Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER EDITORIAL Thursday, February 8, 1962 BOY SCOUT WEEK On its fifty-second birthday Feb. 8, the Boy Scouts of America has a total membership of 5,235,000 boys and leaders. In McHenry area alone there are well ovef:300 working actively in this worthwhile endeavor. By exposing boys to healthy kinds of living, doing and working, the Boy Scout movement strikes sparks of ambition and interest, character and pride that may light fires for a lifetime. Since the founding, 31,830,- 000 boys have been associated with Scouting. Their record through five decades has proved their trust worthiness and exerted a great and good influence upon the manhood of 1962. Bl'SY CENSUS BUREAU Most of us give little thought to the work of the Census Bureau except once a decade, but contrary to popular belief, the U. S. Census Bureau does not fold its tents and fade away between the big ten year population and housing counts. Mr. Theodore Olson, of the regional office in Chicago points out that nine major censuses will De conducted between now and the next decennial census in 1970. The first of these major censuses will be the 1962 Census of Governments which is conducted every five years. Then comes the five-year Censuses of Business, Manufactures and Mineral Industries. These will be taken in 1964 and 1969, covering business operations in 1963 and 1968 respectively. The Census of Agriculture will be conducted in 1964 and 1969. In addition to these major censuses; the Bureau carries out a wide variety of current surveys on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Topics covered in the current suivey^ [ include employment and unemployment, population characteristics. health, housing, retail and wholesale trade, manufacturing, and related subjects. The purpose of the current surveys is to supplement and keep up to date the detailed information collected in the major censuses. The Current Population Survey, conducted twelve times a year, is probably the best known Census Bureau interim activity since it provides monthly information on employment and unemployment. Troop 162 The Scouts of Troop 162 held a "Family Night" banquet Saturday evening, Feb. 3, at the Legion home. This was an exciting event for their guest of honor was, the district commissioner, Ben Phillips. The meeting was started with the presenting of colors by the Green Bar.. These are the boys who are patrol leaders and are taking training to be future leaders. Our Scoutmaster, Jim Kirk, welcomed the group and introduced the master of ceremonies. Dennis McGowan, one of the assistant senior patrol leaders. Dennis called on each patrol to give their patrol yell. The patrols that participated were the Hawks, the Eagles and the Raccoons. These were veils " that the boys wrote for each patrol. Then We had a bit of community singing, led by John Beata and Fred Durrenbeig. Xext our Scoutmaster, Jim Kirk, introduced the honor guest of the evening, Mr. Phillips. He presented our new charter for 1962 to Mr. Griffin. the American Legion representative. This is the thirtieth year that the Legion has sponsored Troop 162. He also presented the regist rat ion cards for 1962 to the committee: George McGowan, chairman; Dennis Martel, Sr., Walter Durrenberg. Charles Messel, Sr.. and Maynard DeVos: Also receiving their registration cards were the assistant Scoutmasters, John Beato, Information obtained by interviews in 333 sample areas of the country is combined to furnish statistics for national estimates. Information on migration, income, :chool enrollment, and other pertinent subjects is collected from time to time in the Current Population Survey in addition to the facts on employment and unemployment. Approximately 35,000 households throughout the country are included each month in the Current Population Survey. These households are selected at random under the scientific sampling program to provide a representative cross-section of all classes of the population, and all types of areas of Wie country -- large cities, small towns, rural areas, etc. Fred Durrenberg, and Charles Messel, Sr. There were a few badges to present, which was very ably done by our Scoutmaster, Jim Kirk. Tenderfoot badges were presented to Rich Vycital and Robert Gouser; a reading merit badge to Charles Messel,. Jr. This wasn't a very good showing for the amount of Scouts we have. Come on, boys, let's work for more badges. Our district representative, Hugh Kirk, gave the boys and parents an idea of life at Camp Lowden. Then to top the evening we had some very entertaining movies. The first was of the 1960 Jubilee Jamboree at Colorado Springs. The second was on Indian Ceremonials. These should have given the boys many good ideas for SQme of their outings. Our Scoutmaster prepared the baked ham ^md made the delicious coffee that we all enjoyed so much. The Committee , A successful wife is one who spends as much time mending hubby's clothes ^is his ways. Spring Grove ' READING MERIT AWARD RECEIVED BY LOCAL PUPIL Eva Freund Catherine Westphal, daughter of Mx*. and Mrs. JR.ay Westphal received an award this week in the diocesan reading merit program for reading and givirjg reports on some fifty books. The Most Rev. Loras Lane, Bishop of Rockford, presented the merit pin to her in the chancery office. The Very R^v. Raymond J. Wahl, dio-» cesan director of education was also present. The purpose of the program is to encourage pupils to compete and in this way further their literary interest and abilities. Resumes Studies Dave Smith returned to Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, Wis:, the first of the year. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Elwood are the proud parents of a .ArB&Kpncing'-- The Association of 2)ee A mici with Wondermere Piano n Studios Lessons PIANO - Sales • Rental v. VOCAL Voice Coaching For Further Information Call 385-1143 save $5000 ON ANY tame Garage ORDERED ANY TIME During the Month of February. ymenl; on all GARAGES and REMODELING 1st Payment Not Due Until June znn1 :=F IPIIII1 1' N I: QQdaughter weighing 8 lbs., 9 ozs. born at a Burlington hospital on Jan. 27. Mrs. Elwood is the former Judy Freund. Hospitalized Mrs. Frank Tinney will enter University of Chicago hospital this week for surgery as an aid to hearing. Belated Birthday Wishes To Paul Weber and Mrs. May Taylor on Feb. 6; to Michael Kagan and Denny Larson on Feb. 1. Happy birthday to Mrs. George W. May Feb. 9. Attend Parent's Night Parents of students at Marian Central high school attended parent's night at Woodstock on Thursday. Interviews were held with the teachers and a program was given. The play "The Devil and Daniel Webster" was presented by the Freshman class and was greatly enjoyed by all present." Ad Altare Dei Medals Awarded Six boys from St. Peter's parish, Spring Grove, who have passed the required examination and who have been awarded their first class Boy Scout pins and merit badges, will be presented With the Ad Altare Dei Medal at St. James Pro- Cathedral in Rockford by Bishop Loras T. Lane on Feb. 11. The boys from St. Peter's who will be among the Boy Scouts to receive this high honor, and they are the first group of boys from St. Peter's ever to be so honored, are Charles Brown, Dennis Wipper, John Kabot, Richard Schoen, David Kagan and Paul Wrubleski. Accident We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Math Nimsgern fell and broke a bone in her ankle. She is confined in her home. HEAD DEPUTY GROUP Lt. John Carroll was elected president of the .McHenry County Deputy Sheriffs' association at a meeting held at the Woodstock Legion home last week. Other officers are Carney Gilkerson of Crystal Lake, vice - president; Ed. Schuett, treasurer; and Richard Sterne, sergeant at arms. Henry Faerber was re-named secretary and his wife, Mabel, recording secretary. Lake Guard To Post Colors For General . The seventeen man Lake Region Guard, American Legion Post 703, will post the colors for General Edwin A. Walker's appearance at McCormick Place on Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. Post 703 guard has been selected five different times .« to carry second division colors at State American Legion conventions, and has frequently posted the colors for the convention. Approximately 40,000 Legionnaires comprise the membership of the second division, representing counties just outside of. Cook county. Headquarters of Post 703 are at Fox Lake, with Tom Adams as captain of the guard and Tom Koch as his / assistant, both of Fox Lake. ENROLLS IN SCHOOL ' Miss Mary Lynn Murphy, daughter of Evelyn K. Murphy, who graduated in August, 1961, from Chicago Wesley Memorial school of nursing, is now enrolled at University of Illinois pre-medical school. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line, of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 f FEl. 7-13 With Storage SPECIAL GROUP of Assorted NEW WINDOW UNITS rastkally Reduced for DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL PRICE on Ail Pre-Finished HARDWOOD PANELLING ORDERED DURING DAYS Whatever Your Needs -- You Will Find Them At. ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South @f §fe@t -- McHenry, Illinois I WILL DO HY BEST" TO IBuiio . grave ;_<L] ACHIEVE ^ flKMTHEH MEMU-CKMUCTER COURTS "Strengthen America -- Character Counts" These Civic Minded Businessmen Salute The Boy Scouts of America CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3917 XV. Main St. 385-5251 LINDSAY SOFT WATER 3721 W. Elm Street 385-3900 FRANK LOW INSURANCE CO. 2825 W. Elm Street 385-6572 -- 385-3873 SEYMOUR'S LICENSE SERVICE 3618 W. Elm Street EV 5-4908 . McHENRY AUTO BODY 4704 W. Route 120 EV 5-0444 CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 N. Green St. EV 5-5500 BOB'S AUTO BODY 4103 YV. Waukegan EV 5-4116 SEIBEL MOTOR SALES Rt. 120 W. Lakeland Park EV 5-5361 McHENRY STATE BANk 3510 W. Elm Street EV 5-1040 EART, -R. WALSH INSURANCE 3429 W. Elm Street EV 5-0048 STATE FARM INSURANCE Robert J. Conway 3315 VV. Elm Street EV 5-5285 McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212A N. Green Street EV 5-5064 MORRIE'S CITIES SERVICE Route 120 FA" Lakeland Part 5-9758 CROSS SPORT & GUN SEOP Volo, Illinois EV 5-4211 THE AUTO STORE 1330 N. Riverside Drive EV 5-4026 SCHREINER'S STANDARD SERVICE 3817 W. Elm Street EV 5-0720 BEN FRANKLIN STORE 1250 N. Green Street EV 5-0806 THE KENT CORPORATION 1311 N. Riverside Drive ^ EV 5-3800 ^ CERTIFIED FOOD STORE 1266 X. Green Street EV 5-0080 McHENRY THEATRE 1204 N. Green Street EV 5-0144 i I T / i l l .