* December 7. 1961 THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Page Eleven Gifts To Library Alderman William J. Bolger, acting chairman of the jWVIcHenry library board, is shown accepting substantial | checks from Mary Einspar of the Legion auxiliary, one k a gift from her organization for books for the library, the * other a donation from the junior auxiliary for children's J books. j » At the last City Council meeting on Nov. 20, Mr. -•Bolger presented proposed plans for an addition to the library building on the Green street side, allowing space for parking on the rear portion of the lot. 4SC0UT NEWS Troop 162 Tlfe troop held its quarterly Court of Honor at Landmark School and this event was very well attended by the scouts and their parents. It would be very encouraging to the committee if all events wauld be attended by the parems as well. Scoutmaster Jinfi Kirk introduced the following adult committee members: George McGowan, chairman; Dennis Martell, Sr., treasurer; Walter Durrenberg, chairman of the advance committee; Maynard De Vos, Charles Messel, Sr., and Fred Durrenberg, assistant scoutmasters; Hugh Kirk, neighborhood commisa^ ier; and the representative of the American Legion Post, the sponsoring institution. After the opening ceremonies, at which senior patrol leader, Jim DeVos, officiated, Scoutmaster Kirk presented the following Scouts with badges: Tenderfoot, Alan Wilkes. Ken' Reid, Rick Wakitsch, Mark Schlueter, Bill McGowan, Htt) Karter, Harold Meyer and Bnl Simpson; second class; Alan- Wilkes, Ken Reid, Rick Waltitsch, Mark Schlueter, Bill Simson, Jack Roggenbuck, David Smith, Gary Bockman and Greg;* Uhles. Dennis McGowan received two merit badges for citizenship and home repairs. Membership pins were issued to the following Scouts: One year, Bill Voeltz, Gary Ejgckman, David Smith, Frosty \nta and Greg Uhles, two yea*»s, Alan Raiford, Ray Pollock and Ron Vycital, three years, Charles Messel, Jack Roggenbuck and Dennis McGowan, four years, John Beato, five years, Dale Davies; six years, Jim DeVos; nine years, Dennis Martell, Jr. The scoutmaster announced the newly appointed scoutleaders for the ensuing year: John Beato, assistant scoutmaster; Jim DeVos, senior patrol leader; Dennis McGowan, assistant senior patrol leader; also patrol leaders, Eagle patrol, Ron Vycital; assistant, Greg Uhles; Hawk patrol, David Smith; assistant, Jack Roggenbuck; Racoon patrol, Charles Messel; assistant Dale Davies. The troop scribe as Gary Bockman; troop quartermaster, Bill Voeltz; troop bugler, Greg Uhles; den chief Cords Dennis McGowan, Dale Davies Bill Voeltz, Charles Messel, Jr., John Beator received awards for perfect attendance during the last year. The Raccoon patrol received the troop traveling trophy for scoutcraft and participation. The leader council participants, Assistant Scoutmasters Fred Durrenberg, John Beato and Dennis Martell, Jr., received honorary mention. Badges and medals for participation on the "Chief Shabbon Trail Hike" were issued to Dennis Martell, Jr., Dennis McGowan, Ken Reid, Alan Wilkes, Jack Roggenbuck, Rick Wakitsch, Mark Schlueter, Bill Simpson, Charles Messel, Jr., Dale Davies, Bill Voeltz, Jim DeVos and the adult leaders, Jim Kirk, Fred Durrenberg, Maynard DeVos, Charles Messel Sr., and Hugh Kirk, neighborhood commissioner. Jack Fulton and Rick Vy cital received their patrol emblems. VJ.W. Auxiliary News The Ladies Auxiliary to Post No. 4600, held its regular meeting Monday, Nov. 19, with a nice representation of our membership present. The regular ritualistic and flag ceremonies were conducted and two new members were welcomed into the Auxiliary. We were most happy to initiate Mrs. Margaret Kusch and her sister, Mrs. Mary Remy, into our membership. General Orders, No. 4, from the Department of Illinois were read, and all members were instructed that dues are no-.v due and payable up to Jan. 1, 1962 in order to remain a member in good standing with continuous membership. We also were instructed in ||ie new methods used for transferring members. The patriotic conference of the Department will be held at the Sherman hotel, Chicago, on Feb. 17. Moi'e details will follow concerning this conference. Beulah Amidson of Colorado, National President of the Ladies Auxiliary, will make her official visit to the state of Illinois on March 23 and 24. March 24 is the tentative date for a luncheon to be held in her honor in Chicago, and more details will be confirmed later. As many members as possible are urged to attend this most eventful affair. Wilma Aylward. hospital chairman, gave a very interesting report on the Thanksgiving party held at Downey hospital for our disabled veterans. The Christmas party is scheduled tentatively for Dec. 20, and members are asked to piease contribute homemade cookies for the veterans. President Florence Svoboda reported on attending a Kishwaukee Valley DAR meeting held at the home of Mrs. Mc- Connell of Woodstock at which time the auxiliary presented this wonderful organization with a beautiful American flag and standard. Highlight of this occasion was the guest, Senator McClory, and also Van Sells of Radio Station WKRS. A picture was taken of the group including Senator McClory and our President, Florence Svoboda, and Historian, Daisy Smith, were honored by being included in the picture. Co-Chairman of the community service program, Connie Thomas, reported on the help that our organization produced for the Thanksgiving holiday. The 5th District Ladies Auxiliary meeting was held at Turner School, West Chicago, on Nov. 19, with nine delegates from our auxiliary in attendance. It is a thrill for our members to know that Dai^y Smith was elected as 5th District Conductress. "Congratulations Daisy, our membership is mighty proud." Decv 7 has been proclaimed as National Defense Day and all-members are urged to read local papers and listen to the radios for information concerning this day. A donation was made to the City of McHenry, Library Building Fund, a most worthy and needed project. The second meeting of the month which is the "fourth Monday has "been designated for initiation of new members, and all members present at the meeting were overjoyed with this decision. All members are asked not to forget the Ladies Auxiliary Christmas party Dec. 11, at 6 p.m. which will be a potluck supper with grab bag exchange. Guests are invited. By Pauline Pries If a billion one-dollar bills were laid end to end, the.v would reach 4 times around the world, at the equator. With prices as they are, the dates gals keep are the ones they break. FREUNB'S DAIRYg inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products I-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 Ringwood HOLD JOINT XMAS PARTY FOR W.S.C.S. AND HOME CIRCLE Ruby Shepard The W.S.C.S. and Home Circle will hold a joint meeting and Christmas party at the John Hogan home Thursday, Dec. 14. A pot-luck dinner will be served. W.S.C.S. The WJ5.C.S. will held its meeting at the church Wednesday evening, Dec. 13. Mrs>. George DeBeer of Crystal Lake, President of the Chicago Northern district of the W.S. C.S. will be present. Mrs. Clara Cristy will have charge of the program and Mrs. Ila Hogan and Miss Lona Brever will be hostesses. There will be no W.S.C.S. board meeting on Dec. 12. Sick List Mrs. Duane Andreas is a patient at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Osenr Swanson of Park Ridge were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Wednesday. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were visitors at Meadowdale Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry spent Wednesday afternoon wiih Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent the weekend in the John Woodward home at Madison, Wis. Mi\ and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby spent Sunday in the Donald Butler home at McHenry and helped celebrate Carol Butler'^ birthdav. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ehlert of Richmond spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock was an afternoon caller. Mrs. Magnus Nelson of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby. Rev. and Mrs. Brenneman and daughter and Charlie Sowers were dinner guests in the Sigurd Jacobsen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers were evening guests. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her sister, Alice Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frev and family of Robinson, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmond spent Thursday morning in the Beatty-Low home. Miss Judy Nausbaum and Ronald Clem of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Skidmore home. Miss Lillie Boyd spent the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. William Montanve and children of Huntley spent Monday evening in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were visitors at Woodstock Thursday. Jack Pearson left for Oklahoma City Thursday where he will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz spent Sunday in the Bruno home at Lake-in-the-Hills. CIVIL DEFENSE John J. Shay, Director Phone 385-2404 Radiological Monitoring One of the m o s t vital branches of our civil defense organization is that of radiological monitoring. After a nuclear attack it would be necessary to have trained monitoii' who would leave their shelters wearing protective clothing and take readings to determine the level of radiation. The monitors would communicate this information to the control center and the director of radiological monitoring would then determine which areas could be considered safe for habitation. This information would be phoned to the nearest Conelrad station and the public would be told when it was safe to leave their shelters. The McHenry civil defense organization i$ in need of persons to act as radiological monitors. About the middle of January a thirty-two hour radiological" monitoring course will begin at one of the local schools. This course will ba conducted by the director of radiological services, Robert Walter, who is chief laboratory technician of the McHenry hospital. The federal government will loan our organization all the equipment necessary to conduct this course and at its completion will issue one set of equipment for each person who has met the requirements. There is no technical pre-training required to make a person eligible for this course. If you would like to volunteer for this worthwhile program, send your name, address and phone number to: McHenry Civil Defense, McHenry, Illinois. Begin to serve yourself and your community NOW!! Mr. Shay, the director, will be most happy to discuss this with any interested person. His number is at the top of this column. Please call him if there are any questions. There are still about two million more pupils enrolled in our public schools than the total capacity of all of these schools. OPEN 8 A, Daily Luncheons (Including Home-Made Soup) FEATURING HOME COOKING 85* Fast "5-Minute" Service STARLGTE LOUNGE and RESTAURANT NOTICE! Christmas sopping -- Hours -- STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 4 Open Daily - 9 to 9 Saturdays - 9 to 6 Sundays - 9 to 5 THESE HOURS WILL CONTINUE THRU CHRISTMAS EVE, DEC. 24 Riverside Retail Outlet West End of Old Bridg-e on Riverside Drive PHONE 385-5900 Be Wise Use The Classifieds •P OA) tI**6* it's good business to buy HEIlOGiiWlti BUSINESS STATIONERY . *( Heliograving--ma to be confuted with engraving) HELIOGRAVING : is distinctive raised Uttering. 4HEL.IOGRAVING has the elegance and individual distinction ' of five craftsmanship. But it costs much less than ifou*d expect and it's ready within the week... ^ * compared to longer p$rwd§ required for other processes. BUSINESS CARDS LETTERHEADS and ENVItOPSS BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS v: McHer rf Plaindealer 3812 W. ELM ST1IET 8924 W. Main St Ph. 385-0951 vmm A <J@6: More Cam FROM for L is M get in hand-craf ted Columbia mountings of exquisite beauty, your$ exclusively at The Polaroid J66 costs lees than the first Land Camera model introduced more than 12 yean ago I It takes the aamelarge pictures--but with what a difference. It's fully automatic. There are no settings you have to make. An electric eye chooses the exposure. You don't even have to focus. You don't need an expensive light meter. The flash gun is built in too. And your picture is ready Id just 10 seconds. There are 12 years of improvements, refinements and brand new ideas in this camera. And yet it actually costs less than the first Land Camera on the market. If you've always wanted a Polaroid Land Camera - and wbo hasn't? -- this is your chance. Come in for a free lb-second demonstration today. EL EV 5-2688 J 3406 W. Elm McHenry another fashion k Automatic Coat* uh Than *80 5lrm>le*tLand Cimer«ty«r f NoWna"1?*' <#oS*t come dancing gaiety of lovely J new watches It tikes an "know" a diamond. Come in and profit by our years of experience as qualified diamond merchants BUiim ncmam... Trufifs self-adjusting spring units eliminate annoying twisting and turning and provide "stay put" protection a ring never offered batons. Never before such charming lines . „ o such a precious-jewel feeling. And inside, the 22-jewel Hamilton "Medallion" movement, finest made anywhere. Have a preview! Cohie in and fall InJove! 1 KOT A. BALI. 10K white or yellow & CAME gold-filled with metallic meeli B. GLAMOUR "BB." Tin Bond# in 14K white gold S100.M Price* Include Fed. Tit 1313 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry Phone EV 5-0275