Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1962, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAIKDEALSR f1 Thursday, February 15, 1962 Sunnyside Estates VALLEY VIEW NEIGHBORHOOD LEADERS MEET Polly Stevens - 385-1256 Alice Bieschke, Sylvia Obstfelder and Marian Pfiug, leaders of Brownie Troop 150, a t t e n d e d t h e V a l l e y V i e w Neighborhood meeting Wednesday, Feb. 11, at the American Legion hall in MeHenry. This meeting is held monthly for the leaders of Girl Scouts and Brownies of the surrounding areas. Included this month was a singing workshop. There were discussions and plans made for the Girl Scout cookie sale which will take place in March. Other plans were discussed for the Neighborhood Fair to be held in April. awards which was held Sunday, Feb. 11. Their treat was making candy and getting to eat the results of their labor. The meeting was ended with taps. Helper Marge Palmer's mom, Mrs. Joseph Giannini, of Chicago is lending a helping hand to Marge and family and overseeing to the care of her new grandson, Larry. She expects to stay two weeks. Eastwpod Manor SEVENTH CHILD WELCOMED INTO BARRY FAMILY Edle Ivenoa - 385-6338 PTA The PTA will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 8 p.m. at the Johnsburg Visitors LaVerne Noah's mom, Mrs. William Johnston, visited for a week recently with the Noahs. They were joined on the weekend by Mr. Johnston. The Noahs were the recipi* ants of some lovely gifts from her brother, David, brought back from his recent trip to Mexico City and Acapulco. Let's Go Visitin' Let's visit Betty and Bob Lakowske and their children, public school. This meeting \ g year old Mary Jane and 8 John Walter Barry of 2403 i W. Manor Lane became a father for the seventh time Monday, Feb. 5, at 1:30 p.m. M®ry Lou and family welcomed a fifth girl who weighed in at a nice plump 7 lbs. and 14 ozs. The little doll is named Mary Elizabeth after her mother and to avoid any mix-up will be called Beth which will please everyone. Daddy came home with the flu and Kathy joined him so Grandmother is pretty busy helping but. Best wishes to a very busy bustling family and we all hope number seven brings you lots of luck. won travelling prize, and Peggy Anderson won booby prize. Tripoly Club met in the Roger Crokin residence where hostess Gail won the booby prize. will be a panel discussion and the theme: will be "Progress Through United Effort." St. Pat's Dance All you Hibernians and Irishjnen for a day get set to enjoy yourselves on St. Patrick's day, Saturday, March 17, at the SEHOA. Inc. dance. The orchestra starts at 9 p.m. for all you wearers of the green at the Johnsburg community ^ hall so dust off your be*>t bib ! provvnje Troop 150 and goes to year old Johnny, at 4312 N. Dennis blvd. They came to live in Sunnyside Estates in November, 1956, from the northwest side of Chicago. Bob is a mould and die maker in MeHenry and his hobbies are f i s h i n g , s w i m m i n g , d a n c i n g and all outdoor sports. Betty enjoys the same hobbies plus jewing but they both favor swimming and dancing. She is a committee woman for and tucker. There will be food : njght school, taking a bookaJid liquid refreshment avai - j^^pjng course. Both youngable for the hungry and ! sters attend St. John's school ty. Tickets may be obtained : Mary Jane is a Brownie kowskes. from any officer of the j and takes dancing while .Johnciation and at the door. Pro- ^ takes accordion lessons, ceeds from the dance will go neighbors, the Late ward much needed work on our roads. If Ted Bierchen or Harold Palmer call at your door buy all the tickets you can afford and more. The donation is very small and will help our roads. See you there! Reminder Don't forget to attend the bake sale sponsored by the Mt. Hope W.S.C.S. Saturday, March 24. The locality is Fox Lake and posters in stores there will tell you the place. Save yourself some work and help the WSCS at the same time. Visitors Pat SpindlerV son and his wife, Jim and Rachel, and grandchildren, Niki and Mark, were weekend guests recently to celebrate Pat's birthday which occurred on Feb. 6. The Things Kids Say! A few days ago four of the D a v i s y o u n g s t e r s , M o n i c a , Maureen, Bill and Mark, came to visit "Grandma" Kimbro and gaze in awe at her cast covered, leg. Mother Mary instructed Monica to tell Mrs. K that they were sorry she had a broken leg. Four year old Monica, ever the little lady, ever mindful of her manners and a somewhat garbled version of her instructions said, "Grandma, thank you for having a broken leg." Needless to say, the house nearly exploded in laughter and Monica was unable to comprehend the merriment when she had extended such obvious sympathy and concern. Mt. Hope MYF An Intermediate MYF was formed at Mt. Hope Methodist Sunday, Feb. 11. This meeting will be held every Sunday from 6 to 7 p.m. and takes in the age groups of 6, 7 and 8 graders. Any youngster wishing to join is cordially invited to do so by Mt. Hope. Brownie News At the Tuesday, Feb. 6, meeting Troop 150 started on their Neighborhood Fair project. After much practicing with scraps of yarn, new yarn was brought for the girls so they could weave the Brownie Emblem into a flag. The project will be completed so it may be exhibited at the fair in April. Cookie hostesses were Doreen Patterson and Kathy Pflug. Sick List We are sorry to report that Rose Felicetti slipped and fell on the ice receiving cuts and bruises on her left leg and a deep gash in her knee. We hope that she will soon be ok again. Her husband, Tom, has been ill but is feeling better now. Chet Banker is still hospitalized but we hope he will soon be home. Katherine Bute has been ill with a strep throat and we hope she will be up and around to celebrate her birthday. The entire Kanter and Lakowske families have been ill with the flu and so has Davy Zeiger. Pat DeFrancisco is progressing nicely from his rheumatic fever and gaining weight. We hope all will soon be off this list. Birthdays Happy birthday to Ernie VonOepen on Feb. 16. Greetings to Katherine Bute, new teenager, 13 year old Kathy Senkerik and Ve Schroeder's mom, Mrs. Lindstrom on Feb. 18. Best wishes my little friends, 6 year old Kasey Anderson and 3 year old Johnny, Kanter on Feb. 21. Many happy returns of the day to all. Anniversaries Congratulations to Ve and Roy Schroeder on 27 years of marriage on Feb. 16. Happy anniversary to Rose and Mike Tillich who rack up 24 years on Feb. 17. PURCHASE BULL Kenneth C. Peterson, MeHenry, has purchased Borg's Roan Duke 14th, a junior yearling bull. The new animal is a purebred milking Shorthorn. One-sixth of the Maryland is water. area of Cub Scouts Our little Cub Scouts of Pack 454 will have enjoyed their Blue and Gold banquet at the Faith Presbyterian church by now where several received their awards. I'll have the names for you next week. Right now many little boys in Eastwood Manor feel very badly and left out as we have just two Cub Scout dens so this is a plea for a couple of new den mothers to make all little 8-11 year old boys very happy. Is youi' boy waiting to get in? The two den mothers we now have are also holding down full time jobs and they are still able to find an hour a week for 6-8 small Cub Scouts. If you could possibly find time for our own small sons please contact Chairman Mel Stephenson at 385-2288. Brownie Scouts At the last meeting the girls decorated boxes for their vale n t i n e s . L i n d a W i e g m a n brought the cup cake treat. The next meeting will be their investiture ceremony and valentine party. Birthday Parties Ronald Wiegman became 3 years old on the third day of February and enjoyed his birthday party Saturday morning immensely participating In the games and enjoying his cake and ice cream and the opening of the presents. Peter Hayes celebrated his third birthday Sunday afternoon with a party. The guests who enjoyed the turkey dinner, cake, and ice cream were his grandparents from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, the Lewis Kellogg family in the Manor, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wickstrom and children from Itasca. Another small birthday celebrant this past weekend was two-year-old James Weirich. Attending his birthday dinner were Cindy and Kathy Beal arid Tammy and Debbie Hansen and their parents; also his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters, all from Fox Lake. Saturday Pam and Fred Woodbury went out for dinner. Sunday she celebrated her birthday with a turkey dinner in her home entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eklund, and also Howard and Doris Eklund from Chicago. Irene and Ed Betke and Mr. Betke, Susan and Karen from the Manor. Club News Tripoly met in the home of ctfoann Hutchinson who won the booby prize that evening. Patsy Coughlin, substituting, was the winner. Mary Hadley was hostess for the Bridge Club Wednesdaynight. Pat Kellogg won first prize, Marilyn Truckenbrod Around the Manor The Bill Philippi family drove to Dixon to visit Elpha's sister and family, the William Killians. They had a grand time sledding and skiing in the warm sunshine. Thursday morning bowlers were Carol Hayes, Hannah Harner and Marilyn Fultz. Ed and Mary Vestgard enjoyed going out to dinner to celebrate the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Ed Garaty from Chicago ce l e b r a t e d h i s b i r t h d a y w i t h his sister, Pat Coughlin, John, and the children. All of his little nephews and niece enjoyed sharing the happy occasion. Tom and Helen Birmingham enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Delvin Spencer and family from Chicago. Sunday Elmer and Pat Borcovan and family were happily surprised with a visit from Pat's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert JEfowney, and 6-month-old baby Jill. Dick and Louise Wiegman went into downtown Chicago this past weekend to relax and enjoy a movie. Glen and Dottie Messer, Harley and Charmaine Pohlman, and Frank and Delores Woolwine attended a bowling party in MeHenry. They did some mighty fine bowling too. Sunday guests of the Glen Messer family were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Messer, and six children. Presbyterian Church News Feb. 15, Thursday, 8 p.m. -- The monthly meeting of the Women's Society. Feb. 17, Saturday, 10 a. m. --Confirmation classes. Feb. 18, Sunday -- The sermon topic will be "Does God Move Mountains" based on Psaim 114. The newly elected officers will be ordained and installed. The newly formed children's choir of Faith church under the direction of Miss The Greatest Boat Show on Feanr. tlLh II Soe ths wand's display of now bocoss and boating equipments the thrill of & lifetime far every boat lover! Your big opportunity to window shop the very newest ideas in the boating industry at the largest boating shopping center in the world--ths Chicago National Boat Show! Ifs better, mom escMag than ever before! Hundreds o£ exhibits of everything from yachts to xowboats ---and all the boating equipment that goes With them--in the magnificent new lakefroot eapositioa center! ©aorgs Gob*!, Tool Yes, the great Gobel heads an all-star show with other great acts. There are free movies and educational exhibits all day long. And, again the latest in fishing tackle will be on display. Be sure to bring the whole family for a day ol font Chicago National MtC&miCK PLACE SM HtmI of lake Sham CNICAOO K MS . Girl Scout News Eleven girls of Troop 295 attended the Wednesday, Feb. 7, meeting at the home of Leader Marge Barth. The girls spent nearly the whole meeting practicing for the court of NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. .and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St, MeHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. HAVING AUTOMATIC N Tour Authorized IH|J| Automatic TrmsnMon Specialist ADAMS REPA 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. MeHenry Shirley Ross will assist in the morning service of worship. Deacons to be ordained and installed will be W. Dean Hargis of MeHenry. Deacons to be installed are D^vid W. Hadley of Pistakee Hills and Henry Tonnlinson of MeHenry. The Elders to be installed are Earl H. Murray of McCullom Lake and William L. Partain of MeHenry Shores. Feb. 20, Tuesday, 3 p.m. -- Children's choir practice. 8 p.m.--Adult choir. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday today, Feb. 15, to Hugh Saynor and to 10- year-old Ricky Woolwine. Feb. 16 Lee ^andin will be celebrating along with 6-year-old Gerry Biederer, Jr. Best wishes to Joseph Halstead on Feb. 18. Sharing Feb. 19 will be Tom Birmingham and nine-year-old Ricky Wiegman. Feb. 20 is the natal day of Bob Newlon and June Priesten Feb. 21 belongs to Fred Mueller, Mat Oik and Betty Radner. May each and everyone of you enjoy your special day. Anniversaries Happy anniversary to Bob and Florence Tucker on Feb. 16. Best wishes also go out to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt on Feb. 18 and to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dethlefson on Feb. 19. Here's wishing you many more happy years together. Spring Grove PUPILS AMAZE PARENTS WITH SCIENCE EXHIBITS Eva Frennd medal, a high Catholic honor medal. Students from St. Peter's school prepared science exhibits and they were s&t up in^; the parish hall. The public was invited and a large crowd of parishioners was present on Saturday night to examine these exhibits. They ranged from the stone age to electronics and the atornid age, also pertained to live plants, diet, nutritiin, the human body and animal life. It was most interesting and everyone was amazed at the slever things shildren ran do. Eighteen students won awards in the various categories and they participated in the Science Fair at Marian .Central Catholic high) school at Woodstock Su Society Meets Members of the Holy Name Society held their meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Wednesday night. Benediction in church preceded the meeting. New members were received at this meeting and election of officers was held. Refreshments were served. Boy Scoots To commemorate Boy Scout week, the baiys wore their uniforms to school all week. On Sunday at the eight o'clock Mass they received Holy Communion in a body. SLx Boy Scouts travelled to Rockford Sunday afternoon where they received the Ad Altare Der Takes Vows at Convent Mary Kay Amore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amore, became a postulant in the order of Missionary Sisters if the Immaculate Conception at Paterson, N. J., on Feb. 2. Mary Kay entered the convent as a candidate in September, 1961. She will receive her novice veil on Aug. 11. Births Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, are the happy parents of a baby girl weighing 7 lbs., 11 ozs. at Victor Memorial hospital in Waukegan on Saturday, Feb. 3. She has been named Mary Lynn and has three little brothers to welcome her home. The Bernie Mays have a new son born last week and they have named him Bradley. to be flown from Nassau te Miami, Fla., where he under* went an emergency operation! Latest reports are that coming along nicely. f Semester Vacation | Jody Weber, who attend^p college in Albuquerque, N. M^ " is enjoying a visit p a r e n t s , Mr. a n d Weber. with her Mrs/ Paul Lotus Club Meets i The I^otus Country Woman's club met at the home of Mr& Rose Marks on Wednesday af> ternoon, Feb. 7. Meeting was called to order by President Mrs. Viola McNish. Answers to roll call was a favorite author. Seventeen members and three guests were present. The topic of an interesting talk given by Mrs. Blanch was "The United Nations". At the close of the meeting a lunch was served by the hostess. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Lenora Miller on Feb. 21. Hospitalized The Tinneys received word this week that Bud Tinney had IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! . ^ L r, The successful farmer of tomorrow is. the Future Farmer of today! We salute this great farm youth organization for its outstanding contributions to improved agriculture, better local communities, more satisfying farm home life and good citizenship! The Following Business Firms Sponsored This Ad Interest ol F.F.A. Al's w 4021 W. Main St. & l@pdr Service Fully Guaranteed" Ph. EV 5-4645 MeHenry, 111. MeHenry State B@rak Established Since 1906 Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Ph. EV 5-1040 MeHenry, I1L KteeiMsans ieaifafog Service "Quality Material for Quality Builders" 2913 W. Route 120 Ph. EV 5-0771 MeHenry, IU. G<s@. P. Authorized J. I. Case & New Holland Farm Machinery Dealers 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. Ph. EV 5-0420 MeHenry, IU. Crystal Lake Truck Sales Your International Harvester Dealer Routes 176 St SI Ph. C.L. 459-1631 Crystal Lake, 111. Ace "A Complete Hard was© Store" 1326 N. Riverside Dr. Ph. EV 5-0722 MeHenry, III. MeHenry Ready-Mix Co., Inc. Ready-Mixed Concrete -- Radio Dispatched 920 N. Front St. Ph. EV 5-4920 MeHenry, 111. McIHbnry Garage "JEEP" Sales & Service 926 N. Front St. Ph. EV 5-Q40S MeHenry, M. State Farm Insurance 3315 W. Elm St. Ph. EV 5-5285 MeHenry, III. "LOW COST" Auto Financing f fesning Equipment New Id®a - Gehl - Owatonna Sal©3 and Service 4005 W. Waukegan Rd. Ph. EV 5-0033 MeHenry, 111. * UTURi lARMERSoF MERICA MeHenry County Farmers Co-op Association Poultry & Dairy Feeds - Gasoline & Fuel Oil 4004 W. Waukegan Rd. EV 5-0730 MeHenry, QL

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