iffhursday, December 7, 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sunnyside Estates HO&E OWNERS MEET TONIGHT AT JOHNSBURG SCHOOL Polly Stevens - 385-1256 ^Tonight is meetin' night of Sunnyside Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. The time is 8 p.m. and the place is Johnsburg public school. Plan to. attend and fetch along a neighbor or two or three. Tonight marks the end of an era for Sunnyside Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. Starting in 1962 meetings will be held every second month in- |^ad of monthly and the first meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 1, 1962. It is hoped that 1962 will bring a larger attendance of residents at these meetings. Page Nktdfeen Hoy! Kids! Santa Claus is coming, tp Sunnyside Estates for a quick visit before Christmas Eve-- just to see if you have been ^od little boys and girls. He will give you a ride on his sleigh and visit you in the evening with a gift. I expect a letter from Santa with more details about his visit and I will give them to you next week. Moved We have lost two very nice families from our community. ™The Hammershoy family who lived in the Hitz home have moved to McCullom Lake. Carol and Bob Lasnek and their Children bought a home in Mundelein and took possession last week. We wish both families the best of luck and hope they come back to visit us often. A Lost a Plate? I mean crockery, not dental. Carol Kennebeck has two left over from the bake sale. If you are short a plate go see Carol, maybe it is yours.. Pat and Eddie Matuszak are the proud parents of their first daughter. She was born Saturday, Nov. 25. at McHenry hos- ^tal and weighed 8 lbs., 5 ozs. The little lady is fortunate to have a "big" brother, Eddie. Jr., who will be 1 year old on Dec. 19. Four Times Blessed Rita and Jim O'Brien were doubly thankful oris Thanksgiving Day. Tiny 6 lb. Rebecca Jean chose that day for her arrival at McHenry hospital. When Rebecca Jean and Mom* mie arrived home Mommie in* treduced the new baby to her sister, Sarah, and brothers, Steven and Matthew, who wei"e waiting anxiously for a peek at their new sister. Rita's mother, Mrs. Steinerecher, kept the youngsters intact while Rita was away and stayed on to lend a helping hand after her return. Needed! Freezing Weather The ice skating pond next to the Palmer home has been leveled and banked ready to be flo&ded. All that is needed is some very cold weather, brrrr, to freeze the water to get the rink in action. In connection with the rink Marge and Harold Palmer will have an ice skate exchange. Skates are needed to start the exchange so if you have outgrown yours take them and hurry to the Palmer home at •2013 W. Indian Ridge drive for further information. Let's Go Visitin' Let's call on those nice people, Emma and Gunnar Johansen at 1901 W. Oakleaf Drive. They moved to our fair community in July, 1959, from Chicago. Mr. Johansen is a retired pattern maker. His patterns were made in wood which were later transferred to metal and later still into machinery. His number one hobby is singing and he participated in the recent concert given by the McHenry Choral club. He also enjoys walking and cabinet making. Mrs. Johansen enjoys knitting and has recently completed three needlepoint chair seats which they brought home from Sweden on a recent trip there. They both enjoy gardening also. The Johansens have two married daughters, Bertha Graczyk, who has seven children and Alice Sissman, who has two children and expecting another momentarily. Lucky couple to have such a nice family and lucky us to have such nice neighbors. A'hBHtin' TKpy Went Helen and Keith Wegner and children, Kathy, Carol and Stevie, spent Thanksgiving week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wegner, in Merrill, Wis. Keith's brother, Harvey, was also visiting there at the same time. The two boys and their dad spent many hours in deep snow hunting for deer with nary a peek at one. This was the first time in many years that Keith came home empty-handed. Kathy arrived in Merrill with red polka dots, better known as chicken pox. HER m For 5TMAS From Marie's Specialty Shop A Fine Selection of Dresses From $11.95 to $17.95 Nylon Tricot Baby Doll Pajamas $3.98 to $4.98 Flannel Pajamas & Baby Doll $3.98 Robes and Dusters $4.95 to $17.95 Nylon Slips & Half Slips $2.98 to $4.98 f I' t I Nylon Gowns $4.98 to $5.98 Lounging Pajamas $6.98 SWEATERS Bulky Knit . . $7.95 to $10.95 Slip Overs .... $3.98 to $8.98 Cardigan .... $4.98 to $8.98 85552^ 5255 32^ >355 55^55^58^5! Blouses $2.98 to $5.98 Panties 59c to $1.98 Hose $1.00 Purses $2.98 to $8.98 Scarfs $1.29 and up Handkerchiefs .... 59c & up g I GLOVES ^ Dress $1.98 to $8.98^ Driving . $3.98 to $4.98 'v* C5S 5=55 5SS5^J25S 523 32^ 52^523 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ON DRESSES - $7.95 To $10.95 S^S52^52^5«^52g?525S52S55aS{S 20% SAVINGS ON CLOTH COATS and CAR COATS DEC. 8-9-10 ONLY Store Hours -- Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9-6 Sun. 9-1.00 1301 N. Riversjde^fir. McHenry, I1L Ph: EV 5-1843 Use Our Convenient Lay away Plan Helen shot her first powerful gun, a 300, which recoiled arid threw her backward about 3 feet so she came hoime with a badly bruised shoulder. All the Wegriers agreed they had a fine time tho'. Brownie News Troop 150 had a uniform inspection at their Tuesday. Nov. 28, meeting which also includes shoes being shined and neatly combed hair. The Brownies work very hard to earn a gold star for being perfectly groomed. If one thing is wrong they get a silver star and if they are lacking in two things they receive a blue star. A secret project was started which will be Christmas gifts for their parents. Kathy Harrington and Mary Jane Lakowske were cookie hostesses and Betty Lakowske assisted the leaders in conducting the meeting which was closed with a friendship circle. Girl Scout News Troop 295 began a Christmas project at their Wednesday, Nov. 29 meeting. The girls made wreaths of tinfoil which they will decorate at the next meeting. They are also making Christmas card holders of wire clothes hangers taught to them by Mrs. Long. In honor of our reporter. Judy Strorigl's. birthday on Nov. 28, mother Joan attended the meeting bringing ice cream and birthday cake which was served to all the girls, leaders and mother helper, Mrs. Dehn. Visitors Emma and Gunnar Johansen were very happy to have their d a u g h t e r , A l i c e S i s s m a n . a n d grandchildren, Susan and Marty, of Skokie for a weekend visit recently. Birthday Party Diane Noah became 6 years old on Saturday. Nov. 29, so mom La Verne gave a party for her. Kathy Farley, Donna Frisby, Kathy Gerstcin, Terri Radtke, sister, Donna, H.r>^ brotheu, David, were there to play some games and en joy 1 lie candy, pop and birthday cake. Diane received some lovely gifts and the take home gifts for her guests were bracelets with rings to match. If You Can Aim This Camera You've Got it Maiel This is the new Polaroid J60 -- the simplest Land Camera ever made-and it actually costs less than the first Land Camera model introduced more than 12 years ago! It takes the same large pictures--but with what a difference. It's fully automatic. There are no settings you have to make. An electric eye chooses the exposure. You don't even have to focus. You don't need an expensive light meter. The flash gun is built-in too. And your picture is ready in just 10 seconds. There are 12 years of improvements, refinements and brand new ideas in this camera. And yet it actually costs less than the first Land Camera on the market. If you've always wanted a Polaroid Land Camera--and who hasn't ? -- this is your chance. Come in for a free'10-second demonstration today. The New Polaroid J66 Fully Automatic Costs L*ss Than S90 Simplest Land Camara Evas No Focusing Nothing To Sat lO-Seceni Pictures ©®o. W. KotsS's Siudio & Camera Center 1313 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry Ph. EV 5-0275 Sick List We are sorry to report that Mrs. Mary Jost has been hospitalized and hope she will soon be well. Bud Kennebeck's brother, Raymond, of McHenry was seriously injured in an accident at work in Lake Zurich. He was taken to the hospital in Arlington Heights and later transferred to Michael Reese hospital in Chicago. We would like to offer our prayers for his quick recovery. Kelly Noah recently spent his days off in bed with a cold. Not to be outdone LaVerne was in bed the following week with a cold while Papa took care of the small fry. Oops! Sorry Dept. We would like to wish Mr. and Mrs. Helge Detllow a very happy thirty-seventh anniversary which occurred on Sun-,, day, Nov. 26, and a happy birthday to Mr. Dettlow who celebrated dh Thanksgiving day. Birthdays Happy birthday today. Thursday, to our little 2 year old r e d h a i r e d f r i e n d , M a u r e e n Davis. Little Cindy Bott will celebrate her second birthday on Dec. 8 Best wishes to Carol Kennebeck and Steve Major. Sr. on Dec. 10. Greetings to Walter 1"). Smith on Dec. 11. Happy birthday to that little 5 year old doll, Kiinmie Bute and Mike Tillich, Jr. on Dec. 12. Many happy returns of the day to you all. Anniversaries The marriage business fell off this week. No anniversaries to report. Lat«' News Sophie and Frank Babarskv became the grandparents of their third grandchild when a daughler was born to their son. Donald, and his wife, Lauri. Little Miss Susan Ann Babarsky was born Nov. 27, at St. Mary's Nazareth hospital in Chicago. Susan weighed 6 lbs. and 5% ozs. at birth. She has an older brother, 6 year old Mike. Congratulations, Grandma, Grandpa and parents. Every woman manages to get dressed on time ONCE in her life -- unless, of course, she never marries. Variety may be the spice of life, but monotony puts bread and potatoes on the table. Lilymoor ASSOCIATION HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING DEC. 12 Shirley Schuerr The next monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. It will be held at the white school house. Get Well Wishes and Any News? Do you have any news for the column? If you do please phone me at 385-2645. As I have said before you are the one who makes this column. I just write it. If there is no news how can Lilymoor have a column? So if you want a column let me hear from you. Brownie News Frances Corman was invested as a Brownie in the Lilymoor troop 267 Thursday, Nov. a speedy recov- j 30. The troop is making the ery go to Marylyn LoPresti. * Christmas decorations for the Christmas party to he held at the school house SunOayr Dee. 17, at 2 p.m. JOINS FRATERNITY Robert Vaupell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vaupell of McHenry, is one of ninety-six young men who pledged various social fraternities at the completion of the fall rushing season at Carroll college. He joined Tau Kappa Epsilon. It takes a time optimist to take a skillet along on a fish*- ing tfip. mm from *? I TO General Electric | , Ranges 1 J™ .. SlfiQ 8 Dishwashing 105loU3 & Forever As Start At Low As ft '149.95 1 GE Dryers High Speed 1 Drying System Start At A XI f e J U I I C, «S=D4I Year... o.,without first having your radiator cleaned and repaired I Ami-freeze in i leaky or doggtd rtdi- Qtor is money watted. Our modern Factory Method clean* ing and repairing -- checked by our Inl a n d FLO-TEST Machine -- com little -- protect* yaw anti-freeiel AMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE Ph. EV 5-0738 3004 W. Rt. 120. McHenry Automatic Coffe- Maker jjj Start at TOASTER OVtN a low, low '14.95 Start At $ 81 TABLE RADIOS Waffle Bakers 2 g Reg. $28.95 $19.95 .Now Can I Openers Reg. $24.95 From CLOCK RADIOS '24.95 STEAM-DRY IRONS Now'J8o®5 ! ST..^..: '12.95 CAREY APPLIANCE, Inc. 1241 N. Green St. EV 5-5500 McHenry/ 111. From the standpoint of fine craftsmanship, Cadillac craftsman has been working to these high standards for enjoys a position unique in the industry. First of all, more than a decade. And finally, all these skills are Cadillacs are built in one plant by craftsmen who share checked by more than 1400 separate inspections. A their skills with no other car ... who know only Cadillac's revelation drive at your authorized dealer will give high standard of quality. Secondly, the average Cadillac you the story of Cadillac craftsmanship first hand. 'm MM % -V MkM*. «. S v' MA. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED 'aaiua DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET