Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1962, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER OVER 100 ATTEND DEANERY MEETING •IN CITY CHURCH Club Present* ' Ae1re«is The I.erluiv Luncheon club! will presfni Ann Varese in her j inleipie'niion .if the Broadway ; musical comedy hit, "The Un- ! sinkal.le Molly Brown," on j \Vedn« Mlay. April 25. al Shady j Lane iheal re in 'Marengo at 1:4"> m.m:. Club members and guests will enjoy luncheon at noon. Because of the unusual ; demand for seating space, tick- l j, ets may Ih> purchased for the ! show only for non-members , wh<> wish to attend. Those wishing Information concerning tickets may contact Mrs. John Varese. i i Verna Sch'ofner will accom- i pany \ir.». Varese al the piano for .the bright. rollicking musical comedy that starred Tammy Crimes in ihe Broadway version. Meredith Wilson, cre- KHIIILEY THORNTON Shlrlov Thornton at or of ••Thi' Music Man", was : Kngaged To Marry author of this show. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clifford Thornton of Ardsley-On-Hudson, N. Y.. announce the e^igagement of their daughter, Shirley Katherine. to Roger Thomas Swanson, son of the Donald Swansons of McHenry. Both young people were Mc- | Henry high school graduates : in 1961 and are now completing their freshman year at i David Lipscomb college, where I they were freshman representatives in the queen's court. No date has been set for the wedding. BARBARA CABLE Barbara 'Cable To Marry On June % Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cable of 5120 W. Parkview, McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Mr. Philip Nienstedt, son of Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Nienstedt of Riverside. 111. Miss Cable graduated from the University of Illinois in 1959 and is presently employed as district advisor for the Girl Scouts of Chicago. Mr. Nienstedt graduated from the Univemty of Illinois in 1955 and is employed in Phoenix. A wedding date of June 2 has been selected. St. Clara's Court To Hold Installation St. Clara's Court, No. 659, McHenry, will hold installation of officers on April 26 at the Starlite meeting room. The ceremony will follow, a 6 o'clock dinner and is scheduled for 8 o'clock. Reservations, must be turned in by 6 o'clock Monday, April 23, by calling Mrs. Anton Williams or Mrs. Leo Blake. MARIAN SENIOR PLAY SCHEDULED EARLY NEXT MONTH Box Supper Social For Local Kiwanis The McHenry Kiwanis Club will hold its second annual box social Saturday, May 12, at 7:30 o'clock at the Legion home. Admission will be a decorated box supper for two Square dancing and social dancing will follow. The public is invited to attend. Proceeds will go to the Kiwanis children's fund. "The Curious Savage" is the three-act play selected by the j senior class of Marian Central ] Catholic high school for prei sentation on May 4, 5 and 6 in the Marian gym at 8 p.m. One may get an idea of the general nature of this fanciful play with a quotation from one of the main characters, Mrs. Ethel R. Savage: "All my life I've been misunderstood. A person has a right to dye her hair blue and carry a teddy bear around, even if it is to Carnegie hall. I never fancied my actions as particularly eccentric until my family decided that my place was in an asylum --well, not a real asylum but a home for 'gentle inmates'." Woman's Club Plans Annual Spring Banquet The Pist akee Highlands Woman's club will hold their annual spring banquet at the Sail Inn on Wednesday, April 25, starting at 7 p.m. The program will be furnished by Mrs. Talutha Tesmer's Lake Region School of Dancing and Music. There were over 100 ladies present at the workshop sponsored by the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women held at St. Mary's, McHenry, last week. Guests were present from neighboring towns as well as DeKalb, A u r o r a , P r o p h e t s t o w n a n d Twin Lakes, Wis. The clergy, too, was well represented. The genial host was Father Eugene Baumhofer. who with his usual broad smile greeted guests. Father Burwell Beddoes of Crystal Lake, deanery moderator, took over the introductions at assembly. Father Clement Petit of Hampshire gave a most inspiling talk in the "Rural Life" workshop. Also present was Father Harold Nilges, former moderator, who is now Aurora d e a n e r y m o d e r a t o r . F a t h e r I Thomas Neville of Prophets- ' town introduced himself in a j v ery pleasant manner in the I "legislation" room. He is-new-' j ly appointed diocesan legisla- ! tion moderator. The group listened with great interest to the talk given by Miss Daniela Pinciroli, an exchange student from Italy. Present from the diocesan board were Mrs. Albert Wip- | per, president; Mrs. Louis Kag a n , s p i r i t u a l d e v e l o p m e n t | chairman; Mrs. C. A. Lies, I library and literature chair- 1 man. ! The principal speaker was j Edward Lortie, an instructor in leadership with the Chris- ! topher movement. 4-H DECIDES ON NEW METHOD TO NAME FAIR RULERS County members enrolled in 4-H will be interested to learn that a new and novel manner of selection of king and queen for the county fair has been -decided upon. This year, king and queen candidates will consist of all members currently enrolled in 4-H who were state outstanding last year. These members are automatically candidates and will fill out a sheet summarizing their 4-H work in the past, to be used in selection of a court. The suggestion was made by Assistant Farm Adviser Baylor after much discussion and debate at the recent 4-H Federation meeting. In previous years, each home economic club was allowed to nominate one queen candidate and each agricultural club a king candidate. From these, a court of five queen and five king candidates were chosen by a county committee. However, in past years there has been a shortage of king candidates. CARD OF THANKS Sincerest thanks and appreciation to the residents of Mc- Cullom Lake and McHenry for their help and comfort during my recent bereavement. A special thanks to Father Coakley for spiritual help and to my close neighbors who helped ease the burden of my loss. Husband of Betty Cermak Poledna 4-19-62 RETURNS FROM TRIP Henry Smith has returned from a week's vacation in New York City where he visited with his son, Gerald, and his daughter, Mildred Driver. The trip was made by jet and he saw many interesting sights including the Empire State building, the United Nations building. Radio City and the Statue of Liberty. He travelled through the Holland tunnel to Jersey City where he visited with an old friend, Albert Thumber. j&MHBI--El Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Loesch, Jr., of Rolling Meadows, announce the birth of their first child, Michael Anthony, on April 14 at the Northwest Community hospital, Arlington Heights. Mrs. Loesch is the former Margie Espey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Espey of Richmond road, McHenry. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Loesch, Sr., of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley of Antioch are proud parents of a 6 lb., 13 oz. daughter born at Mt. Sinai hospital, Chicago, ^Wednesday, April 11. Mrs. Kelley is the former Joann May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe May and little Linda Sue was welcomed home by a brother, Bcbby Joe, one year old. Mrs. Mildred Kelley of McCullom Lake is the paternal g r a n d m o t h e r a n d p a t e r n a l great-grand mother is Mrs. Lucy Schundelmeier of Belviderc. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hintze are grandparents of a son, Brain Jeffrey, born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hintze of Elgin, at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, April 9. The new baby has a brother, Robert, Jr., two years old. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wirth of Wauconda. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miceli of Chicago announce the birth recently of a daughter. The new baby is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. John Miceli of McHenry. A son was born April 12 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gayr lord. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ffossum of Ringwood are the proud parents of their tenth child, a daughter, Jennifer, who was born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, April 12. The lucky little lady has seven sisters and two brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilkinson, Wonder Lake, are parents' of a son bom at McHenry hospital, April 10. i Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Kostal of Wonder Lake are proud grandparents of a 8 lb., 4 oz. son, Luke Emanuel, born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kostal at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kostal, Sr., of Chicago are great-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gronkiewicz of Twin Lakes, Wis., announce the birth of a son April 12 at McHenry hospital. A Richmond couple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schreiner, became parents of a son April 13 at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blucher, Wonder Lake, announce the birth of a son April 14 at McHenry hospital. On April 16 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Herkert, Wonder Lake, at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schuerr of Lilymoor announce the birth of a son weighing 8 lbs., 7 ozs. early Wednesday morning, April 18, at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mrs. Schuerr is the Plaindealer reporter from Lilymoor. Thursday, April 19. 1962 Q Head "Music Man" Cast Whenever a politician comes to the parting of ways, he goes both ways. Missals Prayer Books Rosaries Hie true spirit of Easter... In beautiful enduring gifts of religious jewelry, sure to endear yon to friends or loved ones. S6e our collection. Wr, St r's Drug Store 1259 N. EV 5-4500 evens iter Cii Solid Chocolate Rabbits Coconut Nests Decorated Chocolate and Bon Bon Eg:gs Easter Baskets 25* - $5.00 or made to order. Cute Cuddly Easter Bunnies, etc. RustCraft & Hallmark Cards Unusual Linens Beautiful Sifts Spring Jewelry AGATHA Cam 5 Formerly The Candy Box 1242 N. Green St., McHenry EV 5-0097 This is the cast of "Music Man" which will be presented for the public in the high school auditorium on Friday, April 27, at 7:45 o'clock, sponsored by the Community Methodist church. From left to right, front row, they are Lee Varese, Rory Marshall and Florence Engdahl. In back are Roy Kissling, Norbert Mauch, Ann Varese, Ed Wittrock and Gus Lakeberg. With the sound of enthusiastic applause still ringing, Ann Varese has been persuaded to again present "The Music Man", this time for the general public on the evening of Friday, April 27, in the high school auditorium at 7:45 o'clock. This is a musical comedy set in River City, Iowa, on July 4. 1912. It will be remembered for the long, successful run in New York and Chicago. Ann Varese plays a variety of parts: Mrs. Paroo is portrayed by Florence Engdahl; Winthrop Paroo by Rory Marshall; Amaryllis by Lee Varese; and the River.City school board by a men's quartet composed of Roy Kissling, Gus Lakeberg, Norbert Mauch and Ed. Wittrock. McHenry Is very fortunate in having an opportunity to avail itself of a Broadway production "in miniature" with such outstanding local talent, headed by the gifted Ann Varese. Everyone is urged to purchase tickets as soon as possible. They may be obtained from members of tho Community Methodist church or at the door. MRS. JOHN BOEHM RE-ELECTED HEAD HIGH SCHOOL PTA Last Thursday, at a special meeting, Mrs. John Boehm wa.<* elected president of the high school P.T.A. Other officers elected were Mrs. Bud Hartman, vice-president; Mrs. Herb Reihansperger, secretary; and Mrs. Charles Miller, treasurer. A very pleasant musical program was presented by high school students. Members also had the honor of having Leslie Kilday, state spelling champion among Future Business Leaders, present as a guest. She is a junior in the local school and is also a dpum major with the Viscaunts drum and bugle corps. New officers will be installed sometirhe in May. STUfMSNT TEACHER Zelinda Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett, is one of eight women in the field of physical education, among 413 future teachers, engaged in student teaching this spring as part of their "professional" semester at the University of Illinois. 0SsKIT AL Thelma Race, Bessie Kotyza and Kath e r i n e Schlechter, Wonder Lake; and Eleanor Storrs, Solon Mills. McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospi taftluftng the past week included Evelyn Lilja and James May, Spring Grove; Vivian Bongfeldt, Fred Quinn, Jr., Wells Ritt, Shurese Mc- Kinley, William Tynan, Pearl Pearson and Julia Starr, Crystal Lake; Ellen Wagstrom, Round Lake; Jolene Chunn. Barrington; John P. Neary, Pell Lake, Wis.; William W. Brown, West Chicago; Donald Carsello, Fox Lake; Lucille Miller, Carpentersville; Cecelia Doherty, Ingleside; Michael Anderson. Woodstock; Stella Dembruski, Lakemoor; James Fletcher, Cary; Lois Deschaver, Wauconda; Nadine Bearnan,' Ringwood; Debra Spry, Island Lake;'Kathy Barrows, Steven Uhles, Iris Stittgen, P'rank Lapinski, George A. Guetzloff, Maureen Blake, Joan Walczynski, Floyd Me- Clain, Jeffrey Granger, Lillian Leibsohn, Peter Cunningham, Linnea Blomgren, Scott Wieck. Virginia Posthuma and Amelia Lopez, McHejrry. Harvard Hospital Ralph Sorgo It. Wonder Lake, was a patient during the past week in Harvard hospital. Memorial Hospital At Memorial hospital, Woodstock, patients admitted during the past week included Edward Samen, Leona Vander- Mark, PJdythe Hagerup, Victor Bassi, Mary Jo Leiser and Raymond Musolf, McHenry: McHENRY GIRL ON HONOR LIST AT UNIVERSITY Sherry Evans, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Evans, Jr., of 3716 W. Waukegan road, McHenry, who has just returned to the University of Colorado after spending ten days at her home here, has been announced a member of the Jean's list. Miss Evans, a 1961 gradu- ^ | ate of the local high school, ® has been initiated into her i sorority, Delta Gamma, 'and | has been tapped for the sophj omore women's honorary so- ! ciety, Spur, in which she was elected president for next year. She will be attending the society's national convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. .Gretchen Sayler Vies $ For May Queen Title Gre'^i^n Sayler, who recently pledged Kappa Delta sorority, has just been chosen as a candidate for May Fete queen at Northern Illinois university. Miss Sayler was selected by the men of Delta Phi Beta fraternity. The young lady, a 1961 graduate of the local high ^ school, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James E. Sayler. CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank you for your support at the' April Primary Election. Richard L. Tazewell *4-19-32 aire A J-HAIR STYLISTS 385-0010 1222 N. GREEN ST. EASTER BEAUTY TIME It's time to come in for one of our Natural Looking Permanents. Hours -- Mon. - Sat. 8-6 -- Closed Wed. • CLAIRE • MARY ANN • ELEANORE Rejoice . . . Easter is here! That the rich spiritual rewards and blessings of this holy season may be fully yours . . . come to church on Easter Sunday . . . join your friends and neighbors in prayer, song and worship. Celebrate Easter reverently . . . joyously. •110 m • . Corner Green & Elm Streets Pii@ne EV 5-1040 We will close at Noon Good Friday *

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