Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1962, p. 12

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Paf» Tweifl THE McRENRY PLAINBEALEH Thursday, April 1962 Lakeland Park COMMITTEE HOLDS WELCOME PARTY THURSDAY. APRIL 26 Gloria Flannlgan - EV 5-4910 Chris Foazcz - EV 5-4942 Next Thursday, April L'fi, the welcome committee will hold another one of those welcome parties. Everyone who has never attended one of these parties or just moved into our subdivision is most welcome. Please contact Lyda Radisch at 385-2754 to have a written invitation sent to new neighbors or friends. These parties are such fun and a good way to become acquainted with your neighbors. Deniwratk' Club Moots The Lakeland Park regular Democratic dub will meet tonight, Thursday, April 19, at 8 p.m. at the community house. All Democrats are urged to attend and are most welcome to join if they wish. Pike, Barbara Tiffany, Carol Moll and Jill Smith from Johnsburg. The theme of the party was princess and the girls enjoyed cake and ice cream and games. Lynn Cygan celebrated her seventh birthday, April 11, but had her party on April 14. There were sixteen school mates and friends attending this gala celebration. Mom Cygan served the girls barbecues, chips and the usual cake and ice cream. Gaines were played and it just turned out to be a wonderful4 day for Lynn. Kathy Campo celebrated her fiftn birthday Tuesday, April 17, with a party for the neighborhood children which included Shirley and John Meurer, Joey Parisi, Margie Kroening VJ.W. Auxiliary News After a most impressive installation of officers which was conducted April 7, with the Lakemoor junior drill team posting the V.F.W. Post 4600 Colors, and Mary Miller and Daisy Smith posting the V.F.W. auxiliary to Post 4600 colors, our auxiliary officers were officially installed lor the year of 1962-1963. Jane O'Flaherty, past 5th district president of the V.F.W. ladies' auxiliary of Illinois, and her color - team were the installing team which was so graciously introduced by the mistress of ceremonies, Josephine Hansen. One of the largest crowds ever in attendant! Barbie jfnd Pam Krasucki. junce at our installation cere- Ice cream, cookies :'nd Kool- i monies witnessed both Mrs. Minstrel Show News The Lakeland Park Minstrel group is putting on another minstrel show this year. The date is Ma\ 20 at 7 p.m. at t h e M c H e n r y j u n i o r h i g h school. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Boy Scouts now have tickets and will be going from door to door selling them. Please be generous because this is for the betterment of YOUR community. Tickets will also be sent to property owners in the May newsletter. So be sure to mark this date on your calendar and come out and see a good minstrel show. Spring Dance Approaching The annual LPPOA spring dance is fast approaching. The date is May 26 and will be held at the American Legion hall in McHenry. Tickets will soon be available to all so be sure to mark this date also on your calendar and come out and have an enjoyable evening. aide were had and enjoyed by all. Confirmation Confirmation services were held Sundav at the Zion Lu- Flurence Svoboda and Ted Getner duly installed as president and commander of the V.F.W. Post 4600 and ladie$\auxiliary, McHenry. • The regular business meeting Community House Schedule Thursday, April 19, 8 p.m. -- L a k e l a n d P a r k D e m o c r a t i c club; April 20 --1 to 6 p.m. Dancing class; Monday, April 23-- evening --Regular board meeting; Tuesday. April 24 -- evening --Boy Scout meeting; Wednesday, April 25, Brownies --3 p.m.; Thursday, April 26 -- 8 p.m. Welcome party. For any reservations call Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. theran church an McHenry. |of the V.F.W. ladies' auxiliary Those being confirmed from to Post 4600 was held April our subdivision were Susan ; 9. with a nice representation Bookman, Ronnie Krumsee. j oi the membership present. The Dale Marzano. and Charles usual flag and ritualistic work, Messel. 1 together with the color team. (opened anil closed the meeting. Confirmation Party and | The yearly nurse scholarship Anniversary Party J has been approved and a can- Evelyn and Arthur Krumsee ; didate selected, but will be kept were host and hostess, for a ; secretive until after June gradconfirni£ tion party in honor of < uation ceremonies. their son, Ronnie, and also for j Receive Invitations their twenty-third anniversary | Several invitations were read on Sunday, April 15. They had (from neighboring V.F.W. posts many friends and relatives out 'and auxiliaries for their joint for this occasion. ! installation of officers. i Yearly reports for the 1961- Bridge Club 11962 year were given by the Ruth McMahon was the ' following chairman: Americanhostess for bridge last Tues- 'ism chairman Lorraine Murphy dc^y evening. Those attending j repotted that 254 Ameiican were Louis? MeEnery, Ann > 3nd »oui Chiistian flags were Leigh, Pernice Boyce, J o v e e 'distributed duiing. the yeai, Braur. Ann Her/.og. Lucille ' Cancer Insurance Chairman Dictz and Ivy Lezak. The girls j Dorothy Reinboldt reported had a great time and enjoyed j that our premium has been those hi-caloried desserts paid for the 1962-1963 year, again. Lucille Dietz took first 'and also will assume the same prize and Ann Leigh was the 'chairmanship this coming year; lucky one for second. 'Daisy Smith, community serv- ( ice chairman, gave a very de- Visiting ' i tailed report of the work of Little League News To correct an error reported last week for boys to be eligible for Little League the boys must be eight on or before June 15 rather than April 1 as listed and he must not have reached his thirteenth birthday before August J. A few more boys can be accommodated. If your boy is still interested you can still arrange to have him play if you call player agent Bob Matthews at 385-6042 as soon as possible. Doris Bock and .^her two children and her sister, Louise Weber, just got back from visiting relatives in Tennessee. They were gone about 10 days. I'll bet Ed was glad to see them home. Joe and Gail Parisi and sons visited her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, in Rockton Sunday, April 15. Rose and Bill Schidell took a trip to Detroit over the weekend to visit his boss. Sympathy May we extend our deepest sympathy to Dorothy Humphreys and her family on the recent death of her father, Clyde McGovirk of Austell, Ga. Visitors The Rizzos enjoyed a Sunday visit from friends Mr. and Mrs. K. Haverfield and daughter, Mary Jane, from Chicago. They spent most of their time reminiscing: over old times. Rose Schidell had a busy time last week when her aunt, Ethel Siegler, visited her for the week. Alma Brushaber chauffered them here and there and when she went home she said she had had a ball. On Thursday, Rose's sister-in- Get-Well Wishes To Billy Oakford who is down with the chicken pox and to Lee Hulbert who is covered with measles. Hope you are better by Easter. Anniversary Wishes Happy anniversary to Bob and Jesse Matthews who celebrate their tenth year of wedded bliss today, April 19, and also to the Matthews neighbors, Inge and Walter Pissowotski, who celebrate their anniversary on the same day of April 19. And still another wish on the nineteenth to Marion and Ken Hulbert who celebrate ten years of marriage. Belated wishes to Art and Evelyn Krumsee who celebrated twenty-three years of wedded bliss on April 15. Congratulations! both the post and auxiliary for the past year which proved most interesting for all present. The letters she read from the Edgebrook elementary grade school children was a joy for everyone present. The children thanked the V.F.W. auxiliary and were so happy the flags were presented on the day "Mr. Glenn" made his orbital flight. Ways and means Chairman Pauline Pries gave a very comprehensive report for the past year, and reported on coming events for the 1962-1963 year. Youth Activities Chairman Sylvia Hess reported on the progress of the Junior V.F.W. auxiliary unit. Appoint Committees Committees appointed for the new year are as follows: Membership, Irene Stoller; National V.F.W. National Home Eaton Rapids, Mich., which she received for her services as president for the 1961-1962 year. The ladies' auxiliary were the recipients of a beautiful white leather bible as a gift from the V.F.W. Post 4600., Mention was also made about membership pins given to Marge Moreth, for thirty-five continuous years, Josephine Hansen, for twenty-live continuous years, and Daisy Smith for fifteen continuous years as members of the ladies' auxiliary to the V.F.W. President Florence Svoboda also reported to the membership on the check which was presented to the V.F.W. Post 4600, which was of a substantial amount. This also was presented the night of installation of officers. Charges and instructions of all elected and appointed officers were given by Daisy Smith, past president. The next regular business meeting and initiation of new members will be held April 23, and all elected officers are asked to kindly be present at 7:30 p.m. for a short official meeting before the regular business meeting. Pauline Pries, reporter PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) APPLICATIONS FOR CITY POSTMASTER TAKEN TO MAY 8 An examination for postmaster at McHenry at S6,870 a year, will be open for acceptance of applications until May 8, 1962, the U. S. Civil Service Commission announced this week. This examination has been announced under revised qualifications standards recently agreed upon between the Commission and the Post Office department. Competitors for the postmaster vacancy in this city must nave several years of experience showing they tyave the ability to direct, manage, and operate efficiently" the work of a large business" organization. They must also demonstrate leadership qualities and ability to direct relatively large groups of people through intermediate supervisors. In addition, applicants must show that they are of good reputation and that they con deal agreeably and effectively with the public. There is no written test for the position. Applicants will be rated competitively on evaluation of their experience and fitness for the position. They must have resided within the delivery of the office for one year immediately p r e c e ding the closing date of the examination. In addition, they must have reached their 18th birthday on the closing date for acceptance of applications. Persons over 70 years of age can- SIGN OF AWAKENING Dear Editor: "I wish to take 'this opportunity to thank Mr. Piotrowski and Ruth Gans for the letters published in the Public Pulse Thursday, April 12. I was beginning to wonder if everyone was out of step but me. But these letters are a sign of a final awakening to a very serious situation. "I am sure it is not too late if all Americans, including elected leaders, will start reversing some of these ideas of taxation. We talk about juvenile delinquency. How can this be remedied when in the majority ol" homes the housewife, burdened by expenses, has to leave her children every day to be an assistant breadwinner. In my opinion, keeping sK^hpme is a full time job if the family is to be properly reared. There is an increase in homes for demented citizens. I wonder if anxiety to make ends meet are not one of the great causes. "Now for what Ruth Gans mentions in her letter about giving money to other countries. In my opinion, it is most of the time blackmail. You give us what we want or we will go to Mr. Khrushchev. Some of them ought to be given the chance to go to Mr. K. and. get a sample of his generosity. "Mr. Daly has been opposed on his six bond issues. Maybe the people are beginning to feel that a mink coat is very nice but if you can't afford same, a nice heavy cloth coat will keep us nice and warm. "Urban renewal is a new gimmick. Those citizens who spend what they can to keep up their homes by painting, nice lawns and other improvements are penalized by higher taxes. The taxpayer spends his private money to. improve his Home, Daisy Smith; Hospital,, not ^ appointed. Catherine Fuhler; Child Wei- Complete information about fare, Tina Morrison; Cancer the examination requirements Insurance. Dorothy Reinboldt; Community Service, Vivian Mack; Poppy, Florence Svolaw, Ethel Chambers, and bborja( Civil Defense, Gertrude niece, June Majka, both from Chicago, came to see her new home for the first time. They didn't think they would ever get here, but going home was & lot faster. The Don Gerstads were visited from Wednesday until Saturday by her folks, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Birkinbin, who were enroute from a 3 month winter vacation in Florida to their home in Wisconsin. I guess most of their spare limp was spent playing pinochle. Easter Wishes With Easter this Sunday and everyone sporting new duds, Barb and I wish you all a happy and most joyous Easter holiday. Barbian; Americanism, Viola Schuble; Press and Radio, Pauline Pries; Grave Registration, Wilma Aylward, Youth Activities, Sylvia Hess, and Legislative, Genevieve Bradley. President, Florence Svoboda gave a special "thank you" to Josephine Hansen, who was mistress of ceremonies for installation, and also to the membership of the ladies' auxiliary for the life membership to iht and instructions for filing applications may be obtained at the post office for which this examination is being arf S k m c e d . A p p l i c a t i o n f o r m s must b& filed with the U. S. C i v i l S e r v i c e C o m m i s s i o n , Washington 25, D. C., and must be received or postmarked not later than the closing date. GRANTED CHARTER The state has announced that a charter has been issued to Lakeland Park Theatrical Group. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to Daisy Krupinske on April 19, to Connie Giacamo on April 20, to Jessie Mathews and Ray Rode who share the same day of April 25, and to Bill Glosson on April 23. May you all have a wonderful day. .Q How can I make a good adhesive for sticking cut-out gold-paper letters or similar items to glass? A. A very good one can be easily made by dissolving a few medical capsules in a small amount of warm water. Just enough water should be used to make a thick solution. is The largest return on your money paid by any licensed financial institution in the area. Interest paid to Hie exact day you call your money. Money paid same day. McHenry Personal "Loan Corp. Call Wally Dean 385-5312 or W.L. 427S home and then has to pay for the rest of his life for doing so. Homes depreciate but taxes for having, same rise and rise until there is nothing left but to give up and let the mortgage man take over. Is that helping the economy? "Think this over. This topsy turvey money grabbing of the citizens who know no country but what can they can get for themselves, should be rooted out. I am sure 95 per cent of the American people are sincere and honest but it is the 5 per cent who are undermining and getting control and it's time these cinch bugs were checked in their ravishing of these great United States. "Write your senators, congressmen and representatives regardless of their label Republican and Democrat and tell them what you expected of them when you put a cross before their names on election day -- the freedom we still have left. Maybe we will get results. "Mrs. Nettie Sarley "Lakemoor "P.S. Quote from Congressional Record, made 3^ months before visit to U.S. 'We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of Socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.' " EIGHT YOUNG PEOPLE CONFIRMED ATf FAITH CHURCH At the corporate service of worship on Palm Sunday, Faith Presbyterian church confirmed its first class of eight young people. They attended a class taught by the pastor for twenty weeks and were exxamined both by the pastor and the session of the church. Celebrating the Order for the Confirmation of Baptismal Vows and Admission to the Lord's Supper were the following young people: Becky Hughes, Becky Kissling, Lynn Krebs, Richard Moore, Cathy Murray, Bruce Peck, and Donald Russell. Another member of the class, Roger Peck, received Christian baptism. Other adults received into membership in Faith church at this time included the father of one of the members of the Confirmation class, Gilbert Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Corcoran. SHOP AT HOME Old Fashioifi Sausage Shop IFrL, Sat, Only! 'm irrn nxr frsasmsas shop. A traditional Easter fare is savory, spiced-just-right Polish Sausage prepared from a unique "old world" recipe and available for you fresh or smoked. Pick some up today for your Easter week end enjoyment! Fvlish Sam® FRESH lb. 79° SMOKED lb. fLuvtH Qy/wdSious TEA CO. vvA AVAILABLE ttOW AT,M Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm Si. Belated Birthday Wishes Belated birthday wishes to Lynn Cygan who was seven years old on April 11, to Doris Bock whose birthday was also April 11 and to Steven Droesser who was four years old on April 13, to Kathy Campo who turned five on April 17 and to Al Gort, Sr., who chalked up another year on April 16. Hope ytog all had a nice day and we'Mfcvery sorry we missed your nflBl days. Birthday Doings Kristie Flannigan had a party for a few of her friends last Monday, April 9, in honor of her ninth birthday. Her guests were Elaine Bottari, Lynn Cygan, Maria and Ava Mecic, JoAnn Rizzo, Debbie Franklin, Janet Homo, Janice + For + For Complete Selections \ + Foe Op@n i©k S Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give Double S & H Green Stamps with prescriptions. Millstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza Jewel Pastry Shop Special Thurs., Fri., Sat., ItA CO. Butt iolls AVAILABLE NOW AT... J Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St Here Are Some of the Many Lucky *100 Winners IN JEWEL S GAME **:> % ' « fW" ^"f Si* % < :-A PLENTY MORE TO COME! Mrs. LeRoy Peschman 127 Brookhill Road Libertyville Mrs. William Rowa 227 N. Main St. Crystal Lake R. O. Wells 728 Firth, Mundelein Louis A. Biel Antioch, 111. Mrs. Elizabeth Zoph 417 Hull Court, Waukegan Mrs. Jean Frerichs 174 Arizona Blvd. Hoffman Estates Mrs. Harriet Potter 233 East Ave., Park Ridge Jane Schwartz 1370 A Fargo, Des Plain** Mrs. Frances Koneski 1021 Dewey Ave., EvanstOB William Nielsen 2271 Farnsworth Lane Northbrook Mrs. Ray R. Rubel 730 Grove. Glencoe. I1L, Gerald W. Davis 215 Brice Ave., Mundelain Mrs. Josephine 1. Scold 511 Clearmont Dre Elk Grove Village Mrs. Earl McCormack 3112 Elizabeth Street, Zion *• Mrs. Lary Lou Fink 627 Dundee, Barrington Mrs. Mary Allans 1105 Greenleaf, WilmeHe Mrs. Florence Savas 6864 Lincoln, Lincolnwood Mrs. Anita Rode 4934 W. Coylo, Sk©k!®„ Mrs. Laura Kuhn 130 Fremont, Palatipta Mrs. L. E. Morrison K. R. #1 Spring Grove, ML Mrs. Gilbert Lands 45 Pomeroy, Crystal Lake R. L Freeman 810 Dean, Highland Pails Mrs. Richard P. Auli 438 S. Wolf Road Wheeling A. E. Courvoisier 21 N. Dryden Arlington Heights Mrs. Theresa Roman 121 N. Prindle Arlington Heights Mrs. Doloris SiedschlaJI 145 Laurel Ava. . Lake Forest Mrs. Marilyn EC. Alden 7007 Fargo, iMilos . Mrs. Catherine Mcintosh 706 Elmgate Dr., GlenvieW Mrs. Lois Mostow 9131 Kenneth, WilmeHe Mrs. Lawrence Langa 1370 Sanders Road Northbrook Mrs. Mqrris R. Noethlina Rt. #1 Bo* 309 Libertyville Mrs. Ann "F. Mesfom 175 Waltonian Terraoe Fox Lake Mrs. Howard Eaton. 45 Maple Ave., WaukegaQ Mrs. George Howard 3 Walnut Lane, RossllBe Julia Mikaeliaffi 908 W. Euclid Arlington Heights Mrs. Ruth E. Lundquist 2117 Illinois Road Northbrook Mrs. Dolores Kowalslcf 7027 Jonquil Terrace, NileS Miss Evelyn JW1. Holtzer 8027 Kostner Avc.j Skokie William C. Skibbo 113 N. Prospect iteV Mt. Prospect Mrs. Marylyn MacArtHur 140 Northwest Highway Des Plaines Mrs. Loretta PresH 7519 Cleveland, [Miles 48 Mrs. Lillicm Versuoy 1350 Greenwood Deerfield Mrs. H. A. Howell 15 Hill Drive, Crystal Lake Mrs. Alma Bailey 8. R. 1, Box 513, Antioch Mrs. F. X. Cornell! 912 Highland Ave. Waukegan Mrs. Jean M. Gardner . 2802-15th St. Winthrop Harbor Mrs. Lillian Shaffer 34 Keller Ave., Waukegan Mrs. Delores Jeronimus 125 N. Washington Des Plaines Mrs. Helen Libman 2115 Bennett, Evanston Vita La Pore 1215 Argyle St. Bensenville Mrs. Frank Handze! 329 Slade Avenue, Elgin Mrs. Catherine Cronwall 600 Taylor Rd., Barrington Larry Engmanrc 2% 5. Williams, Ciysfai Laiii Mrs. Lorraine Kearns D14 E. Colfax, Palatine Mrs. Patricia Erickson 408 S. Bristol Lana Arlington Hts. Mrs. Mildred HeiUg 730 S. Dunton St. Arlington Hts. M«. Margaret Monaghan 1847 Spruce St. Highland Park Mrs. Joseph D. Sty* 21 Washington Park " Waukegan Robert J. De Prat 285 Washington Blvifc Hoffman Estates. Evelyn L. Hendridk 226 S. Central AvOb Highwood Mrs. Gertrude Ays&fe) 1041 HazeS Ave., ©oerSsfs} Mrs. leverly MugenB 603 Revere Rd.f Glenviev# Mrs. Antoinette Dubicki •8046 ECostner Ave., SIteKo Mrs. Lucille Q. ©illSffaga U20 S. loka. Mi. Pr@spoe9 Mrs. Susan Malona 747 Merrill Ava. Park Ridge Mrs. Hattie M. Witt 376 Graceland Avfe Des Plaines JWbs. HFrancos Fsinbtrf 7336 Lamon, Skokie Mrs. Richard C. Esp 1001 10th St. Sunset Park, Norfhfield Miss Linda Yonkit 2322 Elim, Zro* Edward A. Pal umbo '283 Crestwood, Northfteld JssqueSE^o Camnpball 896B Linden A^e. ITiiniTioSCjQ Mrs. Nick Gerald! 1129 Chestnut Sk Waukegan Mrs. R©y Wild^ 202 E. Cook St. libertyville Mrs. Elmer KiddoSsdn 4205 CrystaB S-csFia Rd. • McHenry' Gdiftlh ftAeyer 650 Central Ava. . Highland Park Gertrude H. Mitchell 431 E. Merle Lane Wheeling Mrs. Jane Lowndes 1607 Forest Ave., WilmeHe ©„ K. iurkey 7850 lamon, Skolde Mrs. ftuth Schoeman 2015 McDaniel, EvanstOB Mrs. Helen Reintg 419 N. Knight, Park Ridge Mrs. Louise Hoefler 7016 N. Keeler LincolnwcQta? Mrs. Marian C. EFsjsrflild 225 Lindbergh Drive Harrington 2 more big weeks to f©l 0@n't mill your chance to win §1001 IPIfetiSi? of winners to come • • • EL@ffs m&m glhes&icts lo win • • • Look for Winners Names posted in your Jewel $!©ir©® jfaodStotii TEA CQ.?

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