Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1962, p. 6

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r Pag* Stx THE McHEBHY PLAINDEALER Thursday. February L, 1962, Classified Automotive GET CASH for your car at Country Motors. Route 31 South of McHenry. Phone EV 5-4116. l-ll-62-tf Replacement Paris For All Cars vcessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 •Ik. East of the river bridge pen Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.®. Sundays: y a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf 1953 DODGE .- 4 door. 6 cylinder. heater & while walls, like new. Exceptionally good running; car. $150. ,EV 5-221$. 2-1-8-62 Complete Mechanical Service Bear Wheel Alignment Automatic Transmission Service & Overhaul PHILLIPS AUTO REPAIR 4303 N. Wilmot Rd. Sunnyside. McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2030 12-7-61-tl FOi^D FALCON Only (3,000 miles. 5-0430. Ranchero SI.500. EV 2-1-62 VBusiness Service JACK HAMMER Service - Call us for the hard work, j Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., j Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond I 4381. 1-18-62-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 foi DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRTES 3402 VV. Third Ave. 1 -t»i •-1; It's Easy To Place a Classified! Phone: EVergreen 5-0170 RATES First Insertion -- 6c per word--$1.20 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. Repeat Insertions -- 5c per word--$1.00 minimum COPY DEADLINE All Copy Must Be In Our Office By 10 a.m# On Wednesday for Thursday Publication RATES Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.25 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.10 per Col. Inch 25c Service Blind Ads. Charge On All HOURS: 8:30 to 5 p.m. Saturday 'til Noon Daily 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt. Signature. PHONE EV 5-0170 FOR QUICK RESULTS Classified 1 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply in pei*son Little Chef Restaurant, 1332 N. Riverside Drive. 2-1-8-62 Business Service For Rent For Sale Permanent's Septic Systems and ^ Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped Walter M. Garrelts P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry. 111. Phone EV 5-2101 9-1-60-tf ON FREE TUESDAYS HOUSES FOR icni. Holiday i Hills. Call. EV .V3764 or 312 Hickory 7-8111. 6-29-61-tf, ( BUILD FOR LEASE.Industrial i and commercial buildings on j our site for qualified tenants I i to lease. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 1-18-62-tf FLOOR SANDING and finishng. Free estimates, Old or oeWeiS L/lOgCjeCl i Customer Must Be In By 2 p.m. Work Done Exclusively By Students With Paid Service Chrg. Wash-Cut & Set $3.00! McHENRY SCHOOL Of BEAUTY CULTURE j I'UR RENT OR sale -- Won-, ' der Lake, 2 bedroom ranch, EV 5-9850 gas heat. Reasonable. 3108 ( 1-18-62-tf! Oakvvood & Clearview Dr. Call GUnderson 4-1274, Berwyn. • I v . 1-25 & 2-1-8-6!? [5 ROOM, 2 bedroom home. Im- I mediate occupancy. Close to i schools. 385-1574. j 1-18-25 & 2-1-8-62 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa, timothy mixed hay, 1st and 2nd cutting; ) also barn dry straw. Write or call evenings ORiole 5-2591 Blazel & Stahl, Inc. Newburg, Wisconsin 1-11-62 to 5-1-62 Help Waited iew floors. Years of exper ence. Distance no object. Uartwig Fioor Sanding, Barmgton DUnkirk 1-2638. 9-1-60-tf McHenry Travelodge Sales All" size campers with sleeping accommodations for 4 to 6. TUPPERWARE - Has openings now for full time and part time saJes ladies. Earnings unlimited. No investment or experience necessary. For appointment call JOrdan 8- 8185. *2-1-62 IDEAL LOCATION for Beau ly Shop, Barber Shop, Office,! For weekend trips, vacations, Business Service FOR SNOW PLOWING Parking Lots Driveways etc. Phone EV 5-4799 2-1-62-11" e.o.w. MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Servicv McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVTCE 1212-A N. Gieen St. McHenry, Idmoio Phone EVergreen f>-5u64 ~ 5-18-61-tl RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Electric iSewer Rodding Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 6-6445 Residence - Johns burg ii-l-60-tf Home Fuel Oil Users We can help you lower your heating cost. Furnace, Hot Water Boiler. Hoi Water Heater. Space' Heater. Soot. Cleaning Basement to Chimney. OIL BURNER SERVICE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS A-l Furnace Cleaning 2624 S. Thomas Court McHenry. 111. PHONE: 385-3122 2-1-62-1 f GUTTERS FROZEN? ICE IN DOWNSPOUTS0 WATER LEAKING IN LIVING ROOM? Let us solve your problem by installing our new improved heater cable. Call Us FQF Estimate CAREY Electric Contractors 385-3600 1-25 & 2-1-62 Complete electric sewer, <sink rodding and root cutting equi^ . . mert, septic systems and I e,c- Heat furnished. Plenty of l touring, hunting or fishing buck hoe work. PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON •3809 W John Street McHenry, Hi 12-28-61-tf IVee parking. Reasonable. Ph. EV 5-2896 after 6 p.m. 1-18-62-t.f ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound.EV 5-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Liiymoor. ^-l-60-:t AVAILABLE Feb. 15, heated 3 room apartment, second floor, refrigerator and gas stove in eluded. Lease required. Phone 385-0742. ( *l-18-62-tf NEAR McHENRY -- 6 room apartment. 1st floor. Gas heat. Garage; also 3 room apartment, ,2nd floor. Gas /heat. Garage. For appointment call FLanders 8-4837. 2-1-8-62 MAGIKIST 2 for 1 rug cleaning sale. 2nd rug cleaned free. Special discount price on wall to wall carpet cleaning and furniture. Limited time only. Phone 338*1000. Tidy Magikist, Woodstock." 1-4-11-18-25-2-1-62 I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: EV 5-1480 or EV 5-2711 Station Box 38 12-28-61-tf •;LECTKK.; MM n i.-o Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickeit Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake. 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf Otata>£ux £ e&jectoolux CORP* SALES SERVICE SUPPLIES JAMES VAN FLEET 1707 Brentwood Lane McHenry, Illinois 385-6Q27 12-28-61-tf COMFORTABLE 9 room home in Richmond. Hot water heal. Phone Richmond 4381. 2-1-8-62 For information and demonstration: CALL EV 5-1190 *1-11-18-25-2-1-62 FACTORY FRESH -- 23" Muntz T.V. Full stero with AM Radio. $189.00 with trade Used T.V.'s_$20 up. Call Wonder Lake 6661, Belshaw T.V. 1-25-62-tf SPECIAL ~ This Week SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. 385-2521. 2-1-62 John Murray's Complete TREE'SERVICE Special winter rates for tree removal and lot clearing. State licensed Fully insured CALL COLLECT EM 2-7715 afler 6:00 p.m. 2-1-8-15-62 ASK for what you want with "Wanted to Buy" Classified ads. Dial EV. 5-0170 to place yours. ••• AL OTTO Formerly Peter A. Freund . SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Ringwood Rd. & Rt. 120 12-28-61-tf 3 BEDROOM ranch li mile to McHenry. Carpeted, draperies, built-in oven & range. $110. Call EV 5-5300, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2-1-62-11* 2 BEDROOM modern home. Garage. Basement. ^^HlTFjle March 1st. Call 385-13321 2-T*62 $20 Permanent . $15 Permanent . $7.50 Permanent $15 $10 $6 All The World IS SAVINGS-MINDED HOW ABOUT YOU? SAVINGS PLAN FIELD WORLD'S largest, most successful company of its kind will train 2 good men in the McHenry area now. NO CANVASSING. ALL THE LEADS A CAPABLE MAN CAN HANDLE Yes, all the paying contacts a full time, hard working salesman can use. AGES 30 - 55. No experience in the saving field needed. We train you fully using powerful new audio- visual methods. Minimum income first year in excess of $1,000 month. See us for proof and qualify yourself in person* Work with our local manager and local office. Write D. C. Sturgeon, 612 Gas & Electric Bldg. Rockford, Illinois "1-25 & 2-1-82 WANTED EXPERIENCED TOOL ROOM MAN With Supervisory Background Will be trained to supervise a specialized production department. An excellent Opportunity for the right man. "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Modine Manufacturing Company Ringwood, Illinois PHONE: Wonder Lake<v2841 2-1-62 Real Estate •v CAPE COD RANCH Split - Level $100 Down- -$54.63 Per Month Some interior work by purchaser. CALL * OWens 5-1133 1-25-62-tf FOR RENT or sale with option t6 buy - - New, 3 bedroom home with family room, built - in kitchen, carpeting, ceramic bath, carport, concrete drive, combination storms and screens. Sarner Construction. EV 5-«r 3111. 1-25-62-t* FOR SALE-HOMES-FARMS CHOICE LOTS-BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY MALE CONCRETE Construe- | tion Trainees - Men 18 to 50. j We need ambitious untrained | men to learn the operations of j concrete construction. Huge in-1 dustry shortage requires im-1 ___ A rrTi1 mediate skilled personnel, j avUj/VLi Hjo I Al iii Placement service. Men select-1 1513A N. Richmond Road * McHenry, III. Phone: EVergreen 5-042) 12-28-61-tf ed must train three full packed weeks at our training grounds at your own expense. Write giving background to National Institute of Concrete | 2 BEDROO.V home on large. Construction. Inc.. 1440 Nako-i 60xl45', landscaped lot. Lai^e ma Rd., Madison 5, Wisconsin, j basement and enclosed sun 2-1-8-62 porch, water softener, aluminum storms & WANTED AT once - Rawleigh Dealer in McHenry & Wonder Lake. Can arrange lor pei'sonal interview. Write Rawleigh, Dept. ILB-52-3, Freeport, 111. *2-1-15-62 e.o.w. SOFT WATER SALESMEN LEADS! LEADS: LEADS! Exclusive franchised dealer looking for sharp, experienced salesmen. Must be good closer. $10,000 year, A must for right men, top commissions paid. Come in and we'll talk it over. screens. 4907 Home, McHenry. 385-6186. 9-14-61-U"4 Complele No extra charge for cut or set with permanent. JEN'S BEAUTY SHOP 2914 W. Route 120 Phone: EV 5-0322 2-1-62 SMALL 1 Bedroom home in McHenry. Gas heat. Close tq stores & churches. EV 5-4286. 2-1-02 2 BEDROOM house for rent. Gas heat. Stove & refrigerator included. No dogs. For more inlromation call JU.stice 7-5209. 2-1-62 COMPLETELY furnished Beauty Salon. EV 5-0430. 2-1-62 For Sale PLAY PEN, Buggy and Teeter- Babe. Call EV 5-4284. 2-1-62 SAVE MONEY Figure your own taxes for home and business. Brand new adding machines for rent. 10- 11 figure capacity, subtraction, $200 GRUNDIG Professional multiplication and credit bal- Tape Recorder, $75. New Evans ance, $40 per year maximum Kart s, 1962 Experimental charge covers rent, mainten- Model. $150; 1961 Special, S10U ance and service. Deduct the j Call 385-2624 after 6 p.m. oi rental cost from your income I Saturday & Sunday. 2-1-62 'aX' J RCA COLOR TV $175. Ex- CALL EV 5-1902 1 cellent working order. Call aft- 1-18-25-2-1-8-62 , or 6 p.m. EV .V2579. 2-1-62 Business Service Business Service INCOME TAX SERVICE Lee J. Spiegel, Tax Consultant ----- Bookkeeping Service For: Weekly & Monthly 3907 W. Main Si. • Contractors • Small Businesses • Professional Offices • Cost Work PHONE: EV 5-1749 McHenry. Illinois 1-11-62-tf McHenry Window & Awning Co. ALUMINUM & FIBERGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS Sr. STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS MELLOPHONE Good condition. with case. 385-4486. 2-1-62 GERMAN SHEPHERD female 3 months old. A.K.C. registered. Must sell. $35. 385-6032. 2-1-62 5 NEW ALUMINUM combination doors. Pre-hung. Complete with hardware. Special at $24.95. Clarence J. Smith, Johnsburg, EV 5-4372. 2-1-62 BOY'S HOCKEY skates 6. Phone EV 5-6189. -- size 2-1-62 200 USED RUGS. Up to 50'/. off on remnants and drops in Warehouse Sales Dept. Open daily and Fri. Eve. Tidy Magikist, 200 Washington, Woodstock. 2-1-8-15-22-62 KELV.INATOR refrigerator -- Good condition, $50. Phone EV 5-4530. 2-1-62 WANTED Inspection Trainee (Male) Must be familiar with blue print reading and use of simple instruments as micrometer, square and scale. •AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Modine Manufacturing Company Ringwood, Illinois PHONE Wonder Lake 2841 2-1-62 SEE MR. RON BURTON LINDSAY SOFT WATER CO: 3721 W. Elm McHenry, 385-3900 after 10 a.m. *2-1-62 McHENRY emu LAKE ARE.A Year Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, farms vacant. Home sites Income properties JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg $ P/V 2301 Johnsburg Rd. IITS» „McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-0037 6-15-61-tf SECRETARY - Bookkeeper 40! hour week pleasant work- j ing conditions. T. P. Mathews 3 BEDROOM HOME across from Marian Central high Realtors, Phone Wonder Lake school in Woodstock. Full base- 3061 or 3161 2-1-62 merit, 2 baths, fireplace. ---- -- ---- .-.crecned porch, 2 car garage. WAN TED Musician to join, Owner moving out of town.* Combo. Drummer, guitar player, harmonica player and accordian player. Ages 18 to 30. Call Joe at Hebron 3930 or Len at Richmond 5163 after 5 p.m. 2-1-62 Phone FEdernl 8-5495. ' 2-1-8-15-62 Help Wanted SEWING MACHINE operators wanted. Will train. Good starting salary. Holiday pay. Apply Magic Slacks, 4001 W. Main St. EV 5-1116. 2-1-8-02 ENGLISH PUG puppies A.K.C. registered. Call EV 5- 0039. 2-1-62 Help Wanted INCOME TAX SERVICE McHENRY ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE 3719 WEST ELM STREET (across from Jewel Tca> EVergreen 5-0343 Open Evenings until 9 2-1-62 EXPERIENCED COOK wanted. Apply in person. The Virginian Restaurant, 394 Virginia St., Crystal Lake. 2-1-62 CLERK (Female* For statistical department. Must be able to work quickly and accurately with figures. Permanent position, excellent employee benefits. Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday thru Friday. BARCO Manufacturing Company 500 N. Hough Barrington, Illinois Phone: DUnkirk 1-17(V 2-1-62 For Reel ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS • JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS I-XL Kitchen Cabinets ALSCO Aluminum Siding and Gutters PHONE EV 5-1180 NO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS 3318 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. 12-28-61-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE Virgil R. Pollock DAY OR EVENING FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 385-2500 OFFICE AT 3412 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 1-11-2-1-15-3-15-4-5-12-62 INCOME TAX SERVICE File now and obtain an early refund. Office hours for your convenience - 7 days a week Monday, Wednesday & Friday Nights from 6 to 9 BAYSHORE, INC. Route 120 (Elm) at Green Phone 385-3620 or 385-3710 1-8-62-tf For Rent CRAMPED FOR R O O M ? This May Be The Place You Have Been Looking For, Mr. Businessman! Mahogany Paneling Throughout Private Restroom Reception or Secretary office 9'xl5' Main Office 12'xl8' Utility Room 7'x7' Air Conditioned Individually Controlled Heating Units • Tiled Throughout • Built-in Storage Cabinets TO SEE THIS IDEAL OFFICE CONTACT LARRY E. LUND McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. EV 5-0170 1-18-62-tf WANTED General All Around Machine Repairman J With Some Tool & Die Background Should have experience on set-up and operating milling machine, lathes, grinders and multiple spindle drilling machines. Must be able to set dies, repair machines including punch presses. Job will entail all - above factors including production .job set-up of power brakes, shears and punch presses. A good opportunity for the right man who is interested in becoming established in a new plant with a growing future. Employee benefits include paid group insurance, vacation andf} holiday pay. "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" MODINE MANUFACTURING CO. Ringwood, Illinois Phone: Wonder Lake 2841 2-1-62 Real Estate Real Estate McHENRY & VICINITY JOHNSBURG -- 2 story brick & frame residence, 4 large bedrooms, 1 smaljer, full basement, gas heat, attached garage, lot 100x200, a nice location near church & sdiools. Price $23.- 500.00. 7ISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- Near U.S. 12, 2 extra large and 1 smaller bedroom, living room 12x28, full basement, garage, gas heat, 2 wooded lots. Priced at $16,200.00, owner must sell.^k We will take a reasonable offer. We have many other homes to choose from. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS 2301 Johnsburg Road Johnsburg, 111. Tel. 385-0037 1-25-62-tf 3 BEDROOM RANCH TYPE HOME with full basement and attached garage. Modern in every detail. Owner leaving town A due to transfer. Sacrifice for $16,500. 3 BR. TRI-LEVEL HOME with attached garage. All floors carpeted. Modernistic styling. Brand new. In McHenry's most beautiful subdivision. Priced at $21,500. We a'so have vacant lots in this subdivision. GOING TO SELL? We have buyers for homes in the $7,500 to $18,500 price range; also have buyers for a c r e a g e . List your property f o r s a l e with us. *. THE KENT CORPORATION '311 North Riverside Drive , McHenry, Illinois Phone EVergreen 5-3800 2-1-62

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