Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1961, p. 20

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Pago Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* November 30, l&l Eastwood Manor FATHER RECEIVES BIRTHDAY PRESENT OF NEW DAUGHTER Edie Iverson - 385-6838 What could be a nicer birthday present than a sweet little baby girl! That's what Ed Vestgard received on his birthday, Nov. 20. The 7 lb. cherub sure timed that right, didn't she! Five-year old Vicki and 4-year-old Edward are very anxious to make her acquaintance as are the neighbors and many friends of the Vestgards. Congratulations. A Grateful President E.M.P.O.A. Chairman Milt McHale is grateful to all residents, friends and McHenry businessmen who helped to make our fund-raising party at the community barn such a huge success. • To mention all who helped would be difficult, but to acknowledge a few whose help was greatly appreciated our thanks, go to Glen and Dottie Messer, Robert Tucker, Jack Fultz, Warren Krebs, A1 Bianchi, and Bill Brogan. Special mention to Tom Birmingham, Tim McCormack, Fred and Pam Woodbury, Walt Garrelts, Dick Wiegman, Jack Mclntyre. and Edie Iverson for their extra efforts. Not forgetting Don Roths and El Borcovan who were standing in the wings ready to assist. E.M.P.O.A. Meeting At the November meeting it was decided that all members shall receive vehicle stickers free of charge with their 1961-2 membership cards. The new road signs for Chapel Hill road purchased by E.M.P.O.A. will soon be installed. Money was appropriated for the Christmas party committee. For the first time since E.M.P.O.A. was formed, over 5 years ago, Len Hansen was not among those in attendance. Personal family matters prevented his being there. We think his record of missing o n l y o n e m e e t i n g i n t h a t length of time is something anyone should be proud of. It's a pleasure to know someone like Len who cares that much about his home, family, and community. Our congratulations! To all our new neighbors and older residents who have not as yet been able to get to one of our meetings we extend a personal invitation to each and everyone of you to attend and participate in E . M . P . O . A . f u n c t i o n s . T h e meetiftgs are held the third Friday of every month at 9 p.m. There is always free coffee and pleasant conversation afterwards. We'll be looking for you. Remember This Date Dec. 17, Sunday, from 1 until 4 p.m. is the time of the E.M.P.O.A.'s children's Christmas party to be held in the American Legion hall. There will be movies, singing, cookies, ice cream, and candy for all the good little kiddies. Santa Claus. will be there with a special gift for each one. Attended Wedding Len and Winnie Hansen spent Saturday in Chicago attending the wedding of niece Nancy Ross; now Mrs. Lee Sioretto. Son, Ricky, looked very handsome in his tuxedo complete with cummerbund as he participated as a junior usher in the wedding party. The reception was held at six with complete dinners. They all had a very nice time. family dinner highlighted by a beautiful birthday cake. ' Michael Coughlin celebrated his sixth birthday with fourteen children enjoying a hotdog lunch complete with all the extras that go into a children's birthday party. Demonstration Party Eleanor Kuck was hostess at an afternoon demonstration party in her home. Attending were several neighbors and t h e i r c h i l d r e n . C h a r m a i n e Pohlman won a prize and cake and coffee was served. Jean Mersch is very sick with the flu. Tony Olson's mother, Mrs. Irene Iannacco, is in St. Francis hospital. Presbyterian Church News Nov. 30, Thursday - 8 p.m. The Christian Education committee will meet at the church. Dec.. 2, Saturday - 10 a.m. - Third in a series of Confirmation classes for the young people of Faith church. Dec. 5, Tuesday - 8 p.m.. - Choir rehearsal. Dec. 6, Wednesday - 8 p.m. The building committee will meet at the church. Christening Nov. 12 James Charles Olson was christened by the Rev. Edward C. Coakley in St. Patrick's Catholic church in McHenry. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Iannacco of Chicago. The christening was followed by a dinner at the Olson home for twelve friends and relatives. * Special Meeting There has been a great deal of controversy over the distribution of the Eastwood Manor Women's club funds. Therefore a special meeting will be held at the barn Dec. 7 to decide on the recipients. Suggestions will be made, nominated, and voted upon. Please attend and cast your vote and give your opinions. Your attendance and decisions are needed. Trip Sunday the Elwyn Eternick family braved the falling snow as they drove up to Milwaukee, Wis. with the snowfall getting heavier as they neared their destination. There they enjoyed visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and children, Mrs. Marian Eternick, James Eternick, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eternick. First Aid Classes Anyone interested in taking the first aid course may still enroll just by giving your name to Milt or Jeanne McHale at 385-3366. The classes will begin after the first of the year. Get Well Wishes Get well wishes go out to Charlotte Urban who is sick at home. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday Dec. 2 to Lois McCormack. Dec. 3 Ricky Hansen will be 13! Dec. 4 three grown-ups shall be celebrating; Florence Tucker, Jack Fultz, and Francis Pickett. Best wishes on Dec. 5 to Jim Olson. Dec. 6 is shared by three Manor children - Jim Coughlin will be .7, Ronnie Patryas will I6e^9, and Elizabeth Oik will become a young lady of 15. Congratulations all. Anniversary Celebrants Wishing a very happy wedding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis on Dec. 6. Around the Manor Eleanor and Walter Kuck went bowling with other members of their boat club. Eleanor was the winner. Afterwards they were surprised with a party complete with cake. Their wedding anniversary was Nov. 19, Sunday. Sunday the Kucks entertained friends from Fox Lake and Northbrook. Gail McCormack and Denise Dethefson marched in a paradeyS^nday, the nineteenth, with me junior color guard of the Viscounts. Mike Sobacki's parents are real proud of him for making the basketball team this year. ABSTRACT BRAVERY "Thef'e is plenty of courage among us for the abstract, but not enough for the concrete, because we allow our daily bits of bravery to evaporate", says Helen Keller in a statement from the "New Outlook For The Blind," published by the American Foundation for the Blind. Birthday Parties Michael Stuart celebrated his eleventh birthday with a NEW YEAR'S EVE AT THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 491 WILL BE THE GAYEST EVER MUSIC BY "THE ESQUS1IS1 SMORGASBORD AT MIDNIGHT rriD lISiiVATIONS Scats Mm On Sale Why To See Us H You Need A Water System or Weill McHenry Shores NEW BY-LAWS TO BE STUDIED FOR ADOPTION DEC. 7 Terry Coates New By-laws have been printed and copies of same are being sent to each member for perusal and study. They will be brought up for adoption or amendment at the next meeting of the club on Dec. 7. All members are urged to look them over carefully and then come to the December meeting prepared to vote on their adopt ion as they are or as they may be amended at that meeting. The treasurer reports that identification car stickers have been received and may be purchased at this meeting and that club dues for 1962 may be paid also. It is hoped by the officers and board of directors that there will be a large turnout for this meeting to properly vote on this important legislation. Those unable to attend may secure absentee ballots from either the president, Mr. Simonsen or the recording secretary, Mrs. Wilson. Cheer Leader Lynn Munroe of 3008 W. Still Hill drive was selected as one of eight cheer leaders for the junior varsity team at McHenry junior high school. Dinner Guests Pearl and Harry Paulin of 606 Broadway and son, Howard, his wife, Betty, and Baby, Janice, motored to Chicago to visit tJarry's sister, Lillian Inden, and her daughter, Cynthia. They had a delightful visit and dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Mac Callum spent Thanksgiving day with their son, Robert, and family in Highland Park. Their daughter and sonin- law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dill and family were also present. The Fred Wetzel family drove to Palatine to have turkey dinner with Fred's brother, Kenneth, and family on Thanksgiving day. Helen and Augie Smith had their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Forsberg, from Dayton, Ohio and children Peter, Karen, and Christie, for Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson of 802 Broadway had as dinner guests on Thanksgiving day their daughter and son-in-law, Joyce and Howard Lexow, and new baby, Beth Susan, from McHenry Shores, and daughter and son-in-law, Joan and David Wiegel, and daughter from Chicago. v Terry and. Willis Coates went to LincolnWbod to spend Thanksgiving with her nephew and family. Her sister, brother and aunt were also present. Birthday Dinner Party . Mr. and Mrs. John Hiiiz of 803 Pearl spent the weekend of the eighteenth with their daughter and family in Chicago celebrating a double birthday, namely Mr. Hinz and his grandson's. Hospitalized We were all very sorry to hear that Mrs. Evelyne Guy of 3105 W. Still Hill drive was taken to the McHenry hospital for an operation. We hope that it will be successful and that she ^vill soon be home and up and around again. All her neighbors wish her a very speedy recovery. Happy Birthdays to: Margaret Denigen on the eighth of December, Evelyn Tanner on the ninth, Ellen Misiak on the twelth and Shir- 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK Mclemy County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 6-5252 or Residence EV 5-0713 DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS DQURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 Village of Sunnyside Hold Christmas Party Dec, 16 Therese Schneider - EV 5-1298 Don't forget to mark Dec. 16 on your calendar as the day you are going to the Christmas party at the Lehman home. Fruit Cake and Candy Anyone interested in buying fruit cake and candy for the holidays, get in touch with one of the members of the Home and School association. These goodies make wonderful Chi is tmas gifts, so order several. Christmas Trees The Boy Foresters are nc»v selling Christmas trees at the corner of Johnsburg Road. The lot will be open afternoons and evenings so stop in and pick up your tree now. ley Harper on the fourteenth. May you all enjoy many more. Anniversary greetings to David and Marie Acidante on Dec. 11. Holiday Happenings Mr. Fritz and his family spent an enjcyable Thanksgiving day at his mother's home in Evanston. The Kaiser family were in Whitewater, Wis., visiting over the holidays. Mrs. Nick Justen of Meiers-, ry and Frank Justen of California were the dinner guests of the Richard Schneider family Wednesday. Brownies The Brownies went to a roller skating party last Saturday at the local rink. Birthday Parties Leonie Schneider celebrated her eighth birthday with a party and her guests included Mary Jo Kennebeck, Kippy Weingart, Debbie Stull, Debbie Obstfelder, Connie Jablonski, Ronda Schultz, Donna Noah, Chris Sima and Alfie and ftosemarie May. Linda Muleski celebrated nor seventh birthday and had some children from her class «^in school over to "help her celebrate. ' Chile has 60 peaks higher than the highest spot in continental U. S. NOTICE! Christmas Shopping -- Hours -- STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 4* Open Daily - 9 to 9 s - 9 to 6 s - 9 to 5 • THESE HOURS WILL CONTINUE THRU CHRISTMAS EVE. DEC. 24 Rkeirside Retail Gantlet West End of Old Bridge on Riverside Drive PHONE 385-5900 W % McHENRY'S NEWEST! McHENRY'S FAIREST! ALLNEW FAIRLANE Everything's new but the name in the '62 Fairlane! Designed just right--right between the Falcon and the Galaxie--it's a foot shorter than previous Fairlanes. Suddenly parking is easier, your garage seems larger. Inside, hip room, head room for six. Priced just right too, even below many compacts. Mileage? Practically has to be coaxed into a gas station. Goes 30,000 miles between major lube jobs, 6000 miles between oil changes. It's the just right car for just about everybody in McHenry. See the Fairlane in your future here today I [The just right car-right between Falcon and Galaxie] ES • fflk West Main Street, McHenry, Illinois official B of Weldwood* DURAPL • Stays new-looking © ITJsn't split or crack o IVeofhorproof • IVaar, dent and xratdi assistant ioated for MMMt Official Weldwood Duraply Backboard is made of strong, lightweight, warp-resistant Exterior plywood with opscial weather-proof surface. Takes paint perfectly--holds paint longer. Gives years of carefrea fiua. Never becomes a backyard eyesore. Withstands year-round weather. Eaty to handU oneI intfall For the DAD and his HELPER • Quick and Easy to A# %***£& Assemble • Sturdy Construction • Multiple Uses 0UIK~BILD y*Sik For Family Fun ... PING PONG TA Unpainied -- Ready lo Assemble Hours of Family Entertainment for Junior's Electric Train Available In Various Sheet Sizes Open Daily: 7:30 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Hfejfaway 31 ScsHffij @ff Ms Street -- tVteHsiiry, Illinois ®ir®®n §=1424

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