Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1962, p. 7

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Thursday, February 22, 1962 \ THE MeHENRY PLAIHPEALEB Page Seven Situation Wanted SEWING AND alterations. (Call- 385-3129. *2-8-15-22-3-1-62 WANTED HOUSE cleaning 2 or 3 days a week. Must have ™ transportation. Excellent references. Call EV 5-3116. 2-22-62 LOVING CARE for your baby while mother works. McCullom Lake area. Licensed home. Phone EV 5-3291. '*2-22-62 MAN DESIRES, work as window washer, janitor, general maintenance work. Private or £ commercial. Call EV 5-5776 after 7 p.m. ' 2-22-62 18 YEARS Construction experience: Work by hour or job. Remodelling, new construction, roofing, painting, plumbing & electric. Free estimates. No money down. Call EV 5-4941 or Kimball 6-4448. 2-22-62 WANTED TO buy a used piano. Call HY 7-3378. 2-22-62 TOP PRICE PAID for iron metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- FE 8-4287 9-1-60-%- Wanted To 2 OR 3 BEDROOM home with full basement & garage. In McHenry or vicinity. Call Mc- Henry Hospital, 385-2200. A. Corcoran, Administrator. 2-22-62 Lost and Foimi PINK RIMMED eye glasses. Friday night at Telephone Co. or Green & Elm. EV 5-1434. *2-22-62 Legals LOST -- German short haired, 8 month old female in Sunset View Subdivision, Saturday. Answers to "Lady". Reward. EV 5-0350. 2-22-62 To Ce Given A 4 MONTHS OLD puppy looking for good home. All white male. 385-0690. 2-22-62 SELL your car for cash with a low Classified ad. Dial EV. 5- 0170 now. ••• SPEEDY is Hie word advertisers use to describe Plaindealer Classified ad results. Dial EV. H 5-0170. ••• Real Estate 3 BEDROOM, 28' living room fully carpeted, enclosed patio, 22'x24' garage, fully landscaped, 100'xl50' corner lot, near water, G. I. Loan, $73.00 includes taxes, interest, principal and insurance. Phone 385-6096 aft- ®er 6 p.m. weekdays. 2-22-62 FARMERS -- Dont borrow money unless you need it. When you need it, see your Production Credit Assn., 333 E. Jackson St., Woodstock, FE 8-0334. 2-22-62 Real Estate A T T R A C T I V E 2 b e d r o o m home. Cape Cod Style, attached garage, screened-in porch. $15,000 includes stove, refrigerator, dryer and water softener. EV 5-2452 after 6 p.m. 2922 W. Lincoln Rd., Hunterville Park. 2-^2-62-tf • AQUA LANE ESTATES - • *>* ' 3 BEDROOM RANCH HOMES Carpeted, Attached Garages, Gas Heat. Large Lots, Aluminum Storms and Screens. Low Down Payment. Immediate Possession. Financing Available. CALL: , BI 2-2646 or TO 3-6700 Or Contact THE KENT CORPORATION 1311 N. Riverside Dr. \ McHenry, 111. 2-22-3-1-62 REPOSSESSED 3 BR. RANCH. $495 down. Easy payments. TAVERN with living quarters. A Gold Mine. 4k BR. on large Jot. Part basement, l1/^ years old. Owner moving out of state. $9,500. 4 BR., 2 STORY. Aluminum siding, full basement, 2 car garage, cj'clone fence, large lot. All for $14,000. Member M. L. S. ATLAS REAL ESTATE 2 Blks East of River on Hwy. 120 McHenry, 111. Phone: EVergreen 5-0430 2-22-62 BAIRD & WARNER, INC. EASTWOOD MANOR -- 3 Br. Ranch with fully built-in kitchen including oven & range, automatic dishwasher, washer and dryer. Garage and palio. Reduced to $16,500, $1,500 down. SUNNYSIDE -- 3 Br. Ranch with large enclosed breezeway. 2 Car attached garage. 100 x 100 lot. River rights. $17,500. LINCOLN ROAD -- 5 Br. with full basement on 100 x 200 lot. Near school. More land available. $17,500. For building lots and homes call MR. HEINEN -- EV 5-2527 2-22-62 HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN ESTATE New 2 Bedroom home with small steel barn, corn crib, utilitybuilding and 3 chicken coops. On 5 Acres of land with 3 natural springs near Greenwood. Illinois. Total price $15,900.00. Terms. BAYSHORE, INC. 3440 West Elm Street McHenry, 111. PHONES: EV 5-3620 -- EV 5-3710 2-22-62 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IT'S FOR THE BIRDS Ryde's deluxe outdoor bird mixture 5 lb. bag ^60 25 lb. bag $2,75 % 50 lb. bag $4.75 Sunflower seed .25 MeHENRY COUNTY CO-OP Route 120 & CNW "Railroad Tracks McHenry, Illinois 1-4-62-tf MASTER IN CHANCERY SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF MeHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY General No. 38665 UNION NATIONAL BANK)' AND TRUST COMPANY) OF ELGIN, ELGIN, ILLI-) NOIS, a National Banking) Association, as Trustee ) Plaintiff) vs.\ ) G. RICHARD JlSETT, in-) dividuallv and d/b/a Amer-) ican Expansion Bolt and) Manufacturing Company; ) PHYLLIS KURTZ ISETT; ) AMERICAN AND FOR-) EIGN MOTORS, INC., a" United States Corporation;! GEORGE L. WEISBARD;) i LIBERTY TRUCKING ) J COMPANY, an Illinois ) J Corporation; MARTIN ) LOEBER AND SONS, V INC,. A Corporation; UN-) ION NATIONAL BANK f AND TRUST COMPANY) OF HUNTINGTON, a Na-) tional Banking Association; t CHICAGO FEDERAL SAV-) IUGS AND LOAN AS- \ SOCIATION. a corporation) organized and existing ) under the laws of the i United States; UNITED ) STATES OF AMERICA;) and 'UNKNOWN OWN-1 ERS", i Defendants) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause oh the 2nd day of February, 1962, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 15th day of March, 1962. at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Standard Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, towit: Part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3 and part of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the said North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 10 and running thence West along the South line thereof, 24 chains and 36 links to the center of the highway known as Algonquin and McHenry Road, thence North IV2 degrees West along the center of said highway 21 chains, thence north 11 degrees East along the center of said highway 3 chains and 36 links more or less to the South line of the right of way of the Chicago and North Western Railroad Company, thence south 62 degrees East along the said South line of said right of way to the East _ line of the said North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 10, thence South along said East line to the place of beginning, (except from said tract that part thereof lying south of the north i line of State Route No. 14), in Township 43 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 19th day of February, 1962 ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorneys for Plaintiff Carbary & Carbary 28 North Grove Avenue Elgin, Illinois (Pub. Feb, 22, March 1-8, 1962) MASTER IN CHANCERY SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF MeHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THEREOF IN CHANCERY Gen. No. 38876 MARENGO FEDERAL ) SAVINGS AND LOAN AS-1 . SOCIATION? a corporation) of. the United States of > America ) Plaintiff* vs. ) CETH T. NELSON AND t Ll'CILE A. NELSON, hist wife. FRED O. BETHKE1 AND MARGARET N. ) BETHKE. his wife ) Defendants 1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t ha t pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 16th day of February, 1962, I, ROBERT J. LEALI, Master in Chancery ' of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. will on the 15th day of March,'" 1962. at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Standard Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse in the City of Woodstock. McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular fthe'following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and state of Illinois, tovvit: Lots four (4), five (5)*. and six <61 in Block two (2) in Shore Hills, a Subdivision of part of Section eighteen (18), Township forty-five (451 North, Range eight <8-1. -East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 30, 1930, as Document No. 92560, in Book 8 of Plats, page 12. in McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois. this 19th day of February, 1962. ROBERT J. LEALI Master In Chancery Attorney For Plaintiff Fred R. Kelley Marengo, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 22, March 1-8, 1962) OBITUARIES MRS. FREDERICK MEYER Mrs. Frederick (Clara 1 Meyer, 75 of Wonder Lake, died at Memorial hospital in Woodstock Monday morning, Feb. 19, following a long illness. She is survived by five children, Frank W. Meyer of Astoria, Ore., Clara A Brown of East Dundee, Fred Meyer of Lockport, Arthur W. Meyer of Wonder Lake and Harold R. Meyer of Carpentersville; eleven grandchildren: two greatgrandchildren. and two brother:;. , Her husband. Frederick E. Meyer whom she married in Chicago, preceded her in death in 1942. Last rites- were conducted Wednesday afternoon from the Miller funeral home in Dundee, with burial in- Irving Park Blvd. cemetery, Chicago. HILDA MAY M^s. Hilda Freund May, 58, ol 2207 W. Johnsburg road, Johnsburg,' died early Wednesday morning. Feb.. 21 at Memorial h o s p i t a 1, Woodstock where she had been a patient for only four hours. Death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage. Born April 25. 1903, in Johnsburg. the daughter of Joseph and Catherine Bugner Freund, she spent her entire life in that community. She was a member of the Woman's Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Agatha Court No. 777. the Christian Mothers and was a field representative for the W.C.O.F. at Johnsburg. Mrs. May is surv ived by her husband, William; three children. Richard, Mrs. Catherine Dehn and Harold, all of Johnsburg and four grandchildren. A son. Joseph, preceded her in death. Friendsvmay call at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home after 7 p.m. Thursday, Funeral services will be held at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, at 10 a.m. Saturday. with burial in the church cemetery. META D. OLLIER Mrs. Meta D. Oilier, 82, died early Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Henrietta Ahrens, at 1917 N. Eastern avenue, Lakeland Park, where she had resided for the past five years. She was born Oct. 23, 1879 n Germany. Mi's. Oilier is survived by three daughters, Meta Fryer, Lilymoor, Rose Bachmann, McHenry, and Mrs. Ahrens; also two grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Services for Mrs. Oilier will be held Friday at 1 p.m. in the George R. Justen and Son funeral home with the Rev. George W. Martin officiating. Burial will be private. Notice DON'T STOP eating but lose weight safely with Dex-a-Diet Tablets. Only 98c for a full weeks supply at Bolger's Drugs. *1-25 thru 4-12-62 Farmers Trading Post FARM BUILDINGS -- Special discontinued sizes -- steel buildings. Clear span. Special price. Financing if desired. Phone Waukegan 244-3630. 9-21-61-tf FLEMING EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA - GEHL BOLENS GARDEN EQUIP. SALES and SERVICE \ complete Farm Implement Service Chain Saw Sharpening & Repair Phone EV. 5-0033 4005 W. Waukegan Road GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 5-042C 4102 W. Crystal Lake Road 1-tf Resolutions of MRS. FRANK STRAIN Services for Mrs. Frank Strain of Richmond, mother of Mrs. C. W. Klontz of McHenry, were held Saturday morning in St. Joseph's Catholic church. Richmond. Mrs. Strain, 89 years of age, died j Feb. 14 in the Villa Nursing j home at Pistakee Bay, where! she had been a patient since; last fall. A native of St. Charles, she; was born Nov. 10. 1872. I In 1890, she was united in ; maniage to Herman Swanson 1 :>nd lived in St. Charles until J 1908. when the family moved 1 '<> Ijewislon. Mich. On May 1. ' 1U12. her husband died, and a 1 daughter, Elnora, also preceded her in death in 1914, at the- age of 20. On June 1, 1905, .she was married to Frank O. Strain of Richmond and she lived in that community for the past thirtyeight years. Mr. Strain died after a short illness in 1936. A kindly person with pleasing personality, Mrs. Strain was highly respected and loved by all who knew her. Besides Mrs. Klontz, she leaves four sons. Clyde, Maple Rapids, Mich., Ralph and Floyd of Effie, Minn., and Charles of Pearson, Wis.; nine g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d f i f t e e n g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n , a l s o a step-daughter, Mrs. V. L. Austin of San Juan, Tex. Other relatives besides the immediate family who attended services were Mrs. William Wrighton, Mi>. Joseph Koebel, Mi's. E. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. John Broderick and Mr. and Mrs. William Broderick, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. H. Wrightson of St. Charles: Mrs. Rita Strriin and son, Robert, of Harvard and Mrs. Dora Brown of Richmond. HELEN Ml MME / Last rites wore held Saturday in the MacGillis chapel in Round Lake for Mrs. Helen Mumme. SI, of S. River road, McfTcr>ry, who died in West Suburban hospital. Oak Park, on Feb. 15. Burial was in Fort Hill cemetery. Mrs. Mumme was a native of Germany and came to this country in 1947. She had resided in this area for the past eleven years. The deceased is survived by 1 hree d a u g h t e r s. Marie Sclimicker of Burlington, Iowa, Louise Holle 01 Franklin Park and Lena Korell of Hamburg. Germany: two sons, Rudolf of McHenry and Otto of Germany. ROSE FEFFER The body of Mrs. Isadore 1 Rose) Feffer of Chicago was returned for burial in St. Patrick's cemetery, McHenry, on Wednesday. ELLA BODLAK An inquest is scheduled to be held March 5 in the death of Ella Bodlak, 68, of 4803 N. Gregory. Oeffling s subdivision, who died Sunday, Feb. 18, in McHenry hospital, where she had been a patient for eleven days following a fall. Mrs. Bodlak had resided here for about six months, having come to Iho McHenry area from Chicago. She was horn in Chicago June 9, 1893. Survivors are the widower, Joseph; five sons, three sisters, eleven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The body was taken to the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home and then removed to the Raleigh chapel at 2307 S. Laramie. Cicero. Services are being held Thursday. Burial is in Bohemian National cemetery. many years he was an em- 1 ployee of the Spencer Flour ' Mill in McHenry. j The deceased was a son of Herman and Fredricka Ka:nholz. His wife, Anna, died in {January of 1939. He leaves the I one son; two brothers, Herman I of Cary and Henry of Cortez. j Colo.; and one grandchild. The body rested at ihe Peter IM. Justen funeral home until j Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30 j o'clock, when Rev. Carl Lobit/ ! officiated*at last rites conducted at Zion Lutheran church. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. HENRY J. FAST Henry J. Fast. 88, a resident of Lakembor, died Friday, Feb. 16, in a Lilymoor rest, homo following a short illness. He had resided in the Lakemoor vicinity for . about twenty-five years. The deceased was a member of Avondale Lodge, ,-AF & AM. in Chicago an$l past patron of Blair chapter, O.E.S. His , wife, K^ima. and a daughter, Clara, preceded him in death. ~ The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home until Monday, when Masonic rites were conducted there, with burial in Acacia Park cemetery. Chicago. . ALBERT J. KAMHOLZ Albert J. Kamholz, better known to his many McHenry friends as "OIlie ", died Saturday evening, Feb. 17, about 7 o'clock at Sherman hospital. Elgin, where he had been a patient for one week. He had been residing in recent years with his son, Robert L. Kamholz, at 365 N. Oriole Trail, Cary. Mr. Kamholz, 76 years of age, was liorn in McHenry Sept. 17. 1884, and resided in this community unlil moving to Cary eight years ago. For Tho psDfi ft proTogu*. Twditn should RESOLVE anew their dedication to the pursuit of txcdlonc* in the classroom. Illinois Education Association A„.i Demons sJmktoJoday... JNRTE Happiness He who desires to be happy must pursue and practice temperance and run away from intemperance as fast as his legs will carry him. --PLATO Happiness consists in the multiplicity of agreeable consciousness. --Boswkll Happy 1B he who hath escaped the wave from out the sea, and reached the haven; and happy is he who hath triumphed over his troubles; though one surpasses another in wealth and power; yet there be myriad hopes for all the myriad minds; some end in happiness for man, others come to naught; but him, whose life from day to day is blest, I deem a hapay man, Permanent Sander Clog-free Carbide sanding surface never wears out • Spring steel sandiag plate • Rolled edges o Comfortable grip POWER BLADE SAW 0 most versatile farm saw ... cuts everything from trees to fine-line carpentry. • reciprocating blade ... 10,000 strokes a minute. WRIGHT COMPACT POWER BLADE SA WRIGHT CHAIN SAW *-C70 Wright Power Blade Saws Start at Free gift offer rofd after Umrcti 31, 9992 COIMI IN TOBAYI FLEMING EQUIPMENT 4005 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, III. "Dictatorship is the state of acute war. We are precisely in such a state. There is no military invasion at the present, but we are isolated . . . Until the final issue is decided, the state of awful war will continue." - Lenin. 1921 LIST COURSES wAILABLfc IN • ARMY PROGRAM A list of courses available inder the Army's "Choose 'It Youi>elf" vocational training urogram was released recently by SFC. Arthur R. Nelson of the U.S. Army recruiting station at Jefferson and Jackson streets, Woodstock. The courses listed are open to qualified high school graduates and are guaranteed the applicant, in writing, prior to enlistment. Here are a few of • he courses young men may apply for: f Aircraft maintenance, chemical tentryj, chemical laboratory-, motor and generator leuair, soils analysis, refrigeration, repair, surfacing machine operation, diesel engine repair, construction drafting, map compiling, construction surveying, process photography. Lithographic platcmaking, cooking, j radio and television, still pho- 1 tography, ordnance electronics. • reproduction equipment repair, dental laboratory procedures, : operating r o o m procedures, clinical psychology, dental as- ; sistant, medical laboratory pro- ! c e d u r e s . X - r a y p r o c e d u r e s , m?tal and body repair. • "The American People will ' nev er knowingly adopt Socialism; but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the Social- ; ist program until America will i one day be a Socialist nation j without knowing how it hapj pened." Norman Thomas 1 Socialist 1 hi DIXON, m., Slay at the NACHUSA HOUSE MOTEL ,1 HOTEL • QUALITY te? ssfy U 99 d ntM AT &-M41 far Beaerratlee nuss TT - rsras PARKING Finest la FOOD and BEVERAGES (Route 120 at the Railroad Tracks) Phone EV 5-0088 YES! WE HAVE THE '62 FORD YOU WANT FAIRLANES... FALCONS •. • We Also Have A Wide Sefeeftfem Of Fine Cars Bank Rate Financing and The Deal You'll Like S FORD SA The Home of Quality Transportation W. Main EV 5-

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