( • Thursday, February 21 1992 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER BOWLING NOTES (Continued From Page 4) sius 201-544; J. Worm 219-583; E. Buss 559; B. Peisert 206- 225-622; C. Ackerman 200; E. Warner 554; R. Kick 202; H. Blake 213-536; B. Haldeman 5574 H. Ackerman 211-558; Q. J{jmoK536: B. Schmaling 218- 548; A. Vann 207; L. Reed 214-536. Nlte Owls -- E Varese 180-489; M. Sulok 199-498; I. Kreier 487; M. Kuna 467; H. Schroeder 443; A. Huff 435; N. Bowman 179- 474; L. Vacondio 183-513; H. Gerambio 465; K. McNally 175-479; R. Simon 190-178- 520; F. Anfteirson 176-471; G. Hastings /493; R. Romkowske 198-492;/J. Diedrich 190-460. Railroads: M. O'Brien 4-7-10; H. Schroeder 5-7-9; V. Groh 5-7; C. Wise* 3-10; J. Diedrich 5-8-10. McHenry Wednesday Nlte Major -- D. Buralli 211-224-604; N. Dalby 201-226-604; J. Wiser 204-205-562; H. Fischbach 204- 560; G. Viscounti 552. Mr. Gus 42 30 Chicaeo Machinery Movers 41% 30% McHenry Disposal 41 31 Layoon Tap 35 37 Hans' Tavern 34 V2 37 y2 McHenry Rec. 34 38 FM Television 34 38 McHenry Bank 26 46 Individual Standings Wally Webb 57 G. 199.14 Bob Larson 72 G. 199.5 Don Gerstein 72 G. 192.56 Harry Jensen 69 G. 192.56 Andy McCarrol 66 G. 191.55 Len Thennes 45 G. 191.16 Joe Etten 69 G. 190.14 Ray Weirte 60 G. 189 Ray Shanefelt 69 G. 188.38 Sam Buenzli 72 G. 187.44 Tuesday Thirty-Niners -- .A. Schwen?;l 445; R. Przctacznik 175; A. Prazak 465; M. Ma^kindcr 471; C". Schlitt 175- 490; Dorothy Freund 465; E. Winkel 468; C. Rosing 444; M. Pieroni 441; .T. Heidi?. 462; o. "Walsh 193-512; V. Doherty 210- 510. Railroad: Doris Freund 5-10. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS HOSTS MEETING For the first time, a Chicagoland Lawn and,, Garden Power Equipment Dealers association meeting was held in Mellenry. The February meeting Was held Tuesday evening of this week at the McHenry Country club, with the R. G. Howe Distributing Co., of McHenry as host sponsor. NAMES OF MORE STUDENTS ADDED TO HONOR ROLL Many more McHS students have been named to the last honor roll, this time to the "B" listing. Seniors Richard Beck, Kathy Cailaghan. Sue Dahlquist, Charles D i e t z. Ray Franklin, Ren Freund, Robert Glover, Lynn Gustavson, Jack Hachmeister. Bob Harris, May Kirk, Tiina Keerberg, John Korner, Karen Lindwall, I.otiis Liptak. Gary Mackcy, Dqnnis Martcll, Judy Meineke, Chris Michels, Pam Munroe, Sharon Pike, Marcia Pretzman. Trudy Rrv*de. Janet Peg# Fhra Schimke, Marilyn Smith, Pat Spencer, Bernice Stelljis, Ed Valek, Sue Watkins, Pete Weber and Barbara Wolf. Juniors Donald Ant o n s o n. Can-oil Beck. Deborah Block, Richard Forsberg, Theresa HeUermann, Carol Hughes, Richard Johnson, Lyriia Kotiw, Mark Laskowski.' Bert Kissling, Lorraine Lid, Betty Nett, William Niemiec, Everett May, Liz Oppenheim. Jack Meyer, Edward Parks, William Peterson, John Scheibe, Sandy Rodienkirk, John Rourke, George Smith, James Tonyan, Shirley Spankuch. Sophomores Carol Booster. Bruce Christensen, Sylvia Christie, Craig Cone, Connie Freund, William Funk, Charlotte Gerke, Patricia Grabovy, Pat Harbeeke. Lynn Hartmann, Karen Haubold, Pat Haynes.. Richard Jelinek. Lillian Kelso, Fred Kusch, Joanne Liptrot, (George Lissy, Don McCrary, pJancy Miller, Jim Morris, Judy Reining, Mary Ann S:epanovic. Bob Swodo. Marv Ann Wright. Nancy Ziel. Dick Justen. Freshmen Lin^a Avnann. Lynn Baker, Richard BiUerman. Mike Cooper, Sarah Borchardt. Dixon, Bonnie Bruce, Dcbbi£ Francke, Judith Freund. Ron Gelvin. Derm Glo^son, Thomas R. Hanson. Sue Jacobsen. Linda Janda. Sally Ju?.len. Chiis Liptro'. Sue Mest-'aniorc. Penelope Miller, Tony Miller, Pal •Mueller, .To^in Oppenheim. Diane R o t h e r in e 1, Thomas Schmitt. Patri.-ia S '.vonscn, Rr.y Spohr. Mary .'Mi'livan. | Charlene Weylnnd. Iliolnrd Wolf, Kathleen Jivien. . Judy | Knaekstcdl. Prui Lic'^iann. Rod Maiie'i. J".hr r.Tichels. Linda Moo;v. ADMINISTRATOR AT McHENRY HOSPITAL SCOTLAND NATIVE Anthony Corcoran, recently appointed administrator of McHenry hospital, comes from Community Memorial hospital of Cloquet. Minn., where he had been administrator since 1957. Prior to that position, he served as assistant administra- EVERY Tifvts YOU PR.INK MILK,THB CHANCES ARE THAT IT HAS M*N PASTEURUED, THAT IS, H(ATeO> TO KILL ANV PANGPROUS BACTERIA. TMIS PRQCIS6 15 NAMEP AFTER LOUIS PASTEUR, A FRENCH CHEMIST. rMTiUR'S VIEV* THATOCRMS INTWtAW COVLP CAUSE IWFPCTIONS WAS AfFUEP IN surgical operations Br joseph LisreK. AN CNSU5H PMVSlClAH, WHO IN MARCH, 1865, FIRST USED ANTISEPTIC METHODS TO PREVENT INFECTION OF WOUNDS IN THE OPERATING ROOM. PABTtWR'S CONTRIBUTION TO MCPICirUE HA© BECOME ONC OF THE FOUNDATION STONES OF MOOCRN iMMUNOLOOr*. THE. DEVELOPMENT Of VACCINES. SUCH WEAPONS AS T MS SALK AMP SABlN ANTI-POLIO _ IN lOOO,PWStSUR, AFTER MANY EjrPttyWFNTS, I^CQI8 rD~ PBVEUH'EP A MFTHOD OF TREATING RABIES CIPIE OFMUSTSKINO * BY INOCULATING PEOPLE WJTM ANTI-RABIES BOPY'S OWN DEFENSES VACCINE. HIS PISCOTERy HAS OAVBV THE ^^'NST INVASION 0V ENEMV LIVESOF MANY INDIVIDUALS BflTSM «V VIRUSES. COURT BRIEFS Robert C. Kislior ofXy/on^er Lake was fnv.l 5'10 on a charge cf havim, no diver's license and S'JS for reckless j driving. J A $10 fine was imposed on I William A. Thornton of Sprin; j Grove for failure to yield thv: right-of-wny. Driving on the wionr: side of the road was the chai'Le against .James J. Calkins o! Wonder Lake and it brought him a $15 fine. Ernest F. W'ilewski of Winder Lake was fined $15 for improper lane usage. :<t of Greene County Memori 1 ho>p:tal. Waynesburg, Pa. ' !c also held the position of acor. i; >nt at St. Mary's hospi- ; 11. Huluth. Minn. He is a 'iv.^ber of the American Association of Hospital Accountants and the National Exchange club. Mr. Corcoran was born and •.\'iiratcd in Perth, Scotland, came to the United States in 19r\i arid is a naturalized citizen. He is married and has a two and a half year old boy. ANNOUNCE DIVIDEND A quarterly dividend of 25 cents per share plus an extra dividend of 25 cents per share on the outstanding capital stock was declared by the board of directors of Modine Manufacturing company, Raoine, Wis. at their regular meeting on Saturday, Feb. 17, 1962. Est. 1875 3812 VV. Elm St. Phone 885-0170 iivifrimriihtt PLOWING c Towing # Pushing t Car Starting ALLEN miG 611 S. Meadow Road McHenry Shores Phones 385-0655, 385-2038. 385-5698 Call Any Time 4-H News Ringwood Sunshine Girls At the last meeting Feb. IT, there were eleven members and four guests present. The pledge of allegiance and the 4-H pledge led by Linda Gelvin opened the meeting. President Linnea Larson called for the secretary's and treasurer's reports. Donna Schmelzer reported on the safety meeting, and we discussed taking part in/'Share the Fun" and gave ideas for the 4-H window display. \ Talks were given by Ida Mae Walkington and Dorothy Aissen on health and by Julie Thompson on safety. Our club was asked to help on Heart Fund Sunday, Feb. 25. and there were volunteers. Linda Gelvin and Debbie Harvey led recreation, and Linda and Julie Thompson served refreshments. The next meeting will be held March 3. . Reporter. Karen Larson Official Foster for 1962i Heart Fund Campaign ! BOND SALES McHenry county residents purchased a total of $183,294. in series E and H United States savings bonds in January, according to Harold J. Bat-on of Crystal Lake general county chainuan of the Savings Bond committee. Sales in thr> state of Illinois totalled .<?37.037.'!"(\ and were S.3 per cent below iast year's total for the month, according to Arnold J. R.auen of McHenry. state director of the Tieasury's Savings Bonds division. » Illinois sales represented 7.7 per cent of national sales, which were S47;i,090.Cf>0. In January Illinois sales accounted for 9.6 | per cent of the assignee! quota which is -S382.000.000. I NDORSE CANDIDATE The McHenry County Republican Central committee, comprising seventy-five township precinct committeemen, voted recently to endorse William M. Carroll, Jr., who is a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Congress from the newly formed 12th district. Charles Miiler of McHenry is central committee chairman. I OFFICIAL POSTER for 1962 ; Jeart Fund Campaign, being conducted here and in all »ther American communities ; hroughout February, is shown ibove. High point and climax tff the campaign will be a door | o-door residential canvass on he weekend tf Heart Sunday, eferuary 25. "The class struggle does not diminish, ^and we must mobilize the foH^fcs of the Party and the forces of the working j class, and strengthen the origans of the dictatorship of the j proletariat for the ultimate j annihilation of class enemies, I or all the remnants of Rights j and "Lefts" and all other opportunists who wished and [wish to hinder our further successful movement forward." -- Krushchev, 1934. SHOP IN McHENRY Young Musicians Take Part In Sorinq Contest A large number of students will travel to Bensenville next Saturday, Fell. 24, to take part in the district solo and en:*jmble contest for vocalists and insl:unientalists. Instrumental soloists are Sue Marehi, flute; Hugh Savnor trumpet: Louis Liptak. French horn; and Ro^er Thompson, drum. Vocal soloists are Kathy Monahan, Kaiic Stamper, Bert Kissling and Richard Johnson. There will be ten instrumental ensembles and four vocal ensembles taking part. tfe §reat 'Boofe sjxd to [Today... Published Every Thursday at McHenry, III by McHENRY PUBLISHING CO. NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1962 A s(sb c^ati q)n wrrrnnTTr mmm \ fl S S0 CI ATI on / Larry E. Lund -- Bus. Mgr. Adele Froehlich, Editor Subscription Rates In McHenry County . Outside McHenry County Year $3.50 1 Year $4.00 6 Mos $2.25 3 Mos. $1.50 6 Mos $2.00 3 Mos. SI.25 Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, 111. Peter W. justen & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone E^@r<green 5=®063 Inroll w School Natural Beauty r Professional Training In Make-up poise, wardrobe, voice, hair, social french for teens and adults. Charm and Fashion Staff -- Carol Jepsen Earbara Bernie.' Carol Bolger Sonja Andrews Class times arranged afternoons or evenings Enrollment Limited For Information Phone 385-4400 or mail this application. SCHOOL OF NATURAL BEAUTY Studio 906 Allen Ave, McHenry, 111. Name Address \ . City .: Phone V .©..j *:: til: ^ir ^ v , 10 REASONS WHY L06 OUTWEARS AND OUTSELLS ANY OTHER BRAND'OF WORK WEAR, lee builds extra quality, extra wear into every garment. 1-CHETOPA TWILL - LEE'S exelusive, extra wear fabric. 2-- Highest quality interlining in collars and cuffs. 3--Two-piece yoke for perfect shoulder fit. 4--Anchored belt loops. 5--Bar- /tacked strain points. 6--Comfort tailored crotch. 7--Double stitched seat seams, Inseams and outseams. 8--TAILORED SIZES--for perfect fit. 9^--SANFORIZED. 10--SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. * Union Made, Union labeled Come ii and check these points: SHIRTS 1417'- SS-9,» Color*. Grey,- Tan, Green, Blue PANTS 29 to 4S $5.29 Color*. Grey. Tan, Green, Blue /7fbQee!A' BS33EB3 1?i i <ireen St. McHenry I'hone 285-0047 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kridjty 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon Use the Free (irem Street Parking Area T O P Q U A L . l T ; H ^ ^pKa L O W E S T P R I C E S DA I L Y Civil Rights It is certain that the right of property is the most'sacred of all the rights of citizenship, and even more important in some respects than liberty itself: either because it more nearly effects the preservation of life, or because, property being more easily usurped and more difficult to defend than life, the law ought to pay greater attention to what is more easily taken away. --JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised society, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. --JOHN STUAKT MILL It is an easy thing for men to be deceived by the specious name of liberty; and for want of judgement to distinguish, mistake that their private inheritance and birthright which is the right of the public only. --THOMAS HOBBS » ivijCiAT bPiiCiAL.iS ® lT.S. CHOICE. BONELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST.. 79 79 U.S. (HOICK (iKAI)E A ROUND STEAK VVIUSON'S SLICED < SAVORY BACON . .. ^2#' FRESH CUT Le(;s or Breasts Chicken Parts J ALLSWEET or BLUE BONNET RAGGEDY ANN SPECIAL OF THE WEEK MOUNTAIN GROWN -- 15c Off Label LUCKY JOE F1 HAR1NE 98 FOW Lbs. Tomat® Ketciwp 6-i4oz.btis.$| Folger's COFFEE 2-ib.tin BUTTER 2-lb. ggggj* Jar HAPPYVALE SALE PACKERS LABEL CUT CORN GREEN BEANS MIXED VEG. GREEN PEAS WAFFLES PIZZA'S Each I0C Mix or Mateli 1AGGEDY C.R.L. CUT 303 Tin GREEN BEANS 10 for S1.03 C.R.L. No. 2' 2 Tin FRUIT COCK™8 SHOPPERS BONUS C.R.L. FRESH CREAMERY BUHIR Lb- Brick with $5.00 or more purchase 303 Tin COUNTRY'S DELIGHT 2-lb. Pkg. 39* HAWIIAN 46-oz. Tin PUNCH ... 3 for SI.00 PHILADELPHIA 2-oz. Pk^. CREAM CHEESE 2 for 25' COUNTRY'S DELIGHT 2-lb. Ctn. COTTAGE CUEISE . . 49* SWEET PEAS. . . : 10 for SIM! FIG BMS ANN 35-oz. J;:r * 1 . . . . 2 9s MILK IS DOWN AT C11TI o o I EPF • DAILY FRESH PRODUCE • GOLDEN RiPi BANANAS 11" FLORIDA HARDSHELL GREEN PEPPERS 4» 19° LARGE FLORIDA White S«HuJIe>»s BROADCAST No. 1 Tin COMD BBF HASH. . 3 for S1JW 40 -- Gal. Plus Deposit 75' for (OF T O P 9 U A L I T Y F O O D S A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y