Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1962, p. 17

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Thursday, April 19. 1982 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Village of Sunnyside Vandal Invades Private Home Eola Deppmeier 885-6310 During the - late evening hours an uninvited visitor ^ made his appearance at tjte dj&rner residence recently. The -Garners, deep in sleep, were "aroused 1 >y a mysterious noise in the allic. At first it wa^ believed that a prowler had jnvaded the home. Upon investigation they learned that, tire 'attic iiad been vandalized, insulation had been torn from the floors and walls, debris jivas scattered about. As the j^morning hours drew near, light seeked out art intruder indeed, a four legged one: It was a •racoon, beautiful in appearftpce?' but dangex-ous when cornered. He scampere'd back into a chimney by which he made his ^ntry and there he stayed. A full day of attempts to lid the coon were futile so . help was summoned and answered by 1hc viHage police ( ^and two neighbors from the Terrace, Bob Froelig and Pat Flood. Bob managed to smoke the chimney forcing the coon to come out for air. Pat, authorized by the police, fired a i shot at the animal as it f reached the. top of the chim- I ney. The aim was on target jf but Ihe timing was a second off and the coon fell through to the bottom of the chimney which was in the basement. The following morning another neighbor, Cass Kasperski, managed to retrapt the carcass through an entrance, labored by Cass, at the chimney bottom. It was later picked-up and taken away by a veterinarian to be examined. (Ed. Note; A flash just passed over -- could've been a SKUNK -- thank goodness we've got our •^neighbors). Girl Scouts Pianne Offling, reporter for the Scouts, tells me that the meeting opened at 3:20 p.m. A very enjoyable play entitled "Little Red Riding Hood" was given and the cast of 'actresses included Bonnie. Diane and Susan Oeffling, Colleen Joyce, ancy .Torsienson and Diane Schlueter. Participation in the game "Musical Spots" proved to be fun and a point of interest. at ihe aneeting. Treats for the day were contributed by Colleen Joyce and her guest was sister, Kathy. ' for their achievement. World Pins were .presented to Karen Hettermann, R o n d a Schilts, Mary Jo Kennebeck, Kathy Pflug, Linda Hosier, Audrey Selige and Pam Bosier. Debbie Obstfelder's birthday was acknowledged with a birthday song by the group. Another event of the day was an Hawaiian dance practiced by the girls. President was Debbie Obstfelder, secretary, Kathj Pflug, and treasurer, Nancy Roggenbach. Cookie hostess was Mary Jane Lakowski and Tammy Biescke. Mother helper this week was Jackie Smalinski. Seout leader Meeting All area Scout leaders and committeewomen were invited to attend a meeting recently held at the American Legion hall. Said meeting started at 1 • p.m. Cookie wales was discussed and it was learned' that over 3,000 boxes of Scout cookies were sold in the area. Plans on the Neighborhood Fair which will be hold on April 29 at the Junior high school were brought about. All troops will be represented at this gala affair. The women were also briefed on preparation for the forecoming Memorial Day parade. Those present from the immediate area were Alice Biescke and Sylvia Obstfelder of Brownie troop No. 150. N, Brownie News During the meeting of Brownie troop No. 150 Linda ^Ffoiser was presented with a scrapbook as a token of appreciation for selling the most cookies, during the drive. Also, cookie? skiers, Mary Jane T.akowfdii, |aren Hettermann, mcy Roggenbach, • Doreen Paterson and Kathy Harrington received Girl Scout pens Village Visitin' Bud and Sylvia Obstfelder were delightfully surprised when friends dropped in to celebrate the couple's anniversary. Along with greetings of the day. food and refreshments were supplied by the following guests who attended; Mr. and Mrs. Roggenbach, the J. Kerrs, the Jorgensons from the Terrace, the K. Rades of Worthmore Estates and the W. Temples of Chicago. Clara Cammarata 'was a happy mom indeed last week when a celebration in honor of her birthday was given. Papa Joe states that a fine dinner of ravioli was served along with music supplied by daughter, Judy, and son, Larry, on the accordion. Merry makings were enjoyed too by Mary and Roy Naso of Palatine, Sam and Katy Schimenti and son of Northbrook and Philip and Cinnie Cammarata and their five sons, of Chicago. How about that Clara Harrington -- or didn't you hear about . that fabulous bowling score of hers? This gal went and bowled a 219 game. Yep, that's "right total for one game. The girls on her team were so proud of her, they went and presented her with a bottle of champagne. The Bill Gunthers were pleasantly surprised when Bill's daughter, Barb, and husband, Frank Canataro, paid them a visit last week. The couple stopped by to bid fari> well before starting on a trip to Oklahoma. Charles Kupstis was a lucky fellow along with his math class' from Marian Central high. On Saturday they all went into the city to the Museum of Science and Industry to see a special math display. Little Mike Fritz was without words when he walked in on a surprise birthday party given in his honor by his many friends last week. Those present to make his eighth birthday celebration a success were; Johnnie Metzger, Jeff Lehman, Mark Fredrick, Jim Cios, Mike Williams and Jim and Frankie Kaiser. For Kids Only! Hey kids, how about helping this old reporter out with a big problern? Seems that flowel's are disappearing from various yards in the village. It is really a sad case 'cause flowers do a great part in making our commiinity a pretty one. Mother nature, patience and hard earned money make it possible for these flowers io grow. So kids during your day of play, admire these flowers if you like, but do it at a distance and don't take the liberty of picking them. Welcome Warm wishes for a»phearty welcome go to the senior Mr. and Mrs. E. Lehman. The couple formerly of Chicago and parents to Ed Lehman of the village are now making their home in our area. They j will reside in the house formj erly occupied by the I'aiseis. Glad to know that they have chosen our community to spend their1 retirement in and here's hoping you will be very happy folks! Page Seventeen PTSTAKEE TERRACE Last Saturday a three in one celebration was had by five couples in the Terrace. The occasion was in honor of Helen Grom's birthday, Phyllis Alfaro's birthday and Pat and Barb Flood's anniversary. Present at the festivities of an evening of wining and dining were; Bob and Bea Froelig, Vein and Millie Mondl and Helen's and Phyllis' better haves, Chris and AI. Hope you had a fine time folks and may we extend our congratulations! Birthdays Our best wishes for birthday greetings go out to Alice Niemiec who will celebrate on April 20. A nni versaries fteartv and sincere anniversary tidings are in store for Cass and Fran Kasperski on the nineteenth, Erv and Joan Kruetz on the twenty-second and Rich and Kay Frcdick on the twenty-fourth. Home Again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rabb on Riverside drive just returned from a month's vacation in California. Altho' California had a great many things to offer, especially weather wise, Bob states that he was getting mighty homesick for this neck of the woods. Glad to have you back neighbors! >Play Ball -! alter up ;tre words of givproof that spring ^really hcie! Batting practice has now started at the Johnsburg grade school. To refreshen your memory, these sluggers took first place in the -Lakes County Conference game last season under coach Duane Andreas. The team is getting into good form for the participation in ihe American Legion softball tournament. Players from the Ten-ace will be Denny Turner a n d Bob Froelig. From the village. Jim Herman. Dave Smith. Mike Lennon and Cory Patterson. Terrace Ti(l Bits Let's don t f.'ruet the May 12 dance that '\ ill be sponsored In the Terrace association. T,he gala affair will be held ai'"t he Johnsburg community hall and lhat terrific band we had last year will be back. Those of you who would like to have tickets please contact Len Toepper. Karon Kern was a birthday guest of Kalhy Hoar's f i f t h birthday celebration in Johnsburg last week. Has anyone here seen Duff. v? The Len Toeppers went up I to Salem, Wis., recently to the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Nelson. The Nelsons are Joyce's folks and were honored with a celebration on t h e i r t h i r t y - e i g h t h w e d d i n g anniversary. Birthdays Birthday greetings are extended to Chester Seliga on the nineteenth, NOrbert Cisewski the twenty-first, and Joan Stull arid little Brad Wiggerman on the twenty-fourth. Sorry if the column isn't what you would like it to bethis week, but I'm not what I would like to be like this week either! See you next week? URBAN GRANTS Applications for urban planning grants for six Illinois communities have been submitted 10 the Housing and House Finance Agency. Gov. Otto Kerner announced last week. Submitted by the Illinois Board of Economic Development, the applications are I for the communities of Car- I l . v l e . Metropolis, Sandoval, I Crest Hill, Monmouth and ^'eger. Urban planning grants, applications now are pending lor 14 Illinois communities. Gov. Kerner said. The total urban planning project budget for the six communities is $74,110. Total federal grants requested total $41,530. This amount, supplemented by $22.- 580 in state and local funds, will be used to finance comprehensive planning programs. Federal planning grants are made possible under the urban | planning assistance program of the Housing Act of 1954. McHenry Shores BERNICE WILSON ENACTS ROLE OF GRANDMOTHER Patt Petersen - EV. 6-5495 DR. HENRY REUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) , EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 6 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 !ON\ ahoG Bernice Wilson is known to most of us as a friendly neighbor and the corresponding secretary of our M.S.C. for the last two years. She also enjoys another role, that of a doting grandmother to her two small granddaughters. The Wilsons have two daughters, Joan and Joyce, who each have a small daughter of their own. These two wee ones, 7 months and 5 months old arc already enjoying the attention being lavished on them by their grandma. Bernice has confided that her favorite hobby has become babysitting and that she truly enjoys it. Bernice and Walter have been married for 30 years and met while both were working in the auditing office of Westem Union in Chicago. Walter is a Pullman conductor and is able to meet: quite a few celebrities travelling back and forth to and from Los Angeles. The Wilsons moved to the Shores in November of 1959 from Chicago. They reside at S02 Broadway. Since becoming a Shores resident, Bernice became an avid gardener like the rest of her neighbors. She also enjoys cooking and baking. A member of the family which could not be left out is their dog. Whiskers. Bernice says he is half cocker and half "unknown" but much loved. We all enjoy having such a friendly family as neighbors. I'm sorry to say I'll have to give up writing the column as of this week. A full time job takes up my dajys and meetings are quickly filling my evenings so that I no longer have any time left in which to write the column. As much as I would like to continue, I am going to have to look for a replacement. t Anyone interested in writing This column" please contact Jack Risting or Bob Harper. I want to thank all of those who have cooperated so willingly and enabled me to get all the information I neetfed. Thanks so much. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS Dr. Robert Muorhka, of the artificial kidney unit from St. Luke's Presbyterian hospital in Chicago, will be the principal speaker at the April 19 meeting of the McHenry County Medical society. The group will meet at Memorial hospital for McHenry county in Woodstock for a 7 p.m. dinner. _jLt 8 o'clock Dr. Muorhka will address them on "Experiences with Renal Diolysis". RUDY BECKER'S * KENNELS 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE ... German short-hair pointer puppies available • 10ARD1NG-... ' Training, Obedience, Huntingv^fe^petrieving 11 Reasons Why To See Us If Yon Need A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersihles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well 1 Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DMVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located !s ihe ¥!H®g® of McCullons Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Pbone EIoEsary EV 6-6262 or ileaSdenoe EV 5-0713 On to McHenry Get set for Fun and Sun at your Chevrolet dealer's. If you aren't in a holiday mood already, his buys will quickly put you in one. Then the real fun begins when you aim a Jet-smooth beauty at vacation land. Bring on those choppy roads or rolling highways--makes no difference because you've got a big cushiony Full Coil spring at each wheel to take the wrinkles out of the worst roads around. And a team of over ®i 700 insulators and absorbers to wall off sound and vibration. Add V8 sizzle or 6 savings, rich, roomy interiors, comfort-high seats for easy rubbernecking, a deep-well .trunk, easy bumper- -j level loading, and Body by Fisher craftsmanship--and you've got about si Ihe car you could possibly want. Jmpala J^-Door Sport Sedan--just one of restful, zestful Jet-smooth beauties. See the new Chevrolet alt your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 3609 W. Elm Street McHenry# 111. EVergreen 5-0277 yo T@leph©ite Directory STOP LOOKUP THAT NUMBER ¥. OOMTUSE L APR.29™ APRIL 1962 TF LfPMONt CHR£CTOR "• Srri'lrr telephone tr;i<lit area code 815 AREA COOES DISTANT CA11S w 6-7 In about a week, you'll receive your new telephone directory, listing all the new-style, seven-figure phone numbers. Because all McHenry will have seven-figure numbers starting April 29, please look up the number before dialing. Remember, beginning April 29, you'll just dial seven figures for local calls instead of two letters and five figures. If you have any questions, please call us at 385-9981. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 1311 N. Court Street

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