dec. 4. Page Seventeen jewelry and would like to donate it contact Laura Belford at 385-6348 before Tuesday, Dec. 12. She will gladly pick it up for the patients. Reunion Mrs. Katherine Belford has returned to the states. Mrs. Belford and Kate Doran sailed | from Liverpool. England Sat- ! urday, Nov. 11. Laura and j Earle were very happy to have i Daisy McLearn of Minneapolis. Minn., at their home tor the reunion of Daisy and her sister, i Kate. The two women haven't seen each other for 47' years. Katherine. Kate and Daisy were childhood friends on the Isle of Man. W.S.C.S. News The ladies of the church are looking for any old jewelery, small boxes for the jewelry and handbooks for the patients. They will make another trip to the Elgin hospital Thursday. Dec. 14. If vou have anv old Demonstrations ' Eunice Tobey held two demonstrations in her home. One j on Monday, Nov. 13; the second ' Monday, Nov. 20. j Marylyn LoPresti had her demonstration on Wednesday, ; Nov. 15. Coffee and cake were I served to t he- ladies afterwards. More News Mrs. Carol Priller of Miles visited with her mother, La- V e r n e S c h u e l e r , T h u r : d a y , Nov. 17. Val Fradinardo spent Monday, Nov. 20. taking in the sights of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with Lawrence and Shirley Schuerr and familv. Advice given centuries ago is still as: good as new, largely s because it has been so seldom ' used. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Christening •n§t. Eulallia Catholic church was the scene of J.he, christening of Maria Therese Fruin on Nov. 19. She is the newest grandchild of HedcHe and Jirtt Haninger of our community. Sponsors were cousins of the baby, Mr. and Mrs. Widmar. Following the christening ' a family dinner was served by Thanksgivin' Doin's 1 Alice and Ray Bieschke entertained his parents at a Thanksgiving Eve dinner. On Thanksgiving Day they went to eat turkey with Alice's mother, Mrs. Mary Dietrich, of Fox Lake. Also present were sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles and their families and Tammy's great grandfather. Mary and Red Davis and their five small fry ate their turkey with Red's parents in Chicago. Bernadine and Bill Gri&t gave the bird to eleven of their 'combined families from Chicago and Downers Grove. Rose and Mike Tillich and :son. Mickey, entertained Rose's parents, Mr. and Mps. John YOUR 1ADIAK NEEDS 11PA1RING ' WE'LL FIX IT! At radiator work, we're tops! Anything from a little crack to a big gash, we'll repair with precision. as low as McHENRY AUTO BODY Phone: 38S-9444 4764 W. Kit. 120 (Lakeland Park) McHenry, 111. CARS and TRUCKS -- PROMPT SERVICE Bell Chime announces calls with a gracious melodic chime; also converts to the conventional ring. Comes in ivory or gold. WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS SURPRISE! E%,£!privacy C°t'y;V'sWe<' f o r * 0 ' ' PHONE p\oV " , Jes a va"' Brighten the holiday for your own wonderful someone with a Christmas surprise from PHONFLAND. There's something for everyone (you, too) to make living easier and happier all year long. dia\ >leaVeW PT'\nCe5S or Home Interphone will change your home into PHONELAND! Lets you talk room-to-room, answer the door, check baby, relay calls--by phone. Wouldn't Home Interphone surprise your family? ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE SOFT WATER INTRODUCTORY OrrER $ 2 Per Month At last, a soft water rental plan that gives you unlimited soft water ... no more messy t a n k e x c h a n g e s . . . o n e f l a t r e n t a l r a t e . . . We also sell and service softeners. Lindsay Soft Water of Algonquin 206 S. MAIN ST. ALGONQUIN Call 0L 8-4215 n On four Auto insurance! -- with Nationwide Mutual . . . the company 2 million car owners rely on -- for quality coverage, fast claim service, low rates -- Nationwide, the company with new ideas for a new era! It will pay you to call today for rates, coverage for your car* SEYMOUR'S LICiNSI Siit?!CE Mark's Marine Center Ph. EV 5-4908 Bob Seymour NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Home Offke: Columbus, Ohio Look at Plymouth now! :i * SSSS. SJ" . , m * • 1 * >. Give gift-wrapped telephone services --ready to put under the tree. Get low cost details at our business office --or ask your telephone man. Ptgmoirihamt b§WattonaEi Here's the beautiful difference In the low-prioe fidS This brand-new fall-size Plymouth is so genuinely Mr and luxurious it has just received a special styling citation from the National Society of Interior Designers! Your first look at Plymouth--with new Forward Flair Design--makes it pretty obvious how beautifully new this car is outside. Slender new dimensions all around. Gleaming new grille. Tailored, tapered hood. Eagerness to get going, reflected in every action-inclined Ihm. Hie other half of the story is inside. Luxury a the keynote, with rich new fabrics* tasteful iit color and design, durable in service. The!® is also «t third dimension to PtynxmthYbeftaty h comes alive as something you can touch. feel, and enjoy in Plymouth! fou find it in Plymouth full-unit construction, battery-saving alternator, Torsioo- Aire suspension. You find it in improved gas mileage, oil changes half as often as before, and 32,000-mile hbricaftiioms on major chassis points. The styling award is ours. But the rewards can be yours. See Plymouth's beauty in a glance. Enjoy Plymouth's quality in a drive. See your dealer today! The Beautiful Difference m the LtmhPrice Fid& QUALITY-ENGINEERED BT CHBYSLER CORPORATION Court Street -- Phone. 385-9981 A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, 2308 Eoiafi© 120 -- McHenry