I Pago Twelve THE McHENRT PLAINDEALER Thursday, December 28# 1961 Sunnyfllde Estates SANTA THRILLS YOIMG SET AT Polly Stevens - S8S-126A SaflT Claus did come to SunrtysWe Estates Wednesday, Dec. lJS^axid right on time just as he had promised. The youngsters will probably never have such r& .thrill again as they did when they rode with Santa on his v&ry own sleigh. Starryeyed < girls and boys were tonijtie'-ued and breathless in the excitement of the long awaited day. Santa made his first stop at 4:30 p.m. and picked up "a large load of children and parents. This was the first of three rides^fnat Santa had. Christmas carols and much fun were shared by adults as well as children. In the evening the 'teenagers took a short ride on the sleigh, singing Christmas songs under the able guidance of Harold Palmer. (If someone were to form a chorus, Harold would 'be a good director. "Sing along with Harold.) The remainder of the evening was sperJ | ' the Bierchen home and all pai tank of Christmas goodies. While the 'teenagers were singing. Santa was mak ing the rounds of all the homes distributing gifts and taking orders for sleds, skates, dolls and pll the nice things he makes at the North Pole. Thanks for coming, -Santa, we hope you can come again next year. Also a deep curtsy to Santa's helpers, Dottie Bierchen, Delores Hanahan, Eleanore Fiedler, Alice and Dick Janicki, Vein Jost* Sol Kobus, Walter Roy and of course, Harold Palmer, and all those whose names I might have missed. illness and he was laid to rest in Chicago, Dec. 19. B-r-r-r-r-r-r Old man Winter has sure been playing havoc with the roads coating them with ice. Walter Roy has taken on the job as overseer during • Mr. Kimbro's illness and a grand job he is doing too. He saw to the spreading of two loads of sand recently and last week another load was spread by Wally, Dick Janicki, Harold Palmer and Jim Stevens. We are grateful to these men who are willing to sacrifice their time and muscles to make the roads safer for our driving. If any of you men would like to help, I am sure the help would be mo it welcome. Call me at 385-1256 and I will gladly convey your message. \ Flying Visit Mary Davis winged her way Friday, Dec. 22, for an overnight- visit to say Merry Christmas , tb' Step mother and ailing dad, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dohetfty, in Moline. Mr. Doherty is .recovering from an operation -and -he and Mrs. Doherty were , unable to spend, Christmas with Mr» -v, Red and youngster-;' as had been planned. S$f*ipathy We "would like to extend our sympathy . JtcT Bernadine and Bill Grist on the death of her uncle, EdwStrd Bellack, of Chicago.- Mr. Bellack passed away Friday; -Dec. 15, after a lengthy Wedding The wedding of Edward Stach, Jr., was attended by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schwigger, aunt and uncle, June and Chet Banker, and cousin, Dennie Banker. Rev. Stach took lovely Vicki Bottqmley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bottomley of Rockford, as his bride Saturday, Dec. 16. The marriage service was performed at the Bethany Methodist church in Chicago, where he serves as assistant pastor and youth director. His bride was lovely in a white taffeta wedding gown with bustle and a fingertip veil. She cu.'ned a white orchid surrounc'? d with tube roses, and her sister, Ann, attended her as maid of honor. Pat Stach, sister of the bridegroom, was one of the bridesmaids. Rev. Eddie, who is the son of Chrystal and Ed Stach of Granite City, III., was attended by his brother, Robert, who acted as best man. Dennie Banker served as an usher, as did Pat's fiance, Ted Katengia, of Oaklawn. The reception for the bridal couple was held in the church and given by the ladies of the church. . May we add our congratulations to the many already received by Rev. Eddie and Vicki. Incidentally, Rev. Eddie recently read the marriage vows for his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwieger, at their golden wedding anniversary party. Skate and Exchange Since the skating pond has been frozen the skaters have taken advantage of this winter sport. The skate exchange has been a big hit and many pairs of skates have changed hands should I say feet? Now, At The FOX HOLE £ rr I ^ Buffet jl • I # Favors | - r - ' 8 ST EES there is a big demand for boys' skates, sizes 5, 6 and 7. If you have outgrown those sizes or any size, see Marge and Harold Palmer at their home, 2013 W. Indian Ridge drive, for an exchange. Incidentally, if your skates need sharpening, Walter Roy will do them for you. Take them to his home, 1901 W. Indian Ridge, for a good sharp job. Christening Clif and Anay Sabby were present recently at the christening of their newest grandchild, Missy Ortbal. She is the fourth child of the Sabbys' daughter^ Joyce, and son-inlaw, Dick, of Chicago. A'CarolIng They Went Fran and Jerry Olsen spent Friday evening, Dec. 22, on their annual caroling visits with friends in Elk Grove vil lage. Interested In things of all small fty in that age bracket. Eightweek- old Lorelei is only interested in eating and sleeping. Nice family, the Kaylers. Sick List Little Kathy Farley has been ill with the flu and had to miss school. We were sorry to hear that Paul McDonald has scarlet fever. Steve Major, Sr., fell on the ice and sustained a badly bruised side. Mr. Kimbro is still on the ailin' list with his shingles Quite a painful ailment. Cheryle Kay Maule and big brother, Pat, have the chicken pox. A speedy recovery to you all. Brownie News Troop 150 held their Christmas party Tuesday, Dec. 19. The girls made fudge and popcorn balls, then later enjoyed the results of their labor. They played some games, sang carols and were visited by Santa. He distributed the grab bag gifts and his gift to each girl was a stuffed toy to be made. Happy birthday was sung to Nancy Roggenbuck and mother helper was Mrs. Boeger. Leader Alice Bieschke announced that the next meeting will be at the home of Marian Pflug for one meeting only, while Sylvia Obstfelder is vacationing. Y o u r r e p o r t e r a p p r e c i a t e s the Christmas greeting from Troop 150. No News Due to an early deadline last week and everyone getting ready for Christmas, the news was scant. In my calls around the subdivision all I got was. "I'm shopping, cleaning, hanging curtains, waxing floors, washing, ironing, churning arid baking." Everyone busy but no one making news. Girl Scout News Troop 295 did not meet last week and their next meeting will be Jan. 3, 1962. Let's Go Visitin' Let's visit the Kayler home at 4510 N. Hickoryway drive all decked out in its Christmas finery. We find Gladys, Laird, Sr., and youngsters waiting to greet us. They moved to Sunnyside Estates in March, 1957, from the north side of Chicago. Laird, Sr., is a sergeant first class 'at the Niki base headquarters (45th) brigade in Arlington Heights. He enjoys all sports, especially football and baseball. Gladys enjoys art, sewing and gardening. Thirteen- year-old Dorothy Ann attends St. John's and like her mother is fond of art and drawing. Eleven-year-old Laird, Jr.. also attends St. John's, is a Boy Scout and enjoys outdoor life. Luana, who is 6, is also a student at St. John's, and sister, Rosemary, 5 years old, are Happy New Year! We would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. As you make your rounds on New Year's Eve, have fun but make the one for the road a cup of coffee and drive carefully. Happy New Year. Birthdays Happy birthday to P. JSchneider on Dec. 30. New Year's Eve celebrants are Jean Gerke, John Barrar and Gus Morresi. The first birthday greeting in 1962 goes to 2-year-old Mathew O'Brien on Jan. 2. Best wishes to red-haired Bob Kelso on Jan. 3. Happy birthday, all! Anniversaries Greetings to Alice and Edward Scheibe on Dec. 29. Congratulations to Shirley and Mel Simmons on five years of marriage on Jan. 1. SCIENCE PROGRAMS The Christian Science television program of Dec. 31 on station WBKB in the series "How Christian Science Heals' will conclude these telecasts for the present. Announcement will be made of a new Christian Science television series when the programs are ready for release. Christian Science radio programs will continue to be broadcast regularly on stM&n WAIT at 9 a.m. each Sunday. COMPACT CM lk-\ • ^ CHEVROLET SALES 360CP$iU-Elm St. McHenry, I1L Phone EV 5-0277 SAVE 15% MORE a LIABILITY INSURANCE available now threugi NATIONWIDE Coll mo for reduced rates for your compact tar: SEYMOUR'S : LICENSE SERVICE : Mark's Marine Center 0&/j Ph. EV 5-4908 Beb Seymour I ATIONWI DE ? I N S U R A N C E tdoam fcr a /Vew Era ^ NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Columbus, Ohio Holiday Hills Baby Boys Beat New Year Here Inez Young Two baby boys beat the New Year to Holiday Hills. The Landis family welcomed a baby boy born on Dec. 15. Kenneth Lawrence weighed in at 7 lbs., 10 ozs. and was the nicest present that his two brothers, Joey, 12, and Tommy, 13bit, and his sister, Susan, 11, received this year. Congratulations to Lois and Herb on their new arrivali Our new neighbors, Wallace and Joyce Karafa, 1412 W. Hickory have a new baby for their new home. 'Troy Lawrence' made his entrance into this big world weighing a husky 9 lbs., 4 ozs. He came home just in time to be present at his brother Guy's eighth birthday. It was a big week at the Karafa home, a new baby, a birthday for Guy and Christmas, all in one week. Cub :Pack Meeting The Cub Scouts Pack 458 held their meeting at the Connell home on Dec. 15. The boys combined their award presentation and a Christmas party for their parents.. The theme for the month was "Follows, Helps and Gives" and that's just what they did. Each boy made a gift for both mother and father. The fathers received containers for change, cuff links, etc., for the dresser and the mothers of den No. 1 and the Webelos received serving trays and den No. 2 a pot holder made from wooden paddles. The program for the evening consisted of skits by dens 1 and 2 and Christmas carols by the Webelos den. Awards presented that eve* ning went to Joey Foreman, Bobcat pin; Guy Filip, Bear badge; Billy Schmidt, Bear b a d g e ; B i l l y R i t t h a l e r , B e a r badge; Tom Janik, Gold Arrow; and Herb Hill, Lion badge. Rocket kits were given to each boy to work on with their fathers. The Rockets will be carved out of balsam wood and will be used in den races later on. Marge Connell and Virginia Lundelius each received. their den mother lapel pins. Refreshments for the evening were served by the mothers of den 2. Because of the increased number of boys in the pack, it has been announced that a new den, No. 3, will start in January, with Jean Baird as the den mother. On Dec. 20 the boys had a Christmas party "Just for the Boys' and had a grab bag gift exchange. Because of the holidays the boys will not jneet again until Jan. 9. Girl Scout Luticheon A Girl Scout luncheon was held Dec. 13 at the McHenry Country club for the McHenry district leaders. Ladies from Holiday Hills who enjoyed the luncheon and a grab bag gift exchange were Vi Abbink, Larry Breede, Loretta Exline, Shirley Haufe, Phyl Harper, Carolyn Lona, Earline Mettelka, Marge Pot r a t z , M a r g e S c h m i d t a n d Elaine Schmitt. Brownies Roller Skate The Brownies of Troop 454 went roller skating on a recent Saturday. The girls had a very Stop when you need Go when you want tol AVOID AGGRAVATION, LOST TIME Am NEEDLESS EXPENSE... rttton* W I N 1* TIRES 6.70-15 Tobe-Type 7.50-14 7.10-15 Tutoeless 7.10-15 Tube-Type Tubeless 0 8.00-14 Tubeless BUY NOW ami SAVE! Guaranteed To Go . . . thru Ice, Mud and Snow Lowest Prices in Years . . . Get Our New LOW PRICE on Your Size TODAY! FIRESTONE CHAMPIONS NYLON - Blackwalls RAYON - Blackwalls 6.70-15 $1 #|83 Tube Type 7.10-15 $ Tube Type 7.50-14 $ Tubeless 1488 14|S8 6.70-15 Tube Type 7.10-15 $ Tube Type Add $3 for White walls All Prices Plus Tax BRAND NEW BATTEIUS 6 or 12 Volt with 2-Yr. GuarsMgie For All Popular Cars $2 to $6 Trade-In Allowance on Old Battery Complete CMA US ... FARM TIRE for your SERVICE Truck Tire Needs Tire M WALT FREUND, Prop. 8931 W. Main St. EVergreen 5-0384- MeHeaijr, ID. good time and even those who hadn't been on skates did quite well after a few trips around holding on to the railing. These Brownies sure enjoy going out and especially to a roller rink. Happy New Tear With the holidays in full swing and parties galore, we've all been having a real good time. If you are going out New Year's Eve please be careful driving. You know on that night you have to drive for everyone. Have a Happy New Year. The annual tax collection from income tax alone, irj Delaware, averages per square mile. iver $6,000 pi ONE LICENSE. REVOKED. ONE OTHER SUSPENDED Secretary of State Charle# F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Fred A. Meyer of Lake-in-the-Hills for driving while intoxicated. A suspension was orderecWwT George R. Johnson of Harvard for three violations. A probationary permit was^ issued to Glen E. Yerkey of Crystal Lake. The parrot is one of the world's very few birds that holds its food with its foot. Old Fashioned Sausage Shop F ftl+t m tTr~n rnrd VSfiBS SHOP+rl Thl* "Old Fashioned Country Style" Smoked Sausage is made from fresh pork picnics, lightly seasoned, then throughly cooked over hardwood hickory embers. Serve piping hot at your New Year's Eve buffet--or anytime during the holiday weekend for a hot snack! ECKRICH m g _ Smoked Sausage ,b /¥c I JlVv(L TEA CO. AVAILABLE NOW AT., Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St Jewel Pastry Shop Special Thurs., fri., Sat., Only! BUTTERSCOTCH PECAN Coffee each Reg. XtWtfL (fSmdSiow 79c» AVAILABLE NOW AT... Jewel In McHenry 37B w. mm Si. TEA CO 138^:^3^ 5s33as3jaj3«358j3 3553 5a5S53*S58?S35S558S333S5Sf33CJ338«S«53885 J Here's hoping yom have a joyful 1 vCSf;4 New Year. Best of luck to all!. KLEIN HANS BUILDING SERVICE: 2913 W. Rt. 120 EV 5-0071