Page THE McHENRY PLAXNDEALEft (t Thursday, Ftbruary 15, 1962 McCullom Lake URGE RESIDENTS TO REGISTER FOR PRIMARY ELECTION Eve Levesque pittfl" bill. Seems he was foolish nine, but why get caught in Twenty-eight days before any election is the official closing date for registration and this year it is March 12. With the convenience of having a legistrar in the village there is no excuse for any man or womar) who has attained the age of 21 and has either been born in this country, or is a naturalized citizen not to vote. This is a sacred privilege and is not granted to all people. There are many countries in the world where persons must accept their fate AND their l e a d e r s . You c a n c h o o s e YOURS! Mrs. Emma Pyritz. Village clerk, has been designated by law to be able to register you. She is located at 5218 W. Fountain Lane. In the event you have reachcd the. age of 21 since the last election, if you have changed your name by marriage, or if you have moved here from another precinct, county, or state-- you must RE-REGISTER! The regulations governing a move are these: one year in the state, 90 days in the county, and 30 gays in the precinct. Check your status, and be sure you are ELIGIBLE to vote on Tuesday, April 10. enough to wager the outcome; Won't ruffles look cute on the washline along with all the blue jeans? "Anchors Awfigli" Another local lad has traded "Fighting Warriors" (school song of McHenry High) to "Anchors Aweigh" and Tom DeWitt reports to Chicago and theft on to Great Lakes today. After nine weeks of "boot" training, he will be eligible for a leave and all of his friends will be most anxious to see the handsome lad in ** uniform. Proud of their son who is proving his loyalty to his country are Gwenth and Ray DeWitt of W. Orchard Drive. After his initial training,, Tom hopes to qualify for schooling in diesel engines. Ail branches of the service are fine, but this reporter has a special affinity for the Navy! Blessing for Night Drivers! | Anyone who has travelled the McCullom Lake blacktop or route 31 north of town In the last two weeks has seen tho wonderful tinted light which illuminates this treacherous intersection. Residents in that area who were not aware of the impending installation were overcome with surprise on the first evening when the sky lit up. Many accidents have occurred at this intersection but with the new lighting installation, tjiey should be reduced c o n s i d e r a b l y -- e s p e c i a l l y a t night! President of the village J. R. Levesque has spent a great deal of time and "haranguing" in order to make this dream a reality. Many thanks to all those responsible for its realization. Presented „at the Font Deborah Ann, one month old. daughter of Phyllis and Denny Straumann, was christened at St. Patrick's church on Sunday afternobn with Father Parker performing the service. The tiny one was held by godmother Pat Sklarski, of Chicago and Delton Straumann of Minneapolis as godfather. In his absence, grandfather Gene Piotrowski acted as proxy. Before the ceremony, mother Phyllis served a ham "brunch" with fixings for mat e r n a l g r a n d p a r e n t s , L o t t i e and Gene Piotrowski and Delores; Mr. and Mrs. John Sklarski and children, Pat and Bill; Genevieve Sulkowski and daughter, Rosemary, and Don Osterby. About 4 p.m. the entire assembly enjoyed a complete turkey dinner. In awe of all the "hectivity" was the guest of honor's big sister, Sandy, 18 months old. There Goes His Basketball Team With four members of the team accounted for, Bill Walter "struck out" on his last try and came up with a darling mascot for the team. Sor- lasello and according Ailing List Mrs. Betty Lou Kommer was under the surgeon s scalpel, Monday, Feb. 5, &t Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock. She came home on Wednesday and was reported to be improving according to schedule. Louise Berquist who was a patient at the Oak Park hospital was brought home last Thursday after undergoing several blood transfusions. According to husband Carl, she, too is recovering nicely but doesn't have all her strength j back yet. A contagious illness felled I Charles (Peanuts) Tomto the the rush? Village clerk Emma Pyritz is ready to accommodate you now. Deadline date is March 31. If you purchase them now, you'll get your money's worth. Don't forget the extra cost penalty for waiting too long! Monday's sunshine leads us to believe Spring can't be far away and somehow this year it will be especially welcome! Bye for now-- see you next week? One salmon fishing boat 1958 netted $3,000 worth salmon in one trip. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS ry we can't give you the little lady's nam.' but as of Monday morning Gert and Bill had not decided on one! Their little "switcheroo" was born 3:35 Friday morning at McHenry hospital and weighed 8 lbs., 6 ozs. From tip to toe, she measured twenty inches. Incidentally, she was supposed to be Peter Joseph! Just try to make the feminine name from that one! Daddy Bill is more than willing to turn his baby-sitting chores to anyone who volunteers for the job. Until Gert and her daughter came home on Tuesday, he had his hands full with J. R.--7, Bruce--5, Kurt--3 in June, and Michael who will be 2 in June. This little lady cost Bill more than the doctor and hoslaw of averages, it will be "Tiny's" turn next. Mother Mary is doing the nursing bit with her boys. Speaking of the Tomasellos, sorry we "bolixed" the dates of Mary and Virginia. Mary Tomasello was the Valentine gal with Virginia's natal day the "third! Elating Events Ray Aalto marks his natal day on Saturday, Feb. 17. . . 'Twill be 44 years wed for Emma and Otto Pyritz on Feb. 20, and on this date fine fella Butch Kennenberg will be 76! Best wishes. Why Wait? There is plenty of time to purchase this year's vehicle sticker and tag for your ca- FARM SERVICE WAY INSURED AUCTION LOCATION: 3 miles North West of Woodstock, 111. - 2 miles North of Route 14 Auto Parts on old Alden-Woodstock road -- 11 miles South East of Harvard, 111. Follow Arrows'. EDWARD BRADY Route 1, Woodstock, 111. FE. 8-5263 Lunch on Grounds SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Sale to Start at 10:30 a.m. 65 HI GRADE HOLSTEINS Mostly home raised. Mostly calfhood vaccinated. Hi producing herd of young top quality cattle. 47 Cows, 22 fresh, 5 springers, balance milking well and bred back; 3 Heifers, bred for fall; 8 Heifers, open, 15 mos., ready to breed; 1 Bull, 15 mos. old; 6 Calves. FEED 7 Ton Mixed Hay. no rain; 7 Ton Straw; 600 Bu. Oats, 1 year, Newton, from certified. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT International 400, torque amplifier, live power, 3 valve system with 4 row cultivator; International M with M&W pistons, reconditioned and new set of tires, with 2 row cultivator, 12x38 chains, John Deere No. 55 3-16 in. Plow with throw away shares, hydraulic, on rubber; International 10 ft. Tandem wheel Disc with 18 in. blades; New Idea 12A Manure Spreader* New Idea 7 ft. Power Mower; New Holland hay baler with jnptor and hydraulic bale extension; New Holland PTO No 610 Chopper with corn head; Schultz Stalk Chopper; John Deere 490 Corn Planter with fertilizer; Universal 44 ft. Elevator Avith hydraulic lift and 3 h.p. motor; Massey Harris 7 ft. Clipper Combine with Wis. motor, large Scour Kleen; New Idea 6A Corn Picker, pull type; International double disc Grain Drill, flow feed with fert. and grass seed, 10 ft., on rubber; Lindsay Lever Drag, steel, 4 sections; 2 Lindsay Wagons with 6 ply tires; 2 Electric Fencers; Platform Scale, capacity 600 lbs.- International 4 bar Side Delivery, No. 5, on rubber; 2 Electric Motors, 1 h.p., 2% h.p.; 2 Flat Racks; 2 Lindsay Steel Flare Boxes, 300 gal. Gas Tank; DeLaval Milking Machine, pump and motor, 5 unit; 4 Magnetic DeLaval Units; 28 Automaticmagnetic stall cocks; 6 Milk Cans; Pails, strainers etc Hudson 12-hole Hog Feeder; Quantity Hog Troughs; 10-ho'le chick nest: Chick equipment; Air compressor. This machinery is in A-l condition. All new within last six years, well cared for Miscellaneous good small farm tools. 25-in. Cut Power Riding Lawn Mower. LIBERAL TERMS: To all Farmers, $25.00 and under Cash, over that amount 25 per cent Down Payment, day of sale, balance to be paid monthly payments up to 24 MONTHS. Long Term Loans Available -- See Cashier. Auctioneers Wm. Sullivan, Marengo, 111. -- Eugene Fredrick, Harvard, III. Cashier -- Bob Keefe, Lake Geneva, Wis. Clerk -- Milt Re Ik, Lake Geneva, Wis. FARM AUCTION SERVICE, Inc. Wonder Lake CUB SCOUT BLUE AND GOLD BANQUET SUNDAY, FEB. 18 Jane Ducey Kishwaukee district executive Mai Ingison will be the guest of honor at the Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet at Harrison school Sunday, for Sunday evening, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m. Maggie Daly, columnist of the Chicago American, will be the guest speaker at this "first annual" affair. Phone W.L. 3448 for tickets. Welcome Baby Girl Ray Beity Seisdorf left yesterday from O Hare fiold for a ten day visit to New York cily to meet her newest grandchild. A 6 lb. baby girl was horn <o Mr. and Feb. 18, starting at 3 p,m. He Mrs. Peter Ray (the former is bringing with him a special movie on Cub Scputing to be shfjwn after the dinner and program. Father-Daughter Banquet You can get your tickets to the father-daughter banquet to be held at Marian Central right here at the Lake from LeRoy McCalJ. Sponsored by the Marian Central Father's club, the banquet is scheduled Peggy Seisdorf) at Mt. Sinai hospital on Saturday, Feb. 10. Drama Club Agenda "Speech practice" for everyo n e w i l l be t h e b u s i n e s s of t h e evening when the Drama club meets at McMiJlans tonight. The following week will he rehearsal for the cast of the "Glorified Brat". Star of the play is Kathy McMillah as Emalie Travers, with Leslie Decker and Ricky Ru-iick« playing the part of the Brat's parents, and Kathy Ahr^ns as Amesy, the maid. At last week's meeting the new by-laws were accepted as recommended by the committee. Following the business meeting Director Paetow read parts of the new play wh.Vh was discussed by the group. Everyone is welcome to come to the meetings, says Leslie Decker, publicity chairman. Meet New Home Advisor The Ringwood unit of .|-loine Bureau met the new home advisor for McHenry County at the home of Mrs. Hazel Digg e r s l a s t w e e k . M r s . J ' . t h r y n Neumann, who care to the county in December, told the Ringwoqd unit, of her background experience and education for lion le Bureau work in this first meeting with the group, so that they might be-, come better acquainted. Roll was called with the question. "What does a budget do for your family?" Heart Sunday Feb. 25 will be Heart Sunday at Wonder Lake, and Mrs. Edwin Dornbush, who is chairman on the east side of the lake, would appreciate any cooperation in making a door tq door carvvass for funds. Remember, heart, risease is still the number one killer. Nativity Luthern Church Ni?\vs The women of the church will have their quarterly meeting Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 8 p.m. Catechism classes continue: Senior catechism -- Saturday moijning at 9 o'clock; Junior, Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. I The Senior choir rehearses Thursday at 7:30 p.m.; Junior choir, Saturday at 10 a.m. and Chenjl) Saturday morning at 11. MARKETING STUDY A preliminary report on progress of a joint federal-stat®/ study of marketing practices in commercial fruit and vegetables was issued this week by the Illinois Department of Agriculture's Division of M'aritfcts. During the months since o r g a n i z a t i o n of t h e s t u d y grtfUp, Dr. Walter J. Wills! of Southern Illinois university, Iths conducted a survey shewing that there is definite ecbr, nomic need for apple cold stor* age and packaging facilities of an'immediate nature. A m e r i c a n p e o p l e c a f t y around 13 million pounds p( keys, daily. ills Whale Lb. 39c unippea wmt Jones Dairy ausage Super Right wmz V ...1 ' i SUPER RIGHT, COOKEI HAMS WHOLE OR HALF, SEMI-BONELESS It's skinned, trimmed and has the shank and small bones removed. It's more lean, {uicy and tender. Fully cooked and ready to serve. Lb. Choice White Meat SPECIAL S Halibut Stocks Fish Sticks Sole Fillets @sh WhitefE ON AW% MOUNTAIN GROWN COF! V Slices Lb. Cap'n John's t 1 10-oi. Frozen . 1 9 Pkgs. Cap'n John's Lb. Frozen Pkg. aft) Pan Ready Lb. poatfM •KflR C0Ff€f I-lb. Bog VIGOROUS AND WINEY BOKAR 59* 11 a 1 m AED& COFfEjE Mb. Bag RICH AND FULL-BODIED RED CIRCLE 57* -8b. lag 65 Chicken Noodle Condensed Rich, Red Tomatoes 3 2 l0«/2-OI. TIM 14-ai. Btls. Strained Variety Heinz Soup Heisi" 1' . Mainz Cucumber Disks1 19 Hein Balf Food Beechnut Baby Food A I • Homestyle--Nabisco, Cinnai VvOKIGS Coconut, Oatmeal, Macari Date & Nut Cookies EFip's Coffii sal 1 All Pure Vegetable 49° dexoli All Pure Vegetable S^-oz. A Ae Jars 09 6«%-•*. £Qe Jars 09 For Casseroles Supreme Brand It-W. Pkg. Drip of Regular I Be Off Label For Weight Watchers Inftant Milk Pood Supplement Idea Maxwell House 25c Off Sale III AH Flavors offee erose Sweetner latin k Morsels allows tiding Vegetable Flakes M Iron Spaghetti Ilsweet Margarine m. 39c 49* »-M125 Til 1= $|S» 79° $|40 59° Chop Suey Vegetables Bean Sprouts Mfee in Brownf&ravy Krey Brand t-OZ. Tins l*Qt. Pkg. 10-oz. Jar 8-ox. Btl. 3> •01, Pkgs. Nestles Semi-Sweet Krfft's Brand Mlaiaturei And Pie Fillings Ail Flavor* Mixed Wyler* 3 2 2 2 12-ofc Pkg. 10-oz. ng, Pkft, Pkgo. Mb. Mm. 49° 25° ir 35° i? 59° dexo Shortening ilai il ning Shortening iacirini Ghiiise laid line Manor Ins Sliced Pork M«ii Dinars Mrs. iitteriefth Irs DoS§ [Pineapple Pard Dog Food lit lit® in Facial Tissue liot 2 15c Off Label Patio Brand Frozen a-ib. Tin Quart Btl. 3.1b. Tin 7« ox. Pkgs. 16-oz. Tin 16-ox. Tins 2-lb. Tin I3*m. Tin (••ox. Pkg. Fancy Slices jrup pp 2; 12-ox. Btl. 24-ox. Btl. For a More Active Pet Scotties Brand Soft, Gentle New, Soft Absorbent Scott Brand 2 2 ox. Tim lb- Tins l2S*ft. Roll 40101. "ft Lgo. Rolls 60 Ct. Pkgs. 74° 14° 79° 29° 19° 25° $|25 49° 39° 43c 59° 39c 47° 21® 29° 45° 2 AMERICA'S fp>W9»T fOQP WTAUK... flNCI US* THC OMAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA £9MW*Y ALL PRICES IFFFICTIVI THRU FEBRUARY 17ft --CAMPBELL'S SOUP SALE--i CHICKEN NOODLE 6---IOV2-01. Tins CHICKEN VEGETABLE CHILI BEEF BEEF SOUP CHICKEN RICE MUSHROOM *1 00 • BEAN & BACON • VEGETABLE • TOMATO MM • CREAM OF VEGETABLE • CELERY © ^SGETAIBAM • ASPARAGUS VI 7_ IOV2-01. Tim $1 00 Ipinisl lar Cake llsddar Che®!® . inn Piti ie@i$$ JanaParlter Spicy Mild, Fancy Wisconsin Roe. Medium Broad . 29* u,59c £29* Grapefruit Avocados Pears Florida Growe Red Ruby Calavo Brand California Grown 8 t 59* 3 w 25' Fab D®t®rfint iirf letergent Dreeze Deft@nint Riias® Dlue Coiitised "All 3wiry UHra Violet Wbtteaesa Perfect for Dishes Bkief a*H A Washes jj 9V vF«r Automatic Wesheff IQ-lb. box So rure li Floats wnn Ivory Snow Bars Cakts Makfs Glaanrare Sparkle All Purpose Oatergeat Detergent for f Dishes, Latoadry Soap MM. tanfl Lux Flakes Of Vow Hands Soap Faciei Quality Camay Facial ^ Care C Bf: Realty Lifebuoy Soap Lifebuoy i@ip lilitn Hudy Andy Bolt Sin