Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1962, p. 12

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X Pag* Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 29, 19624 Legals NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Uiat on the 14th day of in Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Mc- Ilenry Counts-. Illinois, not lying within the boundaries of Johnshurg School District Number 12; all that part of Sections 20. 2;) and 30. Townhip 45 North. Range 9 E£?l April, 1962, a special election i of the Thjrd principal Meriwill be. held in and for COM- dian McHenry Countv, Illinois MUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 156. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. for the purpose of submitting to the voters of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois, the following proposition: PROPOSITION: Shall the Board of Education of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois, be authorized to hereafter in any year extend the school term for thi^School District beyond nine months, but not to exceed ten months? That for jsaid election said School District shall be divided into , seven (7) voting precincts, whose numbers and boundaries, and the polling place 'for each precinct shall be as follows: ' PRECINCT NUMBER 1 Shall consist of all that part of Community High School District Number 156. McHenry County, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 2. 3, 4. 9, 10, 11. 15, 16, 19, 20, 2p. 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 31. 35 and 36 inclusive in Township 45 North, Range 8 East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois: all that part of said Community High School District Number 156 which is situated in Sections 23 and 24, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, not lying within the boundaries of Johnsburg School Dist rict Number 12; all that part of said Community High School District Number 156 situated within' Sections 5, 8. 17, Township 45 North, Range S East POLLING PLACE FOR PRECINCT NUMBER 1 is hereby designated and located at the McHenry Community High School Building, Boy's Gym Entrance, McHenry, Illinois. The area as described above consists of all that territory of Community High School District Number 156 which does not fall within Johnsburg School District Number 12, Wonder Lake School District Number 36, the Village of Sunnysirte. and the sections voting at the- Village of Lakemoor. the Village of McCullbm Lake, and the Village of Island Lake. PRECINCT NUMBER JI Shall consist of i$f that part, of Community School District Number 156 McHenry County, Illinois, which is situated within Sectums 5 am\ 6. Township 44 Northx^Rangei 9, East of the Third ^Principal Meridian. McHenry County, Illinois. and also all that part of .-aid Community High School District Number 156 which is >ituated within Sections 31 and 32. Township 45 North. Range 9. East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE FOR PRECINCT NUMBER II is hereby designated and located at the Fii-e House, Lakemoor, Illinois. PRECINCT NUMBER III Shall consist of all that part of Community High School District Number 156. McHenry County, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 21 and 22. Township 45 North, Range 8. East of the Third Principal Meridian. McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE FOR ot the third Principal Meri-.PKKC !XlT NUMBER III is dian. McHenry County, Illinois.) hereby designated and kx ; ted not lying within the boundaries | at the Beach House, McCuilom of Wonder Lake School District jLake. Illinois. Number 36: all that part of I PRECINCT NUMBER IV said Community High School Shall consist of all that part District Number 156 situated of Community High School Diswithin Sections 1 through 12 j tl ict Number 136. McHenry inclusive, Township 44 North, I County. Illinois, which is sit- Range 8 East of the Third, u.atei within the corporate Principal Meridian, McHenry j limits of the Village of Sunny- County, Illinois; all that parti side. Illinois. of said Community High School | POLLING PLACE FOR District Number 156 situated PRECINCT NUMBER IV is hereby designated and located at the Sunnyside Community Hall, Village of Sunnyside, Illinois. PRECINCT NUMBER V Shall consist of all that part of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry i County, Illinois, which is sit- ; uated in Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 I and 17 in Township 45 North, J Range 9 East of the Third | Principal Meridian in McHenry County, Illinois; all that part of said Community High School District Number 156 situated in Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County,. Illnois, which is outside the corporate limits of Sunnyside, Illinois; all that part of said Comniupif3r^iigh School District ^=B£umber 156 situated in Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, which is included in the Districts of Johnsburg School District Number 12; all that part of said Comunity High School District Number 156 which is situated "in Sections 1, 12, 13 and 14 of Township 45 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, and all that part of Sections 23 and 24 of Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal .Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, which is included within the territory of Johnsburg School District Number 12. POLLING PLACE FOR PRECINCT NUMBER V is hereby designated and located at Johnsburg District No. .12 School house building -- Main Entrance -- Johnsburg, Illinois. The area as described above is all that territory of Community High School District Number 156 which lies within the boundaries of Johnsburg School District Number 12. PRECINCT NUMBER VI Shall consist of all that part of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County. Illinois, which is sit-j uated within the limits of Won- i der Lake School District Num- j Iter 36, lyin-r and being in Sec- ! ti'.'tis 5. 6. 7. 8. 17 and 18, ' Township -15 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal ; Meridian, in McHenry Coun;;,. | I Illinois. | ! POLLING PLACE FOR : PRECINCT NUMBER VI i - jhereby designated and located I ! at Wonder Lake Harrison! School Building. District Number 36. Wonder Lake. Illinois. PRECINCT NUMBER VII Shall consist of ail that part of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 7, 8, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE FOR PRECINCT NUMBER VU is hereby designated and located at the Alma Herman residence, 1011 Highland Drive, Island Lake, Illinois. No person shall vote at any precinct other than the precinct in which he resides. The pdlls for said election shall be opened at the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, on the said date, and shall remain open until the hour of 7:00 o'clock P.M., at which time the polls shall be closed. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMUNITY HICJI SCHOOL DIS- • TRICT NUMBER 156, Mc- - HENRY, COUNTY, ILLINOIS. DATED: This 26th day\ of March. • A.D. 1962. / II. RALPH BENNETT President of thji^B^ard of Education "of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois. DONALD HOWARD Secretary of the Board of Education of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. March 29, 1962) The polls at said election will be open from 12 o'clock noon to 7:00 o'clock p.m. of the same day. By order of the Board of Education of said District. Dated the 26th day of March 1962. RAYMOND H. WATKINS Pres. of Board of Education ATTEST: GLADYS GUSTAVSON Secretary Board of Ed. (Pub. March 29, 1962) PUBLISHERS ASK OR CHANGES IN POSTAL BILL RATE A team of publishers nf small town newspapers from six nates last Thussday asked the Senate Posi Office committee to make major changes in the postal rate increase bill pending in Congress. Asserting that the proposed pcnriy-per-piece surcharge on second class mail would have a disastrous effect 'on the hometown; press, spokesmen for the National Fditorial association and five state press groups :ninlcrt out that postage rates on .newspapers have already been raised six times in the past decade to a total of 89 percent. One witness testified postal costs for his small daily would be 687 pcrcent higher in 11)63 than in 1951 if the pending bill becomes law. Speaking for. the National Editorial association was Bernard E. Esters, NEA legislative chairman and publisher of the weekly Pioneer-Times in Houlton, Maine. Mr. Esters, speaking on behalf of 5,500 weeklies and 570 dailies in all fifty states affiliated with the seventy-seven year old NEA, reported that a survey showed the average postal cost increase for NEA members under the surcharge would be 114 percent. He also pi'edicted the post office would not realize expected added revenue because mail subsc r i p t i o n s would decline due to higher prices caused by the rate increase, because of the death of newspapers which could not absorb the increase, and because of diversion of papers from the mails where possible to substitute other delivery methods. He fcdso predicted that any extra income to the Post Office that did result from a second class mail increase "would be such a small fraction of the gap between Post Office income and expense that no appreciable dent would be made in the Post Office deficit, while at the same time causing great and widespread harm throughout the publishing industry." The worst thing we have seen from the younger generation is lhat they have no one I to copy after except the older 1 generation. NOTICE OF SPECIAL j SCHOOL ELECTION | NOTICE is hereby given! that on Saturday April 14th. j 1962, an election will be held > in School District 36, Mc-1 I-Ienrv Cou. ntv* , Illinois, for the ii purpose of voting upon the, following proposition: 1. Shall the Board of Education of School District Number 36 extend the school term of such district beyond nine calendar months? That for said special election this schot.l district shall Constitute one elerii.m precinct and 1h" pei' " ' ;;!:kv therefore shall !.<• T!;n'V: •• School, Wonder Lake, I l l i n o i s . CAN EARN 7% ON YOUR MONEY SHORT TERM NOTES CALL WALLY DEAN EV 5-5312 or Wonder Lake 4273 McHercry Personal Lean Corp. Vote for Integrity vote for AUDREY P. WALGENBACH 13 years' service as chief deputy treasurer for Republican Candidate McHenry County T R E A S U R E R vote APRIL 10 primary Let us vote to elect the best man for our first congressman in the new 12th congressional district! COMPARE!... HERE is ROBERT McCLORY'S RECORD \ jewel Pastry Slop Special \ Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! compared with CANDIDATE B compared with CANDIDATE C compared with CANDIDATE D compared with CANDIDATE E compared with CANDIDATE F compared with CANDIDATE G compared with CANDIDATE H STRAWBERRY ROUND >ffe© Cake Regular each Price 79c ALL VARIETIES--REG. $1.15 8" Cakes ««>< 99* AVAILABLE NOW AT.., Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St tlva TEA CO Old Fashioned Sausage Shop Thurs., Fri., •TrnTr r r ' r ' -zW -r'akVSWS 6M©FtTt 22? - Wieners become a special treat when you serve Jewel's old fashioned all meat wieners from the Sausage Shop. The unmistakable flavor of these plump, moist wieners will make them "most likely to succeed" at your housei OLD FASHIONED a All Meat Wieners lb 8 Vc AVAILABLE NOW AT.., Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St TCA CO. I I Here Are Some of the Many Lucky $100 Wi niter IN JEWll'S GA £ S P E L L PLENTY MORE TO COME! Larry Engmann 24 S. Williams, Crystal Lake Mrs. Lorraine Kearns 114 E. Colfax, Palatine Mrs. Patricia Erickson 408 S. Bristol Lane, Arlington Hts. Mrs. Mildred Heilig 730 S. Dunton St., Arlington Hts. Mrs. Margaret Monaghan 1847 Spruce Street, Highland Park Mrs. Joseph D. Styx 21 Washington Park, Waukegan Robert J. De Prat 285 Washington Blvd., Hoffman Estates Evelyn L. Hendrick 226 S. Central Avenue, Highwood Mrs. Gertrude Austin 1041 Hazel Avenue, Deerfield Mrs. Beverly Nugent 603 Revere Road, Glenview Mrs. Antoinette Dubicki 8046 Kostner Avenue, Skokie Mrs. Lucille I. Billings 120 S. I oka, Mt. Prospect Mrs. Susan Malone 747 Merrill Avenue, Park Ridge Mrs. Hattie M. Witt 376 Graceland Avenue, Des Plaines Mrs. Frances Feinberg 7336 Lamon, Skokie Mrs. Richard C. Esp 1001 10th St., Sunset Park, Northfi^ld Miss Linda Yonke 2322 Eiim, Zion Edward A. Palumbo 283 Crestwood, Northfield Mrs. Jacqueline Campbell 896B Linden Avenue, Winnetka Mrs. Nick Geraldi 1129 Chestnut St., Waukegan Mrs. Roy Wildy 202 E. Cook St., Libertyville Mrs. Elmer Kiddelson 4205 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry Edith Meyer 650 Central Avenue, Highland Park Gertrude H. Mitchell 431 E. Merle Lane, Wheeling Mrs. Jane Lowndes 1607 Forest Avenue, Wilmette G. R. Burkey 7850 Lamon, Skokie Mrs. Ruth Schoeman 2015 McDaniel, Evanston Mrs. Helen Reinig 419 N. Knight, Park Ridge Mrs. Louise Hoefler 7016 N. Keeler, Lincolnwood Mrs. Marian C. Fairfield 225 Lindbergh Drive, Barrington 5 more big weeks to go! Don't miss your chance to win $100! Plenty of winners to come . . . Lots more chances to win . . . Look for Winners Names posted in your Jev/el Store. I TEA CO. v h. \ i

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