Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1962, p. 10

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" Tage Ten THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Legals Thursday, March 29, 1982 NOTICE STAT£„ OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY > To KLLKN ALLISON: ELIZAJ3KTH ALLISON: HAROLD ALLISON; and "UNKNOWN HLIRS", heirs at law and legatees, so far as known of t.'THKL McKIEL Also known as KTHLL^QUAINTANCE, deceased, late ot McHenry Counts. Illinois. You and each of you will hereby "take notice that an instrument purporting to be the last will of ETHEL McKIEL, also known as Ethel Quaintance, deceased, has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of the County of McHenry, Illinois, together with the petition of Leroy J. Welter, for Letters Testamentary, representing among other things that the names of/all the heirs, legatees and devisees of said deceased, are as follows, to wit: THOMAS E. ALLISON: DANIEL L. DAU: FATHER FLANAGAN'S BOYS TOWN; PKIN«: OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH: ELLEN ALLISON: ELIZABETH ALLISON: HAROLD ALLISON, and "UNKNOWN HEIRS" and praying that said instrument be admitted to probate as the last will of said deceased, and that the same be ordered recorded. You will also take notice that the hearing on said petition and proof of said purported last will has been set by said Court for the 19th day of April, 1962,. at 10 o'clock A.M., in the County Court Room in the City of Woodstock in said County, when and where you may appear and show cause, if any you have, why said purported last will should not be admitted to probate. Dated this 9th day of March, 1962. VERNON W. KAYS Clerk of the County Court of said County. Court Seal ( Pub. March 15-22-29, 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of MARY POULIOT Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, May 7th, 1962, is the claim date in the estate of MARY POULIOT, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ALVIN PHANNENSTTLL Executor fceroy J. Welter Attorney 1303 N. Richmond Road McHenry, Illinois EV 5-1313 ; (Pub. March 15-22-29, 1962) Hingwood List Methodist Church Service Lou Brennan - VV.L. 3045 Saturday, March 31-- 1 p.m. -- Confirmation class at the church. Sunday. April j-- 9 :."*() a.m. -- Worship service. 10-45 a.m. - Church school. All are welcome to attend. Wednesday, April 4 10 a.m. -- Church study course held at the Ringwood church. Subject : "The Meaning of Suffering". Mrs. Mae Steinspring the teacher. 8 p.m. Lenten service at the Ringwood church. Sprin? in the Air Ringwood has some sure signs of spring these days. The hikes have takenOver for the .spring and summer. Also the early flowers, like tulips are peeking through j^nri seem to. like lhe sun. They're still coming up. Home for a Visit Kenneth Pope will bo home from March, 31 to April'8-for ar.visit with his family and friends. He is attending the Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music at Grand Rapids, Mich. Telephone Visit The Roy Beamans received a very welcome telephone call fr< m their son and daughterin- law. Susie and Roy Reaman in Texas. Roy is stationed with the Army there. Several persons from the Ringwood area attended a luncheon and' card party a I Spring Grove k;st Tuesday. Some who attended were- Mrs. Flora Carr, Miss Mae Wiedrich. Miss Lona Bre ve r, Mrs. Georgia Bauer and Mrs. Lor Brennan. All had a wonderful time. Sick List Mrs. Nellie Hepburn is recuperating from a painful sprained ankle received last week at Richmond. ^She's coming along fine!! Harry Hogan has at Shermart hospital in El|gin» « covering from an injury reJ c e i v e d l a s t S u n d a y w h i l | changing a tire. Hope to se you out very soon. were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mable and Mrs. Bowman visited in the homes of the Russell Ehlerts in Richmond, and the Cyril Paceys of Wilmot, Wis. The Ed Skidmore family had Sunday dinner in the Dick Malsch home. Boh Brennan and Loren Harrison were visitors in Richmond on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Loren Harrison and Ruth Henne had dinner in Crystal Lake last Sunday. Marion Harrison and Loren Harrison both celebrated their birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Howel of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. j^eieh of Barrington were callers in the L. E. Hawley horro on Saturday. Mary Ann Wegener entertained fifteen ladies at a horiie d e m o n s t r a t i o n o n T h u r s d a y evening. Guests were from' McHenry, Richmond, Waukegan and Ringwood. Guests in the Bob Brennan home on Thursday evening | were Fred Wiedrich, Jim Weg- Jener, Louis Winn and Bob Smart. Mrs. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday dinner in the Heatty--Low home. Robert Brennan and Donald Wattles attended the supersectionals at Evanston on Tuesday Jay Wa;kington was a supper guest in the home of his parents, the Paul Walkingtons. It was a brief but welcome visit. Pamela Low was visiting in the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas. The Thomases went out of town on a business trip, so Pamela's great-grandmo t h e r, Mrs. Taylor, was in the Thomas home. It was a nice weekend visit for Pam. Mrs. Rush of Ricnmond spent t lie weekend in the John Ehlert home. Jackie Aissen look Brian and Steve Harney to the birthday party of Ronda Rowe at Woodstock last week. Callers in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Algonquin. Belated birthday wishes for tne week go to Bud Winters, March 23; Dolly Malsch, March 22, and Loren Harrison, alsoi the 23. That's the column for this week folks. Don t forget my number and call when you have an iteftv for Ringwood. so hem it is - IS* POPULAR OEMMIB. tuibshmk ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH TO HAVE GUESTS APRIL *1 Mr. and Mrs.'Carlyle'Bachne and Stanley Lemon of the Southwest Christian and Missionary Alliance church, Oak Lawn, will be the guests of the Alliance Bible church, 3813 W. John street, McHenry, during the April 1 Sunday morning service. The service begins at 11 a.m. and the public is invited to attend. <•„ Mr. Lemon and Mrs. Baehne will provide special music after which Mr. Lemon will bring the message of the morning. Mr. Lemon is known in the Chicago area as an outstanding layman speaker. That number is 2045. ,See you next week! Watch For Our APRIL SPECIAL On NEW AUTOMOBILE LOANS McHENRY STATE BANK Vote for Capability vote for AUDREY P. WALGENBACH 13 years' service as chief deputy treasurer for Republican Candidate McHenry County T R E A S U R E R vote APRIL 10 primary issues: m m rou'£lw.ym WW-MlCg 0>®ucy{ Co*£ S!I WHAT'S '» PUBTIFW SUPKv USHWM Because so many of you afor it -- Plaid Stamps are yours far the savings now at A&P! Ami what a stamp plan it is ... one of the finest ill the business, one that offers you a liig. BIG GIFT SEI.hCTION (over 3,000 to choose from) ... items you'll want for your home or for giving to other*. Am? even Tiappier news: you 11 find that Ail's traditional low price policy is still very much in effect ... a glance at this week's low-prices will hear that out! Come and start saving Plaid Stamps as well as cash at AfcP nowl (, 'JJ * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cruickshank had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mi's. Ed Lovelette and family in Park Ridge. The John Ehlerts and daughter, Mable, and Mrs. Rush spent Sunday in the Duane Ehlert home in Burlington. Visitors in Harvard on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz. Fred Wiedrich and Butch Leonard were Friday night supper euests in the Bob Brennan home. Visitors in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Thursday (HJiNRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 0 TO 18 A.M. and 1 TO 0 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 PJtt. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 :EV1R ESTATE $0 A&P's SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY ROTISSERIE ROAST Boneless, Rolled and Tied • ROUND • SIRLOIN TIP • RUMP ROAST |Jj 79 STOHi HOURS Daily - 9 to 6 Friday - 9 to 9 MdNTOSH APPLES Michigan Grown, Red Skinned, Swoti Mid Juicy 2-29' • - Frozen, Chicken Legs with Thighs CHICKEN BREASTS 2 * 89 iter lit P§fk ©hi Super Right Lb. 59' iii© M Cut, Rib End A&P's Super-Right Country Style Ribs CHERlf FBI Super- Right Lb. Lb. 39e liiilit 8!®iks 39° Fish Sticks Super- Right Choice Slices Cap'n John's Froze* 3 $100 Pieces I ^ 49e 0 10-ox. $|00 Tuna Flakes Goliii Corn Maiiiin Dill Slices Insiani Puddings Presses M Brass Maesrsui Wise. (Mdar tight Meat lona Cream StyW Sultana Whole Kernel Royal Brand Ann Page, Pineappla, Peach or Apricot Or Spaghetti @ese Wisconsin 9£ 4T-moct. 39* •SrSffis 9t. Jar Q 3-ox. V Pkgs. 11© 16-ox. Jar i|8 7-ca •i® tfc. Jane Parker Reg. 59c Oven Fresh 8-INCH SIZE 49 TIDE 5c Off Label Detergent 69 •S V» GoL FROli^ PiSSERT Cfo. TTE FREEZE 59e ' K To settle the estate the following personal property will be sold on the farm one mile north and east of Greenwood on Howe Road; three miles wesl of Ringwood, just west of Barnard Mill on SUNDAY, APRIL 1,1962 Commencing at 12:30 p.m. 1959 FORD Station Wagon, Chevrolet Carburetor & Fuel Pump; Miscellaneous Auto Parts & Accessories. FEED -- 500 Bushels of Corn MACHINERY Farmall M.T.A. -Diesel Tractor; Farmall M-10 Speed Trans Tractor; Farmall H. Cultivator; McD. Power Loader; McD. Power Mower; Gehl 10" Hammer Mill & Belt; E-Z Flo Spreader; Brower 1000-lb. Feed Mixer w/motor; Field Cultivator; Three Wagons; Blacksmith Forge; Power Lawn Mower; New Holland Concrete Mixer; McD. 3-14 Plow; McD. 2 Row Planter w/fertilizer attachment; McD. 10' Disc; New Holland Baler; New Idea 2 Row Corn Picker; Power Post Hole Digger; Power Hay Hoist; Stewart Clipper w/shearing heads; 4 Section Harrow, Side Rake; Jamesway Hog Feeder; Three Overhead Fuel Tanks; Garden Tractor; International Fencer. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Cook Stove; Universal Gas Range; 12x12 Rug; 1V2 Ton Pfcilco Air Conditioner; Maytag Washer; Other items of Furniture and Useful Household Items. MISCELLANEOUS Pipe and Fittings, Garden Tools; Electric Fencer; Carpenter Tools; Roofing Materials, nails, cedar shingles, slate roofing, eomp. shingles; Ropes & Pulleys. Other items for both farm and home too numerous to mention. TERMS! All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit with the clerk before the sale. ID I. G ESf^TE Albert J. Grever, Administrator McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk Auctioneers: ED VOGEL & DAN POWERS . Not Responsible for Accidents Planter's Brand A6 Flavors Maxwell House i*c oe ff-M. Tins 6-oz. _ Oscar Sardines Peanut Butter [Piddiig (O; lilgglt Pities t Ciffee Ma d Milk Maxwell House Coffee ^ T I5C 75e 64° 8 Instant 33%-OZ. $|00 Tins I "Z 4le 3 *<««- 32* 29c £ 79° 43c Isin Cucumber Dks ^ Heinz Baby Food ^ 6 4%-oz. Jars 19c lathroii ioisic 69c Kleenex Towels Dtlny Soft Absorbent 2 2 toi Ptfo R»n Pkf. fo]© 45' Pur* Vegetable dexo Itortening l^ili Salad lil T tir lull ii§©ip unz Ketchup Vegetable Equal to lit* best but cost yoa less Fori Wrapped tl-n. Tta S-IC3. Tto a-n. Tin 0t. Btl. iI cgn|| PL»"> STMII »BONUS PA FHii m\D STAMPS i%| I mm IHE 1 f|J^ PURCHASE OF... L sui^si 2 LB. $149 5^^ CTN. 1 j^#| FRE EFE.AID STAMPS' l%| I wira m {PURCHASE OF.., i--f@M@2(§S 5 1 1 . | I O < BAS 77 P#| mm EFILAID STAMPS ^ 1 mm m C (PURCHASE OF. fe9tle d B@e@B8 ™ 98' Kleenex Napkins Table 50 |C size size // ZlC Pert Paper NapMois . i®® 0 White or Colored Mil 2-oz. cake Miiiss V-Form Sanitary Napkins 12 Ct. Pkg. 39 r Chicken Noodle Condensed Rich, Red Tomatoes 3*r57' 2'£49° AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAIIER ... SINCE 1859 THE GREAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All PRJCES EFFECTIVE THRU MARCH 3Uf, 1962 Mr Cley ileanser Fabric Softener Ct' Detergent Nu-Soft Brand 15-©E. Btl. 16-oz. Btl. M© 4 Handy Liquid 1^" 10c Off btL 49* 45c

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