Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1962, p. 10

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Page Ten Johnsburg URGE LADIES TO PARTICIPATE IN < CLEANING CHURCH Betty Hejtermarin II is thai lime of year again 'liuiipy' It's time for all the ladies of the parish to join forces in cleaning St. John's church. You unow what your house looks like after a lone, winter and lmw you irive it a thorough house cle;inin>4 every spring. ailment and were taken by ambulance to the McHenry hospital. Time is Short And is getting shorter and shorter as far as tickets for the annual ladies night to be held in the community club is concerned. If you haven't made your reservations as yet you better check with Emmitl Hanson or Alfred Oeffling to see if there are any more tickets available. The evening of May 5 promises to tie a most eventful one for all those who Remember the regular meeting of St. John's Home and School association will take place at 8 p.m. next Monday evening, April 30, in the community club hall. Well, our church is ' excep- • lion so we are enlisting the arp planning to attend the dinairl of every able bodied woman i ne.r anf' dance. Special enterin the parish to come to chinch \ 'a'n,rient 's a'so °n the everisht after the S o'clock Mass|n'n?s a£er>da. nexi Tuesdav, Mav 1. The church is beinu cleaned in preparation for First Communion on M iv (S. so all the mothers of the communicants are especially ur?ed to join in the cleaning. If you cannot come please .try to net a substitute i lo take your place. "Many ' Class Enjoys Trip This year's eighth grade graduating class of St. John's school took advantage of Easter Monday and made a class trip to Chicago. While there they visited the' Musetim of Science and Industry, the hands m a k e light work." , Planetarium and O'Hare ait- Please come prepared with Por'- The trip was made by bus your own scrub brush, pail ahd [anr* c'ass u as under the guidance of our school Sisters and several of the mothers. rays. Detergents and scour pads will" he in church for all to use, Lunch will be served to all the workers at llettermann's on this day. Anyone wishing to send any food donations are asked to delivei sometime in the morning. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Let's have as many as possible turn out this year and get t,he job through in a hurry. The more that come, the faster the job will be finished and the self satisfaction will be most rewarding. Oral P;>Ho Clinic On Friday, April 27. St. John's school and the Johnsburg public school will hold an oral polio clinic. Dr. Griesbach them lbere , wjjj ^ on hantj a( both schools. It is recommended that every student receive this vaccine. The Saban vaccine replaces the polio shots. It is hoped that there is a good participation in this endeavor. Children of both schools will bring home a consent slip to be signed by the parents. A small fee' will be collected. Gfrl Scoot News Troop 295 met at the. home of Mrs. Barth last Tuesday, due to the illness of Mrs. Wolczynski. Most of the mothers who have daughters in this troop were on hand to help the leaders. The girls completed .some of their underwater scenes and Mrs. Dehn held a uniform inspection. Mary Anderson and Carla Martin were the Braves? Fam and ypung this tneeting. Stephanie are keeping the - • - "home fires burning" in San Mateo. The last meeting of troop ,Tbe ~ Leo Hiller home was 40188 ag-oort nunnrdieprrwuaayv aatt 3:30. TTKhrev-'l Kept quite busy last Sunday girls did a beautiful job of when making Hawaiian leis and pineapples. Mrs. Miller assisted. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Mangold. Nancy Jorgenson provided the afterftoon treat. This troop recently completed their skating- - badge requirements and were presented with a certificate by their leader. They also received a pin in the shape of a skate from the local rink manager. Troop 378 worked in groups on various types of knots which' they will exhibit at the Girl Scout fair on Sunday. Also, parts for the play to be given at the Mother-Daughter tea were distributed. Jean Hettermann served as cookie hostess. Luncheon and Card Party The officers and members cf St. John's Home and School association will sponsor a card party and luncheon, Tuesday, May 8. This event will be held in the community club hall with iunch being served at 12:30. Tickets can be purchased from Ethel Heim, Betty Schmitt, Mary Hettermann, Joann Haag, Pat Brennan and Mig Joyce. The public is cordially invited to attend. Learns of Death This community will be sorry to learn of the recent death of Mrs. Wilfred (Ollie) Marz of Chicago. Mrs. Marz and her husband ran a business here several years ago and made many friends during that time. She was stricken suddenly in her home last Sunday morning and died enroute to the hospital. Funeral services were conducted in Chicago on Wednesday. Survivors include her husband and one son. Conventioneers Returning recently from the Tenth National Republican Women's Conference held in Washington, D. C„ were Cla^a Nell of Sunnyside Beach a?id Dorothy Miller of McHenry. These ladies spent a busy week in the capitol where they took in as many sights as possible between various meetings. Senator Dirkson held a luncheon in his quarters at the capitol for all the Illinois ladies which Clara and Dorothy also attended. Fire and Rescue Squad Calls Four calls this past week kept the members of station 2 and the rescue squad quite busy. A fire call in Lakeland Park was assisted by the firemen of station 2. The home was completely destroyed by the flames. The second call took them to the Stone office building last Sunday but no damage was reported. Two calls received by the Johnsburg rescue squad took them to the village of Sunnyside. Both victims on two separate occasions seemed to have suffered an apparent respiratory Around the Town Tom and Darlene Huemann entertained the entire Andreas family f<fr the day on Easter Sunday. Belated birthday wishes to Lawrence Cook, Sarah Oeffling's dad, who turned 76 years young on April 19. Everyone in our town was real happy to see Charlie Hiller even though it was for just chosen to participate in the "a short wwhimilet.. nHce wwoa.-s, in Mminl - pageant at the Girl Scout Fair waukee for aD few days when next Sunday in the junior high San Francisco came in to meet school. Twelve Scouts were in at tendance at _ Taps were chosen as their closing. the family all came home to spend Easter with mom and dad. The Ronnie Conway family, the Ed. Tonyan family, Tom and Andy Oeffling and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guyser were supper guests in the Alfred OeffHng home in honor of Easter. Happy birthday to Marge Barth who celebrates her natal day on April 25. Pete and Marge Peterson entertained her family and his parents last Sunday when they celebrated Marge's dad's birthday and the Easter holiday. The Fred Huemann family and Jim and Mary Ann Huemann of Evanston were Easter guests at the home of Joe and Vera Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hiller were surrounded by their family for the Easter holiday. The families of Ed Hettermann, Gerry 'Hettermann, John Herdrich, along with Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Carol Ann Stilling, Gerry Stilling, Nancy Buckner, Joy Fairchild and Frances Mayfield were supper guests at the Jim Hettermann home Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund were hosts to the Freund family last Sunday. Carl and Charles Wagner of Milton, Wis., spent several days last week as visitors in the home of the Gerry Hettermann family. I By: Buss Emerson, R.Ph. ^A^gyestion you won't find answered on any quiz show is what exactly is a virus? In come respects it is a living organism, in others it is a pure chemical. Perhaps we might then argue with some logic that a virus is a living chemical. At any rate, they are infinitely small; the head of a pin easily holds 25 million polio viruses, and they have the faculty of self-duplication. Some schools of thought maintain that the first living things to appear on earth many millions of years ago were very similar to the viruses we know today. From these living chemicals sprang other and more complicated forms of life. Complicated or simple, calling for old medication or the newest on the market, prescriptions are filled quickly and accurately at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., 3720 West Elm -.Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5057. We give Doable BAH Green Stamps with prescriptions. SHARE-THE-FUN WINNERS COMPETE AT SPRING RALLY On May 15, the top ten acts from the eolimty 4-H Sharc- ' he-Fun elimination contests held in this area will vie for top honors at the spring rsdly. The winner at this event will then represent McHenry coun- THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Hospital Auxiliary News ami fill it <?for the sale. The sale will be held at the Ehgdahl barn July 13 and 14. Mrs. C. L. MacCallum reported that there are still some | membership dues unpaid and evenine' ur^cs ^at '^ey be taken care & «u„ l 1. The semi-annual meeting of the women's aux- soon as year book is iliary to McHenry hospital w,»s jin ",c making. held at the Country club > Mrs. Jacob Kantorski said April a7, with Mrs. Henry B.: that her committee has kept IVnyun presiding. 'ihe snack bar supplied with Mrs. II., M. Engdahl, wayshomo baked goods and was and means chairman, roported !esl)ecialJ>' grateful for contriihe success :>i the card party I but ions to the dietary departt!> a! was ; ttoivied by alu-.o t!nipntoUti persons. | Mrs. Frank Blake reported The Art * air committee au-j,ur ,he sewing guild and Mrs. nounced that ne fair w'.l bo|Ton.van spoke of the handty at the state fair. held at the Junior high school Iin;Rle articles supplied for the In past years, only two class-: June 22, 23 and 24. All artists Pink Lady shop. ifications existed. Those actSjlrom the county are invited! The nominating that d:d not win a bluo rib- to participate. Deadline lorj presents .the following slate of bon or an "A" rating rer sved! exhibitors is May 15. * ! officers: President, Mrs. Ela participation ribbon. This; Mrs. Mun Joshel, chairman mer Antonson; first viee-presyear all acts will be judged; of the rummage sale, askv! ident. Mrs. William Strout; on an A. B. C basis at the j that tach member set a box J r e c o r d i n g secretary, Mrs'. f®'1"- 'n a co» ner while hon ?rcleanin;: Charles Cuda; corresponding secretary, treasurer, ardo; members-at-large, Mrs. Lyman Cutts, Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs. Fred Svoboda. This slate' will be voted at the fall meeting in October. Nominations may be submitted by any member with the consent of the nominee. The auxiliary has been invited to take part in "Hospitals on Parade," Grant hospital's annual spring luncheon and fashion show to be >held in Chicago May 10. Mrs. William Davidson will represent McHenry hospital in the style revue. j After adjournment, comedy committee readings were given by Dorothy Christman and were enjoyed by all. A reception followed for Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Corcoran, new administrator and his wife, with refreshments served. mZs' wR°I vD°?d: i Savings Bond Sales Mrs. Fred Frad.n- A w McHenry county residents purchased a total of $128,500 in series E and H United States savings bonds in March, according to Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake, general county chairman of the Savings Bonds committee. Thnrsday, April 26, 1962 Sales in the state of Illinois^ totaled $2?,??1,127, and were 22.5 per cent below last year's total for the month, according to Arnold J. Rauen of McHenry, state director of the Treasury's Savings Bonds division. Illinois sales represented 7.4 per cent of national sales of $374,000,000. Use The Classifieds C Peter 7YJ. £uiten & .Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen Mill AND WHO CAN STILL git BIG, BIG CASH SAVING by shopping at a*p? y\\ MM Hlf f r f f f / r «rrr< Florid® Grown, Juicy, Sweet JUICE ORANGES PURPLE PLUMS Sultana Brand Fine Qualtiy Whole In Light Syrup 4 I 29-oz. Tins Henht^l differ Cookies ills Men i@i Mix art's Might l@itir2 lisst loffee Orange Juice Chase & Sanborn 20c off its §Lux Cili Mix iti Flow i Irigina! Crisco Sliftening iixo SWining Nabisca Buod Piflibury AO FUvoo* IWose Vege+abl VeoeiaWe BOND'S PICKLES 39c Plain or Kosher Family Size Jar '/2 Gal. Jar 29c Strawberries A&P'i Fraim Sliced & Sugared ;ecl Hein B t Baby Food |y L J F Mfmite Maid Froxen, N«w Process Pilfebury'i or Ballard, Bake *N Ser«« Strained Variety Chicken Noodle Condensed Rick, Red Heinz Ketchup Tomatoes liiii Sweet Pickles 2 £ 59c Jars 09 az. Igflc Jars IfJI 64% oz. f*Qc Jars 09 3I0»/2@Z. S"Jc Tins 3J f 2^ 49' ia% oz. 49c jar High, IfJtgjIkO luscious ilAMIPAiKe ANSEL FOOD CAKE 17-OZ. SIZE m luiLcl SOAP 3««* Ol Sit. J | Facial Quality Wyfa Beauty Bands AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER . . . SINCE 1159 THE GREAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU APRIL 28TH 455 FREE EXTRA BONUS PLAID STAMPS PLAID STAMPS A&P 3RAND, INSTANT COFFEE PURE FRESH lO-oi. Jar $133 50 PLAID STAMPS Super-Right Rump. Round or Sirloin Tip R0TISSERIE ROAST - 89c 50 rLAlu STAMPS INDIANA Lh_ PIST CONDITIONER VV 7Ae i w 50 PLAID STAMPS dexola Brand SALAI9IL 48-oz. Btl. 50 PLAID STAMPS FOR DISHES ms liouib 'ir 32-oru Btl. 19' 50 PLAID STAMPS ALL PURPOSE SOILAX CLEANEi 3»< 89° 50 PLAID STAMPS OXFORD PARK 1 GRASS EED ' 5 B.&. pj Phg. 'I49 25 PLAID STAMPS JANE PARKER IROWNEES Pke. 6r 10 PLAID STAMPS ORLEANS DOG FOOD UtT 16-oz. Pkf 19' 10 PLAID STAMPS SUPER RIGHT SLICED BOLOGNA 8-oz= Pk8. 19* 10 PLAID STAMPS Super-Right, Assorted Varieties 1CHE0N MEAT 8-ez. Pk«. 33' Active For A MOM (Jflra Yiolet (NO COUPONS IKSSMY on li@Wl IfilS). Pard Dog F linl Deter Rinso Blue iurf Deter: ireeze idergtit Cc ' ed "ill Fife letirfiit Ajax Cleanser Hallulosi Sponges ieyniSIs Wrap ^ I5e Fluffy "ILL" Deterged 79c 20c off ff ForAefoewKe 10-lb.^^Qg Wnhw Wa*d«r Favoofte 2 2 "PfcfSa 14 oz. Tin 2fc Pkgu »0: 35' LUX. BtiTl litiiP 2-31 With Beauty Bands •>

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