fit$• Fourteen THE McHENHY PLA1NDEALEB Thursday, December 28, 1961 Lakeland 1>irk COLQRFUL TREE IS PROVIDED BYC BOY, v CUB SCOUTS Gloria Flannigan - EV 5-4710 The' monthly Cub Scout pack meeting .was held last Monday at the community house. Games wpre played and Christmas carols were sung by everyone. Hot chocolate, coffee and home- Tnari>iiifiyprnl~r~ were served. PPom where I stood, it seemed ti$? parents enjoyed themselves as* much as the Cubs. Many, rr$ny thanks go out to those wonderful Den mothers and to alT the mothers who helped in t& kitchen and for baking these delicious cupcakes. ^he Christmas tree standing iir front~tjif the community h<ftise is.-fKere, thanks to the Cwb and Bey Scouts. The Boy SCput cOttitnittee put up the tcee and furnished the lights \vjhile the Cubs, den mothers afljiiJ den chiefs made the ornaments and spent a.chilly hour tr0nming it. I think Lakeland Park can well be proud of the COt anil Boy Scouts. ,poy Scout Troop 459 held its fitj&t board of review twn weeks agp and the following .boys passed ar|d are now full fledged Tjpjderfoot Scouts; Mike Matthews, Daniel • Kamp, Michael Pj&iY-io and Dennis Drurril. The foilpwinK boys passed second clJ&s Scout rank: Kenny Praaadj^ fty. got^ tarj. They will be. gjy^n their pip^i tf¥Crt?tre parents night. The Scout troop has also gott «p a great deal of the necessary camping equipment. Lsst week, , following the meeting, hot chocolate, doughnuts and home-made cupcakes were served to the boys by Mrs. Troy Matjiews and Mrs. Jim Daurio. Many thanks to these fine ladies and to all the parents who donated for the refreshments. They were very tasty and enjoyed to the utmost not only by the boys but by all the men. The committee is grateful to Les Eckhart, who goes over to the community house each morning and replaces any Ornaments that may have fallen or been blown off. It's very thoughtful of him. Ted Kaminsfci turns off the lights each night. Pink Bundles Tinv Pamela Jean Stoltz made her debut on Saturday, Dec. 18, at Condell Memorial hospital in Libertyville. Pammie tipped the scales at 8 lbs., 12 ozs. and is all of twentytwo inches long. Her proud parents are Donna and Bud Stoltz and her proud brothers are Jeffrey, Keith and Todd. Also happy over the new addition are grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Noris Barr of Portland. Oregon and Grandma Stoltz of Houston, T e x a s. Congratulations! t . - Baptism Little TrUdy Lynn Koch was baptized Sunday, Dec. 17, at St. Mary's church by Father Baumhofer. Trudy's godparents; are-Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin of Meadowdale. Guests were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Meilahn of Maywood and Grandma Koch of Chicago. Notice. We have had more complaints about stray dogs. It is disgusting the way some people let their dogs loose to roam in other folks' yards. There is so much open prairie around here that there is no need for this sort of thing. If you people, and I am generalizing, are too lazy to walk your dog, then see that they are kept in your own yard. Community House Affairs Sunday. Dec. 31, private party. Anyone wishing to use the community house should call Jo Rizzo for reservations. Her number is 385-2728. Belated Birthday Wishes To Jody Osman who was 10 years old on Dec. 18 and to Billy Oakford who was 3 on the twenty-second of Decem- CferlntmM Palm# My little daughter, Kjelly Ann Flannigan, had her birthday party on Dec. 20. It was all in a Christmas theme and her guests were Debbie and Keith Schaedel, Shirley and Johnny Meurer, Shelley and Danny Koch and Junior Przetacnik. Unable to attend were Kenny Bottari, Dale Moll, BethAnn and Mark Koch. All enjoyed cake and ice cream. Happy Birthday Wishes TO Jim Wickenkamp, who chalks up another year on the t w e n t y - e i g h t h o f D e c e m b e r , and to the Zimny twins, Pam and Paul, who will be 6 on Deo. 28, and t° my son. Johnny Flannigan on the twenty-eighth when he will be 7 years old. And yet another "Happy Birthday" wish to Tommy Kozicki on Jan. 1, op which day he will be 7 years old. Christmas Doings Don, Suzanne and Del Gerstad attended Home Builders Christmas party last Wednesday night, sponsored by the Couples club from the Methodist church. Hot dogs and barbecue were served. Santa hit the scene later on and gave I Christmas presents to everyone. Afterward everyone joined in to sing Christmas carols. Toots, Roger and Eddie were j unable to attend because Rogi er had a slight cold, but Santa | did not forget them because Don brouiiht home a Christmas present for them also. . The Gerstads enter t a i n e d their families with a dinner on Christmas day. Toot's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkbine, were there from Sun Prairie, Wis., along with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Birkbine and family from Wasco, 111. and Don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gerstad, also from Sun Prairie. Berniee Boyce had the girl* from her bridge club over for a Christmas party last week. Bernice won first prize and Ann Leigh won second. They had a funny grab-bag with all sorts of unusual gifts. A delicious luncheon was served, along with some punch. The girls who enjoyed this crazy celebration were Ivy Lezak, Ann Herzog, Ann Leigh, Joyce Braum, Lucille Dietz, Ruth McMahon, Louise McEmery and of course, Bernice Boyce. Ray and Jen Smith had an enjoyable Christmas eve at the home ol' their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Tommaselli, who reside in Franklin Park. Michall Tommaselli, who is in the Marines, will be home to spend Christmas with the family. On Christmas day, Ray and Jen went to have dinner with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hannemen, who live in Arlington Heights. fore Dep. 28, Lyda's number in 385-2754 if anyone wishes her to pick them up. We sure could use that extra coffee pot, girls. Women's Club to Meet The next meeting of Women's club will be held Jan, 4 at 8 at the community house. The highlights of the evenings will be the appearance of a representative of a local charm school. She will give us many up to date tips on styling and m BUSINESS LARGE TAX BILL The Chicago and North Western Railway company has reported its 1960 takes on railmake- up. Hope you all can attend. road - operating properties JjC the state, paid this year. Th^ totalled $2,805,877, and abolif 62 per cent of this total went toward the support of schodte." The railway has operating, property in thirty counties jn t Illinois and is the largest rail-' rpad taxpayer in Cook, Lake and McHenry counties, In McHenry county, the railroad paid $140,782,42. 'T' Almost half of the roadj^ $2.8 million tax bill was In' Cook county. Bands and Seals Needed Lyda Radisch is still calling for those strips and seals from coffee. She must have them in before the twenty-eighth of December. Please, ladies, if you have any, get ihem to her at once or betterfyet, be % •Thank you warmly for jour patronage. We look Steward to serving you. vfelTE'S MEN'S SHOP •k * 1 J • 9 to ^ f© S9jj^^«3gflg There's no better time to extend our e!best wishes to all. SMITH'S ALIGNMENT 1313 N. North Dr. EV 5-0724 BggSSgflgiB&gggggaaSKSSgggiSSSg! jsgcsagf j^53^jssgi3ag6j?».5af5jasa3as5jag5»s3af5jag?5a^^jagsj8 mMm ivM^j] & • 0 \ _i "PRIME RIB DINNER" [Q Served 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m Eentire Evening DRINKS and FAVORS PLUS CHAMPAGNE AT MIDNITE and Music by THE PLAYBOYS By Reservations Only Closed To The Public $25.00 per couple Tickets uv the Bar •vr ' V STARLtTE Restaurant and Lounge 3924 W. Main McHenry Call 885-0951 We hope the New Year will be one you will remember with happiness. WILLI KOENEMANN May the new year be kind to you. JACOB F Z - Realtor Phone EV 5-0037 Johnsburg, 111. m&A iiiislP lack to eur ^Miny f riends and *enderf ul patrons. _ - ' • mm ¥1 Better friends we wouldn't wish for. Good luck wherever you are. :v/ It's time to wish our many customers well in the year just dawning. PETE! GBIS Shoe Store and Repairs 1307 N. Riverside Dr. ilirfiliiSii Route 31 South EV 5-0950 McHenrj -HAPPY CLAIRE'S BEAUTY SHOP 1222 N. Green EV 6-0019 McHenry, I1L HISTE1 OIL - Service Stations € 3 Locations Ph. EV 5-0240 Richmond, 111. Here's wishing you a future of undimmed peace and happiness. Best of luck to alL mmm m V Thank you for your • and support last year. 1962 ACE 1326 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-0722 RIVERS! 1309 N. Riverside Bf. 5*0044 McHenry r