Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1962, p. 18

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Papt Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAIMBEALER Thursday, April 19# 1962 jSasiwood Manor . Association Meets April 27 Edie Iverson - S85-68S8 • -The regular meetings of the Eastwood Manor Property Owner's association are held on the third Friday of each month but this Friday is Good Friday so the meeting will be held on the following Friday, April 27. This meeting is expected to be a very interesting one with many issues to be discussed and voted upon. Soilie of these will be very important and benefit the entire community. The addition of new and correct street signs, of lamp posts and a community flag pole, an Eastwood Manor banner, a ball field, and many other plans. Please come and add your opinions, ideas, and votes to the next meeting and as an added bonus at this very next meeting we shall be shown a sound film On safe driving narrated by Bob Hope. This film is much talked about and should be a must for all to see. The meeting date is April 27, Friday evening at the barn. All EMPOA members and nonmembers are encouraged to attend. The meetings are always followed by free coffee and doughnuts and we are looking for a big crowd. Please don't disappoint us but make this a date to attend. Mark your calendar now and then call your sneigl)bor and we'll see you I'm sure you won't be sorry you came. The business meeting will benefit all and we need your co-operation, the movie will be great, and the coffee and doughnuts always hit the spot. her brother, James Hill, from Winnetka and his fiancee, Sheila O'Connor, from Chicago. Their guest during the week was Mrs. Elsa Larsen and 2% year-old son, Kim, from Niles. Pat Cisewski and children went to LaCrosse, Wis., and spent the week with her dad, Conrad Mason. Two of our sportsmen, Bob Kellogg and Len Lawrence just returned from a fishing trip to Fort Atkinson, Wis., where they slept out-of-doors in sleeping bags. In spite of the rainy weather they managed to bring home a sample of their fishing expedition, a nice sized wall-eyed pike! Faith Presbyterian Church April 19. Thursday, 8 p.m.--• Maundy Thursday services and Sacrament of Holy Communion. April 22. Sunday. 6 a.m.-- Sunrise service followed by breakfast served by the Session. April 22, Sunday, 9:30 a.m.-- Church school. 11 a.m.-- Corporate worship. April 24. Tuesday. 8 p.m.-- Adult choir rehearsal. April 25, Wednesday, 8 p.m. --Meeting of the building committee. The pastor will attend a conference on evangelism being held in Allerton Park, Monticello, 111., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Birthday Greetings Wishing a very, very happy birthday today to Bertha St oil. Also many happy birthday wishes to Pat Coughlin and Jerry Ryan on April 21. Easter Sunday, Fred Woodbury, our treasurer of EMPOA will be celebrating hii5 natal day. En.ioy yourselves, all of you. Next the younger generation take their turn celebrating their birthdays. Claire Noonan will be«just two and Sterling Weirich will be 16 on April 25. Sheri Landin will lie a pretty young miss of six on April 26. We wish each and everyone a most happy birthday. Around the Manor On the ninth Margaret Pickett, Dottie Messer, and Amolee Mclntyre attended the annual meeting of Freeport Presbyterian Society at Belvidere. They enjoyed an interesting program and delicious luncheon. Miss Lillian Anthony of Chicago gave an inspiring talk related to her work and travel for the Board of Ecumenical Mission. , Sunday Lydia Fenner went to« retreat in Chicago. School girls were there from the years 1932 through 1961 from Our Lady of Good Council school. It was an all day affair with luncheon given by the alumni association. 'Visiting in the home ot Bob and Kay Mitchell Sunday were Wedding Anniversaries Happy anniversary w ishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Booster on April 21. To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lottchea on April 23. To both Mr;- and Mrs. Ambrose Koerper a n d Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Patryas on April 25. To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Saynor on April 26. Wishing all of you many more. Belated anniversary greetings to newcomers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Priller on April 15, Sunday. Birthday Celebrations The table was set for eight on David Arendt's eighth birthday as the kids sat down to enjoy a banana sundae cake with ice cream. Two of the uests came from Holiday Hills. They were Johnny and Gary Connell. The neighbors didn't let Carolyn Roth's birthday go unn o t i c e d . B o n n i e B i e d e r e r served coffee and cake on this occasion to Pam Woodbury, Florence Tucker, Annette Brogan, Andree Butler, Lee Landin, Marilyn Salto, and, of course, honor guest, Carolyn. Sunday little Susan Simpson was still celebrating her birthday. This time it was with her grandparents from Chicago and auntie Mary McEnroe. prize won by Peggy Anderson, and Marilyn Salo took home? the booby prize. With Sincere Sympathy We wish to extend our sympathy to Anthony and Dorothy Noonan at 1407 N. Chapel Hill road on the passing away of their infant son, Anthony, Jr. He was born Feb. 8. The Noonans also are the parents of three daughters, C h a r 1 ene, Doretta, and Claire. Small Girl -- Big Trip Little Bonnie Sobacki packed her suitcase and set out for a four-day trip up to Park Falls, Wis., with Clara and George Barber. While there she visited her one-time playmate little, Paula Haines. The Sobacki family happily welcomed her back home last Thursday. Speedy Recovery Wishes Gary Arendt has been staying out of school with the chicken pox. Cathy Durkin is also home nursing a strep throat. We also wish a speedy recovery to baby James Olson who is in the hospital. Lakemoor START REPAIRING VILLAGE ROADS IN NEAR FUTURE David Heckmann - 'EV 5-0582 At the last village meeting it was reported the engineer was out to inspect the roads. There will be patch work done on the roads and two additional roads will be sealcoated. There will be someone from the State Conservation department coming out to inspect the lake thoroughly to see if all the fish are dead and if the lake should be restocked. A working party is getting together to repair the fence on the Route 120 beach, which has been weakened by the heavy snows this past winter. Baptism Sunday tiny Maureen Louise McHale was baptised in St. Patrick's church by Father Parker. Godparents were Anthony and Lillian Simmons from Chicago. Guests were Jeanne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bauer, from Missouri. Dinner was served after the ceremony in the McHale home. Brownies The Brownie girls put their candy treats into the Easter baskets they had made to give to a children's home. The leaders worked with the girls who are preparing to fly-up into Girl Scouts and are learning their laws and promises. They discussed a field trip to be taken in the very near future and began work on their Mother's Day projects. Nancy Olson was cookie hostess. Giving Mrs. Garrelts a hand this meeting were co-leader Mrs. Newton and mot her-helper Mrs. Durkin. Hi Neighbor Let's welcome in our new neighbors at 2220 W. Manor Lane. They are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Priller and just moved here from Niles. Frank is a technician in a company in Evanston and his hobby is making model cars. Two real neat ones are on display in their living room. Carole loves Successful Dance The Lakemoor Scouts Color Guard are happy to report the Twist and Hop Dance last Saturday was a big succes§. Local talent provided some fine dance music, and it was enjoyed by all who attended including the chaperones. Spring Grove NEW STUDENTS MUST REGISTER AT SCHOOL CONVENT Eva Freund New students who wish to register at St. Peter's school for the coming year may do so on April 30, May 1 and May 2 after school hours and between 7 and 8 p.m. at the convent. Home and School The Home and School committee of St. Peter's Christian Mothers sodality served a hot lunch to the children on Monday noon, April 9. A small charge was made for the hot dogs and the committee wishes to thank all who cooperated with them in this new project. Not only did the children have a good lunch but the proceeds will be used for the upkeep of the school. Egg Hunt Children from ages 2-10 should be interested to know that the L.I.A. is sponsoring an Easter egg hunt on the big beach Saturday, April 21, from 2 to 3 p.m. There will be three age groups and a prize will be awarded to a child in each age group who finds the most eggs. In case of rain the hunt will be held at the same time on Monday afternoon, April 23. IN SPECIAL, TRAINING Acting Postmaster LeRoy M. Smith of McHenry post office was one of thirteen from the state of Illinois to recently attend Phase I of postmaster's orientation training for new postmasters at Chicago Acting. Postmaster Smith spent five days in Chicago at the regional headquarters learning first hand the further details of his job. SHOP IN McHENRY to sew and is very busy just now taking care of their tiny1 daughter, Christine Ann, who joined the family on Feb. 4. We hope they like it out here and when that old sun comes out to shine I imagine we will see a great deal of Carole proudly pushing her baby carriage. Let's make them feel at home out here. Anniversary Celebrations The Ed Radner family went to the home of daughter, Sandy Rigler, and hubby to help them celebrate their first wedding anniversary in Glen Ellyn. Roger and Gail Crokin celebrated their first wedding anniversary Sunday. They had twelve guests in for a big turkey dinner complete with pink champagne. For dessert they served the top of their wedding cake saved for this occasion. Quality Radiator Repair Hospitalized Jim May underwent an emergenecy appendectomy at McHenry hospital on Thursday; He is coming along fine and by the time you read this he will probably be back home recuperating. Firemen Meet The firemen held their regular meeting on Monday night. Election of officers was held. Those who will take office May 1 are Walter Kowaski, fire chief; Robert Lent, secretary; and Eugene May will serve another term as treasurer. Refreshments were served after the meeting. Mrs. Stevens Entertains Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Alice Stevens on Tuesday afternoon.' Games of five hundred were played and prize winners were Mrs. Minnie Pierce, Mrs. Mame Tinney, Mrs. Susie Rudolph and Mrs. Frances McNally. A lunch was 'served after fcards. Church Services Holy Week services at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove: Confessions will be heard on Holy Thursday from 7 to 7:45 p.m.; Holy Saturday at 3:15 to 4:30 and 7 to 7:45 p.m. Services on Holy Thursday will begin at 8 o'clock in the evening with the Mass of the Lord's supper, Holy Communion. Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of the Reposition. At 2 p.m. on Good Friday a Liturgical Commemoration of the Lord's Passion and Death: Scripture Readings, Solemn Prayers, Adoration of the Holy Cross, Holy Communion, Stations of the Cross. On Holy Saturday at $ p.m. will be the Easter Vigil; Blessing of the New Fire, Praise of the Paschal Candle, Reading of the Prophecies, Blessing of Baptismal Water, Public renewal of the Vows of Baptism, Easter Vigil Mass with Holy Communion. On Easter Sunday there will be four masses: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 11:15 a.m. Services at the Methodist church will begin on Easter Sunday at 6:30 a.m. with a Sunrise Service of music and worship. This will be given by the combined youth and adult choirs. An Easter breakfast will follow at 7:30 a.m. There will also be the regular 11 a.m. service, at this time there will be reception of new members into the church. REVOKE ONE DRIVER LICENSE. SUSPEND OTHERS The office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Malcolm E. Henning, Jr., of Rt. 2, Crystal Lake, for three violations. Suspensions have been ordered for Laurence R. Ensslin of Crystal Lake, James V. Gentile of Island Lake, Jack E. Graehl and Ronald J. Munch of McHenry, Antoni S. Jankowski and Lloyd N. Fohlman of Woodstock, Edward W. Petersen of Wonder Lake and Joseph A. Prow of Fox River Our Radio System Gets Past Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. HeSHeiw^ Cab Pho EVergreen 5-0723 s Grove, all for three violations. A probationary permit has been granted Russell S. Emerson of McHenry. -4* for Easter ROBiNETTE Small Heel for the Teenager SiJPIlQ Obtainable in White or Black Patent m ROBINETTE Popular $6.99 Flat Dress White For Your Pretty Easter Outfit *6" TEEN AGE Flats Si Heels $3.9* t ~ $7.99 JL Children's Dress & School $3.99 to $6.99 MEN'S Pedwin Nunnbush $9.99 to $25.95 YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WE WISH YOU AND YOURS HAPPY EASTER ROTH SHOES 1246 N. Green St. Free Parking Money by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Bridge Club ADAMS fMR SERV Lee Landin was the hostess and served shrimp salad and hot rolls. First prize was won by Elpha Philippi, travelling Phone 385-0783 Sweetest Wtif to Zm "Happf Easter .. o 'ufc© Children, Surprise Your EHtefess Easter Baskets 98c - 3.1.25 - $1.50 - $2.00 3004 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. Easter Grass 29c bag Plush * Bunnies .... $1.98 - $2.98 - $3.98 Musical Eggs and Bunnies JO RAMBLER! $1.00 ea. ins m for Easter Chocolate Eggs 49* From 29* RAMBLER BOLfciERS an obviously better value in product and price 1259 N. Green St. EV 5-4500 We broke all sales records October-through-March. Now get even bigger savings as we go all out to break April records! We'41 keep our Rambler sales soaring by offering you huge savings. Best economy! Rambler American "400" wins Class "A" Mobil Economy Run. Best mileage of any car, 31.11 miles per gallon with manual shift. Big savings! Extra-generous Trade Parade allowances. Join our Rambler Trade Parade now! SESBEL MOTOR Route 120 West, McHenry, 111,

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