Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jan 1962, p. 19

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\ T&uwdaf, Jsmiavr 1#, 1962 *BE BfcHKNSY KJUHDEA1EH ftg» maaMM HoWay Mlb ELECT OFFICERS AT NEXT MEETING OF ASSOCIATION Inez Young The next meeting of the Holiday Hills Property Owners association will be held on Monday, Jan. 22, so please reserve that date. This will be a very important meeting because a slate of officers for the coming year will be presented. Nominations may also be made from the floor at this time. The next year will be a very important one for our community. Why not resolve, right now, to have a voice and a hand in what goes on. After all, what happens here effects us -- our children, our homes, our roads, our beaches. You notice it's ours, yours, mine. Let's all work together on it. It's a pretty nice place to live, let's keep it that way, and try to make it even better. If you'd like a voice in what goes on, be there. If there's someone you'd like to see in office, be there. Nominations will be accepted from the floor, or, if you wish, call someone from the nominating com mittee. Bill Schmidt is heading this committee and helping him are Mac Ary, Con Kasparzak, Frank Krueger and Joan Van Duyn. Woman's Club Frozen Opt ' The Holiday Hills Woman's club cancelled its meeting for the month of January because of the extremely cold weather. The next meeting will be held oil the regular* meeting night, the second Wednesday of the month, Fab. 14. Let's keep our f i n g e r s crossed for b e t t e r weather, on second thought, maybe you'd better not, they may freeze that way. Welcome, New Neighbor This week we'd like to extend a hearty welcome to abrand new neighbor, so new, in fact, that they moved in in- 1962. Bessie arid Wiiiaiu 5urtner moved into their home at 1508 Catalpa Drive right after the New Years was ushered in. Their daughter, Judy, and her husband, Russell Cox, are living with them, since Russell will soon be leaving for the service. The Burtners have two more c h i l d r e n , Robert and Jeartf both married and living in Wauconda. They also boast three grandchildren. Their son, Robert, has two --a girl, aged 3, and a boy, aged 6 months, and their daughter, Jean Jones, has a daughter, 2 years old. Bessie, Willard, > Judy and Russell moved here from Wauconda but they all originally came from Muncie, Ind. Willard is employed as welder in Elgin and Russell works at a service station in Barrington. Judy is interested in becoming a nurse's aide and Bessie tells me she loves flowers, sewing, crocheting and grandchildren. Each week from now on we'll be visiting a neighbor, some new ones, some old ones. Watch the column, maybe you'll he next. Birthday Party Followed by Tonsillectomy Billy Mahon, who was 4 years old on Jan. 5, was scheduled to celebrate with a party on Sunday, Jan. 7. Things looked pretty bleak, what with the roads so bad and the snow still falling, when grandma and grandpa showed up, braving snow and storm with a big birthday cake. So they celebrated t o g e t h e r . Grandma, whose real name is Julia Rachwalski, and whose birthday is Jan. 15 and Billy. Two days later Billy went £ to McHenry hospital and had * his tonsils and adenoids removed. He came home on Jan. 11 and mama Mary Ann tells me he was a very good patient and is feeling much better now. Happy Birthday A happy birthday to Matthew Justes who was 11 years old on Jan. 16, and a belated happy birthday to Gloria Smith •0 who had a birthday on Jan. 5. Speediest Way To Get Cab Service No matter where you are, our Radio Dispatched Cab is always ready to serve you. Your call brings it over fast. McHenry Cdfe PiL 3SV®?gr@©a 5-0723 Lafcofend Park Hold General Meeting Sunday Gloria Flannlgan - EV 5-4710 Chris Foszcz - EV 5-4042 There will be a general meeting on Sunday, Jan. 21. at the community house. The time is .'i p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting as it is for the benefit of all property owners. Minstrel Showboat - The Lakeland Park showboat, sponsored by the Marengo P.T.A., will be presented at the Marengo high school Jan. 28 at 3:30 p.m. Also it will be presented at the Harrison school in Wonder Lake sponsored by the Wonder Lake Kiwanis club on Feb. 11 at 3 p.m. Chorus rehearsals will be every Friday at 7:30 at the community house. Anyone interested in joining the showboat is most welcome. the girls who helped so willingly on the C. P. drive. I think they should have their names mentioned! V i c k e y Bottari, Carole Humann, Helen Strandquist, Jesse Matthews, Dotty Becker, Gerry Wagner, Polly Li castro, Claudia Garn, Evelyn Kaminski, Helen Hayes, Delores Belhovay, Betty Kamp, June G i l b e r t s o n , Dorothy Meineke, Dorothy Glorch, Dolly Nowell, Flossie Kawa, Ann Wohnrade, Jo Rizzo and Sharon Wagner. And a big hand to all the husbands who helped the girls brave the storm. The chairman for Lakeland Park was Dorothy Glorch. Community House Schedule Thursday, Jan, 18- Evening --Democratic club; Friday, Jan. 19--7:30 p.m.--Minstrel chorus group; Sunday, Jan. 21 --General meeting; Monday, Jan. 22--Board meeting; Tuesday, Jan. 23 --Evening Boy Scout meeting: Wednesday. Jan. 23 -Brownies--3:30 - 5 p.m. - evening, Little League open meeting. If anyone wishes to make a booking for the community house or make a cancellation, give enough notice in this case so that another booking can be made. Please call Jo Rizzo 385 2728. Farewell This is a farewell and good luck to Tom and Joan Nick, who have moved from our fair community to Tomahawk, Wis. They will be missed by all of ! their friends' who wish them all the best in their new venture. ' Installed Ken Boyce was installed into Wonder Lake Kiwanis club as vice-president on Jan. 13. Also installed on the board of directors was Floyd Leigh and A l fred Deitz, who was unable to attend because he is in the hospital. Nineteen members of Lakeland Park attended the a f fair which was held at Matthews hall in Wonder Lake. Bands and Seals Needed Once agdm we are making the appeal for those bands and seals from coffee cans and jars. So please ladles save your coffee strips and seals and bring them along with you to the next Women's club meeting so we may purchase that very badly needed coffee pot Lyda Radisch is the one who is doing all the collecting and you may call her up at 385-2754 and she will be glad to pick them up. Get-Well Wishes We would like to wish a speedy recovery to Alfred Dietz who is in the Woodstock hospital. We hope to see him up and around very soon and also get-well wishes to Rich Janczak who has been in a Chicago hospital for a few days. Birthday Wishes "Happy Birthday" to Grace Serio who chalked up another year on Jan. 17, to Jack Oakford on Jan. 19 and to Pam Fosacz who will be four years old on Jan. 19 and another wish to Agnes Clove and Dorothy Moore who share the same day Jan. 20. And a belated wish to Kathy Humann who was eight years old on Jan. 16. And to Kirk Nick who was a year old on Jan. 9 and to Jean Krater who celebrated another year on Jan. 8. May you all have a pleasant day. Birthday Doings Mary Ellen Johnson who was six years old on Jan. 12 celebrated her birthday on Jan. 13 with a few of her friends. Her guests were Marian and Annette Nicolai, Roslyn Knebel, Karen, Debbie and Pammy Foszcz. They all had a wonderful time devouring the ice cream, cake and candy after which they enjoyed a few games. Mark Rogers had a little family party in honor of his second birthday. Cerebral Palsy Fund Drive Gratitude is expressed to all Wi Mi TIME CM DELCO Prongs 6anwatli MMaotteeJft i How® <1^ sif MrdrqstMi • iQitallstiM Hidi ftiaaf • unit! • Loo-3o£>t» kq aatf iferaMt • 2*rml EARNINGS 8c SON Heating & Air Conditioning Sales & Service -- Conversions i 100» Phone: HP M, E2SJ£I3E®33 f. 7-8115 Visitors Petey and Jack Oakford had a house full of company last weekend. On Saturday their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hase and their five children from Rolling Meadows. On Sunday their guejgfs were Mr. and Mrs. Arvy Anderson and their six children fronffi Chicago. On both days the Oakfords took their guests to Crys-' tal Lake for a little sledding. They had a most enjoyable time. Matt and Sue Grizely had visitors last Saturday evening. The John Steele family came over to play a little game of "Scrabble". The boys natureJy won the games. On Sunday the Grizelys had some more company. They were Sue's mother and brother and sister, Mrs. D. Mester. Kathy and Chuck of Chicago. They sure had to be brave to come out in that storm. Don and Toots Gerstad had overnight guests on Friday in the persons of Toots' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkinbine. They stopped by enroute to Florida. Lane for the past three years. They moved here from Chicago. They have three children Bobby, age nine, who is in thp third grade at Valley View school and Nancy, age six, who also attends first grade at Valley View school and tiny Carole, who will be one year old on Jan. 27 and helps around the house. Bobby is a Little Leaguerer and Nancy takes dancing lessons. Bob is a chemist for the Chicago North Western Railroad ana his hobbies are all kinds of sports, bowling, dancing and being a good father. He is a Little League coach, assistant Cub Scout Master at the Community church and assistant player agent for Little League. Jesse enjoys working with children handicrafts, cooking and that ever loving past time •'Koffee Klatching". She belongs to the Women's club and is a representative for the Mother club for Little League. Bob and Jesse are both graduates of Steinmetz high school in Chicago. They had been neighbors for many years which is how they met and started to go together. They all belong to the Community Methodist church in McHenry. AVERAGE SALES TAX TABLE NOW MADE AVAILABLE Tripoly Party Grace Mandziara entertained last week one day the girls with a Tripoly party and a delicious lunch. It was in honor of her mother, Mrs. Bull of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., who has been spending some time with Grace. Of'course mom had made a lot of the goodies. The gals attending the party were Ruth Hauptmann. Ivy Lezak, Ann Herzog and Edna Hour tras. They all had a wonderful time. Meet Your Neighbor They are Bob and Jesse Matthews who ilve at 4616 Willow The availability of a printed table. Internal Revenue Service Document No. 5315, reflecting average state general sales tax payments by Illinois residents has been announced by Harold R. All, district director of Internal Revenue Service at Chicago. "Taxpayers who itemize their deductions instead of taking the standard deduction on Form 1040 may find the table helpful in determining the amount paid for sales taxes during 1961," he said. Mr. All stated that the law requires taxpayers to substantiate any deduction claimed on their returns and, if requested, they must be prepared to do so. Ordinarily, however, they will not be asked to produce records to support the sales tax deduction claimed unless it exceeds the amount shown in the table. He pointed out, in this connection, that the tabulated average state general sales tax payments take into account taxes paid on large household items and automobiles as well as payments of compensating general use tax on out-of-state purchases of taxable commodities. Therefore, taxpayers who wish to determine their total general sales tax payments byadding taxes paid on their major expenditures to taxes paid on the ordinary purchases should not use the figure in the table as a measure of their sales tax payments on ordinary expenditures. "Taxpayers"^ may obtain copies of the table by writing the Internul Revenue Service, Forms Counter, 22 West Madison Street, Chicago", Mr. Al> advised. Use The Classifieds , Drapery Fabrics wmwmt yd. 45 in. wide # # and up 9 Dress Fabrics Woolens -- Synthetics -- Skirt Lengths # Remrran+s Drapery -- Dress Upholstery Fabrics # Carpet Samples 50* _ » Acrilan Blanket Remnan+s Ideal tor baby sleepers. Children's coats, lin'sags Beautiful pastel shades J4< civemeuer 3 1008 E. lit. 120 -- McHenry (West of Volo) 9:80 till 5:30 -- Sun. Noon till 8:00 Closed Mondays 885-2295 Village of Suta&yside URGE RESIDENTS TO CLEAR SNOW FROM MAIL BOXES Therese Schneider - EV 5-1298 Everyone please clear the snow that has collected in front of your mailboxes as the mail man cannot get in to deposit the mail in the boxes. Condolenres We would like to extend our sincere sympathy to Bernard Kennebeck on the death of his brother, Ray. Reminder Don't forget to get your vehicle and dog tags for this year from Irma Gunther, eithet weekdays after five or on Saturdays or Sundays. Please do not wait until the last minute to purchase these tags. Caution When you are driving through the village please drive with caution as there are children with their sleds playing on the streets. Brownies Tuesday's meeting was held at Marion Pflug's home. Each Brownie practiced the flag ceremony and then sang songs to finish the meeting. attend the meeting. How can you expect results when you fail to come and give your opinions at these meetings? Remember these meetings are for you to attend so please try to be at the next one. Camera Club Movies •«, Last week the Deppemeiers and the Hillmans had a showing of the movies taken on New Year's Eve. Those present watching themselves on film were Bob and Bernice Froehlig and daughter, Susan, and George anil Mary Mecko. Visitors Ron Wiggerman's brother, Roger, spent an enjoyable visit at the Wiggerman home. Roger is a corporal in the Marine Corps antf was previously stationed at Camp Pendeiton, Calif. He will spend the remaining nineteen months of duty at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Sick List Scott Wiggerman is down with the chicken pox. Eola Hillman, Birdie Deppemeier and s o n s , Brent and Brad, are a l l down with bad colds. We hope that you all will l>e on your feet in no time. Basketball Team The Johnsburg public school's l>asketball team won its second game with Avon school 34-13. Birthday Celebrations Bill Gunther celebrated his birthday a week later due to the weather and his daughter, Barb, her husband, Frank, Bill's son and his wife, and his grandchildren helped him celebrate. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday to Buddy Pflug who will be six on the eighteenth of January and belated birthday wishes to David Williams who was four on th£ ninth of January. PISTAKEE TERRACE NEWS Association Meeting Cancelled The association meeting, which was to be have been held on Jan. 8, was cancelled because of residents failing to Birthday (>rcetings Birthday wishes to Ron Wiggerman oil Jan. 23. ALIENS SHOULD REPORT ADDRESSES IN NEAR FUTURE District Director Wilbor T. Flagg of the Immigration and Naturalization service staled that aliens in the United States will be required to report their addresses to the attorney general within the near future. All a l i e n s with a few e x c e p tions, who arc in the United States on Jan. 1. each year must report their addresses by the end of that month. j-Onlv 'the following classes of aliens are excused from this requirement: (1) Accredited diplomats; (2) Persons accredited to certain international organizations: and (3) Those admitted temporarily as agricultural laborers. Forms with which to make the report can be obtained from any post office or immigration office during the month of January. Mr. Flagg said that the law provides severe penalties for failure to comply with the reporting requirement. At the last meeting of the McHenry Camera club Wednesday night. Jack Salika gave a highly interesting demonstration on photographing autoracing in color on slides. Jack showed many shots of cars, wrecks. etc., from his slide file as a racing enthusiast. The techniques of shooting this interesting and popular sport were explained and Jack's slides were extremely good. Our application for CACCA was filled out and mailed. This assures the membership of the help of this fine organization devoted to improvement of the photographic arts. In the highly competitive contests in selective focus, use Was made of the new judging scoreboard that was constructed by Joe Hudetz. Mike Brown was the winner with a shot in full color that caused a great deal of comment. The club is extremely proud of Mike's work. This one in particular impressed one of the visitors, the representative of a publishing house who offered Mike a very substantial price for use of the negative. Second place went to Cecil Kan"- tcr. with Jack Salika taking third place. In the black and white division, Jack Salika took first, Joe Hudetz, second and also third. On Sunday, a goodly numl> er of members braved* th*r new snow fall to' journey to Jack Salika's home in Wauconda to participate in Studio Night. The model was extremely photogenic and with all tiie lighting and other aids, some very fine shots resulted. This was for portraits only and was limited to members only. If any of the Piaindealer's many readers would like to improve their camera techniques and be part of an activ* group, be sure to come to the Camera Center on Riverside Drive in McHenry on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. One of the orders of new business at next month's meeting will be the nomination of officers. The membership very cordially invites visitors and other interested people to take advantage of our club and its willing helpfulness. Won't you i come out? i David Heckmann In the 1530's, Pizarro and his 185 Spanish soldiers killed over 6,000 Incas, in one battle, and lost only one man. Ever hear of anybody bursting into song in a dentist's waiting room? FREUND'S DAISY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products 1-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 11 Reasons Why To So* Us If Yon Neod A Walar System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling. -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Sub» mersibies and Sump Fumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery "Ward* and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are Completely Insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do, both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY B THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK ieHenry County Well 1 Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and 8ervt«e ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in Ihe Village of McCullom Lake 2tt miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV ft-0252 or Residence EV 5-071S NOW! A NEW WORLD OF WORTH! sto tfmsr par&^ssSssr faSNB more i?Ms ©fae&rolet GffffQtro MSgfo Tcs&ogsso osag/lnea IneQoadMinigi a Sta* Zte? QBasjhtm ©dloBo GfcaG cscq<£<qxQi7Q @©iver m O O Q tatnl&l £3 V8f Bus S£sQvrol@S MQ8®ry ma a emtiSGw® £2Q<&7 ^BqqqBss ChQvroltmt* 6«r 4m 53 and #1f-SS. Cheyr^let has been first in the since 1937 because it kas beets able to prove that its quality costs less over the years. At last count there were 424,381 more Chevrolet trucks over 10 years old still working and saving than any other make. Quality is always a smarter investment, especially when its purchase price is strictly competitive. Let your Chevrolet dealer show you truck quality point by point. Compar © earefyfty. Then make your deci- W® feslieve it will be Chevrolet JOBMASTER TRUCKS HIT BETTER TO KEEP SMMG AND AND SA '-- m sisii m SAVING AND SAVING SAVtll AND SAVINS Oil SAVING AND SAVING AND Z SAVItii fiND SAVING Aitt SAVING AND SAVING AID SAVING See ymr Chevrolet dealer for trucks that respect a dollar CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 38©! W. Elm Street McHenry. Ilk EVetgrom 5-0277 \

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