Thursday, February 22, 1962 THE McHENRY PLADTDEALEH Eastwood Manor Hold Brownie Investiture Bdle Iverson - 385-6388 The Feb. 14 meeting of the Brownies was a combination investiture ceremony and valentine party with a valentine exchange. Five little girls received their gold Brownie S c o u t m e m b e r s h i p p i n s and twelve Brownies received their o n e - y e a r m e m b e r s h i p s t a r s . Priscilla Mclntyre and Melody ^ Iverson brought the goodies. Mrs. Durkiri was leader Peggy Garrelt's mother-helper. Heir Welcomed The Anthony Noonan family on Chapel Hill road are welcoming a fine healthy son into the clan. Sisters Charlene, Doretta and Claire are as thrilled as Mom and Dad with 5 lb., 10 o^. Anthony, Jr. as he joined ^'0 the family Feb. 8. Cub "Scout News The Cub Scouts made flags « to be placed at their Blue and Gold banquet which was held in the Faith Presbyterian church Sunday evening, Feb. 11. The Scout Commander from Woodstock was the guest speaker. They enjoyed playing games and singing. It was also p the night for awards. The new Bobcats in Eastwood Manor are Craig Sigman, Ricky Wiegman, Carey Fenner, Gary Stoll, Jim Fultz and Robert Kellogg. Steven Rohrer earned his Bear Badge. Ricky Woolwine received his year pin. The adult leaders received their service p i n s . The b a n q u e t was w e l l a t tended and everyone had a very good time. Presbyterian Church News Saturday, Feb. 24, 10 a.m.-- Confirmation classes. Sunday, Feb. 25--The sermon topic will be "God Has No Buddies'.' based on Psalm 148. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 3 p.m.-- Children's choir hehearsal. 8 p.m.-- Adult choir rehearsal. Peggy Anderson, Elpha Philippi, Mary Hadley and Olive Mueller attended the Women's Club dessert luncheon. The proceeds go to the new library. I found one very busy family this week. Thursday Steve Simpson had a birthday party inviting six of his classmates for dinner. They enjoyed the games and all of the party t r i m m i n g s . S a t u r d a y n i g h t Tom and Rita attended the dance at the American Legion for the P.T.A. Sunday Rita and Tom entertained about thirty relatives as they do each year at this time. They gather together for ice skating and tobogganing and some of Rita's good cooking! Monday evening five priests were dinner guests in the Simpson home. » ^ Around the Manor The Borcovan family drove into Chicago to help Pat's mother, Mrs. Downey, celebrate a belated birthday. Glen and Dot tie Messer and sons spent the weekend in Melrose Park visiting in the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Otto Messer who were celebrating their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. All of the Messer family 0 gathered there for a buffet dinner featuring a beautiful cake for the jjala occasion. j On Feb. 10 Eleanor and Walt Kuck attended a surprise birthday party for Les Parker in Dundee. They spent a wonderful evening playing games, winning prizes, and dancing along with six other couples. Lois and Eddy Zender didn't. 1 let their wedding onniversaij ^ pass by without a bit of a celebration. Lois' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Claybaugh of :McHenry came over. Then on Saturday night they attended ; a d a n c e i n B e r w y n w i t h friends. Little Francesca B r o g a n celebrated her birthday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brogan, Sr. from Chicago. Birthday Parties Gail Engstrom had a very nice birthday party inviting Susan Borcovan and' Robert Perrino. In the evening, her grandmother, Mrs. Klein from Chicago and godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heise and children. Dawn and Dean, enjoyed the ham dinner birthday party given in her honor. Kenneth Massheimer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Massheimer and brother, Don, from Lakemoor were over to partake of his birthday cake. Then on Sunday, the fourth of February, Kenneth and family went to the home of Thelma's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, in Lakemoor where they celebrated all three birthdays, that of Kenneth, and brother-in-law, James Becker and Dick Hager. On the Sick List Ginnv Engstrom has been home from school sick with a throat infection and laryngitis while at this present time her younger sister, Janice, is sick. Hope that both girls/are feeling fine now and also the rest of the Engstrom family too. The Simpson children also are on i'nis week's; sick list. Let's not see them on it next week. Bridge Club Peggy Anderson was the hostess Hiis Wednesday evening serving barbecue beef oil r o l l s , E l p h a P h i l i p n i won t h e first prize, Marian Kriemier, a substitute, won the travelling prize, and Pat Kellogg won the booby prize. Surprise!!! Jeanne' McHale thought she was going to a demonstration party and walked into a pink and blue shower given by her friends and neighbors in the home of Carolyn Roths. It was planned by Carolyn, Annette Brogan, Bonnie Biederer and Andree Butler. , Birthday Greetings Washington's birthday is also the birthday of 5-year-old Keith Durkin who will be happy to board that yellow school bus next fall. Feb. 23 Bill Coughlin will be celebrating his very first birthday. Sunday, Feb. 25, Dee Penick will be celebrating her natal day as will pretty 4-year-old Brenda Ryan. Other birthday neighbors are Lonzo Campbell and Delores Woolwine on Feb. 26. Feb. 27 we all will be wishing 6-year-old Michael Penick a very happy birthday. On the last day of February Milt McHale shares the day with 5- year-old D a r c y Jayne Marcotte. If there were a Feb. 29 this year Jeffrey Bianchi would be able to blow out his two candles but since there isn't he will get to choose to do so either a day early or wait until March. Hope aU^sff you enjoy yourselves on your special day. Wedding Anniversaries Friday, Feb. 23, is the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Charbonnier. Best wishes extended to them on their day. Feb. 26 Bill and Anlree Butler shall be remembering their wedding day and we hope that they get out to celebrate the occasion. Best wishes to both couples. Tickled Pink That describes Jeanne McHale as baby daughter arrived Feb. 15. Milt sounded mighty pleased too with 6 lb. 8% oz. Maureen Louise. Seven-yearold Patty and nearly five-yearold Michael are anxiously waiting for a peek at the new baby. They are all so delighted that mommy will have lots of help spoiling this one! WcuujMerb The regular meeting of the International Order of Job's Daughters, Bethel 98, of Mc- Henry was held recently, with Susan Prawl, honored queen, presiding. Plans were made for parents' night on Feb. 22 and the bowling and pizza party on March 17. All girls between 12 and 20 interested in membership are asked to contact Sue Prawl at 385-1612. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KO! !ANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OP SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route ISO • Just Eas§ of Route 18 - Volo, HL Phone EVergreen 5-6260 Johnsburg CHARLES HILLER IN ARIZONA FOR SPRING TRAINING Betty HettermanD Last Saturday morning Charles lliller packed his wife, Pam, and daughter, Stephanie, into their car and the threesome began their trek to Arizona. "Chuck" begins his spring training with the Grants there very soon. Pam and Stephanie enjoy the travelling to different places from time to time that goes along being in a baseball family. We all wish them good luck and hope their future is bright and happy. You can bet our television sets will be active whenever the Giants come into view. association to Meet On Monday evening, Feb. 26, St. John's Home and School association "will hold its regular monthly meeting in the community club hall. All members are urged to attend. New Cooney Heights Resident Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wohlert of Cooney Heights are the proud parents of their first child. A son was born to them at the Woodstock hospital on Feb. 8. Mrs. Wohlert was the former Sharon Kaiser whose family resided at one time on Chapel Hill Road. Congratulations to the new parents. Wedding Bells Continue to Chime The inclement weather has still failed to stop young couples from getting the marriage knot tied. Andrea Brennan became Mrs. Tom Oeffling in a beautiful ceremony performed at St. John's church at 11 o'clock last Saturday morning. The young couple was feted at a reception held in the community club later on in the day. Upon returning from their Page! Seventeen honeymoon, the new "Mr. and Mrs." will set up housekeeping in Niesen's subdivision. Girl Scouts Entertain Troop 378 played hostess to troop 408 last Tuesday at a Valentine celebration. Troop 378 made the refreshments and prepared the games for the occasion. The group of girls exchanged Valentines and participated in lots of sociable fun. Everyone present at this time really had a good time. Congratulations Corner Belated birthday greetings to Dolores Roberts who observed her natal day on Feb. 17. Just three days later on .the twentieth, Emitt and Dolores celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary. C.Y.J. Notes The C.Y.J, will resume their weekly bowling at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon on March 4. Because of the bacLweather no meeting ,was(last Sunday evening. Participants in Tourney The members of St. John's eighth grade basketball team will try for a victory over St. Pat's team this Thursday evening at 8 p.m. This event is just one of the games in the American Legion tourney and will be played in St. Mary's gym. The team will appreciate your attendance and cheers for their victory. Girl Scout News Troop 295 started last Wednesday's meeting with the collecting of dues and attendance. Eleven girls were present along with Mesdames Barth and Dehn. The group discussed as to where their field trip would take them this year. A Valentine party followed this discussion. Games were played after which a beautiful Valentine cake baked by Mrs. Barth, and ice . cream were enjoyed hv the entiuc troop. -For their closing «M V* H b Li 0 GRAVED BUSINESS STATIONERY UfeKaorawimu --t la tt axtfustd • Heliograving is rich, raised lettering has the distinction of fine craftsmanship. It casts mucfe less than you'd expect* and can be delivered! within the week. NRY FLelNDE 12 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. )t mate/tea uidlvidu To whatever fine occasion a lady drives her Cadillac, it is very unlikely that she will ever see one just like hers. For, more than any other manufacturer in the fine car field, Cadillac invites a lady to express her desire for individuality in the selection of a motor car. She c*n choose from 13 distinct body styles ... 23 fashionable exterior colors . . . and 139 Fleetwood-taiiored interior combinations. And she will find that her authorized Cadillac dealer is an expert in helping her make her happiest choice. Why not make that choice very soon? VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER OVERTON! CADILLAC- PONTIAC COMPANY Ills N. nnra m the girls sang Together". 'Girl Scouts Visits In Rockford Mrs. Joe Smith returned here Sunday after spending a month visiting her family in Rockford. Rescue Squad Call Shortly before noon last Sunday, our rescue squad was called to a home in Pistakee Hills. A young child appeared to be suffering from a choking spell. The victim was taken in the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital. Be Wise Use The Classifieds NEW STATE CONTEST Establishment of a steer carcass contest in conjunction with Land of Lincoln breeders awards has been announced by officials of the 1962 Illinois State Fair. The addition of the carcass contest provides' a complete showing of meat animals on foot and on rail. The wether show in the sheep classes was added in 1961. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY •• N ;r - wit i«s!' Automatic Electric H I - S P E E D » MODEL J-310W ^ Easy-Cleaning Hi-Speed Calrod Units; Removable Oven Door for Easy-Reach Cleaning; 5 other easier-cleaning features. ^ Easy-Set Oven Timer and Minute Timer. ^ Pushbutton Controls ^ No-Drip Cooktop. Scdfe'P/uce, *178" FREE 1JITRA COST . . . with purchase of any G-E free standing range you receive a SPICE KITCHEN with 24 herbs and spices in miniature apothecary jars, and a beautiful walnut finished rack. CLOVES A REGULAR MODEL J-406V TWO OVSN Hl-SPEED ^ 2 Automatic Ovens--Giant 23* Master *Oven and two-shelf companion Oven. ^ New Easy-Set Oven Timer and separate minute timer. Pushbutton Controls No-Drip Cooktop. SPECIAL OFFER: IE DOLLAR PUTS A NEW FL^RHELESS ELECYISIQ Ri4Ml©S IN Y@yR KITeHiN I Free installation-- I limited time only...any make i or model of electric range This special offer^ipplies to a standard electric range installation in any singlefamily dwelling served by Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Company See our Silver Dollar Specials ^ Carey Appliance, Inc. 1241 N. Green St. McHenry. 111. Phone: EV 5*