Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1962, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 29, 1962^ Announce Bet rot h:>l Of I,:iunl Hu< cksliiedt Mr. and Mr.-.. Clonics Hueckslaedt of l.ilymuor announce Hie engagement of their daughter. Laurel, in Mr. Michael Hertel «,1" Mundelein. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hertel of Libert\ \ ii"\ The young couple is planning a June wedding. S§||pS Li XX (il STAVSOX Community Club Plans Ladies' Night The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held on Monday, April 2, at 8 p.m. All members are urgently requested to attend this important meeting. Refreshments will be served by the following committee: Leo Schaefer, Ted Schaefer, Bernie Schmitt, George Sehrnitt, Jack Schmitt, H e n r y S c h m i t t a n d L o u i s Schmitt. The membership committee reminds members that dues for 1962 should be paid at this meeting, or an assessment of $2 will be levied against delinquents. The members are also again urgently requested to submit their new addresses by mailing dues or other correspondence. The ladies" night committee reports lhat tickets' are still available to members in good standing. Details for this event will be announced during the next few weeks. KATHLEKN MAJKRC IK Kathleen Majercik To Marry In June Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Phil- 1 lips of Wonder Lake announce 1he engagement of her daugh- j ter, Kathleen Jean Majercik. j to Mr. Loren Peter Boppart, j son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. j Boppart of Woodstock. j Miss Majercik is a 1959 graduate of McHertrv High School 1 and is presently employed in Chicago. Her fiance is a 1953 graduate^ of St. Mary's high j school. WoodstockXymd a 1961 ! graduate of the University of j Illinois college of' engineering. j He received his bachelor of i science degree in agricultural engineering and is presently employe* i as design engineer for a Harvard company. A J u n e 2 3 w e d d i n g i s planned. Announce Encashment Of Wnmler Lake <>irl ! Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gust- | avson of Wonder Lake an- j nounce the engagement ' of [ their daughter. Jill, to Peter 1 Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pe- i ter C. Klein of, Chicago. j Miss Gust avson is a McHenry 1 high school graduate and also . attended Northern Illinois uni- 1 versity. She is at present em- i ployed as a secretary in Chicago. Mr. Klein is a graduate of St. Mary's college. Winona: Minn., and is an executive trainee for a Dallas, Texas, company. The wedding is planned for June 16. Alpha Theta Chapter Elects New Officers Ths? March meeting of Alpha Theta chapter of Deita Kappa Gamma was held at the home of Mrs. Gladys Wilson in Marengo, The most important item of the business meeting conducted by the president, Agnes Thomson of Crystal Lake, was the election of officers for. the next two years. The'following slate was presented by the nominating committee and accepted by the group: President, Edith Newcomer, Crystal Lake; first vicepresident , Florence Burlingame; second CHRISTINE SZCZI PAK Christine Szczupak To Marry Richard Mereure Mr. and Mrs. Chester Szczupak of 712 North Center street, McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Christine, to PJchard Mereure, son of Mrs. Rita Mereure of Lily moor. <*> No plans have been made for the wedding. Big Hollow PTA To Hold Election Big Hollow P.T.A. will hold election of officers at the next meeting, Wednesday, April 4, at 8 p.m. Guest speakers for the evevice- president, j ning will be Miss Irene DeLa- Dorothy Gibbs, McHenry; re- ! by. dean of girls and guidance cording secretary. Mrs. Blanche I director, and Raymond Collier, Eubank, Crystal Lake; corres-J dean of boys, both of Grant ponding secretary, Marie Pat- | Community High School, ton, Crystal Lake; parliamen- [ if any parents ^ave any tarian, Lillian Bolger, McHen- j questions in mind aboST^lheir child entering high school, they may rind their answer at the next P.T.A. meeting. The program will be interesting to all parents, and not just for the parents of June graduates. Hostesses for the evening will be second grade mothers. ry. After the business meeting, the program committee presented some excellent material on the subject, "Encouraging Initiative in Securing Economic Security ". Nellie Allison and Alice Fleming of Marengo. May Chesak of Huntley and Florence Colby of Crystal Lake presented talks on the subject. Hostesses for the evening were Florence Burlingame, Gladys Hance and Gladys Wilson, all from Marengo. JANICE WAKITSCH Tell Engagement Of Janice Wakithch Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Wakitsch of Johnsburg announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Pvt. Phillip 1E. Bartmann, son of Mrs. George Fraunhoffer of 405 N. River road, McHenry. Miss Wakitsch is a student at St. Therese school of nursing, Waukegan, and her fiance is stationed at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. No immediate plans for the wedding have been made. RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS John Bolger is recuperating in Syracuse, New York, from a serious illness which required surgery two weeks ago. His mother spent a week with him. The illness delayed Mr. Bolger's transfer to a new office in Harrisburg, Pa. H. 1 IN MEMORIAM In memory of William Smith, who passed away year ago, April 2, 1961. God saw the road was getting rough, The hills were hard to climb: He gently closed his loving eyes And whispered "Peace be thine." His weary hours, his days of pain. His weary nights are past; His ever patient, womout frame Has found sweet rest at w* last. Loving wife, Bonnye, and six children. *3-29-62 VOTE FOR Republican Candidate for County Treasurer of McHenry County Business College Graduate Deputy County Treasurer Former County Treasurer City Auditor State Treasurers Office Property Tax Assessment Advisor for the Revenue Dept. of 111. I solicit your good will and support. Every Friday $1 50 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. I "All you can eat" 6 HOT LENTEN DISHES to choose from plus 20 Delicious Cold Dishes EVERY SUNDAY COMPLETE ¥2 Pried Chiefe®! Bfeonor Per Syjjjjj Children's person J| portion $1§( K P, 5 Miles East of McHenry Phone 385-0176 OAK PARK HOTfL G3 Pistdkee Rp Ad To Rt. 134 12.0 JAYCEES HOST DISTRICT 2 MEET SUNDAY, APRIL 1 The McHenry Jaycees have ^elected the McHenry Country club as the site for the District 2 meeting which will take place April 1. District 2, the largest of the Illinois Jaycee districts with t w e n t y-four chapters and membership of 1.183, has delegates coming from such points as Rockford, M a r e n g o . S t . C h a r l e s a n d Aurora. Arnold Freund, Tom Landre and Don Sea ton have made plans for the wives to be taken by bus to the high school for Mrs. Ann Varese's version of "Gypsy,"' while their husbands conduct the business meeting and discuss new projects. . After the show, the women will return to the clubhouse for a buffet style dinner at 5 o'clock. Elections "of District 2 president and three vice-presidents will highlight the day. Enthusiastic demonstrations by the candidates' supporters are expected to follow nominations. Speeches by the nominees and election of officers will conclude the meeting. Don G e r s t a d, manpower chairman of the McHenry Jaycees. has made arrangements to make the two hundred plus guests expected to feel at home and well taken care of. DR. McCREADY TO ADDRESS HOME, SCHOOL GROUP. MISS McHENRY IS FEATURED IN FASHION REVUE McHenry's lovely Miss McHenry of 1S62, Gail Marquart, will be a featured model in the Easter Seal fashion show being held April 2 at the Crystal Bowl Recusation Center at the intersection of Rtes. 31 and 176. Representing her home city, Miss Marquart will model in the countywide fashion thow with JVIiss Woodstock, Miss Crystal Lake and others. Proceeds from the show will go to McHenry county's East - er^jeal physical therapy center located in Woodstock. Over forty-five different spring and summer outfits will be modelled. Emphasis will be placed on color coordination of fashions in conjunction with the latest, most versatile hair styles. Theme of the show will be "A Suburbanite's Day- - Fashions for Every . Hour". Commentary will be provided by Mrs. Van Sells of Wonder Lake. The show starts at 1:30 o'clock on Monday, April 2. A free nursery with adult baby sitters is also provided. Tickets may be obtained from the McHenry State bank or at Nye's Drug store. Dr. KOBLRT McCREADY Dr. Robert McCready will be the guest speaker at St. Mary's Home and School meeting on Monday, April, 2, at 8 p.m. Dr. McCready specializes in obstetrics and gynecology at the Little Company of Mary hospital. Since 1945 he has been actively engaged in the Cana Conference of Chicago. He has spoken to engaged couples, high schi)ol students, parent groups, etc. Dr. McCready was a member of the ('ana board of dilectors for two years, and is now a member of the advisory board of the Family Life Bureau of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Hitj address, "Head of the House." covers such topics as early marriages, delinquency, etc. MERITS DEAN'S LIST Marlene Schroeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schroeder of McHenry, has merited the dean's list at the University of Hawaii, where she is a freshman. To rate this list, the student must have a grade point ratio of 3.5 or better. March 30-31 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Methodist Church -- 9\a.rn. to S p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. id 2 p.m. Saturday April 2 St. Mary's Home and School Meeting --8 p.m. April 12 Community P.T.A. Achievement Night - Junior High School 7 p.m. April 16 Republican Women Sponsor Talk by Father Becka -- 8 p.m. April 27 Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid Rummage Sale -- 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. MANY HEAR Fr. FILAS A large, interested audience attended the last meeting of St. Patrick's Mothers club tp hear the well known speaker, Rev. Francis Filas. Members expressed the hope that they might secure more visiting speakers of this calibre if attendance warrants such programs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Alfred W. Fritz, Jr., McHenry, and Nora E. Walters, Princeton. Herrrjj SAVE ON DRAPERY CLEANING ONLY 25*P e r u ' - COIN-TYPE CLEANING You'll save at least one-half cxn Spring Cleaning of your draperies if you let us coin-type clean them, and you press them at home. Or, if you want us to press them, we will for an additional 25c per pound. Try us TODAY! 1304 N. Front Si.# McHenry Professional and Coin-Type Cleaning Phone: 385-0927 Always Plenty FREE Parking At Rainbow "Music Man" Wins Audience Spring hats were out in full force to enjoy one of the most pleasant aiternoons offered in McHenry recently. The occasion was the performance of "The Music Man" at the VFW clubhouse, sponsored by the W.S.C.S. of the Community Melhodist church. The entire cast, from Ann Varese down to Rory Marshall, did an excellenl .job. River City's school board composed" of Ed Wittroek. Gus Lakeberg, Norbert Mauch and Roy Kissling, certainly took their positions seriously. Their lyrics were as colorful as (heir vests. Florence Engdahl and Leora Varese also lived tfceir parts. The role play'ed by the accompanist, V'erna Sch'lofner, cannot be emphasized too strong- )y. Fancy sandwiches arid tea cookies were served to the capacity crowd following the show. Mrs. Larry Thomas and Mrs. Samuel Winters were cochairmen: and M*\s. Leroy Olsen was in charge of ticket sales. RETARDED CHILD TO BE SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION 05KITAL McHenry Hospital Patients admitted during the past week in McHenry hospital included Dale O'Dell. Hebron: Edward Colby. Woodstock; Thomas Murray, Wiliiam Wright and Gladys Ruff. Ingleside; Joseph Tothi'alusti, Hammond, Ind.; Patricia Keating and Brigitte Hennig, Wauconda; Melissa Visin, Mary Smith and JuneN Charrey, Crystal Lake; M&ry Oster, Richmond; Evelyn I-il.ja, Spring Grove; Deborah Blackburn, Round Lake; Gregory Koenig and Arthur Schuenemann, Fox Lake; Marie Buenzli, Catherine Jensen, Kathleen Ha 1 lberg. M a r g u r i t e W a r d e l l , J a n i c e Martin, Irene Koehl, Joseph Miller,Clifford Hyatt, Franklin Hathaway. Betty Notson, Otto Heinz, Jr., Cory Patterson, Ed Richter, W i 1 liam Schvvieger, Peter Merkel, Louis Spidalette, Francis Wirtz, Elizabeth Houck, T a m m y O'Leary, George Schaefer, William Hensley, Delia Eizik, Charles Coari, Eleanor Pawlikowski and Vincent Tomasello, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Included as patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week, were Mamie King, Adella Dunn, Martha Peterson and Mary Jones, McHenry; and Master Thomas Cashin, Joseph Zaek, Lawrence Kitt and Mary Berry of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mrs. Twila Spindler, Mrs. Theodore Krocker and Mrs. James Penick of McHenry were admitted as patients in the Harvard hospital during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Neese, Wauconda, announce the birth of a daughter at McHenry hospital March 20. A Round Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kenna, became parents of a son born March 22 at McHenry hospital. A daughter was born March 23 at McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kasprzyk. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagner are parents of a daughter born March 23 at McHenry hospital. On March 24 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wennlund at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Axell announce the birth of a daughter March 26 at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Temte of Winfield became parents of a son March 26 at McHenry hospital.' At Memorial "hospital, Woodstock, a daughter was born March 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Stock well. O A daughter was born March 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Seeman of Wonder Lake at Memorial hospital. Woodstock. On March 25 a boy was born at McHenry hospital to Mr. and. Mrs. C. A. Metzler. THEATER MANAGER Miss Katherine Prawl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Prawl of Shorewood, McHenry, was recently selected assistant manager of University theater at the University of Illinois. She was also elected to Mask and Bauble, a theater honorary. Miss Prawl is a sophomore majoring in English. ' The brain-injured child will be the subject for discussion at the 'Monday, April 2, meeting of the McHenry County Association for Retarded Children. Mrs. Ruth Toljaneli West Dundee will be the speaker. The meeting will be held at Clarence Olson school in Woodstock and starts promptly at 8 p.m. The public is welcome. Mrs. Toffaneli taught braininjured children in Michigan schools for five years, but now with a family of small children she is tutoring in her o\vii.*| home. She also works with Dr. Wepman of Bob Roberts Memorial clinic at the Univer-i'.y ! Chicago. A question and answer session will follow Mrs. ToflancliV. talk. C'AKD OF THANKS We wish to extend a .-in;" re "Thank .You" to'all our friendrelatives and neighbor i >. their cards, memorials and '>:•<- er expressions of sympathy the time of our recent berqaxement. We are truly gh.teful. Mrs. Leitha Gloreh Mr. and Mrs. Foster Gioivh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giorch ,".-2')-62 IN MEMORIAM In Memory of my beloved husband. Dr. William I-Ienburn. who passed awav March 2(5, 1961. Gone but will never he | forgotten by his family and i many patients. I Loving wife, j Nellie Hepburn I 3-29-62 4, Many obese folk have a glandular distu r b a n c e that makes them reach for the second helping of pie. Developing young minds intn^* productive use is more important to our nation than snooting rockets intcfl the siratosphere. Watch For Our APRIL SPECIAL On NEW AUTOMOBILE LOANS McHENRY STATE BANK Pk@sa@ 385-2835 €t7\ (J3eauly, SJo It's Experience That Counts 3813 W. Main St. W McHenry, III. (Closed Monday) 1 ' . i I Pick your financing as carefully as y@i Before buying a car, you naturally look the whole market over to make sure of getting^the car that best meets your needs and gi\res you the most for your money. Make the same careful comparisons before you decide how to FINANCE your car. The facts and figures will convince you that an,auto loan here will COST YOU LESS and serve your convenience better. Look into this now! 661 a a e mmm BANK RATES ARE THE LOWEST! CalS 3®S-1 Ask for a Loan Officer \

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