Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1962, p. 12

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Page Ttottvi THE McHENRY PLAMDEALER Thursday, February 1, life Sunnyside Esiales NEPHEW OF LOCAL COUPLE WINNER IN SKATING CONTEST Polly Stevens f 386-1256 Adeline and Hank Zeiger are just about bust in' their buttons over the success of her nephew, George Michehl. of North brook. George, 20-year old son of Adeline's sister, Dot and husband, George. Sr., has won the silver skate award of the 1962 champion contest. Young Michehl is a construction specialist at Colorado State and plans to major in physical education. He is now connected with the Chicago park district recreational division. We would like to extend a- congratulations to our former correspondent, Adeline, oh the\ accomplishment of her nepnew and best wishes to all the Wiily. Success Mary Rose, co-chairman of McHenry County and chairman of Sunnyside Estates for the Cerebral Palsy drive, was delighted and gratified at the response of the residents of our subdivision. Helping to make this drive a success were Bernice Fry, Florence Kanter, Betty Lakowske. Marge Palmer and Helen Wegner. Girl Scout News Ten girls attended the last meeting of Troop 295 held al the home of Mrs. Katherine Dehn. The troop was very grateful for a gift of money from the Johnsburg PTA. Carla Martin was cookie hostess for this meeting. A court of awards will be held Feb. 11. from 2 to 4 p.m. and refreshments will be served. Our new reporter, Kandy Kobus, will supply our Scout news each week. 'Mount Hope News Another milestone in the growth of Mount Hope Methodist church was reached Tuesday evening, Jan. 23, with the installation of officers of the newly formed chapter of the Women's Society for Christian Service. The officers are: President, Billie J ones; Vice-President, Glenda Wieck; Recording Secretary, Polly Stevens; Treasurer, Hazel Rogde and Florence Smith as Spiritual Life Secretary. We all feel humble and are at the same time honored at the trust placed in us. We will try to fulfill our obligations. The W.S.C.S. is a' national organization of the Methodist church and its purpose is to unite the women of the church in christian living and service, and to work for the church to improve civic, community and world conditions, among many other services sponsored by the W.S.C.S. Reverend Stewart Smith gave a short talk and explanation of the organization before the meeting was turned over to the new president. One of the first projects of the W.S.C.S. is a bake sale to be held in a store in Fox Lake on Saturday, Feb. 24. Posters in stores in Fox Lake will proclaim the time and place. Any lady in the neighboring ! area who wishes to join the W.S.C.S. may do so without being a member of the church. All ladies are cordially invited to attend the meetings which will be held each second Tuesday of each month at Mount Hope church at 8 p.m. After the meeting ajourned refreshments were served in the church basement and hostesses for the evening were Sally Jo Von Bruenchenhein and Barb Sisk. his parents, Adeline and Hank, and younger brother, Davy. Jerry attends Wisconsin State college at Whitewater. Let's Go Visitin' Let's visit Mr. and Mrs. Kimbro at 1714 W. Grandview dr. They came to live in Sunnyside Estates from Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1955. There was a short lay-over in a summer cottage in Wauconda while the home was built. Mr. K is a retired railroad man and his hobbies are fishing and gardening and he has a veiy green tliumb. Mrs. K enjoys cooking, and is a good cook, and her hobby is African violets by the millions. They have one child, a daugh- j ter. little old lovable me. I am prejudiced, of course, but I think they are a pretty nice couple and they have the best son-in-law that was ever hatched. Sick List We are glad to. report that Adeline Zieger is over her strep throat. Ray Bieschke and daughter. Tamifiy. have been ill with colds. Alice's mother. Mrs. Dietrich. of Fox Lake entered St: Therese hospital Thursday, Jan. 25 for surgery. Our best wishes went with her. George Kropf. Jr., had an acciflent at Fort Campbell, Ky. and came home with bruises and cuts, which mama Millie doctored. We were sorry to see Magnus Olson in St. Therese for another cast for his arm. Mr. Olson was in an automobile accident some months ago and his arm' refuses to knit properly hence 1hc cast again. Hooray:!!!! our mom, Mrs Kimbro. is home! She came home Thursday, Jan, 25. Our gooci ncighlx$k Joan and Stan Walczynski. came down with her mom's wheelchair and they whisked Mrs. K in the house quicker than a wink. We are blessed with good neighbors in Sunnyside Estates. Birthdays Happy birthday today, Thursday, to 2-year-old Miss ffim Olsen and Christofer Weiman Best wishes to Pat Spindler, 1-year-old Sandy Lee Tyler, Barbara Weiman and 9-yearold Donnie Fiedler on Feb. 4. Bob Garber celebrates alone on Feb. 5. Greetings to 7-year old Stan Walczynski, 13-year old Paul McDonald and Earl Fry on Feb* 6. Happy birthday to Ronald Siepman. on Feb. 7. Many happv returns of the day to you ail. Anniversary Congratulations to Betty and Bob Lakowske on their fourteenth wedding anniversary on Feb. 7. Lilymoor Hold Pot-Luck Supper Feb. 10 Shirley Schuerr A pot-luck supper is bein^ held Saturday, Feb. 10, at the community house. All Mr. and Mrs. residents of Lilymoor are invited to come to the supper. You are asked to bring a dish to share with someone else. A social get-together will be held afterward. Please contact Pearle Stineman at 385-6144 or this reporter at 385-2645 for te time. Auxiliary News he next Woman's auxiiiar .neeting will be h^ld MoncJji.,. Feb. 5. at the enmwrfmity house, time, 8 p.m. One of the things to be discussed will be the time the pot-luck supper will start. Hostesses for the February meeting are Tena Bel lino, Eunice Tobey and Shirlev Schuerr. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to express my deepest gratitude for the cards, letters, messages of cheer and flowers sent to me while I was confined in the hospital. I am especially grateful to Rev. Stewart Smith of Mt. Hope church, Helen Hanson of Gurnee and Joan and Stan Walczynski. Yoi; have all been so very kind. Mrs. A. S. Kimbro *2-1-02 Brownie News At the Tuesday, Jan. 23. meeting of Troop 150 the girls j studied the Girl Scout laws to get ready for the "fly-up" ; ceremony. Some of the Brow- i nies will soon become Scouts, j Groups of three pantomimed j the Laws while the other girls tried to guess what it was. i They painted their lemme sticks in the color of their choice. Linda Hosier and Gloria Kuncl were cookie hostesses and Alice Mayer was mother helper for this meeting. Mid-Term Jerry Zeiger spent four days of his mid-term vacation with AGRICULTURE CHANGES A change in the general over-all philosophy of the Illinois Department of Agriculture is probably the most significant happening for the year 1961, Ralph S. Bradley, director of agriculture, said this week in a vear-end report. "It is Gov. Kernel's desire to promote the progress and healthy economy of Illinois agriculture in all its phases." Bradley stated. The fields of marketing and soil and water conservation were areas requiring particular additional aid. In his report. Bradley said that the services of the Division of Markets have been made available to any group seeking help and aid for any program or activity which will improve the position of the Illinois farmer in the market place. Surprise Sli ower A surprise baby shower wa> held for Mrs. Carol Priller Sunday. Jan. 21. Carol, daughter of Lou and LaVerne Schueler, was very surprised when she walked into her uncle Bud Schueler's home in Lakemoor to see so many there. Hostesses for the shower were Carol's aunts, Arlene Berg and Shirley Moffett o< Chicago. The wee one-to-be received many beautiful gifts. There were sixteen people there to surprise Carol. Gift Shop The Woman's auxiliary's gift shop will be open every Wednesday evening from 8 p.m. til) ? ? It will also be open Monday, Feb. 5, and at any time there are doings going on at the community house. Proceeds from the sales are to help improve the community. Much of the merchandise has been reduced in price. Library News The library board of the McHenry N u n d a Township Public District library held its monthly meeting Tuesday, Ja'n. 23, to discuss the business on hand. A reminder that the library is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2 to 5 p.m.; Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m.; also Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to 4.30 p.m. The bookmobile exchange will be at the library tomorrow Friday, Feb. 2, at 1 p.m. If you would like any books from the bookmobile please let Diane Zundel know the title or titles of the book or books you want and she will gladly try and get them for you. The library is located on the second floor of the firehouso in Lakemoor on route 120. Association News The Lilymoor association at this time would like to welcome five new members. They are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rodde, Mr. and Mrs. Art Basenau, Mrs. Lucille Gatto, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schavonie and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fantus. To you all we say welcome and we are glad to have you as a member. The next as sociation meeting will be held Tuesday. Feb. 13, at the community house, time, 8 p.m. Birthday Greetings go to Tena Bellino who will celebrate her big day tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 2. Anniversary Greetings go to James and Andrea Johnson. They will celebrate their wedding anniversary Tuesday. Feb. 6. Congratulations to you both. Ill Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Frederick are wishing her a speeding recovery and that ' she is soon home from the Harvard hospital. Village of Sunnyside NEW REPORTER, GLENDA WIECK, WRITES COLUMN Glenda Wieck - 385-4716 Hi folks! the slip-ups, mistakes and I hope, well written articles can now be blamed on me, Glenda Wieck. As your new reporter 1 will endeavor to perform this task as well as my predecessor. As it has been said so many times before, my work can only be done well if I am informed of all the activities that are happening in our village. So come on folks, live it up! Have lots of company, parties, babies, birthdays, anniversaries and fun. but the most important part is -- don't forget to tell me so that together we can share our news with our friends and neighbor^. Confirmation and Parties The fifth and ,sixMf~'grade boys and girls /bf St. John's parish were confirmed last Sunday, Jan. 28, at 11:45 a.m. Dressed in their traditional caps and gowns, they made a precious and impressive picture. Mary Kay and Richie Fredricks were guests of honor a I a dinner party, last Sunday after their confirmation at St. John's parish. The party was held at Grandma Gerasch's home in McHenry. A delicious dinner was enjoyed by their snonsors and relatives. Chuckie Fritz was also honored at a dinner party following his confirmation. His guests included Grandma and Grandpa Barry and Mr. and Mrs. Thuerk, all from Evanston, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lehman of Sunnyside. Confirmation time made the Gunther home a busy place as their daughter, Dorothy, was confirmed with the rest of her elassmates. Her celebration dinner was altended by he r sponsor, Barbara Cannataro, and other friends and relative's. Beside the confirmation of Dorothy, Irma and son, Fred, were sponsors for other children being confirmed at the same time. Irma sponsored a little miss named Joan Lima from Pistakee Terrace and Fred stood up for a master Michael Harrington from our village. Attend Bridal Shower I r m a G u n t h e r a n d h e r daughter, Dorothy, atl ended a bridal shower for Irma's niece. Miss Lourie Gunther, in Elmwood Park, Sunday, Jan. 21. Irma said that with the weather prediction being what it was that she planned to pack a big lunch and take plenty of time getting there to assure a safe arrival. Whenever a person thinks of himself as middle aged, he isn't, anymore. Brownie News The leaders and committee members of Brownie Troop 150 met Thursday, Jan. 18, in the home of Marion Pflug. The activities of the coming month were discussed and planned. The next committee meeting will be held in the home of Alice Bieschke, on Feb. 15. Brownie Troop 150 met at their regular meeting, Jan. 23. They started to learn the Girl Scout laws and sang songs and pantomimed the laws they had been taught. They also painted Lemme Sticks. Cookie hostesses were Gloria Kunel and Linda Hosier. President, Rhonda Sc'nultz, and Mother Helper, Alice Meyer. This week's reporter was Nancy Roggenbuck. As a supplement to their regular meetings, every other week this Brownie troop has been taking dancing lessons, taught by a professional teacher. They have been taught such steps as the cha-cha-cha and also a little tumbling. At their next dancing session they will learn the Virginia-reel. In addition to their regular meetings and dancing lessons, once each month their troop has an outside activity. This month's outing was a tobogganing party and they all romped and had a glorious time. Plates, Stickers and Tags In t a l k i n g with Irma Gunth- NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. + For Complete Selections + For Open Display Shopping siek S@lf-S@rviee Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. »REEN .STAMPS lllstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza er, our village clerk, she tells me that not too many people have purchased their vehicle stickers and dog tags yet. To obtain the dog tags an owner must show proof of their pet having had his 1962 rabies shot. The tags and stickers can be gotten at Irma's home after five o'clock on weekends and all day Saturday. I have also been asked to remind my fellow villagers that Feb. 15 is the date that we MUST have our 1962 license plates ON our cars. After that date we will be fined. Attend Paraplegic Basketball Game Al Fritz, children and Nora went to Elmhurst recently to see the paraplegics play an excellent game of basketball in iheir wheelchairs. Fritz said that the game was almost a heartbreaker but the Chicago team came through in the last seconds and won the game by one point. Everyone agreed that they all had a ball. Installation of Officers The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Mt. Hope Methodist church held their installation of officers on Jan. 23. Officers installed were: Billie Jones, president; Glenda Wieck, vice-president; Polly Stevens, secretary; Hazel Rogde, treasurer and Florence Smith, spiritual life secretary. The Reverend Stewart Smith gave a talk about the origin and nature of the W. S. C.S. followed by a question and answer period. He then installed the officers and turned the meeting over to the new president. A brief meeting was held and plans were made for a bake sale which will beJaekt on Feb. 24 in one of the Fox Lake stores. Be sure and watch for posters telling of the exact time and location. The meeting then adjourned and the ladies retired to the basement for refreshments served by Barb Sisk and Sally Jo Von Bruechenhein. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 13 and thereafter all regular meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month. Hostesses for next month will be Polly Stevens and Hazel Morley. Intermediate Youth Fellowship On Feb. 11 the Mt. Hope Methodist church will start an intermediate youth fellowship for the children of sixth, seventh and eighth grade age. They will meet from six o'clock until seven o'clock on Sunday evenings. The Senior M. Y. F. will then meet from 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Birthdays This week we have two birthday greetings to extend. 1 am sad to say that one of them must be belated but never the less we wish to say happy birthday to Eugenia Tucker who celebrated her day on Jan. 27. Happy birthday to Cheryl Patterson who will be 12 on Feb. 2. Anniversaries It seems the cold weather month of January took its toll on the ringing of the wedding bells, for I have no anniversaries to report this week. Pistakee Terrace On Jan. 15 Mrs. Mary Stengl, the grandmother of Barb Zamastil, passed away. She was 78 years of age. After being waked at the Richter Funeral home in Addison, cremation rites were held on Jan. 18. Bad luck was in store for Barbara's brother, Bill Zimmerman of North Dakota. On his way to the funeral he was involved in an auto accident. Luckily there were no serious injuries. Also on Tuesday, Jan. 16, Barbara's brother, Chuck, was taken to Elmhurst hospital for an appendicitis operation. All in all it was a hectic week for the Zamastils. Winter Outing Norb and Bernie Cisewski and Barb and Don Zamastil went on a winter outing on Saturday, Jan. 20. The outing was sponsored by the Homebuilders Club of the McHenry Methodist church. There were twenty couples for an enjoyable evening of skiing, ice skating and toboggoning. Home from Hospital Willard Hillman is nowhome from the McHenry hospital recovering from surgery. Also Bill Kern was recently in McHenry hospital for surgery. He came home last week. We hope both Willard and Bill are feeling better. Visiting the Meokos Alice Mecko, the new daughter- in-lalvjof George and Mary Mecko, spent a pleasant weekend visit with them. She came alone because her husband, George, Jr., is now stationed in Spain. Sick List Regina Kern, Mike Mecko and Wayne Walters are all on our sick list this week. They are all down with the flu. Also Mark and Brad Wiggerman are down with the chicken pox. Ringwood * MINISTER. WIFE ATTEND SEMINAR IN WASHINGTON Ruby Shepard The mid-winter institute for the senior high M.Y.F. will be at Wesley Woods next Saturday and Sunday. This coming week our church is sending Rev. and Mrs. Breneman to Washington, D.C. for the Illinois Methodist Ministers' winter seminar. As members of this seminar, they will enjoy interviews with the Secretary of Labor, and representatives from government agencies. The trip will include a visit to embassies, visits with representatives of the state department, our commission on social concerns and many others. You fEre invited to be in attendance on Sunday Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. in our church for a report on the highlights of this trip. 9 Years Old Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and daughter, Jackie, Ronald Cruetz and Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Sunday in the Dick Malseh home and helped Bobby Malseh celebrate his ninth birthday. Recovering from Accident Norb Mierzwa from Oeffling subdivision is now home from the hospital recovering from the auto accident he was in a few weeks ago. He is feeling a lot better now. That's It See you next week. COMMERCIAL FUTURE OF CITY AFFECTED BY PLAN Last week an article reviewed the accomplishments of the McHenry Plan commission during the past year, and dealt particularly with the plans as they will affect the residential future of the community. This week we will cite some of the instances in which the commercial future of McHenry is affected. The report of the commission recommends removing "through" traffic from the business district by re-routing Rt. 120 on a pair of one-way streets and extension of Rt. 31, north from Rt. 120 along a new alignment to connect with the new freeway. Another suggestion is to increase ease of traffic circulation through the improvement of the three principal intersections, improving Third street and Court to make a one-way Another provision calls for pair with Green street. major parking areas for existing facilities at the Riverside Drive, Green street and Elm street retail centers. The commission also suggests re-locating and re-aligning various business activities into definite zoning districts for retail, commercial, recreation, service and regional service activities. Adding attractiveness to the area is suggested through landscaping, covered walkways, and utilization of Boone creek as a traffic generator. No woman will likely deceive you about their age, but many will try. 11 Reasons To Sm U» B You A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK II &Pl WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV ft-6252 or Residence EV 6-0718 Home Circle The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn Feb. 8 with Mrs. Louis Winn as co-hostess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley called on relatives at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert, Mrs. Millie Rush and Mrs. Fred Bowman spent Wednesday morning in the Russel Ehlert home at Richmond. Mrs. Pearl Berg returned home Sunday from the Woodstock Memorial hospital where she was a patient following a fall on the ice. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley were Sunday dinner guests in the Ernest Reinwall home at McHenry. Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron, Miss Nancy Ainger of Normal, 111. and James Hilton of Hebron were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shephard. Miss Lily "Boyd spent the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehler and daughter, Mabel, spen Saturday in the Duane Ehfer home at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawle_ Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilco^ of Woodstock and Mr. an< Mrs. Walter Low and fa( 11^ j were Sunday dinner guesty i in the Beatty-Low home. Aft* emoon callers were Mr. an? Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmonc Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearso; and son, Jim, had dinner a Crystal Lake, Sunday. The Richard Schmitt famil. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt of Mc Henry were dinner guests o Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bre^-~fu\ Wednesday evening. Mrs. Louis Winn, Mrs. Jame Wegener and son, Freddie, an| Mrs. Bob Brennan sper Wednesday in the Don Smar home at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson of Plaines were visitors at Mr: Nellie Hepburn's Saturday. Elmer Holdorf and daughter f , were Sunday dinnei in the Ray Han( lo| I and Mrs. Hanson of Ch? »vere callers in the Mr: Nellie Hepburn home Thursday Loren Harrison spent Sur day at Sugar Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wim Mr. and Mrs. James Wegenc and son, Freddie, and Fre Wiedrich spent Sunday aftei noon in the Phelp Saundei home at Sycamore. It Mr. and Mrs. William Cruiclj shank spent Saturday afteij noon in the Francis Cost ell; home near Hartland. Pat Karls of McHenry sperjj the weekend with Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Gary Harrison of Greenwoo; spent the weekend with h grandparents. Mr. and Mr Roy Harrison. q Among those from here t attend the mid winter cor ference of the Moose at M< Henry Sunday afternoon wei Mrs. John Hogan, Miss Ion Brever, Miss Nancy Bowma and Mrs. Walter Low. Those from here to atten the birthday party for Alvi Benoy at McHenry Saturda evening were Mr. and Mr Paul Walkington, Mr. and lS" Walter Low, Mr. and Mr: Russel Rasmussen, Mr. an Mrs. Robert Decker and M; and Mrs. Bill Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sper cer and family and Mr. an Mr«L Sigurd Jacobsen an daughters spent Sunday wit Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sower; Old age has no fears J,n those who remain young. ^ Id Fashioned Siisage Shop Thurs., Fri., i rn tfrT1 r rWassas SifOlPt ri Having a crowd In for m lalie supper? Bet they'd all go for Jewel's own plump, juicy Old Fashioned Wieners, spiced just the way you like 'em! Buy these tender, all meat Wieners by the yard to be sure you have plenty for seconds and thirds! OLD FASHIONED 4% «» 89c TEA CO."*C available now at.. Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St. 'el Pastry Si Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! it1 ROUND ALMOND Coffee Ca each TEA CO. available now at.., Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St

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