lursday, December 7. 1961 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Eastwood Manor MANY FAMILY GATHERINGS OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND Edie Iverson - 385-6338 JSpending Thanksgiving day w the home of Don and Pat Arendt and family were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arendt and Robert from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Barry and children were joined by grandmother Barry of McHenry as they polished off the turkey. Ado'ph and Irene Betke and family along with grandfather Betke shared their Thanksgivme festivities with Fred, Pam, and young Johnny Woodbury. The Tom Birmingham family enjoyed Thanksgiving day with Helen's mother, Mrs. Margaret Deasy, in Chicago. The Gerald Biederers snared their Thanksgiving dinner with * /the Don Roths fatnily. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Booster enjoyed their Thanksgiving . with Mr., and Mrs. A1 Liesik ^ Prospect Heights. The William Brogan family had their Thanksgiving dinner with Annette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonardo, and sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hickey, and three children. Roy and Shirley Carlson attended a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Strvelecki in Skokie. •^Donald and Pat Cisewski did the honors this Thanksgiving entertaining her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mason from Racine, Wis. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haak and daughter, Noreen, from Elgin. The John Coughlin family went into Chicago to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with Pat's mother, Mrs. Garaty, staying overnight. wjoining the Borcovan family for a very delicious Thanksgiving dinner was Pat's mother, Mrs. Downey, and sister, Nancy, from Chicago Dorothy and Elwyn Eternick had Thanksgiving guests from Milwaukee. They were Mrs. Marian Eternick and Mr. James Eternick. The Fenners all got together tanksgiving day in Chicago. ere were Martha, Billy, and Dolly Fenner, Howard Chaire, Irma and Joe Hammang and daughter, Patti. Margaret and Leonard Fenner and Wayne and Debbie. Lily, BilL and Mary Ford and children from Mississippi and Lydia and Joe Zelkcr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert French and family enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Burton French in McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Garrelts and f&mily spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Theodore Garrelts in McHenry. The Melvin Griffeth family shared their Thanksgiving with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sladek. The Robert Groms had company during the Thanksgiving holidays. They were his brother and family from Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grom. The Richard Gruhn family enjoyed Thanksgiving at home with sister, Margaret Hicks, and friend from Chicago. Hannah and Bill Harner and children enjoyed their Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Bob R o b e r t s , A r l i n g t o n H e i g h t s , Dr. and Mrs. Harner, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harner, Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hawkins and family enjoyed Thanksgiving with Mrs. James Miller of Morton Grove. Guests of Bill and Judy Huemann were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben DeCicco, Sr., from Lakemoor, aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Manson. and four children from Lake Zurich, and Elyse and Emily Falsetti from Cooney Heights. Later in the day they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Pete DeCicco from McHenry. The Robert Kellogg family enjoyed the company of Pat's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, from Pistakee Bay road. Walter and Eleanor Kuck had a housefull with grandfather and grandmother, the At Weydes, from Chicago and Bill, Art, and Micki. Thanksgiving was also combined with a surprise belated birthday party for Art Weyde. He received gifts and neighbor, Dottie Messer, baked and decorated the very beautiful birthday cake. Also there were Arthur Huck and William Kuck from Wonder Lake. Art and Micki presented Eleanor with a lovely bouquet of carnations for their recent wedding anniversary. Pat and Lew Kellogg and family had dihner at their house with Carol and John Hayes and children and parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson, from Chicago. Lee and George Landin and 1 children spent Thanksgiving day staying overnight at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'R. S. Cain, in Chicago. George and Nancy Marcotte and daughter, Darcy Jayne, had a nice dinner with Mrs. George Marcotte, Sr. from Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Massheimer and children joined the family gathering at the home of Mrs. John Becker in Lakemoor. The Tim McCormack family enjoyed the company of their son, Timmy, from the Marquette University in Milwaukee over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Messer and family spent the day with the Otto Messers in Melrose Park staying overnight. The Don Meyer family had the company of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Porter and two sons from Bloomington, Frank Hanson from Roselle, and Anne's sister, a junior college student, Nancy Weckler and fiancee. Completing a family reunion they telephoned Anne's parents in Colorado. Florence and Mike Noonan spent the weekend at the Ray Konens in Oak Park. The Ralph Priesters went into Chicago to spend their Thanksgiving with Charles and Phyllis Shannon and children. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Petersen and children got together in Lake Zurich with the D. V. Petersens, Mrs. Fink. Mr. and Mrs. John Howe, and also Lawrence Poppe and son, Larry, and friend from Cudahy, Wis. The William Phillipi family went to Dixon, for the holiday visiting sister, Mrs. William Killian, and brother, Wendell Snell, and family. The boys enjoyed the weekend hunting. The Francis Pickett family shared their feast with mother, Mary Jones, in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Pohlman went into Chicago to spend the day with parents, Mr and Mrs. Kinsmen. Thanksgiving day brought out several carloads qf relatives to the Jerry Ryan home for a festive dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Ryan and Mrs. Martha Schmidt of Arlington l p.U W. Suden & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wonsik and Miss Gertrude Lynn of Fox River Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anderson and son, James, of Cary had a joyous time eating,-singing and playing games. The Richard Rad family spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. George Rad of Johnsburg. Sharing Thanksgiving with the Jack Rogers came both grandmothers, Mrs. Rose Rogers and Mildred Olson. They were joined in the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scheib of Cooney Heights. Richard and Ceil Sigman came out to join the Walter Sigmans. The Tom Simpson family went into Chicago to attend a First Communion in Oak Pai'k and then went on to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with Rita's mother. Mrs. McEnroe. Marilyn and Raymond Salo and family enjoyed the company of James, Monica and Jack Jordan from Chicago at dinner. In the evening they, were joined by Ellen Vickers. Kay Stephenson and children enjoyed the four day holiday at her mothers, Mrs. DeVinny, in Wilmette while Mel went duck hunting in southern Illinois. The Lynn Stuart family went into Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Potocki. Feasting in the home of Ed and Alberta Sobacki were Virge and Jim Gillette, Mrs. Mary Sobacki, Tony Sobacki and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Groats. Thanksgiving day Louise and Dick Wiegman and family en- © Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. MeH«nry C®! Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 joyed the company of Dick's folks, Mr. and Mrs. George Wiegman, from Fox Lake, also brother, Harold, and family from River Forest and Aunt Minnie Woelke from California. Art and Bertha Weirich of Fox Lake came over for dinner at the Manor Weirich home. Lois, Eddy and Michael Zender went into Chicago to spend their Thanksgiving day in the home of the senior Zenders. Parties Saturday Shirley Campbell had a "Little Miss Grown-up" party with fourteen classmates attending. They came dressed in hats and hosiery, etc. and enjoyed a luncheon. Wednesday, Nov. 22, Susan Kay Griffeth celebrated her very first birthday with a cake and candle. In on the festivities were her grandparents and her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Danaher, from A c 1 i n g t o n Heights. Saturday night a surprise party was given Bessie Barnes on <he occasion of her birthday. Attending were Frank and Charlotte Sickafoose and En?l and Anita Rhot'on from Lakemoor and Dirk and Carol AI?- san from Wonder Lake and Walt and Peggy Garrelts. There was plenty of good food, some nice gifts were presented, and everyone had a real swell time. Greg Fultz shared his birthday cake and ice cream with the Simpson children. Th&nksgiving day was also the birthday of one year old Michael Scott Smithson. H\received his first birthday cake. In on the gala affair were Mr. a n d M r s . N i e b r u e g g e ' a n d granddaughter. While Lydia Fenner was in t h e h o s p i t a l G r a n d m o t h e r Zgorski gave Cheryl her birthday party. There enjoying that big beautiful cake and cookies, etc. were Cheryl's godmother and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Olund and children three. Godfather, Charles Bogacki, Marian, and Linda. Great-grandmot her, Mrs. Mary Pozdol. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ben Loveless and three children and Elizabeth and Edgar Littchen. When Pat Borcovan went to one of her usual get-togethers at Charmaine Pohlmans with Dottie Messer and Marilyn Salo she was very surprised with a birthday cake. Pretty sneaky, but oh so good! David Harner celebrated his fifth birthday, Monday, Nov. ,2, with several of the Manor children. Kristine Priester shared her birthday cakes with Debbie and Delores Pickett. Around the Manor Mrs. Lena Campbell had an afternoon luncheon Friday inviting several friends. Visiting with Marie and Jack Dalton this week was Aunt Alice McNamara from Oak Park. Ginger Lee and Jimmy Griffeth enjoyed separate overnight stays during the Thanksgiving holidays in the home of Mr. SOFT WATER INTRODUCTORY OFFER $ 2 Per Month At last, a soft water rental plan that gives you unlimited soft water ... no more messy tank exchanges . . . one flat rental rate . . . We also sell and service softeners. Lindsay Soft Water Aigo», gonqum 206 S. MAIM ST. ALGONQUIN CaU and Mrs. William Danaher in Arlington Heights. Enjoying Friday night bowling quite regularly and hitting some pretty high scores we find three Manor couples. . . Pat and Bob Kellogg, Len and Dolores Lawrence, and Lois and Warren Krebs. I Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haldeman and children went to Streator to visit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haldeman. Mr. Haldeman senior was in the hospital at the time. We all hope that he is out now and on the road to recovery. Walter and Eleanor Kuck attended the regular meeting of their boat club. Nominations for new officers were made. Afterwards they enjoyed cake and coffee in the home of Tom and Betty Schweiss in Fox Lake. Jeanne and Milt McHale and children spent an afternoon on Chicago's State street seeing all the Christmas decorations Afterwards they visited Jeanne's fnother, Mrs. Helen Nel- Page Twenty-Three son, and also stopped enroute home to visit friends, Lew and Rita Aiello, and children. Friday Anne Meyer took" Donna and Jon to the Brookfield Zoo and then into Chicago where they looked out over the city from the top of the city's skyscijaper and also saw the Christmas decorated stores, on State street. Visiting the Jack Fultz family this past week was Marilyn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith, from Fort Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Philippi spent the weekend here with Elpha, Bill, and the kids. They are from St. Petersburg, Fla. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Conder and Tracy from Lakemoor were guests of the Pohlmans. Saturday Charmaine Pohlman's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman, dropped in for a visit from Chicago. (Continued on page 26) 11 Reasons f If To Us If Yon M©ed A Wafter System ©5? Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PhoES McHenry EV 0-5252 or Residence EV 5-07 IS 10 expense-pi! saftlcMis -ff@r two! Plane or train fares included! In Public Service Company's "Fun-in-tUse-Sun . Electric Dry er Sweepstakes" u NAME Yours for the asking. And while you're at your dealer's, be sure to look at his selec tion of new Flameless Electric Dryers, because nothing dries clothes faster, cleaner or fresher than a fume-free electric dryer. And they cost $30 to $S0 lev to buy than any other kind? ADDRESS CITY FLAMELESS El£cmic MV!K0 aw s» stf*slimm 7 days and 6 nights famous resort hotel! OFFICIAL RULES: 1. Use the entry blank below or one obtained from your appliance dealer. Write your name and address, and check the reason you think more people buy electric dryers. How the blank signed by an appliance dealer. 2. Put entry blank in special box in dealer's store. All entries must be in dealer boxes before close of business Dec. 9, 1961. 3. Drawing will be conducted by the Reuben H. Donnelley Corp. about Dec. 20, 1961. Winners will be notified. Ten winners will receive round-trip tickets for two to Las Vegas, Nev., and hotel accommodations for 7 days and 6 nights. Winners may take equivalent cash value of prize if desired. Open to all residents, 18 years old or over, in areas served by Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Company, except employees (and their families) of those companies and their advertising agency, cooperating dealers and distributors. Sweepstakes subject to all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. "Fun-in-the-Sun | Electric Dryer Sweepstake*" | I I _ZONE. <0 Public Service Company , ILLINOIS I think the most important reason why more people buy Flameless Electric Dryecs is: (check one) • Electric Dryers are flameless • Flameless Electric Dryers are fume-free • Flameless Electric Dryers have no pilot to light or go out • Flameless Electric Dryers cost $30 to"$50 less to buy • Nothing dries clothes faster than a Flameless Electric Drye/ DEALER I I , •W I I I 1 I I SALESMAN ADDRESS. For the DAD and his HELPER • Quick and Easy to Assemble • Sturdy Construction • Multiple Uses for gerag* •c hebby table mechanic. QUIK-BH.- official Baiiifiill lislliard of WeldwoocT DURAPI i Coalman wealth Ednas * AUUKCJJ | ^ »tpasil signed entry in contest box at the dealer featuring this Electric Dryer Sweepstakes j Stays new-looking Won't split or crack Weatherproof Wear, dent and scratch resistant Prime coated for one-coat painting Official Weld wood Duraply Backboard is made of strong, lightweight, warp-resistant Exterior plywood with special weather-proof surface. Takes paint perfectly--holds paint longer. Gives years of carefree fun. Never becomes a backyard eyesore. Withstands year-round weather. Ea$y to handle and install >D TABLE TOPS for Junior's Electric Train Available In Various Sheet Sizes For Family Fun ... PONG TABLES Unpainted -- Ready to Assemble Hours of Family Entertainment Open Daily: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On hi<g§away 31 South of M@ra Street -- McHenry c linois •MM