f*age Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 4,1962 BAPTIST CHAPEL BECOMES CHURCH MOWN RIGHT 200 In Attendance At Constituting Service Monday New Year's day was a special one for the sixty-*.wo members of the First Baptis' church. The year of 1961 closed with a special service for the group which has been known as the First Baptist chapel. The program throughout Ihe day was centered around a constituting service which was the formal birth of a new chu. 'h fn McHenry. Previous to this time the membership of the j chapel had been held by the i Calvary Baptist church of i Woodstock. VVith the new yen- ! baptists of McHenry have bo- ! come an independent body n j Miurch in its own right. All i authority, all properties and .iT j, responsibilities of the church i are held by this local group in j McHenry. Many Attend Nearly 200 persons participated in the services throughout the day. Those coming tlir farthest were the eighteen persons from Fort Worth. Texds. Most of these represented the Golden Gate Rrmtisi church t)f Fort Worth, including their pastor. Luther Mann. The Rev lAither Mann was on the afternoon's program along with the Rev. Bruce Cushman. pastor 01 t h e S o u t h w a v s i d e B a p t i s t church of Fort Worth and th^ kev. Ed Smeltei'koph. pasto; rtf the First Baptist church of rleson, Texas. The Golden Gate Aurch of Fort Worth has been FRANCES WOOD DIES IN CRASH SOUTH OF CITY (Continued from Page 1) followed by interment in Mount FOmblem cemetery, Elmhurst. Area Accidents Two drivers were blamed hj the sheriff's office for a crash which occurred over the holiday weekend on Roberts road, south of Rt. 176. Vernon Konatske^of Berwyn was blamed for driving too fast for conditions and Elmer Stevens of McHenry was charged with parking his car on the wrong side of the road. A pas- ! senger in the Konatske car, Geondne "Strama, 16, was injured in the crash. A car driven by Edward Honnegger of McHenry went out of control on Coon road, east of Rt: 12, last weekend and rolled over twice. The drivi or suffered minor injuries. A Marengo man. Nick Raj nmn, sustained soal.p laceraj lions New Year's eye when his [car skidded into a^§ign on Rt. j 120. near McHenry. He was ! taken to McHenry hospital for I treatment. j Marie Moore was reported to 'have lost control of her car on f Mason Hill road and it struck ia tree. She sustained only min- ; or injuries. HIGHLIGHTS OF PAST YEAH IN CITY REVIEWED (Continued from Page 1) Minor Crashes The car of Rena Pogany ui i.akemoor skidded on John • hoot Tuesday morning arm >0 ruck a pole. Last Thursday, two passen '. ers in one car suffered orvly minor injuries when autos coliiried at Front and Waukegan -I roots. f "ity police said Marilyn Baptis | F>iez of Algonquin was driving lib (Mi Front when her car rifhe of the largest contributor.- n-iok jui auto driven by Rex the work here in McHenr; . 'Carter of Fox Lake, eastbound Nearly $2,000 has been received • >n Waukegan street, who from this one church in sup- i failed to stop at the interseoflbrt of the group here. Tlv ;iion. Both cars were damaged feeond largest contributor has teen the Fox Valley Bapiisassociation, which is a voluntary cooperation of the Southern Baptist churches of the Fox Valley area. The npw church rtf McHenry will seek affiliation with this association. Prestf »n Denton, area missionary <•' r f o r t h e r n I l l i n o i s , m o d e r a t e d the constituting service Sunday. The Illinois Baptis' Sir association was represented by John C. Taylor, associate editor of The Illinois Baptist. 62 Charter Members The First Baptist church of McHenry begins its existence The previous day, an unusun' accident took place at Elm and Front street when the . al'ety and hitch on a trailer being pulled by a car driven 'iy Arthur H. Wheaton of Rt '. Richmond, broke, sending the trailer across the center line, It collided with a car driven hy Shirley Gustafson- Keller of Lakemoor. A passenger in the latter car vva;: shaken ui> and was taken lo ihe hospital. Cars driven by Norman Williams of Rt. 31. McHenry. and Mathew Hess of Rt. 9. McHenry, collided on Greet' with sixty-two charter mem- street one day last week. Pobers. The charier membership j j-cc sajfj Williams auto roll will remain open through j was parked and was struck January. 1962. The Sundjjj^ \^y Hess, who was backing School boasts 110 for its :iicni- i fj*om the curb. bership and the training union | Joseph Klinnert of Elgin and * membership of si.\ty-on« j Kdith Pheneger of Crystal There are two organizai ionN foi escaped iinnjjuurriieess when their cars collided on Rt. near McHenry, last week. 31. CHECK THEFT check in the amount Jtoung girls and one for youn;: fteople in addition to a younu people's and a junior choir. There will be a woman's missionary group organized and a Boys' club in the near fulure. A of V. L. Chappell was called as 1S177.K8. cashed at the McHenpastor of the new church. Mrs • ry State bank recently, was l?on McMillan is the new clerk, found to be onA of several stol- Mrs. Earl Reed is church en by Wisconsin youths from treasurer and Mrs. Rudolf ihe Shanty tavern at Trevor Lense is church pianist. Jack This particular one was a pay- AlcGue will head the Sunday j roll check from Spotnails, Inc., of Rolling Meadows, and wacashed at the tavern by an em plovee. Kenosha police told lo cal bank officials thai the boys, were in custody and would need to make restitution. ing population was evidenced in a decision of ihe county 'ward to approve eight new precincts for McHenry township. The big news of July was celebration of the city's 121V1 h anniversary, a week marked by observances of various kinds and a pageant depicting highlights of the different periods of its history. It was at this time that the city became possessor of its first flag, an attractive orange and black banner bearing the words "City Of Progress". While July brought a state winner to McHenry in the person of Patricia. Hogan as dairy princess, August found the Viscounts drum, and bugle corps named state winners in Sons of the Legion competition, and later national champs. Expand Defense Program Impetus was given the ci\il defense program in September, when the city became the second in the county to win accreditation for its expanded program. Q Schools - at least some of them - showed evidence of "bulging at the seams" with an enrollment of 4,535 pupils in public and parochial schoo". districts of McHenry, an increase of about 2,000 over five yonrs previous. Another good sized industry ,'ame to McHenry with the opening of a branch of Anderson Controls, Inc., in the old Admiral building. McHenry's first alert undei ' the expanded defense program aroused the community to the need for ^cooperation in time of emergency. December brought to the city its first Christmas parade, a line- of march which brought out 4,000 kiddies and their par ents out to watch ihe arrha! of Santa. The year ended with a prom ise for continued activity in the twelve months ahead. One indication came with a decision of ihe high school board of education to present to the voters of the district a bond issue concerning a proposed new swimming pool. ATTEND CONFERENCE Rick Ferris of McHenry and Walter Schultz of Spring drove were local representatives included about those from 290 Illinois chapters of the Future Farmers of America attending the third annual F.F.A.-Farm Bureau con ference at Illinois State Normal university last week. The F.F.A. members studied the basic principles which influence the growth of America and saw these principles al work at businesses in Bloomington and Normal. The Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Phoenecians all used the abacus, in ancient times. Now. it is used mainly in the Orient. Musin' & Meanderin' (Continued from , Page 1) grade spelling test brought rivers of tears. This was followed a few years later by an indifference to grades and report cards which showed it. The moments which seemed darkest then provide a chuckle now, but in childhood the world flight as well have come to an end. Most of us who are able to keep up with this fast moving pace of 1962 without the assistance of a psychiatrist feel that more than anything else, the years of experience which have intervened since childhood have made us better able to smile at those changing tragedies which confront each stage of life. A warning to motorists ir. the form of a huge sign resting against a smashed car was placed, on Rt. 31, south of the city, by the McHenry Journeymen. It read "This Was Holiday Rush, Slow Down, Stay Alive". Unfort unately, the short work week prevented us from having the photo reproduced for this week's issue. The holiday season is onl.s a memory, but it must be a very pleasant one for the many patients in hospitals and resi dents of special homes who were remembered by kindhearted folks. Several groups gave of their time to sing carols at the Ideal hospital, while Girl Scout and Brownie troops made tray favors. When bad roads resulted in numerous accidents, a call to Candystripors brought out eleven volutv leers to assist. The only reward for folks like this -- and the mam others who shared their hoiiday spirit in service to others-- was that wonderful feeling that only comes with giving. K. A. F. VA SEBT\n r>T *RR\ ROCKFORD NOW ON NEW BASIS Veterans administration itinerate contact service to Rockford began Tuesday, Jan. 2. it the Illinois Veterans coni- • Mission offices, 526 West State street. The .VA office at 321 West >iaie street closed Dec. 29 and the once-a-week service is '•eing initiated to assure veterans in the Rockford area of continual specialized assistance on those federal services and benefits to which they arc entitled. John B. Naser, manager of the VA regional office in Chi- ,ti:o. slated that an arrangement with Edward B. Akin, new administrator of the IVC. guarantees veterans of an easily accessible location where they will be certain of finding the VA representative each Monday. Due to the New Year's holiday, the first week's visit was set back to Tuesday, Jan. 2. Use The Classifieds School and Del Roy Kauke wilt serve as training union direc- I tor. Mrs. Earl Reed and Mrs. : Monica Morris are directors for ! the two choirs. Mrs. Merton Rupert and Mrs. V. L. "Chapfiell are t'ne new leaders of ih<- girls' auxiliaries. The several church committee-; are heane", by Merton Rupert, buii'im" and grounds; Ronald Minnn.; finance: Lonnie Campboi: church council; Rudolf I,en • missions; Mrs. Don McMii' T. flowers; Earl Reed. '.Mv Mrs. Jack McGue. chun-h hi - tory; Rudolf Len-e. ].<>. Supper; and Mrs. Rudolf I.cm < publicity. •TEEN DANCE The Viscounts Parent* as ftociation will sjionsor a 'loin d a n c e F r i d a \ . . J a n . 5 . f r m . ?:30 to, 11 p.m. A dance c r, t&st will be a feaiure of the event. Rainfall along the Pacific Coasi area of U. S. varies from 2 inches per year in the California desert area, to over 100 inches, in the Olympic Peninsula. of Washington. FIEPMD'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Loe.ally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 D O H A R $ S E N S E Call Us When You Want a Cab Fast As soon as you call us, oui Radio Dispatched Cab will be on its way. It will pick you up in a jiffy! ¥i€ri<e§i3ry Ceeb Ph. EVeygreen 5-072C 4 "For courteous and dependable scrvicc do your banking with McHenry State Bank" Start your savings account today with McHENRY STATE BANK Since 1906 'A Full Service Bank" i o 7. "Meriiber F.D.I.C FIVE CHILDREN LEFT FATHERLESS THROUGH DEATH Five McHenry children beoarpe fatherless through death as the old year ended. Raymond Kennebeck of 1711 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, died at Michael Reese hospital Dec. 31, where he had been confined since Nov. 28, following an accident in which he was injured while working on a construction project near Arlington Heights. Kennebeck, 37, was bom Nov. 9, 1924, in Johnsburg and had always lived in this community. He was an employee of Joe Frett & Sons. Survivors include his wife, Marion Freund Kena$beck; Michael, 9, Suzanne, 7, Chris, 6,' David, 3, and Cindy, 2; his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Schumacher Kennebeck; several brothers and sisters, Daniel of McHenry, Lorraine Holm and Jeanette Gaylord of Woodstock, Bernard and Arthur of Johnsburg. His father, Ben J. Kennebeck, died a year and a half ago.. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, when last rites will be conducted from St. * Mary's Catholic church, with interment in the church cemetery. Council In Capsule Due to the New Year's Day holiday, the City Council met on Tuesday night of this week. A petition from Dr. Lee Gladstone for reclassification of land at Fourth arid James Street was approved as recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The stated use of the property will be for apartments. Final payment of $1,000 on contract with Bacon Bros, and Smith for Waterworks Improvements was approved as per certification t>y the engineers, At least 76 new active cases of tuberculosis are being reported every week in Illinois. The council voted to install two 12-minute parking meters in front of the McHenry Library. Meters will be in operation during hours when the library is open. As an eventual money saving investment the council decided to advertise for bids on a new, tractor with heavy duty fronl end loader, blade for grading, and possible other optional equipment. Vehicle licenses are now due and owners are urged to secure stickers at an early date. The Plan Commission final report was submitted to the council on Wednesday night at a special meeting. CASE OP ONE DISMISSED. OTHER WINS PROBATION (Continued from Page 1) <<»hn and Alice Boehm on Valley View road, Crystal Lake, where a gun and jewelry was stolen. Total value of the loot reported by authorities to have been taken in a serils of burglaries- in which they implicated Cerny and four juveniles last fall, was estimated at $3,000. Cerny's two-year probation included requirements that he must resume his high school studies as a full time student not later than February of this year, and also that he not operate an auto unlets accompanied by one of his patents during the probation period. He was placed uriiler' $500 bond. -- A third youth, Thomas £ei~~ lino, 17, of Lilymoor pleaded guilty to a charge of breal^ML into a summer cottage of ert Leopold on Barreville j*cfa<T recently. He was given fifteen days to file a petition for probation, after which the^jiro-! bation officer will review- th* case before it is presented ti) Judge Carroll. The U. S. GtovernmentJLliB?, ceives about one million dollars yearly from taxes on sea(p/ taken in the Pribloff Island' area. A N 0 T H E R 1222 N. Green St. Ph. 385-0010 NEW CL * BEAJU re J IUTY SHOPPE Hours: Mon Tues. Thurs. A L. Why should I change my halr^style? Because a v^hange in style will give you a || new lift for the new year. SAVE on i;r=Mird!'i Stock your medicine chest now and be prepared to render prompt treatment to colds and other common ills that so often strike without warning. Remember, a well-stocked medicine chest he^DS keep your family well. 01 'AST INI 1/ norv j\co iho\ \c body rub 4 J3. n POND'S w aM ' Jar 79 PERSONAL CARE FAVORITES AIL NEW HEXA-FLUORIDE • ••«=•* TOOTH PASTE 83# TUBE Reduces cavities, cleans better. 73, iavoris Mouth^isH 33( isght Guard D@@dorant 89< Liquid EPo*©§l Shampoo Aqfua V@l^@i Shew® Lotion <^<3 Curtis Cresne Hair Rinse 59D Suave ErMr Dressing Rise Shaving Lather 79< Pali-Grip Denture Adhesive 39< Vitalis Hair Tonic 39< Nestle Wave-Set 29< Ban Roll-On Deodorant^ 73c 1 2 ,n a Paclc <9* Friendship Garden HAND & BODY LOTION '/z Price Sale Heg. $2.00 $«00 NOW 1 Helena Rubinstein 31 tott. oi 80 >FrM MYXDEC 1 $W.64 Vajue ©alY $9.67 NOW Reg. $5.50 ' 3IO DESERT FLOWER Cream & Roll-On DEODORANT Vi Pri<vp Special Si' Each COLD NEEDS C0NGISTASBJ medicated spray vaporizer i l i t PAW* Ik®* RtUtVt* amimw ANTACID TABLETS 34" 25/ M -- £ Pertussin p Cough Syrup 79c Drista&i ;? Tablets 98< L- Sucrets & Lozenges 35c ^ Vick's I Inhaler > 49c laxative 39/ lei us compound your next pmscripti LIQUID urg HAI* SPRAY $3.25 VAL. 49 C©UGH SYRUP Automatic PRAK-T-((AL VAPORIZER * Gallon Capacity • 6-8 Hours 9 Shuts Off Automatically 11) asper» ChewingGum Aspirin 34/ ti BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. BRUS EV 5-4500 DR. WEST DENTURE PI vi 10% Fodored CscIm Tm en TdioMos