Thursday. February ft 1962 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Pistakee Highlands OVER ANXIOUS STORK DELIVERS BABY GIRL IN CAR ^ Haael Morley - HY 7-3320 yAn over anxious stork refused to wait on Jan. 30 and Mrs. Richard Grenell, 22, gave birth to an 8>Jtb., 13 oz. girl in the family car. The Grenells, who reside at 710 W. Henry Terrace, were on their way to St. Theresa hospital in Waukegan at the, time. After the jdelivery, the rescue squad took Mrs. Grenell^ and the girl to flBt. Therese where both were «oing very ^ell. W.S.C.S. .i Each month the W.S.C.S. members will be asked to bring itn article for the bazaar. For the Feb. 13 meeting we are asked to bring one dish towel or more if the mood strikes you. On Feb. 24 a bake sale will be held in Fox , Lake. Ha- Mel Rogde is chairman, v Looking into the month of June, a Father and Son banquet is being planned for the ninth of the month. Billy Jones, president, phoned and suggested that as long as my husband and four sons would be at the banquet that it would be a good idea if I would be chairman of the dinner so I won't be home all alone. I ^ouldn't think of anything nicer than being home all alone while my family is being fed a hot meal. But, here I am, chairman of the Father and Son banquet and I would like some help and lots of suggestions. I will loan out a few of my boys to any father who may need one for the occasion. Cub Scouts A All Cubs and parents are reininded of the pack meeting on Feb. 14. At this time there will be more information on the Blue and Gold dinner being planned for Feb. 25. All Cub Scouts are asked to wear their uniforms to church or Sunday school on Feb. 11. Thoren. The Thorens were married cm May 3, 1941 and were introduced by a mutual friend. They have three children. Craig is 19, an alumni of McHenry high, Kenny, 17, a junior at McHenry and on the wrestling team and Janet who is 12 and in the sixth grade at Johnsburg. Ed is an office manager in Chicago and a real easy going fella. Ginny works in McHenry and for awhile worked in the cafeteria at the Johnsburg school. Ed is a member of the Johnsburg school board and both are very active at the Mount Hope church. The Thorens have been with the church since it was just an "idea" and were one of few families who stayed with it when we had our difficult periods and disappointments. When you think of Ed and Virginia and children you think of a fine family. See you next week and-we'll meet another family. \ Birthdays H a p p y b i r t h d a y i n t h i s month of sweethearts to Marilyn (Bob) VanZevern on Valentine day, Feb. 14; to Toots Spankuch on the seventeenth, and to Joyce Heir on the sixteenth. McCullom Lake CRASH VICTIM IMPROVES AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Eve Leveaque Page Eleven Bykota This month's meeting will be Aeld on Feb. 17 at the church. a valentine party is being planned by Ed and Ginny Thoren and Jim and Polly Stevens. . Around the Highlands •Lois and Peck Leuth returned home last week after spending two weeks in Florida. Kay and Wally Sielisch have received word that Wally's mother is confined to the JTijanklin boulevard hospital in ^Chicago. Let's hope her stay there will be a short one. Emma Rosengart was a patient at McHenry hospital after falling last Friday. Billy and Ernie Jones and the kiddies were pleased to have Grandma Koehler out for a two day visit last week. Happy birthday to Steven Hurckes who will be six years ^Jd on Feb. 13. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chet Rechsky who welcomed a boy on Jan. 17. The youngster weighed 6 lbs., 2 ozs. Mrs. Day who lives on Agatha is the grandmother. Belated birthday wishes to Don Dobecki on Jan. 31. Dot and Jack Erbin and family spent last Saturday evening in Chicago for a combina- '®on family reunion and celebration of Dorothy's grandmothers eighty-fifth birthday. Jerry Janquart spent two days in Aurora last week at an engineers' convention. Don and Wanda Dobecki and Jack Erbin attended the Chamber of Commerce dinner in Fox Lake on Jan. 27. I'd Like You to Meet \fcOne of the nicest families I knbw. They have been one of my favorites ever since we first met. Let's go to 5501 Louella and meet Ed and Virginia Woman's Club News The Woman's club held its meeting Jan. 31 in spite of the inclement weather. There was a very nice turnout. The is sues were voted on and the terms of office will remain as they were, all officers will serve one year. It was defeat ed by six votes. The order of business was voted to be dropped from the by-laws. Many women brought their cake coupons and Rosemary Thelen was the top saver of the month, she brought in 332 coupons. The total coupons for the month of January was 480 which is very wonderful and President Catherine Sielisch is most grateful for the women's cooperation. It was voted on to give checks to, Veteran Affairs, Indian Affairs, Cancer, Boys Town of Illinois, Care, Park Ridge School for Girls, Scholarship Fund for Exceptional Children, Pistakee Library, Woodstock Children's Home, Sea Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Cubs and Pistakee Highlands Teen Club. President Catherine Sielisch wishes to express her deep gratitude to all the members for their wonderful support all year. All our projects were so well supported and the funds derived from them were overwhelming. The women enjoyed colored slides on home decorating with fabrics, Doris Hansen acted as moderator. If you did not get your cherry tree gifts to the meeting will you please drop them off at the home of Blanche Haefliger or Catherine Sielisch. The funds derived from the sales of cherries will be used to buy two dozen china cups and saucers and a coffee server. Please bring your coupons to the February meeting. Hostesses for the February meeting will be, Mrs. George VanZevern, Mary Seldon, Audrey Misavice, Geraldine Vrbik, Mamie O'Neill and Betty Johnson. February meeting will be held Feb. 28 and will be a closed meeting. Blanche Heafliger attended the Indian affairs convention for the President Catherine Sielisch and reported it was a wonderful affair. The President appreciated Blanche's filling in for her. Blanche has also volunteered to purchased the dishes for the club. The officers hope the February meeting will be well attended. That's It For another icy, snowy week. Have a nice week, Won't you? Bye now. A tragedy was averted by a hair's breadth last Monday when Leo Scarbrough, 42, of Fountain Lane and Spring Road crashed into the McHenry Disposal truck driven by Frank Scolaro of McHenry on the McCullom Lake blacktop about 1:20 p.m. The young Scolaro lad was turning into the Vincent Charles driveway when the accident occurred. Leo's life hung in the balance for several hours that afternoon, and even after he was considered off the critical list by the doctors at McHenry hospital, there was danger that the severe head injury he received upon impact would cause him to lose the sight of his right eye.. According to the report re-' ceived from Mrs. Scarbrough on Monday morning, he will retain his eyesight and if his condition continued to improve, there was a good chance that he would be discharged from the hospital some time this week. Mrs. Scarbrough also reported that young Scolaro was probably responsible for saving Leo's life with his fast action immediately after the crash. The story was mentioned that a fire broke out in the Scarbrough vehicle with Leo pinned in the front seat. The young driver is reported to have reached into his truck and used his fire extinguisher to put out the flames. By some - strange twist of fate, Chuck Thacker who has been in a car pool with Leo for quite some time, changed his day off and was not a passenger on that memorable Monday! This is a happy ending to what could have been a very unhappy story. As Jake was making his farewells to us on Monday morning he mentioned that the cameras were trained on him. You can bet that the kids and I will be watching the newspapers for his face!! We should have quite a story on this fabulous trip when our fly-boy returns!! Improving International Relations President of the village, Lt. Cmdr. Jake Levesque departed Naval Air Station, Glenview, on Monday morning for his annual two weeks training duty as executive officer of Squadron VR-724. The destination of the three planes was Port Lyautey, French Morocco on the western coast of Africa. First leg of their journey was to be Argentia, Newfoundland and then across the ocean to the Azores. After a six-hour layover, they would complete their trip to that far naval base. During the two weeks, many trips will be made to various countries in that area and may even include Madrid, "Spain; Rome, Italy; Paris; London; and perhaps others! A great deal of publicity is scheduled for this particular cruise, because one of their duties was to fly medicines into French Morocco. The Pasha was a guest at the Air Station over the weekend and pictures* --both still and movies--were taken. A Daughter for Eleanor and BUI! The nuptials on Saturday which united Ron Creutz and Jackie Skidmore of Ringwood have given Eleanor and Bill their longed for daughter. The young couple were handsome indeed as they stood before the beautiful altar of Zion Lutherlijjh church and repeated their vows. Details of tijie wedding appear on the society-~pa_ge of the Plaindealer. The ceremony was lovely and colorful with the bride's beautiful gown of white silk brocade dominating the scene. Her attendants were resplendant in ruby red ballerina gowns and the Valentine motif was carried out wiih the heart shaped white fur muffs which they carried --adorned with their bouquets. Although the lachrymal organs of both mothers were working! they were truly tears of joy! A capacity crowd packed the V.F.W. hall for the afternoon reception which featured a roast beef and trimmings buffet. A fine orchestra supplied a complete variety pf numbers for dancing which lasted far into the night. According to tradition, the next bride will be Miss Cathy Mclnemey (a fellow alumna, class of '59) who caught the bouquet. Ron Clem can plan on that "trip down the aisle" in the near future, and he proudly sported the bride's garter on his right arm for the entire evening. A gorgeous cake of four offset layers was displayed in a prominent position and tasted as good as it looked! The newly wedded couple have a fine start to a long and happy marriage with blessings from both families, and now they can all sit back and wait for the grandchildren!! family, sister Diane Horn of Wonder Lake, joined her husband and his family also in Florida and was not present for Ruth's big moment either! All's well that ends well and the little fella will be fondled gently and often when they all return. Ruth and the baby have been receiving excellent care at the home of Don's mother, proud granny Evelyn Suchy. Also happy about the blessed event are Mr. and Mrs. Matt Tabor of Chicago, the baby's greatgrandparents on the maternal side. Congratulations to all. Heart Sunday--Feb. 26 Theresa Schultz has been named to head the drive for Heart Sunday which will take place in the village (and all over the country^ on Feb. 25. Volunteers will be calling on you on that date. Former Resident's Death Reported Old timers in this area will well recall Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ohlendorf who built the Dan Fiore residence on Eastwood Drive, and moved to Reseda, Calif, some 20 years ago. Word was received by Lil and Lee Sawdo last week that Mr. Ohlendorf suffered a fatal heart attack on Jan. 3 and was buried in Crete, 111. He is survived by his wife, Elsie, who corresponded with the Sawdos. Stork Visits While , Grandparents Vacation Speaking of grandchildren! Betty and Nick Tabor became just that for the second time while they were vacationing In E n g l e w o o d , F l a . Y o u n g e r daughter, Ruthie Suchy, surprised them with a 7 lbs., 3 oz. grandson last Friday afternoon (Feb. 2) at 4:55. Timothy Scott was born at Memorial hospital for McHenry County and measured nineteen and three quarter inches. According to her physician, had he gone to full term, he would have been a whopper!! It seems as though a shower for the mother-to-be was held on Sunday afternoon with the Tabors leaving for their vacation the following ,day. They planned to enjoy themselves for two weeks and be home in plenty of time for the stork's visit. Only other member of the Attends Relative's Funeral Harriet McNamara attended services for her brother-in-law, Richard McNamara, 77, who died in a Chicago hospital and was buried on Saturday. A widower, he left no survivors. Mount Carmel was the place of interment. Volunteers Needed for C.D. A civil defense program is in effect in this area, headed by John Shay, but volunteers are needed locally to work with our director, acting police chief Jack Schlofner. Positions are open for those who wish to help with police work, rescue squads, radiological survey and fire defense. As you must know by this time, this organization is not being built for use ONLY in the event of a nuclear war (which we pray will NEVER happen) but also for natural disasters such as floods, fires, and other calamities. There are courses available in all these fields and for more information, please get in touch with Jack or his assistant, John Fox. Accident Victims and Hospital Patients Ed Doran who was reported to be a patient at Hines Veteran's hospital underwent surgery on Jan. 25 and is progressing nicely, according to his wife, Wyn. If he continues to improve, he will be home shortly. Louise Berquist was rushed to Oak Park hospital a week ago Monday and there were possibilities that she would require an operation. Her husband, Carl, is staying in the city to be near her side. Helge Davidsen has been laid up for almost two weeks with a broken ankle which he sustained when he slipped on the ice. This poor fellow who is one of the nicest senior citizens in these parts has had the "dog-gonedest" luck.! About a year ago, he broke his arm and just a short time ago he injured his legs when his car rolled over him. Now he is laid up again! How about cheering him up with a "sunshine shower" of cards? Orville Abney has been "confined to quarters" with a back injury and will probably not be able to return to his employment in Ringwood for possibly another week. When you send your get-well messages to the above named folks, don't forget to include Leo Scarbrough who will be convalescing for a long while. Religious Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. A1 Oberhuber were baptized into the Baptist faith by complete immersion on Sunday, Jan. 21. Although they are members of the McHenry church, the service was performed in Meadowdaie because the facilities were not available locally. They truly investigated and then chose the religion which they felt was theirs! We couldn't be happier for them. They, too, are nursing a victim of this fierce winter. Twin daughter, Christie, broke her shoulder while sledding but' should mend nicely because of her extreme youth. Second Honeymoon For the first time in 20 years, Ann and Bob Zahn spent a vacation without their progeny. The children were cared for by Ann's mother, Harriet Burghart, while they enjoyed two weeks in Pompano Beach, Fla., at the home of friends. Water skiing, swimming, and all the other beach delights were participated in with complete abandon. "Night Life-ing" was also on the agenda and they sp6ke with "Woody" Woodbury, a famous comedian during their jaunt of the bistros. They celebrated their-twentieth wedding anniversary on Jan. 24. and arrived home on the twenty-seventh. Birthday Shenanigans" " Irene Sales was feted on Jan. 26 at the home of Doris and Bob Sales in Rolling Meadows, attended also by Caroline and Chick. Service for eight was her lovely gift from the youngsters. Another guest of honor for natal day festivities was Art Stuhlfeier on Thursday. Feb. 1, when Violet Gates arranged a surprise dinner party for her dad at a local restaurant. The party was complete with a birthday cake and candles and the entire assembly serenaded him with the traditional song. A big thrill for the fellow, and beaming graciously by his side was his ever lovin' Maude. Skeletons Rattling Shades of ancient history, but if you recall the long defunct "Screwy Dozen" you can consider yourself an old timer! Something is "in the wind" ARLITE McHEVRV-e : FINEST RESTAURANT Cocktail Lounge !i Block East of Depot Specializing^ In • STEAKS • CHOPS • SEA FOOD • FOWL • PRIME RIB 3924 W. Main St. For Reservations Call 383-0951 McHenry, III. along these lines so stand by for action! Natal Days 'N' Matrimonial Milestones Belated Congrats to Abby and Vince Berry who were wed 48! years on Feb. 6. . . Baby of the family Mark Cable is 2 today, Feb. 8. . .Anniversary Congrats to Marge and Ole Olsen as of tomorrow. Feb. 9, which date will see Darlene Palis a happy teen-ager of 13. . . .Terri Wilson will be 5 on the tenth. . . Betty and Frank "Poladino" (Poledna. of course) will celebrate 12 years together on the twelfth. . .' . Virginia Tomasello is a Valentine birthday gal on the fourteenth. Best wishes to all. Sincere thanks for all the telephone calls this past- 7 days! It was magnificent and you can see the result. Just keep it up so we can keep our hamlet on the map! Hey, fellas, plenty of time to make those purchases for your cherished ones in honor of Valentine's Day. Feb. 14. See you next week Remember with CHOCOLATES FEB. 14 GIVE THE FAMOUS CHOCOLATE* (HEARTS. Large variety of beautifully decorated hearts BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. L » t v r r r » J Smifh°§ ABinem^sif Service KILMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Bad Park in West McHenry" 1813 No. North Drive McHenry, I1L • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS ® MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV MH4 or EV 5-4268 Otheo e cars but...... Buick! Ir a flatter front floor is one of the powerful pluses in the Buick LeSabre, the year's best power value. LeSabre also hitches eacOuslve Advance Thrust to big Wildcat engine, America's smoothest transmission. Tiuiribist© Drive...all at no extra cost. Special! oi©te: LeSabre's price is lower Shati snany "low-priced" models. Drive it. Buisk LeSabre is the buy. m • • t • • • » 4 SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER NOW . . . Your Quality Buick Dealer in McHenry is: R.LI1 •niiwiMi w>-ov» •»» 4 1109 N. Front St tig mkcHmni Ug wmkiml tm fmur Iuhk Otahr fee OowWe Check Uwd Canl WE ARE The management of Snug Harbor Boat Club wishes to announce an expansion program for your future convenience. We will remain Open during our remodelling. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Stone Construction SUB - CONTRACTORS Schroeder Iron Works Alexander Lumber Co. Lee & Ray Electric George Brda -- Healing & Air Conditioning Kasperski -- Masonry Larry Fuhrer -- Refrigeration Joseph Weber -- Plumbing McHenry Sand & Gravel -- Concrete 801 North River Road is: 3H5-2(S71