Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1962, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Holiday Hills NAME CANDIDATES SEEKING OFFICES IN ASSOCIATION Inez Voting The Holiday 1311s Property Owners' Association held its monthly meeting at the Abbink home on Monday, Jan. 22. The most imi>ortant aspect of the evening was the presentation of a slate of officers for the election which is to be held on Sunday, Feb. 11. Names on the slate are as follows: president, Harry Postal; vice-pres., Harry Schroeder and Clarence (Dick) Bemis; corresponding secretary, Mary Mahon; recording secretary, Alice Malzahn; treasurer, Hank Haufe; board of directors, Unit ^1, Hank Haufe and Con Kasparzak; Unit 2, Lou Laskowski, Hank Ferreri, Lorraine Bemis and H. Schmitt; Unit 3, Rich Wyczesany and Elmer Mettelka; Unit 4, Victor Justes and John Potratz; Unit 5. Don Gabriel and Jim Clark; and directors at large, Elmer Mettelka and Ellen Erickson. More details of the election vyijl follow in the coming We&ks. for refreshments and then all were transported to the theater to see a movie. Matthew's guests included Tom Ary, Jim Harper, John Connell, Tom and Mike Janik, Guy Karafa, Mike Krueger, John Laskowski, Joe Luna and Stanley Strama. / Surprise Birthday Party -Ellen Erickson was most pleasantly surprised on Friday, Jan. 19 when a group of her friends came over to help her celebrate her seventy-second birthday. The gals who surprised her were: Lorraine Bemis, Loretta Exline, Bernice Malstrom and Earline Mettelka. She continued her celebration on Saturday when her son, Eddie, came out to get her and take her out to dinner Saturday night and brought her home after a lovely dinner Sunday afternoon. Many happy returns Mrs. Erickson! Condolences Sincere sympathy is expressed!' to Virginia Lundelius whose grandfather, Micheal Kloss, passed away on Friday, Jan. 2*. at the age of 87 years. neighborly Visit We're visiting a fairly new ttffoftbor this week. Joseph and I&j'baya Hoffman live at 2806 S; Holiday drive with their 14- m®. old daughter, Gina Marie, and their dog, Peppy. They "moved here from Lombard, .$ept. 5, 1961, where Joseph -still works aa a carpenter. Both Barbara and Joe enjoy bowling and Barbnra enjoys skating and swimming, in fact she Is qualified to instruct swimming lessons. Barbara hails from Cicero and Joe from Chicago. They love their home and are looking forward to late spring when Gina will have a brother or sister. Christening Troy Lawrence Karafa was christened by Father Parker at St. Patrick's church on Sunday. Jan. 21. The Karafas had as godparents, for their new son. a nephew, Wayne Karafa and Mabels ,25ahinskl,. the baby's aunt. A family dinner was given to celebrate the occasion. Get Well Wishes Gift-well wishes this week go to Newt Pahike who is recuperating from surgery at Sherman hospital in Elgin. We were extremely sorry to hear that Dick Malstrom was involved in an automobile accident early Wednesday morning an his way home. Bernice called Bill Exline who drove her down to Presbyterian hospital in Chicago at 1 a.m. I have no further details but hope by this time you are well on your way to recovering from any injuries incurred, Dick. I also understand that Loretta Exline was back at McHenry hospital, this time for real surgery. Hope you're feeling much better now,' Loretta! Happy Birthday A belated happy birthday to Bernie Simonowski on Jan. 28; Mac Ary and Ken Carlson, Jan. 29; Bemie Wemken, Jan. 31. Happy birthday to two teenagers, Jo Ann Anderson and Victor Justes, both celebrating their fifteenth birthday on Feb. 2. Girl Scouts Bowl Our local Girl Scouts are sure "learning how" to have fun. This time they went bowling at Island Lake. Some of the scores were real good - some not so good, but they all had a good time on Tuesday, Jan. 23. Vi Abbink and Mickey Walters were present to show th^ girls '"how". Weekend Travelers Hank, Lorraine -and Kenny Ferreri recently spent a weekend up in Wisconsin viewing the country up there. House Full The Wemken house was full of visitors two weeks ago when Bemie entertained three of the Stanley Strama children while their sister. Dawn, went in to Lutheran General hospital for surgery. Bernie's nephews and niece who stayed with her for a week were Stanley Strama III, Jann and John. CIVIL DEFENSE It was recently stated in the press that a new booklet entitled "Fallout Protection" had been released by the Defense department for distribution to the general public. These were to be available at all local post offices. Effective Jan.| 25, these booklets are ^available through local civil defense directors, aS well as the postal department. The booklet is excellently prepared and answers many questions of concern to the public. The booklet covers a variety of subjects, including how to provide fallout protection for your family for $125, community shelters, what the government is doing for civil defense, etc. This booklet should be in every home and it is available on a one-per-family basis from Director John Shay of the McHenry area civil defense. Those wishing a copy may obtain one by writing "McHenry Civil Defense, McHenry, 111., or by phoning the director's office at 385-2404. Just ask for the booklet entitled "Fallout Protection." Remember, the McHenry civil defense program depends on volunteer workers. If you would care to offer your services for any of the varied phases of this undertaking, please write or phone Director Shay. He will be happy to discuss this with you and determine how you can best serve your community and yourself. During World War 2, some of the German Block Busters dug holes in and about London, which piled on the surface dirt from many feet down. The strange thing about this is that this soil brought with it seeds that had been dormant for centuries, which quickly sprang into life, and produced a number of plants unknown to scientists. McHenry Library Corner Main and Green Sts. il! HOURS Daily, including Saturday: 2 to 5 p.m. Friday Evenings: 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday February 1, 1962 McHenry NOTICE TO HARBISON SCHOOL* BOARD DIST. 86 CANDIDATES Notice is hereby given that February 28th is the first day for filing petitions for candidates running for School Board. Petitions must be filed by March 24, 1962. Petitions must be filed with Mrs. Gustavson, Secretary of j the Board, at Harrison School i VER Deceased page 51, in County, Illinois. Dated this 17th day of January, 1962, at Woodstock, Illinois. ' ROBERT J. USALI Master in Chancery Attorney for Plaintiff M. L. Libhy 188 West Randolph Sit. Chicago 1, Illinois (Pub. Jan. 25, Feb. 1-$ 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM PA*K Estate of ALFRED E. Gft&- SHOP AT HOME Book mobile Books now available at the Library. For Children: "VOYAGE OF THE SEA WIND." by Hetty Burlingame, Beatty. Sandy was never to forget his first voyage aboard the Sea Wind, a three-masted schooner. skippered by his father. As they sailed out of Boston bound for Bermuda. Sandy be- Kan to learn all he could about the sea and ships. This is a picture story book of excitement and danger, of a boy's courage and quick thinking, of life at sea in the great days of sailing ships, and of beautiful Bermuda, which is this year celebrating the 350th anniversary of its founding in 1609. For 'Teen-agers: "CATRIN IN WALES," by Mabel Esther Allan. When sixteen-year-old Catrin went for a short visit to Wales before settling down for work in London, she little suspected she would stay for the summer, and longer, because of a sick aunt. How she coped with the situation, became the custodian of an historic building, overcame the wariness of the villagers, participated in the Welsh national life, and found friendship and romance in the colorful picturesque community. make for another fine 'teenage story by an increasingly popular author. For Adults, non-fiction: "THIS WAS HOLLYWOOD," by Beth Day. "This Was Hollywood" is filled, with wonderful anecdotes about filmdom's greatest stars. There were hard workers like Garbo and Crawford, glamour queens like Harlow and Dietrich, and businesswomen like Hepburn and Gail Patrick, who wanted to be a lawyer and wound up becoming a producer. Thirty-two pages of photographs help to tell the story of Hollywood's golden years -- both glittering and tarnished, yet always alluring. "ISLAND IN THE CITY," by Dan Wakefield. The world of Spanish Harlem is an island in the city of New York, its boundaries unmarked except in the mind, its citizens often unknown except by the lurid headlines that scream out their tragedies and never mention the sources that cause them or the human faces behind them. To write this book, the author lived in the neighborhood he describes. He visited Puerto Rico, flew back on the cheap night flight that carries the migrants to New York city, a n d i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d , through visiting the local clubs, c h u r c h e s , p o l i t i c a l g r o u p s , schools, prisons and 'teen-age Birthday Party Matthew Justes provided a good time for his friends as well fts himself, "when he celebrated his eleventh birthday. His guests came to his home Rely On Us To Send You A Cab , Pronto Call us for quickest cab service. No matter what the weather may be, our Radio Dispatched Cab will be there within minutes. McP$~ry Ph. EVes-green t •HME YOU MR. OR MRS. MOTORIST been losing work because of the deep snow & cold WHO HASNT 9• The owners of the NEW SCOUT 4x4 BY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER with or without snow plows Immediate Delivery on all Colors. Ready To Go! Prices Start at $2,095.00 & Up Delivered Sold & Serviced By between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday and at. 7506 Center Rrive at any other time. GLADYS GUSTAVSON Sec't. Harrison School Board (Pub. Feb. 1, 1962) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY , GEN. NO. 38913 MONT CLARE SAVINGS ) AND LOAN ASSOCIA- ) TION, an Illinois Corpora-) ion, ) Plaintiff) vs. L, ) CHARLES L. NAPIER and) FRANZISKA NAPIER, his) wife, HARRIS TRUST AND) SAVINGS BANKV an Illi-) nois Corporation, Successor) by Merger with Chicago ) National Bank, ) Defendants) Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 6th day of January, 1962, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 15th day of February, 1962, at the hour of 10:45 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Standard Time,) at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lots 377 and 378 in Fox River Valley Gardens, a Subdivision of part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 and part of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and the North Fractional Half of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 43 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 16, 1925, as Document No. 70331, in 'Book 5 of Plats, Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March *5, 1962, is the claim date in the estate of ALFREl> E. GREVER, Deceased, pending-in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or hefore said date without issuance of summons. ALBERT J. GREVER Administrator Roland A. Herrmann Attorney m2_W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. (Pub. Jan. 18, 25, Feb. 1, 1962) gangs, he learned something of the human hopes, dilemmas and thwarted potentia 1 i t i e s that lie behind the headlines of their tragedies. June Stuart, Librarian NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of LAURETTO KROMROY Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March 5, 1962, is the claim date in the estate of LAURETTA KROMROY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. STEPHEN MAY Executor Looze and Kinne Attorneys for Executor 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1580. (Pub. Feb. 1-8-15, 1962) Twice T«U Tales Taken from the Files of Jan. 25, 1912 The largest mid-winter crowd that has assembled in McHenry in years was present at the horse races that took place on the Fox river speedway last Sunday afternoon. It is estimated that nearly 500 lovers of the sport were in attendance. A special feature was pulled off during the afternoon, this being a two heat race between the ponies owned by J. C. Bickler and Ben Stilling. They were driven by their sons. A sleep walker disturbed a number of the residents living along the business section on Main street aboutMhree o'clock Wednesday morning of this week. The night was anything but a favorable one for a person to be out, especially when one is gowned in only his night regalia. The sleeper was awakened and sent home by a friend who had been aroused by the unusual occurrence. The long delayed charivari h a p p e n e d S u n d a y e v e n i n g . Misses Katie and Marguerite Kifox, Adah and Belle Carey, Anna Cleary, Anna and Irene. Frisby, Mrs. Overton, Messrs. Phil Aylward, Ray Conway, Walter Walsh, Robert Knox and James Doherty called on Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton in a bunch. Two ski runners, evidently Chicagoans, who had made a trip to Cary, passed through town last Sunday noon. They were in full regalia, when seen here, and were navigating with the aid of push poles. The sight attracted more than a little attention. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Jan. 26, 1923 Mrs. Mary Schreiner, moth- m fragrance ^3$ Crystal Mist »coty$2S„ No other gift makes a woman more feminine, more attractive than L'AIM ANT. And new L'AIMANT CRYSTAL MIST as so smart, so fashiopable.^ CRYSTAL MIST in a (beautiful houjp»glaaa bottle delicately etched with le&veg and capped in gold., Stop in today at our <C0TY Cosmetic Counter AtsowmMOe **r EMERAUDE, I/ORIGAN and 'PARIS* iOLdEi'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. Cpit»6uli0f6 and conwiwiuu ti co>» i EV 5-4500 m SHOE SALE 10% OFF ON ALL SHOES SALE STMTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd at 9 a.m. UN at 4 p.m. MOTORS 1 4611 W. Route 120 -jgy 5-5801 RAMBLER & INTERNATIONAL DEALEB We have a large stock to choose from! FREE VALUABLE GIFTS TO THi PSRST 50 AT THE TRADING POST 2 BLKS. EAST OF BRIDGE ON HWY. 120 er of Frank G. Schreiner, editor of the Plaindealer, passed away at her home Monday morning after a brief illness. Her death followed that of a daughter, Anna Schreiner, who passed away less than three months ago. Sarah Geary, 69, who had been making her home with her niece, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, passed away there Tuesday morning of this week. Funeral services were held from St. Patrick's church here with burial in Wauconda. We understand that John and Mike Purcell, who for a number of years have occupied the little brick cottage on the Herbes properly on the El.^in road, have purchased the Schumacher cottage, in the rear of the Illinois Bell telephone exchange building, and will move into same in the near future. Members of the Just Us club will sponsor a Washington's birthday party at the Legion Home Feb. 18 with McAndrews orchestra furnishing the music. Miss Blanche Pryor, principal of the McHenry Community High School, and Miss Mary Pender Walsh, celebrated their birthdays at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh, Saturday evening. Guests at a dinner were members of the senior class of the high school and Prof. O. G. Treadway. Mr. tod Mrs. Walter Fay arrived in McHenry Tuesday, from Council, Idaho, and are now guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W." Fay. Walter has won considerable fame as a ball player in-; the West, where he has made many warm friends through his prowess on the diamond. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files ^ of Jan. 28, 1937 Relatives here have received word of the accidental death of Lawrence Baer, 55, whichoccurred when his clothing became caught in the gears, drawing him into the machinery while at work at the Bowman Dairy plant on LaSaUe street, Chicago. McHenry has at least two off J its residents who will realize the terrible condition existing in the flooded area as George" Kramer and his son, Vernon, left Monday morning at 2 a.m. for Eldorado, 111., trucking a^ speed boat and two large rowboats there, for use in flood' relief work. ' Friends here have learned of; the marriage of Miss, Jeari^j Beckanbaugh, daughter of Mr* and Mrs. Walter Beckanbaugh of McHenry, and Mr. Howcrd1 Greeter, son of Mr. and Mrsi Arthur Greeter of Lake Gene-r va, which took place in Chica-4 go Nov. 16, 1936. Machinery Moved All Types and Sizes (No Job Too Large" or Too Small) For Prompt, Fast and Efficient Service call EV 5-4645 Al's Welding & Repair Service 4021 W. Main St. McHenry, 11L H New DON'T PAY NEEDLESS TOWIK ARGES GET A PAIR TODAY! $f£40$fQ75 I UZ6-70-15 I ^7 7.50-14 • Type | H Tubeless 7.10-15 Tube-Typ® 7.10-15 Tubeless 8.00-14 Tubeless *2185 *21 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX ?9iE CHAINS Passenger Car -- Truck -- Tractor All Sifts NYLOW - Blackwails 6.70-15 $|^H|| Tube Type Jl« 7.10-15 $ Tube Type 7.50-14 $ Tubeiess BRAMD N wru^trclS ' HAYOM - Blackwalis 6,70-15 $i "n Tube Type A A 7.10-15 Tube Type I388 Add $8 lor White walls All Prices Plus Tax 6 o? 12 Volt wish i-fspo Guarantee For All Popular Cars 92 to $6 Trade-in Allowance on Old Battery Complex* SEE VICE for your Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mar WALT FBfiUNDy pfopb S9S1 W. Main St* EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, VL a *4 / \

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