CM Page Twenty A. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February 22. 1962 Pistakee Highlands HOLD CUB SCOUT BLUE AND GOLD DINNER FEB. 25 Hazel Morley - HY 7-8820 Cub Scout pack 452 will hold its Blue and Gold dinner on Feb. 25 at 2 p.m. It will be held in Fox Lake and will be for parents and Scouts only. A delicious roast beef dinner is being planned. W.S.C.S. The W.S.C.S. of Mount Hope church will hold its bake sale this Saturday, Feb 24, beginning at 10:30 a.m. It will be held at a. store in Fox Lake. If anyone would like their items for fh)e sale picked up they can call Hazel Rogde or Glenda Weick. At the March meeting the officers ask that each lady attending bring a pair of pot holders. These items will be used at a fund raising affair later on. Hostesses for March will be Blanche Haefliger and Mamie O'Neill. Hill. Let's send our best wishes along with the Heilgeists as they move into their new home and also to the Webers as they move to their new home on Woodland avenue. Around the Highlands Ed and V i r g i n i a T h o r e n were guests of Kay and Jack Reilly last Saturday evening. They spent the evening playing cards and eating some good food. Happy birthday to Steffie Staudenmaier who will be eight years old on Feb. 22. The library board had a meeting last Friday evening at the barn. \pfck and Mary Madock had guests at their home last Sunday for dinner, Mary's mother, Mrs. Butler, her brother, Frank, sister, Nnncy, and hubby. George, and two children. Dorothy Orlowski spent last week in Chicago with her sister, Gola MacDonald, so she could be close to Rickie during his stay in the ' hospital. I am happy to/report that Rickie is doing fine after his recent surgery in Lutheran General hospital in Park Ridge. He will have to spend three weeks at home recu p e r a t i n g. After Richie is hack on his feet and back to work Dorothy will undergo surgery at the McHenry hospital. Happy birthday to a sweet girl, Janet Thoren, on Feb. 22. She will be 12. Carla Bales entertained her card club on Feb. 21. The gals getting out for the evening were Jan Janquart, Lois Mason, Wanda Dobecki and yours truly. Trudy Rogde was home ill last Wednesday. It seems that everyone I talk to has either been sick, is sick or feel like they're gonna be sick. Spring of 1962 is going to be welcomed by everyone with open arms. The Walter Misavice family spent last weekend in Chicago visiting. Happy birthday to Ricky Madock who will be seven on Feb. 28. He will have a celebration of some kind with his friends. Kay Sielisch has been battling a severe case of pleurisy for the past several days and are thrilled with their new j has been pretty uncomfortable granddaughter. j with it. Congratulations are also in] Mrs. Rosengart is most order for Mr. and Mrs. Christ- i grateful to all the people who ensen of Sunny avenue who j were so nice to her after her welcomed a baby boy on Feb. j recent fall. She had to be hos- 10. ipitalized for five days. j Jack and Kay Reilly and Val Boy Seouts Mr. Lutz has taken over the duties of Boy Scout Leader in the Highlands and he is interested in getting boys for the troop. Any boy who is 11 or older and would like to join may call Mr. Lutz at HYatt 7- 3534 or attend the meetings on Monday evenings at 7:30 at the Mount Hope church. Congratulations Best wishes to Bruce and Carol Petherick on the arrival of their baby daughter, who made her grand entrance at the McHenry hospital on Saturday, Feb. 10, at 11:53 a.m. The baby weighed 7 lbs., 11 ozs. This young lady will answer to Leslie Michelle. Bruce's mother from Beujah, Mich., arrived on the eleventh and will spend two weeks with Carol and Bruce and will help out for awhi,le. T. it tie Scott welcomed his mother and baby sister home. The paternal grandparents are the Pethcricks of Beulah, Mich., and the maternal grandparents are the Ei icksons of Honor, Mich, who Association An executive meeting of ilie association was h?ld on Fob. 15 at the Warczak home. The and Joe Gitlin spent last Tuesday evening in Aurora for dinner. Susan Conway had a Valennext regular monthly meeting j tine party in her home on Feb. will be March 7 at the barn. i 17. Her young guests were j Janet Thoren, Jean and Renee Farewell ] Janquart. Kathv Mason, Kathy Residents on Woodland ave-i Ferris, Mary Anderson, Diane nue will be saying their'goodbyes shortly to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heilgeist and their four sons who will be making their new home near Lake Villa. The Heilgeist home has been purchased by the Webers who have been living on the corner of Oriole Trail and Meadow Hiller, Linda Sluga and Janice Erbin. It was nice to see Herb Snively out this past weekend. The Snivelys have been spending the winter in Chicago to eliminate some of that winter driving. Mr. and <Mrs. Henry Hanson A tailored program for future security. End insurance confusion. Unique FAMILY SECURANCE SERVICE arranges all your protection needs--including life, health, auto, home and personal propetty-- into one sound well-planned program. All through one man, one program, one organization. Offers you a convenient pay plan for all your Nationwide coverage. FAMILY SECURANCE SERVICE ... the biggest dollar s worth of protection you can buy. For full details, at no obligation, fall SEYMOUR'S SiiWICE Mark's Marine Center Ph. EV 5-4908 Bob' Seymour Tune In HOWARD K. SMITH Wednesdays -- 6:30 p.m. -- Channel 7 Sponsored by eo r.:ofe were- out visiting with Gene and Joyce Heir. The Hansons are Joyce's parents. The Janquarts visited the Museum of Natural Histoiy last Sunday and .enjoyed dining out. Mr. and Mrs. Moreth, represented the V.F.W. Post 4600 at Villa Park last week. Lee and Lill Orlowski spent some time in Trevor, Wis., visiting Lil's sister, Nettie, who has been ill. Little Bobby Sandelin celebrated his first birthday with a huge cake. Forrest Reinhardt is home again after spending several days at the McHenry hospital. He will be home for two weeks and we will send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Marcia Weaver is feeling much better after her bout with a very severe case of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ristow are both back on their feet after being sick for a week and Ann Mc- Inerney is back to work after being home for three days. Among others feeling pretty low right now are Mary Seld o n , Mrs. H a r r i s , Mamie O'Neill, LaVerne Sarver, Jeanne Petrov, Janet Thoren and Mike, John, Robby and Mama Conway. There are still plenty of others that I haven't heard about, so to you all, get well. Happy birthday to Tom O'Neill on Feb. 10. John Megley celebrated his birthday also on the tenth and a skating party was held in his honor. To Trudy Rogde I send best wishes for her eighteenth birthday on Feb. 20. be said that hasn't already been said on the subject, but the dogs are running as free as ever and the owners of some of the animals just don't care. These inconsiderate people will keep up this practice, until someone gets angry enough to sign a complaint against them. Sometimes that's what it takes to wake them up to the fact that their pets are supposed to be confined to their own property. Right now I do not have the number of the dog catcher, but I can get it for you if you ever want it. Dogs Again I don't know what more can I'd Like You to Meet Ernie and Wilhelmina (Billy) Jones and family who have lived at 5410 N. Christine avenue since June, 1960. Ernie hails from Pana, 111., and Billy was raised in Chicago. They started going together after meeting at the wedding of friends and will be wed eight years in July. Ernie is an experienced cement finisher and that accounts for all the sidewalks and nice steps around their home. He likes to piitter around in the garage with tools and Billy says he's the original do it yourself man. Billy likes to sew and is the president of the recently formed W.S.C.S. of the Mount Hope church. Three youngsters complete this household. There is six year old Gracie who is in fifst grade at Johnsburg, Johnny who is five and 20 months old Danny. Both Ernie and Billy are real friendly people and I hope you enjoyed meeting them. Injured in Fall Mrs. Diehall of Pistakee Hills suffered a painful fall on the ice last week when registering to vote at the "Barn". Her fall resulted in a broken hip and leg and she will be on crutches for about 6 months. The Johnsburg rescue squad assisted in getting Mrs. Drehall to the hospital. We ; all wish her a speedy recovery. That's It For another week and I hope it was to your liking. Bye now, see you next week. TRAFFIC FATALITIES Traffic deaths in Illinois during January totaled 98, a reduction of 28 deaths, or 22 per cent, from the same months last year, W. J. Payfs Jr., director of the Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, announced. In only one other January since , 1930 has the number of traffic fatalities in Illinois fallen below 100, Payes said. That was in 1959 when 97 persons were* re-' ported as having lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents. Use The Classifieds TAX FACTS Do you work for the federal, state or local government? No matter who signs your check, your answer is "Yes", according to Maurice W. Scott, executive secretary of the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois. The average American with a job works 1 hour and 39 minutes out of an eight hour day to pay his federal taxes alone. Those with substantial incomes, placing them in higher brackets, work; far- more than that to meet their federal tax bill. Add state and local taxes, and the average American spends an estimated 2 hours and 17 minutes out of his eight hour day just to meet his tax bills. """" Taxes are rising more rapidly at the levels of state and local government than at the federal level. The federal tax load rose 123 per cent from 1945 to 1960; the state and local tax load increased 284 per cent during the same period. RUDY BECKER'S & 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE ... German shori-hair pointer puppies available BOARDING ... Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving Tax tfSoney sent to Washing' ton, D. C., goes for national security (57 per cent); interest on the national debt (11 per cent); foreign aid and other international programs (3 per cent); aid to veterans (6 per cent); aid to agriculture, labor and welfare projects, space, regulation of business, and the like (23 per cent). The Taxpayers' Federation concluded that all this points up the necessity for close scrutiny of. all. proposed spending on non-defense programs. Source: Tax Foundation, Inc. and U. S/ News & World Report. Dentist Opens Office On Grass Lake Road Dr. Robert Pauletti, D.D.S., has opened an office for the * practice of dentistry on Grass | Lake road, one mile west (| i Highway 59, and is residing ' with his family at 405 W. i Ringwood "• road, in Pistakee ] Highlands. | Dr. Pauletti had been prac- I ticing in Antioch for two and ^ one-half years until moving i to the new location. "i SHOP IN McHENRY 3 ONE DAY'S/WORK lyALITT BUILDERS WANTED NOW!I This 1700 sq. ft. ranch home is shown at the end of the first day of construction. Time and money can be saved with Home-Way. The same or better quality materials as the finest handbuilt homes is used yet much labor is done in precision factory jigs. ^ You can build better for less with good profit. See us today. GENE R. JOHNSON Walnut, Illinois IIP i (H •WBBB4 SPECIAL OFFER: One dollar pute a new flameless electric range in your kitchen Free installation-limited time only Any make or model of electric range You must be satisfied or your money back Youll like cooking the modern electric way! Here's why: i a* Your kitchen stays clean twice as long, because with Flameless Electric Cooking there are no flames to make soot or dirt % Your kitchen stays at least 10 degrees cooler, too, because your electric oven is insulated on all six sides (not just five) 5jc Radiant electric ovens cook the juiciest roasts you've ever tasted 4c Radiant electric broilers heat up instantly . . . no p r e h e a t i n g n e e d e d , so you s a v e t i m e . . . and when you cook a steak electrically it looks like it was charcoal broiled % Electric surface units practically clean themselves--and pots and pans stay bright and shiny. And electric ranges are so economical to operate. NOTE: This special dollar-down offer applies to a standard wiring installation for an electric range in any single-family dwelling served by Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Company and includes necessary wiring. LOOK FOR SILVER DOLLAR SPECIALS ON ELECTRIC RANGES AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS' NOW V Public Service Company rttb Bffifoa ELECTRIC COOKING So Cliiiy, So Safe, SoModera ii