Thursday, December 21, 1961 THE McHENHY P?Lla ind:E ALER SANTA LETTERS The following are the last of the letters to Santa Claus, written by local youngsters. They are printed just as received. „ "Dear Santa: want a BarbiefDoll and a trunk. A Kathy doll, a monopoly- game. A new watch. A stutfed monky. A dream kitchen. A new bike. A robot commando. "I-aura Sweeney." "To Santa Claus: "Santa I want the marx a copter and Great GSrloo and I Wlpt a sled. The most thing of air I want is a drum and I want Yakkity Yob and I want a wallet and I want a cowbo> suit. _ "Danny Krfcbeck "2605 Forestwood Dr. "McHenry, 111." "P.S.: Send me a letter bacU and put yes if I am going tr get it." "iSfer Santa Claus: "My brother Jimmy and .-I have the measles so I can't get out to see you, but thank you for all the things ypu gave me. my; brother and sister Phyllis last year. "I hope you will bring me * Kissy and Chatty Cathy do!is this year. Trucks and a train * for;. Jimmy and some nice * titers for Phyllis. I love you. ™ "Mellody Sue Wright "1005 S. River Road" "Dear Santa: "I want some dolls. But I do not no what I want. So I think I want CatT?y or Kissy doll- or Hedda doll or the doll that eats. But you know what I want so you decide. "Love, JFE "Melody Iverson" "Dear Santa Claus: "My name is Dor thy. Louise's and Oggie's sister. I'm 9 and are writing this letter for them word per word. Louise and me want a doll and a babe mother. Oggie wants a babe sister. Don't forget us. We will leave you some beer and rniljk. "Dorthy, Oggie Louise" "Dear Santa Claus: "t have been a good bossing Wed. Will you please bring me some presents? "I would like a little car play in the mud pile with and maybe a muscle bilding game so J can grow up big and strong. "Thank you very much w dear Sant." "Butch Olson" "Dear Santa: "Thank you for the toys 1 got last year. ' "I want a pair of roller My little brother would like a little gun and a train. "I will leave you some cookies and milk to eat. "From, "A "Christine and Lamor Schiller." "Dear Santa Claus: "Please bring me two trucks, one "robot, one Ben-Gally, one moving Santa, one gun and holster set and one baby doll for my sister and a^tov for my baby sister. I'm a good boy and Juli£ is a good girl. I will leave ct^kies and milk for you under the tree. "Thank you, "Ray Porten.1' "Dear; Santa: "Please bring me a gumball machine, beauty parlor set, Chatty Cathy, pajamas, pretty shoes, night gown, 2 wheeler bikei_ buttons, deluxe dream kitchen, little red spinning wfc^el.. "Catherine Hawkins." "Dear Santa Claus: "My sisters and I do not want-very much. "My little, sister Valerie wants, a baby doll and a Tom Thunabcash register. "My twin sister and I do not want anything except a music box. ^Iy. brothers and sisters said to say "Hi" to you. "Love, "Valerie, Shirley, "And Sheila Schuringa." s&x&x&y&jeayasjttyasiaasattxsi extend to you heartiest wish for a Merry Yule. RUDY BECKER'S KENMELS Dear Santa, , "I want a flying plane with gas. I want some track and some cars to my train. I want a new bed. I want a football. "Sissy wants a pair of fur gloves. Sissy want a pretty doll. "From, "Steven and Martha" "P.S. Bring David some toys." "Dear Santa Claus: "I am only 3 *4 years old-, so my mommy is helping me write this. She said I have been a good boy this past year. For Xmas I would like a "DeLux Play mobile" and a "Talking Casper". And please Santa remember my baby sister Mary Beth, she is only two months old, but I'm sure' she would like a small baby doll. "Love from, "David Smith "1012 N. Front St. "McHenry, 111;" "Dear Santa Claus: "For Christmas I would like some slippers, a rifle, a guitar. Play Mobile, Popza-Ball. Fire Chief'fe pedal car, and a Fred Flintstone punch-me. I am trying hard to be a good boy. I hope you can come early so I can see you before I go to 'KHI. "Michael David Miller, age 4 "3510 W. Broad Street "McHenry, Illinois." "Dear Santa: "I would like a "Pop A Ball" game, byciele, Huckle b e r r y Hound game, Mr. Machint ijame and science kit. "I have been a pretty goi)d boy all year and have helped my mommy with the dishes and my 6ther duties in the house If I can only have ap.e thing I want the bike the most, Santa ."Thank You, "Neal Barth, age 8V2 "3719 Spring Grove Rd. "McHenry, 111." "P.S. I will have cookies and milk waiting for you." "Dear Santa Claus: "I love you. Please take my milk and cookies. I want a Barby dolls bride dress and a red camera for my Daddy. I want a little dream kitchen and a Ken doll for my Barby. A suitcase, and Patty Play doll and a pretty dress for Mommy Thank you dear Santa Clause for all my pretty toys. "Kristi Ann Weyland, age 6" "Dear Santa: "I want a skirt, sweater, pipe, wheelchair, doll, paint set. game, beauty parlor set, book, Page Fifteen toy for Jinka, bird dish and a box of candy. "From Margie Saxon." £i\ - ' mmm CLAIRE'S BEAUTY SHOP 1222 N. Green EV 5-0010 "Dear Santa Claus: "Roger wants a service station for Christmas. One that has an elevator that goes up and down. I have been a pretty good boy. Also a Mr. Magoo car. We will leave your usual cookies and milk for a snack. "Much love from "Roger Gerstad, age 4*V tas dictated to momie) "Dear Santa Claus: "My name is Stevie Fluger. I am five years old. I have been a good boy and I hope you will visit me on Christmas, I would like a cement mixer, a tractor and Mi. Machine. "Please remember my brother and sister with some toys too. Thank you for all the nice things you brought me last year. "Love, Stevie Fluger 5107 W. East Lane "McHenry. Illinois." "Dear S^nta Claus: "I will be three years old on Christmas and I would like a ; doll with a bottle, a buggy and I roller skates. Also some dishes. | My brother Billy wants a train and we would like a little tjble and chairs. We both have tried to be good all year. "Love, "Susie Neumann." "Dear Santa: "How are you? For Christmas I would like a Remco Frogman, and most of all I want a Firebird 99, and American Bricks, and a view master, and I would like a Buddy L camping truck, and a sled, and another thing I would like is a surprise package game and a new wagon and a gun, and please bring something for my two brothers. "Your friend. "Ronald Kloccknor." "Dear Santa: "I am writting for my sister and myself. My sister would like a ironing board and .iron; Chatty chathy, etch-a sketch, yakkity yak. chalk board, some games. "I would like a electric road race, etch a sketch, typewriter with keys, or a Delux play mobile, Johnny Yuma set, some kind of chest with lock and key, and some gas engine planes. "We have a new next door neighbor and they have a boy named Van and please don'i forget him. "Thank you very much, "Tom and Pam Messel." "Dear Santa Claus: "Would you please bring me a Johnny Reb cannon, a baseball, Casper, a football suit, a big airplane, and Bengali. Mike, my brother, wants Casper, too. and a piano and a choo choo train, and any other toys yoif have left over. We are both trying to be very good boys, but sometimes we forget. "Love, "Jeff Thompson, age 4 and "Mike Thompson, age 2.' "Dear Santa: "l am 7 yrs. old. my name is Linda. I have 2 sisters and a brother. We live in Sunnyside I want a beauty parlor doll set and a Barbie doll dress. Also some white leotards. My sister is 4 yrs. old and she wants a Beauty parlor doll set. She also wants some highheals. Her name is Lou Ann. We will leave some milk and cookies for you. "Love, "Linda and Lou Ann Muleski." "Dear Santa: "Please bring- me a police car and truck and bring my brother Craig some baby toys. "I love .you. "Mark Munson" "Dear Santa: "I want a small train with roads to go with it and a erector set. I thought of some otb er things but I forgot them My little sister wants a bah> doll to take to bed with her and some toys foiv little girls. "With love, "Daniel and Donna Muleski." "Dear Santa: "For Christmas I would like a Thurnbelinu and Hedda-Get- Bedda. I am 4 years old. My sister is writing this for me. Say hello to all your reindeer. "Love, . "Lolly Meyer" coffee pot that really perks and a puppet theatre. I also would like some puppets. Would you also bring a bathuih with Tiny Tears. Yakity Yob, Food mix set, seat pad Tor my bike. Snippy scissors, ice cream makers. "Thank You, "Tina." "Dear Santa: "I am six years old and I am a very good boy. I would like a Huckleberry hound huckle ohuck, three keys to treasure. Thank you Santa." "Your friend, "Kenneth Blake" "Dear Santa: "My name is Johnny Flannigan and I will be eight years old on Dec. 28. I would like you to bring me a train, great. Garloo. and some cars. I have been a very good boy this last week and have been helping mommy. "Love, "Johnny Flaimigan" "Dear Santa: "My name is Kristy Flannigan and I am 8 years old. I would like you to bring me a beauty parlor doll, dishes, kool-aid set, and a' sno-como jset. I IOYC you very much and [ also would like to have you bring my mom and daddy -;omc thing too. "Love and Kisses, • "Kristie Flannigan" '."Dear Santa Claus: "1 want a cut out doll set And a nurse set too. And a beauty parlor set. "From Diane Voight "7 years old." "Dear Santa Claus: "I want a kissy doll. I want a baton. I want cupboard. I am 6 years old. This is all I want for Christmas. "From Suzie Gerstad." "Dear Santa Claus: "How are you? I'm fine. I have been a good girl so I want a bowling ball and bag. I also want a ring and a purse so if it is nol too much to bring. I am eleven and you might think I'm pretty old lo write you but I don't. I will leave you a glass of milk and cookies. "Love, "Laurie Sanford." "Dear Santa Claus: "I already asked you for u "Dear Santa Claus: 'I want a Fort Apache, wood logs, cement mixer. That's whai 1 would like for Christmas. "Thank You. "Philip Voight" "Dear Santa: "I would like a Johnny Reb cannon, it farm, airport, great Garlo. and some clothes. The cannon most of all. We'll clean the fireplace so you won't get dirty Christmas Eve. This is being written by my sister because I'm only 5 years old. "With Love, "Jackie Meyer" "Santa: "I want a airplant and I ways a cowboy hat and woyster cowboy clothing. "Joseph Taylor" "Dear Santa: "I would like come cowboys and soldiers and cowboy hat and indians and 3 moldecar airport. My name is "Calvin Gibson" "Robert Gibson "Dear Santa: "I will like a tain set and a car indians and a fire car gas sthtion and give my mother a turkey I am in 3 gard." "Dear Santa: "I want a car and fireear and cowboy and Indian and soldiers and mobl and farm set and "Gregory Taylor" Give Scholarship For Agricultural Course TIE RODS IN PARADE In a listing of participants of the* recent Christmas parade in McHenry, the name of the Wheelers was given to the Plaindealer. Since then, a follower of the Tie Rods informs us that this was the auio club represented in the parade. Use The Classifieds Be sjp&toOODTFY, On Suffering Fathers and teachers, I ponder, "What is hell?" I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love. --FYDOR DOSTOEVSKY (1821-1881) * Russian novelist Suffering comes from three Quarters: from our own body, which is destined to decay, and dissolution, and cannot even dispense with anxiety and pain as dangersigssk; frcza iuc Ouuer world, which can rage against us with the most powerful and pitiless forces of destruction; and finally from our relations with other men. The unhappinem which has this last origin we find perhaps more painful than any other; we tend to regard it more or less as a gratuitous addition, although it cannot be any less an inevitable fate than the suffering that proceeds from other sources. --SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939) Founder of psychoanalysis SHUT-INS OF CHICAGO AREA TO BE REMEMBERED Northeast Illinois Production Credit association will sponsor a scholarship to the University of Illinois Agricultural Short Course to be held at Urbana from Feb. 5 to March 16. 1962. Mitchell Kane, manager of the local association, announced that $100 will be offered to a deserving person who is interested in furthering his education by attending this course, which is offered each year by the College of Agriculture at the University of Illinois. Applications are available at the association's central officp at 333 East Jackson street in Woodstock, or at the field office located in the Farm Bureau buildings at Grayslake and Belvidere. Competition is open to anyone who lives in McHenry, Bo,one 6r Lake counties. All entries must be in by Jan. 10 and the recipient wii! be announced at the association's annual meeting to bo held in Woodstock Jan. 20. Spanish Sherry is aged in hand made casks, made fnm oak from U. S. The spirit of the Christmas reason will be brought to shutins in the Chicago area by members of the Salvation Army's league of Mercy as they make their traditional holiday visits during December 1 With warm greetings and am'-iads ul festive gifts and treats, the bonneted lassies will call on some ..'5.500 persons : from Deo. 5 through Dec. 22. 'Familiar Jihristmas carols --• ! alwayshifchligh' of the vls- !its ivill I"O presented by vo- : cal arv^ 'nsirumer'at groups at each institution. The rifts will include boxes • of ' <'ln•folates, bags of Christimas candy, oranges, apples, Scripture calendars, stationery soft corduroy scuffs for men and women.- lor; for socks, brightly colored knit caps and berets for children as well , as toys and sh>vybocks. and the Christmas i-^sue of the. War ^rv. For- diabetic paiients on restricted diets there5 will "be hand lotion.,shaving cream and < it her remembrances instead ol candv. SHOP AT HOME ear to a bride's heart... TLe Fl ower Line ^ Invitations A Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Flower Wedding Line proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish for! It features Heliograving*--rich raised* lettering -- elegant as the finest craftsmanship --yet costing so little! Come see our unusual selection. *Heliograving--not to be confused with engraving. Y fwo weeks delivery! 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. On Saturday, December 16, Gift Certificates were awarded to 23 customers of McHenry Merchants totallilng $250.00. Certificates have been mailed to the following people: Tom Althoff $25.00 Carl Voorhies 25.00 Belly Henk 20.00 L. Frye 20.00 Donald Noel 20.00 Mrs. Chas. Mecklenburg 20.00 Jim Brifeld 10.00 John Schmill 10.00 ^ Kay Brubach 10.00 Mrs. L. Slromsledl 10.00 Frank Leon 10.09 Bev. Mueller a 10.00 Mary Baseley 10.00 C. V. Scbweikerl 5.00 Richard J. Overlon 5.00 Mrs. Ed Thennes 5.00 Dorolhv Freund 5.00 Margaret Lightner 5.00 Kalhleen Juslen 5.00 LeRoy J. Wagner 5.00 Mrs. Carl Neiss 5.00 Clara Nell 5.00 Marian Collins 5.00 The Chamber of Commerce wishes to thank everyone who took part in the program. Winners may redeem their certificates at any of the stores which participated in the contest. 10% deduction on lAJlney <jCi etia nna Exception on Marie's Specialty Shop Pete tiles Shoes Betty Nielsen Nye Drugs Barbians A&P Town & Country Gifts Gladstone's Dep't. Store Jewel Food Store Carey Electric McGee's Store For Men Bolger's Justen's Furniture Roth Shoes White's Men's Store Vycital's Hardware Pries Certified Market The Agatha Gifts & Candles Custom T.V. Elm Paint Wahl Jewelers Martinizing 1 Hr. Cleaners McHenry Glass & Mirror Krause News Agency Lee Si Kay Electric L. & H. Television ^ Main l'aint & Decorating Ruck's Hardware Brown's News & Sundries Pantry Delicacies Ace Hardware F. M. Television & Radio Geo. Kotalik Camera Shop Riverside Hair Styling Riverside Retail Outlet Riverside Bake Shop Gem Cleaners McHenry Plaindealer Casual Shoppe •- Schramm Toys McHenry Savings & Loan Rainbow Cleaners Niesen's Floors McHenry State Bank Ernie's Sports Center McHenry Bakery Millstream Drags Ben Franklin Store all carru-out r and (J3eer the remain der oj? 1 *)(> 1 (air traded items and ipeciald at these Local Taverns- BO'S AN S INN BRIDIE E TAP - MB PLACE erru GREEN PEn (Christmas and a ip. ana f roSperouS I lew n ear