Thursday, April 19. 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Legak $ ' NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE) APPLICATION OF DAN-) lEL C. FRY, KATHRYN) ;t1tY, STATE BANK OF) fcfOODSTOCK AS TRUS-) TEE UNDER TRUST NUM-) PER 1037, AND AQUA) lANE ESTATES, INC., AN) ILLINOIS CORPORATION,) FOR ZONING RECLASSI-) FICATION OR CONDI-) TIONAL USE PERMIT) AND AMENDMENT OF) T&E ZONING ORDIN-) ANCE OF McHENRY) GpUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) •Notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry Ceuiity Zoning Ordinance that sib r public hearing will be had before the McHenry County $6tting Board of Appeals in Connection with the application for change of zoning classification or Conditional Use Permit and amendment of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance of the following described property: The Wefct 625 feet of the North 500 feet of the . Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 45, North, Range 8 East of Third Principal Meridiem, (except that part : thereof falling in Dutch Creek), in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is located on the south shore of Dutch Creejc, west of the Fox River, approximately one-half mile south of Johnsburg and approximately two miles northeast of McHenry, in McHenry IWnship. ,• The purpose of said Petition is to obtain a Conditional Use permit for a private park on said premises as would be permitted under Paragraphs C-13 itnd C-24 of Section 15 of the ^Sohing Ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois. v. Said hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 9, 1962 at 3*00 P.M. in the City Hall at McHenry, Illinois, at which tjroe and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. Dated this 11th day of April, *962. McHENRY COUNTY ; ZONING BOARD ' OF APPEALS . By: John LOOM, Chairman Attorneys for Petitioners: Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Conerty 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: 338-1135 (Pub. April 19, 1962) NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY IN CHANCERY McHENRY STATE BANK,) an Illinois Banking Corpora-) tion, and GERALD J. CAR-) EY, Trustee ) Plaintiffs) vs. ) RICHARD J. GLADUa/k/a) RICHARD JOSEPH GLA-) DU, a/k/a RICHARD GLA-) DU, ELIZABETH A. GLA-) DU, a/k/a ELIZABETH) ANN GLADU, a/k/a ELIZA-) BETH GLADU, PERKINS) LUMBER AND 1 FUEL) COMPANY, an Illinois Cor-) poration, and UNKNOWN) OWNERS ) Defendants) .. No. 39203 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Richard J. Gladu, a/k/a Richard Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Rich- Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Richard Gladu, and Unknown Owners, defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry County by the sa|d plaintiffs against you, praying for the foreclosure of a certain trust deed made by Richard J. Gladu, a/k/a Richard Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Richard Gladu, and Elizabeth A. G l a d u , a / k / a E l i z a b e t h Ann Gladu, a/k/a Elizabeth Gladu to Gerald J. Carey, as Trustee, conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: I,ot twenty two (22) and Lot twenty three (23) in McHenry Country Club First Addition, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter (% ) of Section thirty six (36), Township forty five (45) North, Range eight (81, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded March 17, 1922, as Document No. 54379, in Book 4 of Plats, Page 32, in McHenry County, Illinois, and for other relief; that sum* mons was duly issued out of said court against you as provided by law and that the said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, Richard J. Gladu, a/k/a Richard Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Rich- Gladu, and Unknown Owners, the said defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, held in the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 3rd Monday in the month of May, 1962, being the 21st day of May, 1962, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. Dated April 12, 1962. LESTER EDINGER Clerk (Court Seal) Cowlin & Cowlin 88 North Williams St. Crystal Lake, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff (Pub. April 19-26, May 3, 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of HENRY J. FAST Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, May 7th, 1962, is the claim date in the estate of HENRY J. FAST, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. MAY SIMON Executor James M. Mclntee Attorney 3516 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Tel: 385-2440 (Piab. April 5-12-19, 1962) INVITATION TO BSD GENERAL CONTRACT General Contractors are invited to bid for General Contract to build a Garage Building for the McHenry Township Road District. Plans and specifications are available at the office of the Architect, John Vincent Anderson, 138 Cass Street, Woodstock, 111. Each General Contractor may take out three sets of drawings. A refundable deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) per set is required. Sealed bids are due before 5:00 p.m. May 9th 1962 at the Architects office, or may be delivered at the public bid opening at Town Clerks office at 8:00 p.m. May 9th, 1962. The Owner, the Road District of McHenry Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids. H. WALTER ANDERSON Town Clerk CHARLES J. MILLER Road Commissioner (Pub. April 19-26, 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of SUSANNA ADAMS, a/k/a SUSAN ADAMS Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that May 7th, 1962, is the claim date in the estate of SUSANNA ADAMS, a/k/a SUSAN ADAMS, Deceased, pending in the County Court erf McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ARTHUR E. BOGER PETER M. JUSTEN Executors Roland A. Herrmann Attorney for Executors 3412 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. (Pub. April 5-12-19, 1962) "PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the stockholders of McHENRY STATE BANK, located at McHenry, Illinois, at a regular meeting held January 9, 1962, approved a proposal to amend the charter of the bank so as to increase capital stock from $100,000.00, consisting of 1,000 shares of a par value of $100.00 per share, to $200,000.00, to consist of 2,000 shares of a par value of $100 per share. All statutory requirements having been complied with the aforesaid amendment to the charter of said bank became effective on April 10, 1962. McHENRY STATE BANK By Gerald J. Carey President ATTESTED: Thomas F. Bolger Cashier." (Pub. April 12-19-26, 1962) There are 365 steps to the top of the dome of U. S. Capitol Building. >«} * «4«. >&•:. • hr j.' •• i If i~4y*k: > • e_ with no money d«E7H= and 5 yaan to pay *Sh«er LSa©"" eabinefs <sm for tomon©^, yef cehn-' fifically planned for today's seeds. Carefully constructed of the finest hardwoods in gloaming Fruitwood, Driftwood, Platinum Blonde or Sunny Birch finishes. Snakes it possible to achieve any desired color scheme lor your kitchen. The cost is surprisingly low--let us. •how ypu their many exclusive features. Reg. Price $6.69 per gal. ON EVERY GALLON OF NOW ONLY urm gal. In standard ready-mixed colors during this sale. 100% LATEX WALL PAINT with all the advantages that made SPRED SATIN famous! Plus . . . NEW! Decorator low-sheen finish. NEW! Durability for walls, ceilings woodwork. NEW! Hardy finish for kitchen 8c bathrooms. Is coOcjo fife? woocjogsIJ AlL-MIWOia A1KYD •IAMB. BUY NOW for your Spring Housecleaning needs and Save! LOW M0MTHLY PAYMENTS ON Garages -- Kitchen Cabinets lilding Materials and Supplies for AdMfaas <°»mI Remodelling ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Higiway 31 Soiaffe @f M@noo itetsi} -- (ieHenry, Hotels Pis®®® 18S=1424 Page Efawn Ringwood LIST SERVICES FOR HOLY WEEK AT METHODIST CHURCH Ixm Brennan - W.L. 2045 Thursday, April 19, 8 p.m.-- Maundy Thurs day --Holy Communion Service. Thursday. April 19, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. --Senior MYF will hold Slave Day. The high school group will be on call for jobs of all kinds. Call the Parsonage - W.L. 2628. Friday, April 20, 8 p.m. -- Special Good Friday Service of the Tenebrae to be observed. i Saturday, April 21, 1:30 p.m. ^Confirmation class at Parsonage. Clean up day at the church. Sunday, April 22 --Easter Sunday. 8 a.m. --Worship Service. Junior choir will sing. 9:30 a.m. --Worship Service. Adult choir will sing. Open House at School Ringwood showed the public its new school last Sunday afternoon. There were many familiar faces of former pupils and teachers of the old Ringwood school. Also, many people from out of town interested in seeing the school. Election The Ringwood school held its board election last Saturday. Duane Andreas is the new member for the 3 year term. Auction Coming Up Please folks, how about coming to the Community Club Auction? It will be held on Monday night in the school house at 8 p.m. sharp. Any donations of white elephants or any items or baked goods you have will be greatly appreciated. All are invited to participate in the auction. We have an auctioneer for the sale. That's Monday, April 30 at 8 p.m. A Welcome Weekend Ciu.'st The Wolf Shadles were v°ry thrilled last weekend when their son. Paul Shacile, from Los Angeles, Calif., stopped by. He had been to New York on business and stopped for a very welcome visit with his parents. Home Circle Last Thursday's Home Circle met at the home of Lona Brevet for a dessert luncheon. Prizes for Easter bonnets went to Mary Ann Wegener and Carol Kunz. The Fossoms Welcome a Girl The Fossom household 'welcomed a baby girl last week. She arrived at the McHenry County Memorial hospital at Woodstock. She's a very lucky girl. She has seven sisters and two brothers to greet her at home. Congratulations to the happy and proud parents, Bobbie and Gordon Fossom!! Personals Callers in the Ruby Shcpard home last Tuesday evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and family of Madison called in the home of her parents. the L. E. Hawleys. Cn Sunday the Earl Kunzes were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Jackowske. Millie Rush spent the weekend in the John Ehlert home. Also, on Saturday Mrs. Rush was a guest in the Fred Bowman home. Visitors in Wadsworth on Thursday night were Loren Harrison and Robert Brennan. Elgin callers on Monday night were, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowel 1. Mrs. Roy Harrison and Loren Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz spent Saturday at Lamont visiting in the home of his brother, t h e Norbert Lisks, and their seven children. Loren Harrisofi and Bob Brennan were callers in Richmond on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan were callers in the Bill Rein wall home in McHenry on Saturday. Happy Raster to AH Yours truly wishes to extend the best of wishes to all for a very ioyous E'ister. I would appreciate ns much Easter news on Saturday as possible. Call me at W.L. 2045 for your Easier news. See you next week. Happy Easter to all. Experience is not so much what happens to you, as what you do with it. More Jiumans greet friends by nose-rubbing than by handshaking. SHORT WEIGHT SALES Instances of short weight sales of pre-packed meats have been u n covered by the Illinois Agriculture Department's Division of Standards. The short weight sales involve seven different chain store operations and were discovered by division inspectors. In most cases the short weight was due to the fact that the containers or packages were included in the total weight stamped on the packages. The offending chain stores were warned, and any future violations will result in court action. There will no more warnings, said Hubert L. Goforth, superintendent of standards. The Division of Standards is the state's watchdog which protects the public from those who would seek to make a profit by shortchanging customers in terms of untrue weights and measures. SHOP IN MeHENRl' APRIL 21 SPECIAL..... PRAYER DAY AT- ... BAPTIST CHURCH Saturday, April 21, will be a special day of prayer for members of the First Baptist church. Prayer emphasis will center around a series of evangelistic meetings to begin on Easter Sunday and to continue through May 6. Othei emphasis will be on the full meaning of Easter Sunday. Appropriate scripture will be read and meditated upon throughout the period. The men of the membership are sponsoring the effort, with Lonnie Campbell acting as chairman of the group. Each hour of the day. from 8 a.m. Saturday to 8 a.m. Easter Sunday morning, will be directed by the men, while oilier inteiested persons will participate as they are able. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St EV 6-0811 McHenry, HL BURGERS-SHAKES-FRIES j # ea. Open 7 Days per week - 6 a.m. -11 p.m. 2Vz Miles East of McHenry on Route 120 \ DRIVE A MIRACLE MILE If you want to experience a new and exciting adventure in driving, head for your nearby Plymouth Dealer's right now! Take a "Miracle Mile" test drive in a new 1962 Plymouth-the beautiful difference in the lowprice field. You'll like the way Plymouth responds to your every command. You reach cruising speed up to 10% faster than last year's quick Plymouth. Plymouth's improved Torsion-Aire suspension whisks you around curves and over the rough roads with hardly a sway or bump. So why not take us up on our invitation to Drive a "Miracle Mile"! Come down to our showroom for a test drive and prove to yourself that the '62 Plymouth is the Greatest Plymouth Ever Built! Baive IT AND VOU'lL BUY ITI S. BLAKE MOTORS, Bros. 2508 West Route 120 -- McHenry t