** Thursday, February 15, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Johnsburg WEDDING BELLS BRIGHTEN DULL WINTER SCENE Betty Hettermann ^ Two recent weddings of interest made thes-^ winter months seem like spring. The hustle and bustle that go along with the wedding preparations made everyone concerned forget that the ground was covered, with snow. , For the moment everyone concentrated Ntheir thoughts on the beauty bf romance. On Jan. 31, a low Mass was r£ad in St. Mary's church which united Mrs. Rose Frisa of McCullom bake, and John Schmitt in riYarriage. Ti't couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Welter of McHenry. About thirty guests were on hand later in the day to attend a dinner honoring the newly married couple. I'prn returning from a Calik 9| fornia, the new Mjwand^Mrs. Schmitt will take ufwesldence at 5005 W. Flanders road in McCullom Lake. Our sincere wishes for a very happy future is x'elayed to them. The sun peeped through the clouds to shine for the wedding of Frank Murphy and Dorothy Hiller. A beautiful ceremony was performed at 11 o'clock £ last Saturday mining in St. John's church. Many well wishers which included relatives and friends, were on hand later in the day to extend their congratulations to the newlyweds. A reception in their honor was held in the community c l u b h a l l . F o l l o w i n g t h e i r honeymoon trip, the new Mr. and Mrs. Murphv will begin their housekeeping in Mc- <9 Henry. Congratulations and best wishes from all are extended to this young couple. Hospital '<«riiup Meets The meeting of the Pink Indies Sewing Guild in the Mr- Henry hospital which took place on Feb. 8 was held in the McHenry homo of Ceila Blake. The ladies have been £ working on aprons and various other fancy works to restock their shop. Present at this meeting were: Lilah Jordan, Helene Pepping, Marion Ritter and Margaret Boiin. who recently returned from a trip to California. These ladies are all of McHenry. Johnslurg members in attendance were Nellie Bergener nnd Esther Ktuipp. Agnes Koman was absent as w she is vacationing in California. Lillian Cox was also unable to be present as she will undergo surgery in the McHenry hospital soon. Vi Schublc. Marge Morelh, Gcrt Snell and Lorraine Lindemanri represented Pistakee Highlands. married life oh the romantic date of Feb. 14. Henry Sompel was surrounded by twelve guests which included his son and wife fof dinner last Thursday, Feb. 8. The occasion was Henry's eightieth birthday. Sandy Hettermann "had her house filled to the rafters last Sunday evening when fourteen young ladies gathered theie for a slumber party. Of course, sleep is something you don't get at a slumber party you know! Most of the evening is spent in gab fest and consuming food. Joining in on the celebration of Sandy's sixteenth birthday were: Rhonda Gibbs, Connie Sweet and Kris Now askey of Woodstock; Paula Simonini of Algonquin, Eileen Homo of McHenry, Diane Stilling, Kathy Hettermann, JJmis Ansell, and Pat O'Mailey of Johnsburg, Pat Slavin of Hebron, Pat Ryan of Crystal Lake, Kathy Kvidera and Mary Pat Ciske of Cary. Billy Barth will turn 7 on Feb, 17. Best wishes to all! Girl Scout News At last week's meeting of troop 378 found more of the troop busily involved in badge work. Also further 'discussion on their Valentine party took place. This troop received a letter of acceptance from troop 408. The two troops will have their Valentine party together. Patsy Meyers was cookie hostess for this meeting. Recently chosen to serve as color guards for this troop were: Jean Hettermann, Carol Jean Hiller, Mary Jo Haag, Bonnie MacGregor and Patti Sullivan. Kathy Barth reports to me that at their last meeting they opened with the salute to the flag°followed by the collection of dues and the attendance. The girls had their practice for the Court of Awards which took place last Sunday alternoon. Tre troop made smie candy and Kathv says they rejS'JJy* aren't braggisig ' abiSut their accomplishment, but it was delicious! The singing of taps brought the meeting to a close. Eleven giHs were in attendance at this meeting plus Mesdames Barth, Anderson and Dehn. On the Mend Kevin Freund is recuperating following a recent hospital stay for the removal of his tonsils. Mrs. Anna Lay fell last week and suffered possible back injuries. We certainly hope she will be up and about real soon. Mr. Measles caught up with' Karen Smith and made her miss a week of kindergarten classes. / Susie Hein was a pretty sick young lady when a recent $irus hit her. Joey Dehn had to miss several days of school because of a bad cpld. David Peterson licked his germ and is able to return to school this *veek. The whole Barth fairily is now back on their feet after a lengthy seige of colds, flu, pneumonia, etc. Get-well wishes to all and please stay well! New Home Occupants Last Wednesday, R»y and Shirley Tansey and daughter, Barbara, moved into their beautiful new two-story hone on Fairview avenue. We wish them lots of health and happiness in their new surroundings. Lady Foresters to Meet Next Tuesday evening, Feb. 20, the Lady Foresters will hold their regular monthly meeting in the community club hall. Donna Conden will be chairman of ,the committee and the following ladies have been chosen to assist her: Patty Klein, Teresa Miller, Barbara Freund, Joan Freund, Laura Schmitt, Janice Huff and Dorothy Hettermann. This will be the third round in the current card tournament. Rescue Squad Calls Our rescue squad was called upon three times last week to lend their assistance to tht>se in need. Twice Wednesday they received urgent calls for help. In the morning the call took them to Spring Grove to the scene of a two car collision. Later the same day a resident of Pistakee Highlands suffered a possible broken hip and was taken in the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital. Sunday afternoon, Sunnysid-? Estates was the scene of more needed aid from our squad members. A resident there suffered ta possible respiratory iilrnent. A doctor v WAS n summ6ned to the home and the victim received treatment there. Seout Doings Two important events in the Scout world took place last Sunday. The court of awards for troop 295 was held in the Johnsburg public school beginning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The twelve girls in this troop earned a total of seventy- two badges which were presented to them at this time. Their parents were on ha^nd to witness the presentstion. Mrs. Jean Weyland. neighborhood chairman, and James Busch, principal of the school were the guests of the afternoon. Tiie troop is sponsored by the Johnsburg P.T.A. and Mr. Busch spoke on their behalf. Cake and coffee were served later by the committee women. , The Blue and Gold dinner of the Cub Scouts took place in tl\6 early evening of last Sunday at Eastwood Manor. Some five dens of pack 454 and their parents attended thu> event. HOLD SEMINAR FOR JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES SQON Holiday Hills Make Plea For Blood Donors Inez Young Congratulations Corner Belated birthday wishes in Pam Marshall who reachcd the very special ago ol sixteen on Feb. 7. The "perpetual sweethearts." Connie and Dick Marshall, celebrated twenty years of Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. Henry Ceb Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 To See Us II If®® Sfeod A Water System ar Weill Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agencv We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system A guarantee in writing. We ser-vice all makes including Montgomo-v Wards and Sears pumps. Our men and machines are completely insured. Pump cutaways on hand for youi inspection Parts available for all makes Besides pump installations we do botft wen drilling and drive well points. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALX> MAffiS of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV lM»71S Jehovah's Witnesses in McHenry will participate in a three-day Bible seminar to be held in Aurora March 9 to 11. Steven Soviak. presiding minister of the local group, annpunced that the entire congregation has been invited to attend the training program. No special delegates are being selected. More than 1,200 Witnesses from eighteen northern Illinois congregations will take part. The assembly is sponsored by the Watchtower Society of New York, which represents the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Soviak said that the objective of the program will be to stimulate responsible Christian activity in these critical times. All sessions will be free and open to the public. Jehovah's Witnesses conducted more than 500 such training seminars in all parts of the United States last year according to Soviak. The programs cover such subjects as Bible prophecy, teaching methods, doctrine and application of Christian principles in family life. "Who Will Rule the World?" will be the principal address of the event by R. L. Anderson, assembly chairman and district; minister of Jehovah's Witnesses in the y midwest. John Mansavage, circuit minister of the eighteen convening congregations, will appear on the program each day. Reasons 1 have unhappy news to re- i port today. Last Thursday Ray j Bairri underwent serious surgery at McHenry hospital and for a while things didn't look I too good. He was confined to ! the hospital A week before, | fluring which time he was hem- j 6rrhaging and required quite a j lot of blood. They replaced all j Of his blood at the time of the I Operation. At that time he'd; had fourteen pints of blood, j This, of course, will have to be I replaced. If you are able to do- I hate blood please contact me i kt 385-4672 or Mary Hahon at i 885-5955. Jean tells me, after j 24 hours at the hospital, he i seems to be coming along all j right. If any :of you have ever needed blood you know what \ it costs and this should be re- j placed, two pints for each one given. There's a chance to be a real help to a neighbor. Cub Scouts The Cub Scouts are going all out to celebrate the fiftysecond anniversary of Scouting, i What's going on? Why they j have a pot-1 u c k s u pp e r planned. Each Sc6ut is to bring I a hot dish and his family. The dens have been busy making table decorations and favors in honor of the occasion. The date? Saturday, Feb. 24. Time? 6 p.m. Place? Lundelius basement. Mark your calendar and start planning what you'll bring. Oh. and don't worry about the dessert, the den mothers will provide that. Visiting \ I got so busy last week aiui had so many calls that we .just didn't have time to go visiting, but we've been visiting again this week. The Andersons. f^»rrit h'vv;ir.i-j Bert, and their threo children a l o n g w i t h D o r o t h y s n v t h i r Mrs. Carlstrom. moved in!<> their home at 1512 N Ilicko, v avenue in September, 1M1. They call Chicago their 'Home Town'- and moved here from the north side of the city. Their three children are John, 18 years old, Jo Ann, 15. and Barbara, aged 12. Jo Ann is a freshman at McHenry high and at ihe present time very much interested in sewing and dancing. Barbara attends Junior high. While visiting at the home we saw a beautiful picture, painted in oils, drying. This was John's picture he drew in and then painted. He says it was his first endeavor and I don't know too much about art but this was certainly very pretty. John tells me he is also interested in guns, hunting, cycles and cars. Bert is a machinest and works for a radio corporation. His spare time is spent on model airplanes: Dorothy is anxious to see spring roll around so she can work in her garden. Flowers are her hobby. And Dorothy's mother, Mrs. Carlstrom is looking for some friends her age. she misses her lifelong friends from the city. Athletic Club Meeting The Griswolii Lake Athletic club will hold its next meeting at the home of Con Kasparzek on Wednesday. Feb. 21. Birthdays A belated heppy birthday to Ricky Jonde who blew out eight candles on Feb. 2. He celebrated with a party complete with cake, ice cream and friends: David, Donald and Robert Sundby, Roy Breede and his brothers, Mark and Skipper. Scott Lundelius had a birthday party on Saturday, Feb. 3, to celebrate his seventh birthday. Big events of the day were games, movies, Chocolate cake and ice cream, and of course, birthday presents f'om Diane Weiss, Richard vSawisch, Steve Schmitt, Gary Connell, John Sciiauer. Wayne Larie, Debbie and Billy Mahon, and his bro!heiV I'.ov and Tom And. as it this wasn't enough ho. had another party on Sunday when Grandma and Grandpa Rcdinl and his Godmother, Miss Lillian Reding, came out to celebrate two birthdays, Scott's and Roy's whose birthday comes up soon. Happy birthday to Johnny Boettcher who will blow out three candles on Feb. 17. Card Party Vi and Rick Wyczesany entertained a group of guests at a card party on Saturday, Feb. 3. Guests included Vi's aunt, Mrs. A. Dudek of Roselle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conforti of Addison, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dony, also from Addison, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wooley, Niles, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Holterhoffer of Shady Shores. Sick List We're happy to report that Wally Foreman is recuperating very nicely from spinal surgery and should be home by now. Newt Pahlke is still in Sherman hospital but improving. C'mon Newt, you've been resting long enough. Girl Scout News For the. past two weeks our Girl Scouts have been busy making favors for McHenry hospital. The favors are to be used at a Valentine party which the girls have planned. Calling a 11 mothers who drive!! The Girl Scouts will be bowling once a month on Tuesday afternoon in Island Lake. The girls are really looking for- TWO LICENSES ARE REVOKED, OTHERS SUSPENDED Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation, of the driver license of Dennis J. Koplin of Marengo and John M. No-^ len of Harvard for driving while intoxicated. The licenses of Martin P. Kane of Woodstock, Francis T. White of Wonder Lake, Ruth C. Bernico of Ringwood, Gerald D. • Behrens of Algonquin, Geraldine Crane of Fox River Grove, Maurice C. Helland of Cary, Vincent Sompolski of Crystal Lake and Jerry J. Thennes of McHenry have been suspended for three violations. The license of Raymond L. Zobjeek of Woodstock swas suspended for permittingS fraudulent use of license^. J A probationary permit was issued to Milton E/ Olson of Mineral Springs, McHenry. ward to this recreational activity. Mickey Walters will set up the teams and keep the records for the girls. If it is possible to get enough mothers to share the driving responsibility there will be no great hardship for anyone. If you can drive.please call Phyl Harper or Vi Abbink. Beautiful Spring Suits Sample Group of Pastel Wools $8.98 - $10.98 (Values to $17.98) Not All Sizes in All Styles -- Sizes 8-18 MUST SEEN! DON'T WAIT! SUPRISE ROOM EV55900 The remarkable new comfort that is built into the 1962 Cadillac is a delight even to long-time Cadillac owners. And it's an even more marvelous experience to those who are learning the luxuf^bf the "car of cars" for the first time. Nowhere in motordom are seats more buoyant... space.jnore generous.. • handling so satisfying ... or roads so smooth. Your Cadillac dealer will be pleased and proud to arrange the luxury drive of your life. It will be worth your time for the revelation alone. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED Jj^adtCCOC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-- PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET 6 4<1 Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts with Dividends credited Semi-Annually 361 i West Elm Street • • • Your account is insured to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent instrumentality of the United States Government. W A Per Annum On Investment Accounts of $1,000 or more with Dividend Checks mailed Semi-Annually Savings ^}vailability . . . Your Savings have ALWAYS been ACCESSIBLE -- WITHDRAWABLE at ONCE -- upon your request. McHe n r y Sa v i n g s A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N On Bonus Investment Accounts from $300.00 to .$10,000 or more can earn 4% in McHenry S & L's 4-Year Bonus Investment Savings Plan. This currently earns a 4^% Annual Dividend, paid by check semi-annually. A Bonus of 12 % per annum is paid after 4 years. Phone tV. 5-3000 ©