Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1962, p. 6

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PE£C S!* THE MeREIVHT PLAXNDBAUOI Thursday, February 15, 1962 Classified Aitomotiwe GET CASH for your car at Jountrv Motors. Route 31 South of McHenry. Phone EV 5-4116. 1-11-62-tf Replacement Parts For All Cars jcessories and Seat Covers "COMMUNITY AUTO" SUPPLY Route 120 ilk. East of the river bridge pen Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf . /Complete Mechanical Service,, Bear Wheel Alignment Automatic Transmission Service & Overhaul PHILLIPS AUTO REPAIR 4303 N. Wilmot Rd. Sunnyside, McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2030 12-7-61-tf Business Service McHenry Disposal Service Phone EVergreen 5-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. y-l-60-tf It's Easy To PMce a Classified! Phone: EVergreen 5-0170 RATES " First Insertion -- 6c per word--$1.20 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. Repeat Insertions -- 5c per word--$1.00 minimum COPT DEADLINE All Copy Must Be In Our Office By 10 a.m. On Wednesday for Thursday Publication BATES Display Classified First Insertion i-- $1.25 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Rejpeat Insertions -- $1.10 per Col. Inch 25c Service Blind Ads. Charge On All HOURS: 8:30 to 5 p.m. Saturday 'til Noon Daily 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per with 18 pt. Signature. PHONE EV 5-0170 FOR QUICK RESULTS In. Classified For Sale KELVINATOR refrigerator -- Good condition, $50. Phone EV 5-4530. 2-15-62 REGISTERED A.K.C. poodles. Chocolate, male & female. 385- 2521. 2-15-62-tf Business Service 1955 RAMBLER Station Wagon. Radio & heater. Recently overhauled. S200. Call after 7 p.m. EV 5-3131. 2-15-62 1960 CHEVROLET Belaire - 4 door hardtop. Radio, heater, white walls, hack-up lights, seat covers. Very clean. $1,- 500. Ou>l EV 5-5188. 2-15-22-62 1958 METROPOLITAN hardtop. 2 tone, radio, heater, white wall & snow tires. Original o w n e r. Exceptionally clean. Reasonable. 385-1471. 2-15-62 1957 FORD Fairlane 500 - 2 door, hardtop. New tires. Just overhauled. Going into service. Call 459-0251 after 5 p.m. 2-15-62 Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped _ Walter M. Garre'lts P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2101 9-1-60-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY ^omplete Letter Service -vlcHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois Phone EVergreen 5-5064 5-18-61-tf FORD FALCON Only 6,000 miles. 5-0430. Ranchero. $1,500. EV 2-15-62 -Boats mi Motors wSm 1949 - 17 FT. HUNTER. 2 cockpits forward, 6 cylinder, 100 h.p., with trailer. $650. Chuck Coles, McHenry Boat Co., EV 5-0303. 2-15-62 Buy With Confidence! 100 Boats - Motors WENVT "Complete Marine Center" Select from our fine stock of famous brands of new fiberglass, lapstrakes, aluminum outboards - Johnson Motors. Jet Turbo Craft, Chris-Craft. Cavalier, Speed boats and Cruisers. Choice selection used boats - motors. BUY NOW - IT PAYS! Expert Boat & Motor Repair On Highway 12, Richmond. 111. Stop-light. I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: EV 5-1480 or EV 5-2711 Station Box 38 12-28-61-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Slectric JSewer Rodding Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence -Johnsburg 9-1-60-tf rANDXNG and finishing; v&FTee estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no object. Hartwig Fioor Sanding, Bar- j 4381. rington. DUnkirk 1-2638. j --_ 9-1-60-tf Busi Service JACK HAMMER Service -- Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 1-18-62-tf Sewers Clogged? lin. Also Complete electric sewer, sink roddinfipind root cutting equipment Also, septic systems and back hoe work. PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ELMER GLOSSON 3809 W John Street McHenry, III 12-28-61-tf £fitdxo£ux Q« SALES SERVICE SUPPLIES JAMES VAN FLEET 1707 Brentwood Lane McHenry, Illinois 385-6027 12-28-61-tf 3 blks. North Daily 9-5. Sun. of 10-6. CI. Tues. 2-15-62-tf ik. John Murray's Complete TREE SERVICE Special winter rates for tree removal and lot clearing. State licensed -- Fully insured CALL COLLECT EM 2-7715 after 6:00 p.m. 2-1-8-15-62 Business Opportunity WE WILL establish you in a dignified, profitable business of your own on out capital. Full time or part time. No investment or experience necessary to start. No deposits or down payments required. 1 We pay advance profits. Win- j ona Monument Co.. Winon-'i. Minn. 2-15-62 Permanent's ON FREE TUESDAYS In Sisiiess Service Customer Must Be By 2 p.m. Work Done Exclusively By Students With Daid Service Chrg. Wash-Cut & Set $3.00! McHENRY SCHOOL Of BEAUTY CULTURE AL OTTO Formerly Peter A. Freund SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service Ph. EVergreen 5-1819 Residence Ringwood Rd. & Rt 120 12-28-61-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound.EV 5-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. *1-60- tf INQOME TAX SERVICE WILLIAM BRDA ROBERT BRENNAN FOR APPOINTMENT CALL EV 5-4269 2-15-62-tf Rug, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning By The NEW REVITALIZING CERTIFIED PROCESS Personalized service by Pat Buckley. Phone 338-4477 Collect NOW for our Pre-Easter Special. BUCKLEY'S Cleaners & Launderers 310 Clay St. Woodstock, 111. 2-15-62 thru 4-5-62 Business Service ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickeit Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf M B APPLIANCE SERVICE Your small appliances repaired, picked up and delivered (at no extra cost to you). Maximum Labor $2.50 Plus Parts INTRODUCTORY OFFER Clip this ad for $1.25 off on your February service call. LARGE OR SMALL APPLIANCES All Work Guaranteed JUstice 7-5851 Ingleside, Illinois 2-8-15-22-62 CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING LYNN MERWlN 608 Lawndale Place Woodstock, Illinois Phone: 338-2945 *2-15-22 & 3-1-8-62 Will Your Driver's License Expire Soon? Let Us Renew It For You SEYMOUR'S LICENSE SERVICE Mark's Marine Center 385-4908 2-15-62-tf EV 5-9850 1-18-62-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE ~ Lee J'. Spiegel, Tax Consultant Bookkeeping Service -- Weeklv & Monthlv For: Contractors ® Small Businesses • Professional Offices • Cost Work "907 W- Main St- McHenry. Illinois PHONE: EV 5-1749 l-ll-62-tf McHenry Window & Awning Co. ALUMINUM & FIBERGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS 0 JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS DOORS # MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS I-XL Kitchen Cabinets ALSCO Aluminum Siding and Gutters PHONE EV 5-1180 - NO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS 3318 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. . 12-28-61-tf U2 can earn 7% on your money Call WALLY DEAN EV 5-5312 or W.L. 4273 McHENRY PERSONAL LOAN 2-15-62-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE McHENRY ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE 3719 WEST ELM STREET (across from Jewel Tea) EVergreen 5-0343 Open Evenings until 9" 2-15-62 HOME FUEL ' OIL USERS We Help You Lower Your Heating Cost Hot Water Boiler Water Heater -- Furnace Points Cleaned and Adjusted Controls Checked. Soot Vacuum Cleaning. The Time Is Now Oil Burner Service Is Our Only Business A-l FURNACE Cleaning & Repairing 2624 S. Thomas McHenry, 111. Phone: 385-3122 2-15-62-tl For Rend HOUSES FOR rent. Holiday Hills. Call EV 5-3764 or 312 Hickory 7-8111. 6-29-61-tf BUILD FOR LEASE Industrial and commercial buildings on our site for qualified 1 tenants to lease. See or^call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 1-18-62-tf IDEAL LOCATION for Beauty Shop, Barber Shop, Office, etc. Heat furnished. Plenty of free parking. Reasonable. Ph. EV 5-2896 after 6 p.m. 1-18-62-tf AVAILABLE Feb. 15, heated 3 room apartment, second floor, refrigerator and gas stove included. Lease required. Phone 385-0742. *1-18-62-tf ASK for what you want with "Wanted to Buy" Classified ads. Dial EV. 5-0170 to place yours. ••• 3 BEDROOM apartment, 1st floor. Gas heat. Garage; also 3 room apartment, 2nd floor. Gas heat. Garage. For appointment call FLanders 8-4837. 2-8-15-22-62 FOUR ROOM flat. $55. Stove & refirigerator included. Call Crystal Lake, 459-1302. 2-8-62-tf 2 BEDROOM HOUSE -- Sunroom, full basement, gas heat, 2 car garage. Located between high school & Edgebrook. $110 per month. Call after 6 p.m. 385-0787. Z--8-15-62 ROOM 0758. IN private home. 385- 2-15-62 1M> ROOM apartment. Stove, refrigerator, bed and all utilities furnished. Buck's Town Club, 3308 W. Pearl, McHenry. EV 5-3573. 2-15-62 LARGE 3 ROOM apartment. Stove, refrigerator, washing machine, tile bath and kitchen. Attached garage and laundry room. Gas heat. Available March 1st. $75 per month. EV 5-1100. 2-15-62-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE Virgil R. Pollock DAY OR EVENING FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 385-2500 OFFICE AT 3412 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 1-11-2-1-15-3-15-4-5-12-62 INCOME TAX SERVICE File now and obtain an early refund. Office hours for your convenience -- 7 days a week Monday, Wednesday & Friday Nights from 6 to 9 BAYSHORE, INC. Route • 120 (Elm) at Green Phone 385-3620 or 385-3710 1-8-62-tf LARGE ROOM -- Gentleman preferred. Adjacent bath & shower. EV 5-6132. 2-15-62-tf F©r lent 2 BEDROOM modern home. Garage. Basement. Available March 1st. Call 385-1332. 2-15-62 LARGE WELL furnished room Hot water heat. Gentleman only. EV 5-2521. 2-15-62-tf 2 BLACK T.V. Chairs, $25; 1 Chrome dinette set, $10 with 6 chairs. 385-3556. 2-15-62 YELLOW FOR65TCA Weakfast set -- 4 chairs. Very good condition. Call EV 5-36211 after 6:30 p.m. or Tues. & Friday after 9:30 p.m. 2-15-62 3 ROOM apartment - 2nd floor front. Heat, water, carpeting, refrigerator, stove, private bath. EV 5-6340. 2-15-62 FOR SALE -- 1,200 bu. Newton Oats. Extra heavy. Suitable for seed or feed. Also oat straw. Phone 459-5469 after 5 p.m. *2-15-22-62 COMPLETELY uty Salon. EV furnished Bea- 5-0430. 2-15-62 SMALL FURNISHED house suitable for middle aged or retired couple. Call EV 5-4138. 2-15-62 3 ROOM apartment - unfurnished. Immediate occupancy. 3S5-1115. 2-15-62 3 BEDROOM house, gas heat. Includes gas range. Call after 5 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday, 385-5497. 2-15-62 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with 3 car garage in Bull Valley area. Available Mardh /1st. $105 per riDnth. Call after 7:30 p.m. or Friday. Phone 385-2426. *2-15-62 STORE FOR rent -- Suitable for barber shop or gift shop. Next to Reymanns Bakery. Phone EV 5-3021. 2-15-22-62 1 % ROOM kitchenette apartment. Furnished, private bath, utilities inclyded. Call JUstice 7-4531. 2-15-62-tf ROOM FOR rent -- Pleasant, centrally located. Near movie, school, hospital, downtown. Phone EV 5-5005. *2-15-62 WIDOW would like to share a clean comfortable home with middle-aged woman. 385-0658. 2-15-62 For Sale ^yFOR SALE Baled alfalfa, timothy mixed hay, 1st and 2nd cutting; also barn dry straw. Write or call evenings ORiole 5-2591 Blazel & Stahl, Inc. Newburg, Wisconsin 1-11-62 to 5-1-62 FACTORY FRESH -- 23" Muntz T.V. Full stero with AM Radio, $189.00 with trade Used T.V.'s $20 up. Call Won der Lake 6661, Belshaw T.V. 1-25-62-tf 200 USED RUGS. Up to 50% off on remnants and drops in Warehouse Sales Dept. Open daily and Fri. Eve. Tidy Magikist, 200 Washington, Woodstock. 2-1-8-15-22-62 SALE ON Trade-in and floor sample sewing machines. Singers and other makes. We also rent and repair all makes of sewing machines. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 21 N. Williams St., Fabric Shop, Crystal Lake, 111. 2-8-15-62 For Rent CRAMPED FOR R O O M ? This May Be The Place You Have Been Looking For, Mr. Businessman! Mahogany Paneling Throughout Private Restroom Reception or Secretary office 9'xl5' Main Office 12'xl8' • Utility Room 7'x7' • Air Conditioned • Individually Controlled Heating Units • Tiled Throughout • Built-in Storage Cabinets *. TO SEE THIS IDEAL OFFICE CONTACT LARRY E. LUND McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. EV 5-0170 1-18-62-tf BIRDS EYE Maple bedroom set, includes dressing table, chest, bed, night table, bench. Best offer. EV 5-3106. 2-15-22-62 V-M DeLuxe 4 speed automatic turn table with flip over needle. 78 and L.P.s. 45 spindle adapter. Excellent condition. Reasonable. EV 5-4836 after 6 p.m. 2-15-62 10 WOODEN combination storm & screen doors. Size 3' x ew. Call 385-2111. 2-15-62 McHenry Doll Hospital Now has talking parts for CHATTY CATHY 1 blk. North of 120 & 1 blk. East of old Bridge EVergreen 5-2725 2-15-62-tf e.o, Help Waited MILLING machine and drill press operators; also janitor and clean-up man from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. daily and Saturday morning. Prem Corporation, Johnsburg. 385-2700 after 4:30 p.m. 2-8-15-62 WANTED AT once -- Rawleigh Dealer in McHenry & Wonder Lake. Can arrange for personal interview. Write Rawleigh, Dept. ILB-52-3, Freeport, 111. *2-1-15-62 e.o.w. WOULD LIKE someone to baby sit in my home or live in. Call evenings after 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Ted McNish, 385- 3517. 2-15-62 STEADY YEAR around route work. Full time. Paid vacation & holidays. Call JAckson 6- &081. 2-15-62 WANTED -- Part time cook. Call EV 5-0841. 2-15-62 WANTED experienced Chef-- Please give complete resume in reply. Write Box 773 C/O McHenrv Plaindealer. 2-15-62 SALESMAN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY EXISTS TO SELL THE NEW REVOLUTIONARY TEACHING MACHINE IN THIS AREA. THIS MACHINE IS BEING PROMOTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD FAMOUS BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. A new type of lead eliminates canvassing. Car essential but no travelling. Must be able to start work immediately. Write including phone number to James J. Carpenter 1701 Marlowe Park Ridge, 111. *2-15-62 FOR SALE Help Wanted KITCHEN HELP --Full time. Must be willing to work week ends and holidays. 385-2200, Extension 29 (between 1 and 3 p.m.). 2-15-62 SEWING MACHINE operators wanted. Will train. Good starting salary. Holiday pay. Apply Magic Slacks, 4001 W. Main ^ St. EV 5-1116. 2-15-22-62 TYPISTS' Some clerical duties. Previous office experience necessary. Permanent position with free Life, Hospital & Medical Insurance. Hours: 8:15. a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday thru Friday BARCO Mfg. Company 500 N. Hough Barrin^ton, Illinois Phone: DUnkirk 1-1700 2-15-62 Real Estate CAPE COD RANCH Split - Level $100 Down--$54.63 Per Month Some interior work by purchaser. CALL OWens 5-1133 1-25-62-tf FOR SALE-HOMES-FARMS CHOfCE LOTS-BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: EVergreen 5-0421 12-28-61-tf 2 BEDROOM home on largat 60x145', landscaped lot. Large basement and enclosed sun porch, water softener, aluminum storms & screens. 4907 Home, McHenry. 385-6186. 9-14-61-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year Round Homes, Seasonal tiomes, farms vacant. Home <ites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, 111. Ph. EV 5-0037 6-15-61-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME across from Marian Central high school in Woodstock. Full basement, 2 baths, fireplace, screened porch, 2 car garage. Owner moving out of town. Phone FEderal 8'-5495. 2-1-8-15-62 FOR SALE OR rent with option to buy -- New 3 bedroom home with family room, builtin kitchen, carpeting, ceramic bath, carport, concrete drive, combination storms and screens. Sarner Construction. EV 5-3111. 2-8-62-tf 3 BEDROOM, 28' living room, fully carpeted, enclosed patio, 22'x24' garage, fully landscaped, 100'xl50* corner lot, near water, G. I. Loan, $73.00 includes taxes, interest, principal and insurance. Phone 385-6096 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 2-15-62 3 BEDROOM ranch home. Tile bath and kitchen, wall to wall carpeting, combination storms & screens, 2 car garage, patio and fully landscaped, water softener, electric hot water heater, oil forced air heat. Price $14,300. EV 5-2892. 2-15-62 FOR SALE W circle S T R E T C H - A - D O L L A R ROUTE 120 (Hi Miles East of New Bridge) at KENT ACRES Open 9-9 Daily -- Sundays 9-1 - Closed Tuesdays Brand Name Clothing for the Entire Family- Sold at Discount Prices Men's LIGHTWEIGHT JACKETS Reg. $5.98 -- NOW $2.98 Dry Cleaning Service Available FEBRUARY SPECIAL! Pants and Plain Skirts -- 2 for $1.00 2-15-62

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