Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1962, p. 2

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Page Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Big Hollow School To Honor Past Presidents Big Hollow School P.T.A. will celebrate Founders Day a1 the nexl P.T.A. meeting Wedne%day. Feb. 7, at 8 p.m. Past presidents of the Big Hollow P.T.A. wil be honored guests lor the evening. Special guest speaker at the meeting will be Mr. R. R. Johnson, safety commissioner of Lake county. Hostesses will be the fourth grade mothers. Betrothal Of Miss Tietz Told Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Heidi Tietz, daughter of Mrs. Carl Tietz of McHenry said the late Mr. Tietz, to Kenneth T. Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Oliver of Fox River Grove. Miss Tietz is employed in Lake Zurich and Mr. Oliver in Chicago. No wedding date has been set. Miss Sossong Becomes Bride COUPLE TAKE * RESIDENCE NEAR STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONALS Thursday4 February 1, 1962 MARY MAYS PATRICIA MAYS St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful mid-winter wedding last Saturday, Jan. 27, when Miss Mary Ann Sossong, daughter of Mrs. Clarence E. Sossong of 410 S. Venice road. McHenry, became | the bride of Mr. James C. Do- ! herty. son of Mrs. James L. j Doherty of 3019 VV. Lincoln road. McHenry. Rev. Fr. Rennell officiated at the 10 o'clock service. Far] "Marty" Conway was soloist for the wedding, which was solemnized in a crurch dec- j orated with white, yellow and j §p bronze mums on the altar. The attractive bride, given in marriage by h?r uncle, Raymond Sossong, of Blue Island, was charming in a bridal dress of tissue taffeta, styled with long sleeves, modified V-neck- 'ine enhanced with sequins and nearls. and a full skirt which extended into a long train. Her fingertip veil fell from a pearl and chantilly lace crown and she carried a cascade boutjuet if white carnations and stephanotis. Mrs. Elaine Miller of McHenry acted as matron of honn-, and bridesmaids Were" Miss ""arol Freund and Miss C'arovn Gibson of McHenry. They "ore emerald green taffeta dresses fashioned with scoop A bridal couple of recent weeks are Mr. and Mrs. Roland Robert Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Hoffman of Wonder Lake, ipcklines. three-quarter length | claimed as his bride Miss Sharsleeves, modified bell skirts j on Ann O'Brien of Morton with petal cut in front and taf- I Grove in a wedding solemnized feta bows on the hip. Their j Dec. 16 in St. Cornelius church, TSSIJRSL «v.--„haaI,w fnller- is " . " T ^ T^ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl have relumed from a very enjoyable week's trip to Savannah, Ga., where he held a throe day meeting as chairman of the Southern Port Foreign Freights committee. They report" perfect weather with temperatures ranging from 74 to 7S' degrees and sunshine all the time while there. Highlights of their tiip-weve visits to the private Diamond Camelia gardens and many of the picturesque old homes in Savannah, including the Julia Gordon Low home now owned by the Girl Scouts. They also spent a very enjoyable day With the Henry J. Smith family. former local residents, at • Atlanta, Ga., while gone. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rusboldt and children of Michigan City, Ind., were recent dinner guests in t>ie home of Mrs. Rus" boldt's sister,- Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz. Their daughters, Linda and Marianne, who had been spending a few days here, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Adams, Nick Adams, Norman- Pedersen and Ronald Young were, among the folks from here who attended the wake or funeral of Jack Perry at Lake Villa, Duke Adams served as pallbearer at the funeral on Saturday. Mr. Perry was well known here where he was a member of the Illini Bowmen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty werer visitors in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mark Hop* JANICE HETTERMAN N Janice Hettermann Engaged To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hettermann of McHenry announce the engagement of iheir daughter, Janice, to Dave Stromberg, son of Mrs. Janet Stromberg of Lake Zurich. Miss Hettermann is a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school and of comptometer school and is now employed in Chicago.' Her fiance is a graduate of Ela Vernon high school, attended Chicago Technical college and is presently stationed at Great Lakes with the Navy. No immediate date has been set for the wedding. Surprise Shower For Mrs. Houghton Mrs. Dale Houghton was a surprise guest of honor at a pink and blue shower given by former co-workers at the McHenry hospital at the home of Miss Dorothy Kerr in Hunterville on Jan 21. Fifteen guests were present to enjoy a social afternoon and delicious lunch. Mrs. Houghton was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Couple Wins Dance Contest Mr. and Mrs. John Kraus of Lakemoor spent last weekend with their son and family in Niles. Saturday night they attended a dinner dance at Bunker Hill hall, a V.F.W. club. In a waltz contest participated in by about fifty couples. John and Julia won first prize, which proves they can still trip the light fantastic. PanHellenic Group Sponsors Card Party The McHenry County Pan- Hellenic group will sponsor a benefit card party Thursday, Feb. 22, at 8 o'clock at the Legion home, for which there will be table prizes. Everyone is invited to attend and see a showing of several paintings by the Creative Artists guild. Two Engagements Are Announced Mr. and Mrs. William E.! Mays of McHenry wish to an-! nounjee j the engagement of ! their daughter, Mary, to Bob, Yonkus, son of Mr. and Mrs.! Felix Yonkus of this city. The wedding date has been set for June 23 of this year. Mr. and Mrs. Mays have also announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to LeRoy Diedrich, son of Mrs. Lyda Diedrich of 3704 W. Maple. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Ronald Albert To Take Bride In June Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohlin of 800 E. Chicago street, Elgin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca Joan, to Ronald Paul Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Albert of 800 S. Cook street. Barrington. A June 23 wedding is planned at Holy Trinity Lutheran church, Elgin. Mr. Albert is a graduate of Barrington high school and later attended Iowa State university for two years and Elgin Community college. lie is now engaged in construction work. The Albert family will be remembered as former McHeniy residents for several years when Mr. Albert was foreman of the Plaindealer printing depaitment Club Makes Plans For Summer Carnival The next meeting of ihc Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday. Feb. 5, at 8 o clock, with the following committee in charge: William May, Clarence Michels. Rov Miller, Lee Marshall, Robert Meyer and William F. Meyers. At the last meeting, it wa; decided to hold a carnival during the month of June, and preliminary arrangements will be started soon. The annual Mother's day party, which this year will be held on a Saturday evening, was also discussed. Tickets for the latter eveni will be available to members in good standing only, which means that dues will need tc be paid up before the first Saturday in May So . .. Try our complete FORMAL RENTAL SERVICE Whatever the occasion may be ... if you come to WHITE'S you will be fitted right. WHITE'S E5? 1214 N. Green St. McHenry Ph. EV 5-0019 blusher veils. Mrs. Miller carried a colonial bouquet of bronze .mums, while the other -it:endants had yellow mums. Their only jewelry were small earl necklaces, gifts from the ';i-i.'.e. William Freund of McHenry served as best man and groomsmen were Ronald A. PYeund and Sam Sossong, the latter a brother of the bride. Mrs. Sossong chose an ice blue lace sheath dress, winter white pillbox hat, white gloves and purse and a carnation corsage. Mrs. Doherty was a Hired in a navy blue crepe sheath white -feather hat, white accessories and a similar corsage. Breakfast was served at the home of the groom following the service, and later, about 175 guests gathered at the Legion home for an evening reception. After a short trip, the couple returned to make their home at 1230 N. Green street. The bride is a 1961 graduate of McHenry high school. The groom received his education in the local schools and is employed in Crystal Lake. CAKD OF THANKS Heartfelt thanks to my wonderful friends and neighbors in M c C u l l o m L a k e f o r y o u r thougtful gestures which helped me during my recent loss. Grateful thanks also to the Rev. Harold Carlson of Grace church, Richmond, for his spiritual assistance and the members of the Ladies of the Lake. Mrs. Harold (Signe) Osborn 2-1-62 officiating. The bride is the . daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. j Thomas V. O'Brien of Morion | Grove. The Hoffmans enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence were weekend guests in I the Donald Givens home and ! attended the Sossong-Doheriy wedding on Saturday. Edward Dwyer of Chicago was a weekend guest of his week's trip through the South, and will take an extended trip to Seattle, Wash., for the I sister, Mrs. Walter"Walsh. World's Fair in the spring. The newlyweds are now residing at 207 W. Healy, Champaign, where he is a student at the University of Illinois institue of aviation. He is a graduate of McHenry high school, where he was captain of the wresiling squad. The bride graduated from Maine Township high school. She was an instructress of baton in her studio at Park Ridge and Niles and was also drum majorette for four years of the 1960 state championship twirling corps. February 5 St. Mary's Home and School Association Meeting. February 7 Northwest Suburban Hairdresses and Cosmotologists Association Meeting -- Palatine-- 8 p.m. February 22 Benefit Card Party Sponsored by McHenry County PanHellenic Group - Legion Home -- 8 p.m. John D. Rockefeller outlived twenty personal physicians. CL aire J HAIR STYLISTS EV 5-0010 1222 N. GREEN ST. Hours: Mon. 8-6 Tues. 8-6 Thurs. 8-9 Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-6 Will frequent brushing and shampooing increase oil in already oily hair? No. Brushing will polish hair and help remove soot, grime, loosen as well as whisks away dandruff. CLAIRE MARY ANN • ELEANORE Itememifcer with CHOCOLATES FEBRUARY 14 THf WORLD fAMous SAMPLER With beautiful * Valentine overwrap $2.00 lb. SPECIAL HEART BOXES Large variety of beautifully decorated hearti BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. EV 5-4500 Kenneth Homo was home from Champaign to spend the mid-semester vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Homo, The Junior Leslie Olsen family of Crystal Lake were supper guests in the Senior Leslie Olsen home Saturday evening, Richard Antonson returned to his studies at Notre Dame, Ind., Tuesday after spending his mid-semester vacation in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Antonson. Mr. and Mrs. William Riggs and Mrs. George Merkt of Silver Lake, Wis., were Thursday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. Guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Irene Guffey and her guest, her granddaugW^ih^Cathy Guffey of Richmond, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock to Waukegan Sunday, where they visited their aunt, Mrs. Clarice Walsh, of Deerfield at the Lake County General hospital. Mrs. Walsh 88 years old, fractured her hip in a fall several weeks ago. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Wiater of Long Beach, Calif., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, and other relatives here this week while he was attending an orthopedic convention in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Torchy Krause spent a recent evening in the Paul Broncheon home in Wauconda. Mrs. James Wagner and children of Milton, ,Wis., were dinner guests in the James Thompson home, Sunday and in the afternoon accompanied the Thompson family and otherr e l a t i v e s t o J o h n s b u r g t o a t tend a confirmation party for Jeanne Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren of Crystal Lake, formerly of McHenry, left Tuesday by jet for Phoenix, Ariz., to spend a vacation in the home of their daughter and famiiy. the William Culmans. Miss Joyce Motulewicz is spending the mid-semester vacation from her studies at Northern Illinois university at DeKalb with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Motulewicz, at Wonder Lake. Jack Phelen and James Althoff .spent a few days this week at Marshall town, Iowa, where they attended a dealer's convention. Mrs. Marion Donnelly and Arthur krause received word on Monday of the death of ar. uncle, Charles Krause, of Billings, Mont. Among the out-of-town folks here to attend the Sossoiil- Doherty wedding Saturdaywere Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea. Grayslake; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin, daughters, Dianne and Mrs. Monica Pavlick, Waukegan; and Mr. and Mrs. David Powers, Woodstock. Mrs. Mabel Powers spent Sunday in the Kenneth Powers home in North Crystal Lake. Other visitors there were her son, William, and wife of Batavia, and grandson, William Powers, Jr., wife and daughter, Kimberly, of Elgin. Mrs. Neva Battern and Mrs. James Taylor of Woodstock visited Mrs. George Jones, Friday Mr and Mrs Albert Purvey and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller were guests in the home of Mrs J. C. Purvey at Crystal ^ake. Sunday. Miss Rita Martin accompanied her brother, William Martin of Sterling, to Waukegan Sunday for a visit in the home of their niece, Mrs. William Smith. 'Flower Vendor" "The Flower Vendor" might well be the name of this beautiful snow lady, , fashioned oy Artist Loretta Wilhelm and now occupying a prominent place in her front yard on Main street, McHenry. The beautifully painted piece of sculpture is lighted at night and attracts, the admiring glances of allpassershy. rethe CARD OF THANKS . Sincere thanks to my many wonderful neighbors and friends for their flowers, cards and all other expressions of sympathy at the time of my recent bereavement. •2-1-62 McHenry friends have ceived announcement of birth of twin/daughters, their first children, vto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunt \ of Rochester, Mich., on Jan 22. Diana Mary weighed 4-lbs. 6-oz. and Gloria Anne 4-lbs. 4-oz. Mrs. Hunt will be remembered as Miss- Phyllis Blum, a teacher in Edgebrook school a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lohse of Crystal Lake announce the birth of a son Jan. 25 at McHenry hospital. A daughter was born Jan. 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Goodwin of Crystal Lake at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sthweikert became parents of a son Jan. 26 at McHenry hospital. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Paddock, are parents of a son born at McHenry hospital Jan. 27. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Sek announce the birth of a son at Harvard hospital Jan. 29. DIVORCE GRANTED Carol Umbricht of McHenrj was granted a divorce from her husband, Gilbert, by Judge Mr. Douglas A. Wood I William M. Carroll last week. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, I1L s VI wgnr YOU SAVE MORE When You Finance Your Car The LOW COST BANK Y! Just as you compare cars for value and price before buying . . . so should you compare AUTO LOANS. Not all auto-loans cost the same ... or offer the same benefits in coverage protection. Stop in -- or phone for an appointment. You'll like our prompt, friendly service. Buy wisely FINANCING. safely WITH LOW BANK RATE P.S. "Why not come in and make your auto-loan application now, before you buy, -- so your money will be ready and waiting when you want it!" OSftlTAL FLOTIU RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Dawn Strama, 9, daughter of the Stanley Stramas of Oakhurst, underwent mastoid surgery at Lutheran General hospital, Park Ridge, recently. She is now recuperating at home, i where she will need to rema;n j for considerable time. Dawn was happy last week to receive letters from her fifty-eight fourth grade classmates at St. Patrick's parochial school and Sister Patri<?:a. McHenry Hospital Patienls admitted during the ^ past week at McHenry hospital included Mary Beasley, Long Lake; Kim Sherman, Eskildsen, Beverly AndersonS^ Ernst William Roewer, Otto Semrau, Astrid Palliser,'"Charles Rice and Loretto Miller, Crystal Lake; Donald .Lowrey and Charles Keith, Wonder Lake; Joseph Tothfalusi. Ham- . mond, Ind.; Katherine Galh-^ man and Erwin Elwerti' Fox® Lake; Jeffrey Lindskoog, Fox River Grove: Joseph. Jusien, Richmond: Gewn Marzini, ingieside; Jocelyn Gay Corson. Evanston: Catherine Wigger-* man, Chicago: Ruldolph Ficken, Karen Mersca. Billy Wendt, James Lange. Loretta Exline, Judy Hans, llmma Rosengarl, Alexander Dalman, Delia E. Wit tie, Ernest Schroeder, Rich-^ arc! Polinski, Howard Hansen,' Dorothy Rodarmel, Ronald Neukirch and Leo George Scarnrough, McHenrv. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital included James Bell. Wonder Lake: Allen Steinmetz. Ringwood; Archie Hoard, Ernest Burton, Walter Weid- ^ ner and Minnie Armstrong. McHenry. HAIRDRESSERS MEET The Northwest Suburban Hairdressers and Cosmotologists association. Unit 47, will meet Wednesday, . Feb. 7, at 8 o'clock at Campbell's Hearthstone restaurant in Palatine. Rt. 14 and Quentin road. New* trends for spring and summer in hair styles will be shown. Members are encouraged to bring guests. It's always easier to , know when you're wrong, than when you're right. The Look of \HSURj IPlii Savings Savings Certificates I *2"^ , - - 1 I ' f r .jfajlBl V ^ - " £2 i He Knows How Important It Is To Look His Best Always . . . That's Why He Insists On . . . RAINIOW'S SMIMI SOFT-SIT® ©RY CliANING Suits entrusted to us come through cleaning after cleaning with colors bright, drape, just right. They look and feel bright as new. Call on us for Sanitone Soft-Set® Service and judge for yourself. EAMS ! 1304 N - McHenry s ' v v c - 1 , P h - E V 5 - ° 9 2 7 There's Always Plenty Of Fre« Parking At Rainbow's Drive-In fTv!

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