Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday# December 21, 1961 PUBLIC PULSE (The Plalndealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) THOSE ICY ROADS "Gentlemen: "1 am a resident of McHenr? county, and I have a grievance. "I work in Elgin, and must travel on Route 31 every day. It is apparent where McHenry county ends and Kane county begins, because it is the same place where the ice ends, and the diy paVement begins! "Pleap inform this citizen, just why they can clear the roads in Kane county and not in McHenry? With taxes the way they are today, you would V think a few pounds of salt \qu1<1 be afforded by the couniy, "John Keippel "708 W. Oeffling Drive "McHenry, 111." AN INFORMED PUBLIC) "Dear Sir; "J. Edgar Hoover has repeatedly told the American public that they must become informed on the communist conspiracy within the United States, and within our institutions. The bi-partisan House Un-American Activities committee, and the bi-partisan Senate subcommittee on Internal Security have also repeated this warning. To the last man, they agree that we must become knowledgeable anti-communists. "Acting on this warning, a large segment of the American public is now alerted, and have studied communist infiltration, and now for the first time, understand local, national and international affairs. The international Communist conspiracy is aware of this movement. It is damaging to the conspiracy, and is costing them money and time, and worse, is damaging their alliance with pro-communist nonmember dupes. Here is the evidence of this statement: The Communist Manifesto of 1960 has declared that the American anti - comm u n i s t movement must be neutralized, discredited, and forever silenced. There is evidence that this order of the manifesto is now being carried out. "For the most part, the anticommunist movement is a 'living room, family affair' operation. In this form, it is completely frustrating to the international conspiracy, and the internal conspiracy. There are a number of national anticommunist organizations. The heads of these organizations, like Caesar's wife, must walk a sharp and narrow line, and 1heir reputations are unimpeachable. Yet. this is the only target 1hat communists have to shoot at. The conspiracy avoids direct slander and libel, and can only use innuendo, and ! "guilt by association" tech- I niques. Trotsky's technique of ' "divide and conquer" implements the operation. Very honest, loyal American citizens I have inadvertently fallen for the smear, and without realizing it, have quoted it. For example. I should like to cite a typical case:' "The 'People's World,' an organ- of the Communist party in San Francisco, originated an attack on an anti-communist organization, the John Birch society. This attack was picked up, word for word, line for line, but without quotation i marks, or without mentioning the source, by newspapers: throughout the country. In | many cases, the article ap- j peared under the by-line ot well known newspajier writers, j thereby giving the impression I that this was their own private i scoop. Honest, loyal Americans picked up this" attack and discussed it with iheir friends,; not knowing that they were in- j directly implementing the line i of the 'People's World.' This I example illustrates well that the rank and file, 'living room' anti-communists walk a narrow line, also like Caesar's wife. For the anti-communist it is an easier task than it is for the uninformed. Therefore, anti - cofrimunisis with the knowledge of the source and propagation of the attack on the Birch society can only ex1- pose the source, but cannot accuse a loyal citizen of disloyalty for propagating it. The average, loyal American is subjected to an intensive, broad barrage of misinformation, propaganda and 'hush-hush.' It is difficult to filter truth from fiction and fancy, and the deliberate lie. Herein, then, is the motivation of the anticommunist: to evaluate by the rules of evidence, and arrive at his (the anti-communist) Death Mourned MOOSE LODGE ROBERT W. SMITH Last rites were held ato 9:30 Thursday morning, Dec. ^4, at St. Patrick's Catholic church for Robert W. Smith. 53, of McCullom Lake, who died the previous Sunday in Passavant hospital, Chicago, following long illness. own truth, based on his conclusions. "This evaluation requires a certain amount of reading. One book a month is a gocxl average. Don't be afraid of being contaminated by reading the wrong thing. However, remember that books on communism can be classified in two general categoric.^: » Anti-Communist ; example.jJ. Edgar Hoover's 'The Masters of Deceit'. i2> Pro-Communist: example, The Manifesto' by Karl Marx. These are obvious examples; some examples of (pro-communism ' are not so obvious. For a list of anti-communist books, write to the McHenry County Information center, Box 282, Woodstock, 111. "Sincerely yours, "Joseph C. Juel" A sizable Se£n«taavian-ancestry community ijs found in all major U. S. cities^ Women of the Moose One of the days that' any senior regent looks forward to is the convocation of the Women of the Moose and this day occurs on the last Sunday of October. After completing her year as senior regent, Marporie Fernstrom, # now junior graduate regent, was honoren by receiving her green cap. An added honor for Marge, and one very few members have, was to be capped by a College of Regents member, who is her mother. Last month our chapter' was invited to Antioch to help honor their gi-een cap girl, Gertrude Good. Marge was invited to sit in as guest of their chaplain, Jan Rode. Going along on this evening were the following members, Ethel Hagberg, Mabel Thomas, Ethel Bruce and Lillian Cox. Another day that will long be remembered by Marge was the evening that the chapter honored her by inviting the following chapters to attend: Fox Lake, Antioch, Woodstock and Crystal Lake. Imogene Ruckslhul, former deputy grand regent, gave a very interesting talk to the green cap girls. On Dec. 5, missing a regular meeting here in McHenry. Marge travelled from here to Woodstock and with seven girls from there went on to Rockford for the Green Cap night in honor of Kay Stronger. Marge was honored to fill the chair of the junior regent, for the exrfnkig. She was the guest of iNioma Rubi of Rockford. Marie Stinger, former member of the Grand Council, and InWgene Rucksthul, former deputy grand regent, were guest speakers for the evening. Present were members from Crystal Lake, Woodstock, Sterling, Antioch, Mt. Morris, Harvard, Dixon, McHenry, Rockford, and Loyal Order of the Moose. Attending the Harvard Green Cap night in honor of Evelyn ' Young were seven members of the McHenry chapter. They were Ila Hogan, Alyce Kowal, Ethel Hagerg. Mabel Thomas, Lona Brever, Ethel Bruce and Marge Fernstrom. Marge filled the chair of treasurer and ijuest of Bernita Horter for the evening. The date of this fun filled evening was Dec. 7. If you could only read between the lines you would see the good times and lots of fun enjoyed at these affairs. Dec. 12 was enrollment for the Loyal Order of the Moose, honoring their fellowship decree. The Women of the Moose and wives of the Loyal OrjtJer of the Moose were asked to attend the party following this enrollment. Members of McHenry 691, Loyal Order of the Moose, who have received third degree, which is called the fellowship degree, are the following: Clyde Carr, Dick Jager, Hilary Rodenkirch, George Haack, Win Hagberg and Dale Thomas. The latter received his degree recently at the national convention held at Memphis. Tenri. The annual Christmas party for children of the Loyal Order of the Moose will be held at the Moose home on Sunday, Dec. 17 from 4 to. 6. t » * |So metimes it's hard to know just the right $ I gift to give, but when you give slippers your | g problem is a problem no more. Everyone j| g needs, and loves to find new slippers on $ g Christmas morn. Yours in a tree-full of styles $ S . . . colors. S $3.99 1 Full Line Of RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY & | EV 5-2027 1246 N. Green St. Easter Island, off coast ot Chile, has no streams. The drinking water is drawn from craters of extinct volcanoes. Be Wise Use The Classifieds OBITUARIES john Willis Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the Schneider-Leucht funeral home in Woodstock for John C. Gillis, 46, of 7618 Center drive, Wonder Lake, who. died Thursday morning, Dec. 14, in Hines Veterans hospital, Hines, 111. Rev. W. L. Thummell of the Wonder Lake Lutheran church officiated, with interment in Memorial Park cemetery. The deceased was born in Chicago Dec. 9, 1915, the son of Mrs. Molly Gillis and the late J. P. Gillis. Mr. Gillis was an advertising executive. Besides his mother, he is survived by his widow, Mary; a d a u g h t e r ^ M a r y J a n e ; a n d a sister, Mrs\X>Orothy Wilkins, of Chicago. ELIZABETH mLGl Services were l^eld Monday morning in St. Ther'ese^hurch Aurora, for Mrs. Elizabeth Nilges, 64, of Aurora- mother of Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges, former assistant pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church in McHenry. Fr. Nilges acted as celebrant at the Mass, with Rev. Fr. Berthold as sub-deacon. The latter was at one time pastor of^t. Mary's and is now, at 89, located at St. Charles hospital. Rev. Mack Weiss was sub-deacon and Fr. Charles REASONS 2'/4 Million Drivers Choose THIS Car Insunnee: 1 2 3 4 Nationwide SECURITY: Quality'coverage T*t • real worry-free driving security . liberalized protection # # g all-family coverage Nationwide SERVICE: Round-the-clock "service ... coast-to-coast service . . . fast, friendly service . . . drive-in service in many areas . . . over $94,000,000 in claims paid last yeat in behalf of Nationwide auto policyholders^ Nationwide ECONOMY•• Dollaf savings that count ... in many areas as much as 15 to 25% savings over most other auto plans . . . discounts for most second cars... low, low premiums, thanks to high-volume operation. Nationwide RELIABILITY: Your agent is at your service day and night . . . and Nationwide stands behind you 365 days a year. Get rates, details on this top insurance buy. SEYMOUR'S LICENSE " SliVICE Mark's Marine Center Ph. EV 5-4908 Bob Seymour AUCTION Thursday, Dec. 2iti, at 12 o'clock Dan Powers, Auctioneer Having decided to quit farming, the Undersigned will sell on the farm located miles N6rth of Woodstock, on Route 47 to Boal's Corner, then % mile East, the following: 40 Bred Ewes -- Due to lamb about May 1st. 1 Buck 14 Hogs - Wt. about 110 lbs, each. MACHINERY: McD. Model H Tractor w/live power & M. & W. Pistons; McD. Tractor Cultivator; McD. No. 24 Cornpicker; McD. 7 ft. Field Cultivator; M. H. Clipper Combine; McD. 7 ft. Tractor Disc.; McD. Corn Planter; M. C. Field Chopper; R. T. Wagon w/self-unloading box; McD. Corn Binder; Rotary Hoe; 40 ft. Corn Elevator; Oliver 2x16 Tractor Plow; Case Tractor Manure Spreader; 10 ft. Fertilizer Spreader; Broadcast Seeder; M. W. Hammer Mill; Clipper Taning Mill w/bagger; McD. No. 2 Roughage Mill; Potato Planter; 500 lb. Feed Mixer w/elec. motor; 2 Grain Augers, 11 & 16 ft. w/elec. motors; McD. Mounted Mower for Model A Tractor; Table Saw; Air Compressor w/tank; 3x10 Air Tank. Other Small Items. 5 Tons Straw; 2 Tons Hay POWERS SALES CORP., Clerk - Credit Available CHAS. ICBCilT, ©wsaer STATE POLICE . GIVE TIPS OW ROAD TRACTION To help drivers learn from experience without themselves causing a traffic blockade or having an accident, William H. Morris, superintendent of the Illinois State Police, outlined the following information about traction abilities on slippery streets and roads. 1-- Snow tires provide up to 51 per cent better traction than regular tiroes on loosely packed snow, and up to 28 per cent improvement on ice. With careful driving, and under conditions which are not generally severe, or where gradies are not steep, this added traction is of some aid. Snow tires do not, however, replace wheel chains during deep snow conditions. 2-- Reinforced wheel chains provide 313 per cent better traction than regular tires on snow, and 409 per cent more Henkel, pastor of St. Therese church, gave the sermon, Mrs. Nilges died last Thursday, Dec. 14. Fr. Nilges is now assistant pastor of Holy Angels parish in Aurora. traction on ice. For deep snot', hard packed snow or glare ,Jqe, „ particularly where there ore-- hills, this greater pulling power of tire chains is quite sig-, nificant. 3-- Stopping ability is an ,e*-, tremely important factor in ac- • cident prevention. On dry pavement, a car equipped with regular tires and travelling 20 miles an hour, can be stoppjjfi" in 21 feet. On loosely packetl snow it takes 60 feet, on glare i c e 2 0 0 f e e t . S n o w t i r e s w i l l reduce stopping distance to 52 feet on snow and 174 feet on glare ice. Reinforced chains cut the distance to 38 feet on snow and 77 feet on ice. CIVIL SERVICE RULES A new set of rules has been., approved by the Civil Sorv*> • commission governing conditions of employment under the state's merit system. Of major interest is a change in the pro-. visions allowing employees to accumulate one day of sick leave for each month of service instead of only five days a year. The new rules represent the first major change in three years. . _ Some of the world's most^ productive soil is found on the slopes of Italy's volcanoes. 11 p w Reasons Why To See Uo II You Need A Wales' System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Sub-^j mersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phono McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-0718 • Tues. & Wed •/ Dec. 26 & 27 Only! ALL REMAINING . TREE DECORATIONS . XMAS CANDIES . PACKAGE TIES & RIBBON . INSIDE LIGHT SETS . DOOR RINGERS . OUTSIDE LIGHT SETS . WREATHS . METAL TREES . XMAS CANDLES . ELECTRIC TREE TOPS . XMAS CARDS . TREE STANDS . WRAPPING (XMAS) PAPER REDUCED |N A T IONWI D E I N S U R A N C E MUTUAL IANCE €@OTAHY Noma Office: Columbus, Ohio Because this ad has to be prepared in advance, we cannot and do >t say that there will be all of the above merchandise left by Tues. Wed. However, if any does remain, it will be cleared at the above price. 'f'ffftffff BEN FRANKLIN O 4)